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Jonas Häckner 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2001,1(1):81-99
The purpose of this study is to analyse theoretically the implications of applying the procedure for market delineation used by competition authorities in the EU and in the U.S. Specifically, we investigate the circumstances under which the procedure will lead to a positive relation between actual market power and the assessed degree of market dominance. Another objective is to test whether the procedure is neutral in the sense that it does not discriminate among different sources of market power. In order to address these issues, we develop an oligopoly model that allows for an arbitrary number of firms as well as for vertical and horizontal product differentiation. It is found that the correlation between actual market power and assessed market dominance is likely to be weak in industries where the marginal cost of production is low and that the procedure discriminates strongly among different sources of market power. 相似文献
市场细分理论的新发展 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
市场细分理论被广泛地运用于指导企业的市场营销活动,在加强企业市场竞争力方面起到了重要作用。随着市场营销实践的发展,市场细分理论逐渐向两个极端发展,形成了超市场细分理论和反市场细分理论。文章认为,既不能简单地否定超市场细分理论,也不能简单地否定反市场细分理论,两者在实践中各有不同的适用时期和范围,只有充分把握,才能正确地指导企业的营销活动。 相似文献
SUMMARY This article proposes eight constructs of a conceptual model of political market orientation, taking inspiration from the business and political marketing literature. Four of the constructs are ‘behavioural’ in that they aim to describe the process of how information flows through the organisation. The remaining four constructs are attitudinal, designed to capture the awareness of members to the activities and importance of stakeholder groups in society, both internal and external to the organisation. The model not only allows the level of a party's political market orientation to be assessed, but also aids the party in making a context-specific decision with regard to the reallocation–or not–of party resources in order to attain the party's long-term objectives. 相似文献
我国农业经过20多年的改革开放,农村经济得到了迅速发展,农产品供求关系发生了重大的变化,已由卖方市场转变为买方市场。基于此,农产品经营者必须组织差异化生产和营销,获取农产品差异化的生产途径及对农产品差异化的营销策略。这样,才能争取消费者并占领市场。 相似文献
本文在梳理地方保护与地区产业结构演进的关系和地方保护测度方法的基础上,分析了我国地方保护、市场分割与地区产业结构的差异化演进趋势,并应用面板数据计量模型实证分析了我国地区产业结构差异化的影响因素。结果表明:国内市场分割程度在进一步收敛,地区间产业结构差异化程度呈现稳中有升的态势;由地方保护而引起的市场分割不利于地区产业结构的差异化;区域间经济发展水平差异越大,产业结构的差异程度越大;地区经济开放程度越高,越不利于地区产业结构的差异化;企业所得税占比越高,地区间产业结构差异越大;而交通运输条件的改善有促进地区间产业结构趋同的作用。 相似文献
Jørgen Drud Hansen Jørgen Ulff-Møller Nielsen 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2009,9(3):233-250
This paper examines the GATT/WTO rules for anti-dumping measures in a duopoly model with both horizontal and vertical product differentiation. The GATT/WTO rules allow for anti-dumping measures if domestic producers, exposed to price discrimination, also demonstrate injury where price-undercutting is an important indicator of the latter. The paper shows that the procedure for calculating injury is flawed due to negligence of quality differences in the calculation of the margin of price-undercutting. This gives countries with high-quality producers an option to practice protectionism. This asymmetry between countries in ability to implement anti-dumping measures predominantly favors the developed countries which are specialized in producing high-quality products. The paper suggests an overall critical look at the lenient rules for implementing anti-dumping measures—especially the rules for injury determination—in order to restrict the use of such measures to a minimum and to move the world economy closer to free trade. 相似文献
