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This paper reviews recent research on corporate governance, with a special focus on emerging markets. It finds that better corporate governance benefit firms through greater access to financing, lower cost of capital, better performance, and more favorable treatment of all stakeholders. Numerous studies show these channels to operate at the level of firms, sectors and countries—with causality increasingly often clearly identified. Evidence also shows that voluntary and market corporate governance mechanisms have less effect when a country's governance system is weak. Importantly, how corporate governance regimes change over time and how this impacts firms are receiving more attention recently. Less evidence is available on the direct links between corporate governance and social and environmental performance. The paper concludes by identifying issues requiring further study, including the special corporate governance issues of banks, and family-owned and state-owned firms, and the nature and determinants of public and private enforcement.  相似文献   

Consumer behavioural scientists such as economists and marketing researchers are interested in the degree to which global convergence is occurring with respect to various consumer behaviour dimensions, particularly the extent that consumption patterns in products appear to evolve and become more similar across different parts of the world. With increasing internationalization and cultural cross‐fertilization, the traditional societies of the world are converging in many ways. The strategic marketing of flavoured alcoholic beverages is a particularly interesting example of this evolutionary process to convergence. Consumers in countries of different cultural originations are developing preferences for the same products and show increasing sign of converging around global product identity. This article presents the results of a study analysing the evolutionary process.  相似文献   


New information and communication technology (ICT) makes consumers better informed about available products, product quality and prices, which mitigates problems of asymmetric information. The entry of firms is facilitated, competition and economic efficiency is boosted and the market powers of households increased. Firms are likely to respond by increased product and price differentiation. There will also be considerable changes in the division of tasks between firms and households. But important obstacles to these developments are technological vulnerability, quality problems in the information on the Internet, cognitive limitations of individuals and weaknesses in the product‐delivery infrastructure in connection with Internet trade.  相似文献   

This study explores how recent developments in the retail sector affect trade in consumer goods. It focuses on three developments in the retail sector: (i) internationalization; (ii) market structure; and (iii) the growing market share of retailers' private labels. Using gravity model estimation techniques it is found that the foreign operations of a retailer are positively related to imports from the host to the home country of the retailer. Imports are negatively related to ownership concentration, while the market share of private labels is negatively related to imports of food and positively related to imports of non-food consumer goods. For both product categories private labels shift sourcing towards poor countries. The trade response to trade liberalization is higher both at the extensive and intensive margin in countries with lower retail concentration.  相似文献   

Developing economies offer tremendous potential for future growth and organizations appreciating these consumers’ requirements stand to reap considerable returns. However, compared with more developed economies published consumer studies are few. In particular, there is a dearth of service quality research and hardly any from Africa. Furthermore, the little available research tends to apply Western methodologies, which may not be entirely appropriate. This research investigates East African consumer perceptions of retail banking using an approach that takes account of the research context. Qualitative research was undertaken to define the relevant service attributes. Performance along these was then investigated through a survey with over 2000 respondents. Principal component analysis identifies 13 core service dimensions and multinomial logistic regression reveals which are the key drivers of customer satisfaction. Comparison of the results with studies from other regions confirms that established standardized research instruments are likely to miss or under‐represent service attributes important in developing countries.  相似文献   

This is a study of the relationship between context, internal corporate governance and firm performance, looking at the case of Turkey, an exemplar of family capitalism. We found more concentrated ownership, often in the hands of families, led to firms performing better; concentrated ownership means that controlling families bear more of the risks of poor performance. Less predictably, given that the institutional environment is so well attuned to family ownership, we found that mechanisms that accord room for a greater range of voices and interests within and beyond families – larger boards and foreign ownership stakes – seem to also make for positive performance effects. We also noted that increase in cross ownership did not influence market performance, but was negatively associated with accounting performance. Conversely, we found that a higher proportion of family members on boards had no discernable effect on performance. Our findings provide further insights on the relationship between the type of institutions encountered in many emerging markets, internal corporate governance configurations and firm performance.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing has won as many opponents as advocates owing to its conceptual ambiguities. This paper conceives relationship marketing as a strategic choice, rather than a marketing paradigm, delineating boundary conditions associated with such a marketing approach. We show that the appropriateness of relationship marketing depends on the nature of particular exchange relationships and the governing mechanism of the exchange involved. In assuming this position, the paper endeavours to accommodate both traditional marketing and the emerging approach, thus taking a further step in clarifying the nature of relationship marketing.  相似文献   

