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It is difficult for manufacturers to win in today s auto market due to fast changes in the market,and prevalent product homogenization.Therefore it is a must that these companies create person- alized brands,offer quality service and develop an innovative sales strategy.Sales innovation and diversified sales are both key to winning this fierce competition.  相似文献   

Domestic auto sales have de- veloped quickly with private vehicles making up the highest proportion,but lately customers have begun to care more about environmental protection.Therefore,the last few years has seen more and more consumption disputes and civil lawsuits resulting from the pollution inside vehicles.  相似文献   


Most visual package research in marketing to date tests only the main effects of certain visual package elements in artificially isolated experimental contexts, though, in the store, these elements are presented to the shopper in active visual circumstances. Most food packages are highly cluttered with a number of visual and text elements all competing for the shopper's limited attention; this calls into question the external validity, and therefore the usability for practitioner purposes, of these results. Given that marketers often rely on a single visual element as the sole carrier of some particular promotional message, it is critical to ascertain whether single visual elements can break through such visual clutter to effectively deliver their promotional messages to the shopper. In this study, we manipulate the level of background activity of packages while testing the ability of one visual package element—its overall shape—to affect one particular piece of package information of concern to food shoppers— appearance of size or volume. Surprisingly, our results show that the main effect of package shape type on volume perception not only remains robust under visually cluttered conditions, but that the effect is actually heightened for certain, more geometrically complex package shape types. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

China Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Council of CCPIT was established in March 1996. It is an institution under direct leadership of China Supply and Market- ing Cooperatives and at the same time a branch of China Council for Promotion of  相似文献   

正看完本期封面文章,唤起我对一代市场营销理念的记忆。所谓提高"品牌黏度"的说法,我18年前在西方读大学的时候就有了精准的理论,即提供超顾客期待值服务。随着信息社会与信息科技的发展,我们所面对的市场竞争越来越激烈,市场中的"各种噪音"也越来越嘈杂,所以市场营销的难度也越来越大,市场营销人也更加迷惘。但是无论社会怎样发展,商业与人性的本质与精髓并没有变。变化的是什么呢?  相似文献   

宗宁 《商界》2014,(6):65-65
即便是处在美好时代的互联网企业,也在极力寻找属于未来的基于"生活方式"的生存方法。而如何能够真正走到用户中去,把握住他们心里存在的隐性诉求,则需要一种敏锐的洞察力和勇气,去做各种突破式或细分式的创新。  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,英语是进行函电联系和口头业务洽谈使用得最多的语言,因此外贸英语的翻译就成为我国外贸业务中不可或缺的手段。理解是翻译的前提和基础,本文根据这一原理,分析了marketing这一外贸英语中的常见词的翻译方法。  相似文献   

This article examines whether two key partners in the marketing communication process, advertising and public relations’ practitioners, perceive Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in the same way. It compares perceptions across a wide range of implementation, organizational, and strategic issues in IMC to test if perceptions have moved past Stage 1 of IMC development (Kitchen & Schultz, 1999 Low, G. 2000. Correlates of integrated marketing communications. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(3): 2739. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Although both advertising and PR practitioners concur with each other and the literature on a wide range of perceptions of IMC, they still believe that advertising and public relations practitioners have dissimilar views about IMC. The PR practitioners position themselves as a separate breed of marketing communicator, requiring divergent skills from advertising practitioners and thinking differently about IMC.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years,China's auto industry has seen rapid growth. The miracle of such fast devel- opment,from a humble beginning to a strong player in the world's auto industry, can be attributed to a variety of factors. The most important factor,however,is that the auto industry has incorporated Chinese characteristics during its growth, whether facing challenges or developing new innovations.And the innovations  相似文献   

传立媒体(Mindshare)凭借其强大的全球覆盖网络资源.成为今年戛纳国际创意广告节荣获众多奖项的媒介代理公司,其获奖案例涵盖8个主要类别.共赢得19座狮子——1座钛狮、1座金狮、6座银狮以及11座铜狮.除此之外还有4个案例进入最终入围名单.共计23个案例在戛纳获得肯定.这也再次树立了行业新标杆。  相似文献   

正他们看的电影在变他们追逐的偶像在变韩寒、丁俊晖、王自健、吴莫愁……随着中国人在世界舞台上自信心的飞跃式上升,中国新生代正在快速崛起。主力消费者年轻化趋势全球化市场形成,中国是平的,世界也是平的。中国在1390年后所取得的成就比任何时候都巨大。经济飞跃,信息爆炸,造就独立特行的一代。80后概述年龄,生于20世纪即年代的"富二代"现在24-33岁  相似文献   

华筠 《广告大观》2011,(8):98-98
随着手机新媒体的发展,越来越多的用户开始使用手机上网。据了解,中国有8.6亿手机用户,普及率高达66.2%。手机作为信息时代的枢纽,也是大互联网时代的核心终端,随着移动互联网传播模式的日益完善,其影响力也逐日扩大。3G门户调查报告显示,移动互联网用户每天有53%的时间用手机在家上网,碎片时间渐变主流时间,获取资讯更加依赖于手机,移动互联网已成为时下主流媒体。在这样的背景下,移动互联网广告市场的增长速度可想而知。  相似文献   

正Marketing的明天线下市场(五感、体验、公关、跨界)在网购大举冲击下,线下市场充满了悲观情绪。我们的确目睹了2013年实体商业的惨况:罗森关闭约30家门店。淮海路30余家店关闭。7-11门店拟关闭20家。沃尔玛中国拟关闭25家门店。家得利关闭20家门店。有人预测:未来三至五年全国有近  相似文献   

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