试论市场定位、产品定位和竞争定位之间的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
定位市场营销理论中的一个重要概念,分析定位的本来含义,研究市场定位?产品定位和竞争定位三者的逻辑关系,具有重要的学术价值。市场定位是一种服务于市场营销总体战略而实施的定位,因而它具有宏观及战略层次的属性;产品定位是针对产品开展的,指明企业用什么样的产品来满足目标消费者需求。竞争定位方式的确定及表达更为直接地瞄准竞争对手。 相似文献
财政分权背景下,财权、事权和财力的不匹配使得地方政府采取策略性行为是其作为理性决策人的应然选择,地方政府往往会基于经济增长和税收双重目标而利用税收工具开展税收竞争,进而造成市场分割等问题。考虑到空间依赖性的存在,本文采用动态空间杜宾模型来考察税收竞争与市场分割之间的关系。研究发现,"为税收而竞争"在地方政府间存在,而竞争导致的税负下降将加剧市场分割;从分税种来看,所得税对市场分割的直接效应显著负相关,但三大税种的空间溢出效应并不明显;从时空异质性上看,地方政府的策略性行为在时序和区域上有所差异;市场分割敏感程度在时序上动态调整,区域内协同效应有待增强。为避免地方政府税收竞争恶化、异化和宏观福利损失,需要重视由此导致的市场分割的治理,建立现代化财政体制,深化税收制度改革,打造服务型地方政府等,这些也都是构筑国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的基础性支撑。 相似文献
Allenby Greg Fennell Geraldine Bemmaor Albert Bhargava Vijay Christen Francois Dawley Jackie Dickson Peter Edwards Yancy Garratt Mark Ginter Jim Sawyer Alan Staelin Rick Yang Sha 《Marketing Letters》2002,13(3):233-243
Market segmentation research is currently focused too narrowly on the task of segment identification as opposed to its strategic relevance within a firm. In this paper we distinguish an ex ante approach to market segmentation research, which begins with studying the motivating conditions that lead people to the tasks and interests in their lives, from an ex post approach which begins with an individual's reaction to marketplace offerings. We argue that the marketing task of guiding managements to make what people will want to buy will be more successful in light of a deep understanding of behavior in the context of everyday life and work, rather than a detailed understanding of preferences in the marketplace. Directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
差异化是人们进入竞争白热化市场的切入点,同时也是人们从跟随者转变成挑战者的机会点。产品只有形成自己独特的个性或需求点,才具备较强的竞争力。针对农村市场的需求特征,实施差异化营销策略不仅能满足广大农村居民的需求,而且能使企业有的放矢地在农村拓展"领地",进而促进企业的发展。 相似文献
红色旅游目的地产品类型与营销探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从目的地发展的角度,而不是从单一旅游产品的角度审视红色旅游是一个新的尝试。从目的地营销的角度看,红色旅游产品分为地带性旅游产品、线形旅游产品和场地旅游产品。目前的市场特征表明,红色旅游目的地的持续发展离不开市场化的目的地营销。红色旅游目的地营销应该综合运用品牌营销、网络营销、软营销、组合营销和协作营销等多种营销方法。 相似文献
产品差异化策略与企业自主创新 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章指出,产品差异化策略对企业自主创新战略的实施具有重要意义,它为企业自主创新战略指明了方向,提供了思维模式、具体途径和良好的市场发展前景。用产品差异化策略实施企业自主创新战略,应设计不同功能和效用的产品,对产品外形、颜色、款式等实行差异化,使用不同的新材料,实施产品包装装潢差异化,实施营销策略差异化,实施产品服务差异化,实施产品品牌和商标差异化,将产品的标准化与差异化相结合来创造差异化。 相似文献
Purpose: In business markets, working with customers and users has become increasingly important to get knowledge about customer needs and to develop new products. The purpose of this article is twofold: (1) to develop a framework for analyzing customer involvement in product development in a business market context, and (2) to apply this framework to a particular company to describe and analyze how it practices customer involvement. Methodology/approach: The article takes its main theoretical starting point in the industrial network