Controlling for country-level governance, we investigate how firms' corporate governance influences financing constraints. Using firm-level corporate governance rankings across 14 emerging markets, we find that better corporate governance lowers the dependence of emerging market firms on internally generated cash flows, and reduces financing constraints that would otherwise distort efficient allocation of investment and destroy firm value. Additionally and more importantly, firm-level corporate governance matters more significantly in countries with weaker country-level governance. This suggests substitutability between firm-specific and country-level governance in determining a firm's investment sensitivity to internal cash flows.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal trade policy in a two-period oligopoly model, with a home and a foreign firm choosing capital and output. Demand uncertainty, resolved in period two, gives rise to a trade-off between strategic commitment and flexibility in the firms’ investment decisions. Firms’ investment timing is endogenous and can be manipulated by the home government, which sets a subsidy before firms decide when to invest. We show that when the government wishes to manipulate investment timing, it will choose its policy to deter investment commitment by the home or the foreign firm.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a behavioral experiment in which 120 subjects were exposed to different media reports of the same monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics' unemployment reports. After reading the news stories, as reported by the CBS Evening News, The Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, the subjects were asked similar questions to those used in the University of Michigan's Survey on Consumer Sentiments. The results of the study suggest that consumer confidence may be sensitive to the selection of media source.
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag berichtet über eine Untersuchung individueller Unterschiede bei wirtschaftlichen Erwartungen, die nicht durch unterschiedliche wirtschaftliche Nachrichten, sondern — bei gleichlautenden Nachrichten — durch unterschiedliche Medien, über die sie vermittelt werden, hervorgerufen werden.Die Nachrichten entstammten den monatlichen Arbeitslosenberichten der amtlichen Beschäftigungsstatistik. Insgesamt 36 Nachrichtentexte der CBS Evening News, des Wall Street Journal und der Washington Post wurden für die Untersuchung so überarbeitet, daß die konkrete Quelle und der tatsächliche Zeitraum, auf den sich die Nachricht jeweils bezog, nicht mehr erkannt werden konnte. Die so bereinigten Nachrichten wurden 120 Versuchspersonen (Studenten) zum Lesen vorgelegt. Anschließend wurden ihnen Fragen zur Erhebung wirtschaftlicher Erwartungen vorgelegt.Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, daß Unterschiede im Vertrauen auf die zukünftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung bei gleichen inhaltlichen Nachrichten auf Unterschiede in den Nachrichtenmedien zurückgeführt werden können. Personen, die sich mehr auf Zeitungsinformationen stützten, kamen im Vergleich zu solchen, die sich eher auf das Fernsehen stützten, zu signifikant höheren Werten auf der Vertrauensskala. Dieses Ergebnis dürfte allerdings insofern verzerrt sein, als die bildliche Komponente einer Nachricht in der Untersuchung nicht berücksichtigt wurde.

Stephen W. Pruitt is Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. George E. Hoffer is Professor in the Department of Economics, School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University, Box 4000, Richmond, VA 23284-4000, USA.The authors are grateful to the Faculty Grant-In-Aid Program at Virginia Commonwealth University for funding.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how corporate governance reforms and research have been mutually reinforcing in emerging markets and propose a research agenda going forward. Acknowledging the by now broad recognition of corporate governance as a key development driver, we show how work on corporate governance in emerging markets has led research globally by focusing on the deep issues of ownership structures, property rights and organisational forms. Using the papers presented at the latest international conference of the Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network, we illustrate how analyses of board structures, specifically gender diversity, has contributed to understanding of board dynamics and informed corporate governance reforms. Considering ongoing economic and socio-political trends, we conclude with a general research agenda for corporate governance in emerging markets.  相似文献   

Firm productivity and export markets: a non-parametric approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines total factor productivity differences between exporting and non-exporting firms. These differences are documented on the basis of a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 1991-1996. The paper also examines two complementary explanations for the greater productivity of exporting firms: (1) the market selection hypothesis, and (2) the learning hypothesis. Non-parametric tests are proposed and implemented for testing these hypotheses. Results indicate clearly higher levels of productivity for exporting firms than for non-exporting firms. With respect to the relative merits of the selection and the learning hypotheses, we find evidence supporting the self-selection of more productive firms in the export market. The evidence in favor of learning-by-exporting is rather weak, and limited to younger exporters.  相似文献   