approach, but also uses other literature from the innovation and product development field. The empirical study applies a qualitative case study approach and focuses on one company in the truck business.Findings: The suggested framework deals with four key aspects of customer involvement: Why, when, how, and who. The observed pattern of the truck manufacturer shows how dealers, hauliers, and truck drivers are all part of the overall understanding of the customer. These actors are involved for different, typically very clear, purposes at different points in time through surveys, product clinics, and field testing. The pattern, referred to as mixed facilitative, is not one of close collaboration with individual customers, but one of broad involvement of several customers through business intelligence and direct involvement.Research implications: First, the article provides researchers with a framework and method for studying customer involvement in product development. Second, the case study provides an illustrative example of the customer involvement pattern pursued by a leading company in a major industry. This enhances the understanding of the focal phenomenon, leads to managerial implications, and gives ideas for future research.Practical implications: There are several managerial implications related to the why, when, how, and who questions. For example, it is pointed out that managers should consider involving customers more extensively than what seems to be common today—for example, by using customers as codevelopers, working with them throughout the entire development process (i.e., not only early and late), and including different types of users (with different requirements and wishes).Originality/value/contribution of the article: The contribution lies in the development of a framework centered on the four key questions of customer involvement inproduct development and using this framework for observing a pattern, and finding explanations and relating this pattern to how other firms are doing. 相似文献
逆向选择视角下电子商务市场与传统市场间关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
电子商务的出现和快速成长反映出它对信息环境具有支配性的优点,这本身就意味着电子商务市场可能成为传统市场的替代。然而,逆向选择问题明显限制了这种替代效应程度。文章基于经典逆向选择模型,通过所构造的双市场(传统市场与电子商务市场)逆向选择模型,证明伴随着质量不确定性而诱发的逆向选择问题,在电子市场和传统市场之间会产生市场的不均衡,从而导致渠道冲突。文章试图揭示传统市场和电子商务市场并存的学理根源,得出两市场间市场细分的条件,对两市场间的渠道冲突提出新的解释,并据此提出了逆向选择下企业营销的策略建议。 相似文献
企业资本结构与产品市场竞争——一种新的理论视角 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
直到 2 0世纪 80年代 ,企业资本结构对产品市场竞争的影响才引起经济学家的广泛关注。对于这一问题的研究 ,存在着两种截然不同的理论结论 :一种观点认为企业债务水平的提高会使其在产品市场竞争中更为强硬 ,增强其竞争力 ;另一种观点则恰好相反。借鉴前人理论成果的基础上 ,尝试着提出了一种较为一般的分析框架 ,并将不同的理论成果作为这一分析框架的不同侧面。 相似文献
本文首先分析了广州经济型酒店的现状及其特征,在此基础上结合市场细分的相关理论,对广州经济型酒店市场进行市场细分,并从市场细分、差异化经营以及网络营销三个方面对广州品牌经济型酒店的发展提出相关建议。 相似文献
隋晴晴 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2011,(11):60-62
产品差异化是影响市场结构的重要因素,企业往往通过产品差异化创造产品个性,引起消费者偏好,取得竞争优势。自驾车旅游是旅游企业向旅游者提供的一种有别于传统观光旅游的差异化产品。旅游产品差异化发展,究其原因,有旅游需求细分化、出游意愿常态化、交通工具多元化、旅游资讯数字化、旅游服务个性化。旅游产品差异化对旅游市场的市场价格、市场竞争、市场集中度、市场进人壁垒、市场绩效均有不同程度的影响。 相似文献
电信产业是典型的寡头垄断产业,有足够的市场事实可以证明电信运营商之间易出现合谋行为。本文引入垂直产品差异化变量,研究垂直差异化下电信运营商间合谋行为的机理。当电信运营商之间产品的垂直差异化水平达到一定程度时,运营商间维持合谋所需的贴现因子水平小于产品同质时的贴现因子水平,并且随着差异化程度的增加,维持合谋所需贴现因子水平逐渐降低,说明垂直产品差异化有利于合谋的实现和维持。但是,对于提供不同质量产品的运营商,维持合谋的激励程度不同,提供高质量产品的运营商更容易背叛合谋。 相似文献