This paper briefly surveys the literature on finance, growth, and policy in China and emerging markets. We introduce the papers that comprise this special issue of Emerging Markets Review. The papers comprise themes in corporate social responsibility, innovation, insider trading, financial reporting behaviours, and financial openness. Also, we discuss research trends and offer suggestions for future research on corporate governance and finance in China and emerging markets.  相似文献   

Several authors have introduced different ways to measure integration between financial markets. Most of them are derived from the basic assumptions about asset prices, like the Law of One Price or the absence of arbitrage opportunities. Two perfectly integrated markets must give identical prices to identical final payoffs, and a vector of positive discount factors, common to both markets, must exist. If these properties do not hold, the degree to which they are violated can be defined and considered as a measure of integration. The present paper empirically tests integration measures in the Spanish financial markets. Furthermore, the integration measures are operationalized to analyze the presence of cross‐market arbitrage without previously specifying the exact nature of the arbitrage strategy to be used. When the absence of arbitrage holds, several interesting variables are obtained, for instance, state prices or risk‐neutral probabilities. When this absence fails, explicit cross‐market arbitrage portfolios are provided. The results of the test yield some evidence about market efficiency and integration outside the United States, and they are surprising for several reasons. First of all, arbitrage opportunities do sometimes appear, and the bid–ask spread and transaction costs seem to be unable to prevent arbitrage profits. Furthermore, the criticisms that are usually raised when empirical papers show the existence of arbitrage opportunities do not apply here because we work with perfectly synchronized high frequency data. On the other hand, different integration measures show a similar evolution along the tested period, although these measures give different information about the markets’ efficiency and integration, and they do not necessarily have to be related. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 20: 321–344, 2000  相似文献   

In what size consumer markets does the consumer fare best — those of large, medium-sized, or small cities/towns? This is the general question that this article seeks to answer through analysis of price-quality data pertaining to Minneapolis (a large city), Ann Arbor, MI, and Ithaca, NY (a small town). While differences were smaller than expected, limited evidence from this pilot study support the notion that small markets are most efficient. At the same time the analysis confirms others' findings that most consumer markets are chaotic.  相似文献   

Product bundling is an increasingly important marketing strategy within many industries, and consumer influence on companies' ranges of product bundles is, thus, becoming an important issue. The aim of this study was to investigate product bundling strategies consumers are exposed to by some selected companies in the Swedish automobile, travel and banking industries. Bundling strategies were considered in relation to business orientation as well as the consumer's potential to influence the product bundles offered by these companies. Fourteen qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with senior representatives from the three sectors. Interview respondents were selected in cooperation with their respective companies. Results underwent interpretative analysis, and the findings indicated that business orientation is linked to product bundling techniques and to the type of customer influence on product bundling. Consumers were exposed to mixed and complementary bundling strategies, and customers of companies that apply a market orientation were found to have greater opportunities to influence product bundles directly, whereas companies that apply a production‐oriented approach were less able to respond to their customers' wishes. Consumer influence on the product bundles of production‐oriented companies was found to be of a more indirect nature.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical methodology for the pricing of catastrophe (CAT) derivatives with event‐dependent and non‐convex payoffs given the price of a CAT indexed futures contract. We do not assume a fully diversifiable CAT event risk, nor do we assume knowledge of the martingale probability measure beyond the futures price. We derive tight bounds on the contract value and present trading strategies exploiting the mispricing whenever the bounds are violated. We estimate the bounds of the reinsurance contract with data from hurricane landings in Florida. Our method is also applicable when there is no futures market but the price of a CAT‐indexed bond is available.  相似文献   

Convergence in the electronics sector has allowed the addition of new functionalities to products (e.g., mobile television to a cell phone). It is proposed that the goal congruence of the added functionality (i.e., whether it has similar or different goals as the base product) would affect the relative gain to high versus lower quality brands. While lower quality brands would gain when a congruent functionality is added, high quality brands would gain from an incongruent addition. The former hypothesis was confirmed significantly and the latter marginally in two experimental studies.
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