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基于营销观演变的欧美品牌理论发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场营销观念经历了以企业为中心到以市场为中心,再到以顾客为中心的变革,相应的品牌理论也经历了一个演变过程,即从基于产品物质属性的品牌差异理论到基于无形资产属性的品牌资产理论,再到基于顾客认同的品牌认同理论,每一大类理论中又包括具体的内容。品牌理论的演变一方面反映了市场环境和人们认识的变化,另一方面在一定程度上也反映了理论发展的规律,通过对品牌理论的主要原创思想及其理论拓展的概述和评价,我国企业在确立自己的品牌战略时可以吸取一些有益的内容。  相似文献   

国际城市需要品牌,品牌造就国际城市,品牌需要国际城市的依托,而国际城市要凭借品牌的点缀.我们应该有条件进口一部分国际品牌,满足新生富裕阶层的需要,但只有输出品牌和服务,才标志着跨进强国的行列.在品牌经营上要实施差异化经营,这是对购物中心定位、大型百货店发展提出的要求,要扩大品牌在经营中的比例,同时,中国经营品牌化是一种趋势,要求品牌引进有重点,以完善小康型社会对商品需求为主体,采取多种形式使广大消费者认识品牌的价值,重视品牌的宣传和推介,提高和增强广大消费者的品牌意识.品牌体现的是商品价值,需要通过服务和营销才能把商品卖出去,需要相适应的精致服务和配套服务.要创建服务品牌,提高服务品牌的质量,提供与品牌商品相适应的服务方式和服务形式.  相似文献   

This study explores the concept of online brand personality, creation of online brand personality, and the role of personal difference in terms of advertising effectiveness – memory and attitude. The primary research question is whether individual's matching personality to online brand creates different responses toward online brand in terms of advertising effectiveness, such as memory, attitude and behavior. The results found that: first, website structure is an important factor on subjects' attitude toward the website; second, individual's personality is an important moderator on the effects of website structure; and third, individual's personality and brand personality have a significant interaction effect on attitude and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

戴贤远 《商业研究》2006,10(10):179-181
全球化经济、电子通讯技术的发展和年轻一代文化的发展,促成了全球品牌的形成,这些全球品牌具有自己的特点和具有特别的价值。全球品牌不仅帮助企业应对国际合作,也帮助企业适应年青一代文化的发展,让企业的品牌在世界上更强大。  相似文献   

Brand alliances long have been used in the private sector and are being more frequently engaged by nonprofit organizations. It is assumed that the alliance benefits both organizations, particularly the focal nonprofit organization that strategically forms the partnership. But care must be taken in selecting partners. A quasi‐experimental design examines the relationship between partner reputation and sector (private or nonprofit) on subject willingness to contribute to a focal nonprofit organization. Partner public reputation was systematically varied using created organizations and a positive reputation enhanced willingness to contribute. Partnering with private sector organizations was only slightly less desirable than nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

本文以英国零售业品牌战略演变为个案研究对象,提出了零售业的公司品牌化趋势的观点。同时结合文献研究进一步印证了零售业日益清晰和普遍的公司品牌化意识。最后结合零售业业务特点和公司品牌内涵对该趋势形成动因进行了充分讨论。  相似文献   

Brand experience and brand personality have become two important theoretical constructs in the branding literature. However, research on the antecedents of these two constructs has been focused on intangible brand characteristics and qualities, underestimating the role of functional features. This study aims to overcome this gap by postulating that two key functional brand qualities, quality and innovativeness, help shape brand experience and personality, which, we ultimately predict, contribute to perceived value. Investments in quality and innovation have grown substantially, but how they materialize in benefits for customers and firms remains unclear. Accordingly, this study provides insights into how firms can engender the characteristics of their offer to build brands that are perceived by consumers as generating a valued brand experience and personality. The results from two samples provide broad support to the proposed model. Both brand quality and innovativeness contribute to brand experience and personality. Moreover, we observe that both brand experience and personality relate to perceived value. Finally, we also determined that brand personality and experience partially mediate the relationship between brand innovativeness and quality and perceived value. Hence, these results provide relevant implications for both theory and the practice of brand management.  相似文献   

姚琼  翁国健 《江苏商论》2012,(3):10-12,15
本文研究了自我差异对自我概念一致性与品牌偏好关系的调节作用。结果表明,当消费者感知到高水平的自我差异时,理想的自我概念一致性(相比现实的自我概念一致性)对品牌偏好的影响更大;而当消费者感知到低水平的自我差异时,现实的自我概念一致性(相比理想的自我概念一致性)对品牌偏好的影响更大。因此,企业不仅要深刻认识到消费者自我概念在品牌个性塑造中的重要性,而且必须将自我概念一致性与自我差异相结合,针对消费者不同自我差异水平进行品牌个性的细化塑造。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between ‘brand personality’ and key outcomes in the Chinese automobile industry. A secondary aim of the study is to look at whether or not these relationships hold across purchasers and non-purchasers. The major conclusion is that while brand personality dimensions are somewhat consistent across both purchasers and non-purchasers, the brand personality outcomes differ somewhat between the groups. First, brand personality plays a critical role in improving perceived quality and creating brand trust, a key finding given the intensely competitive nature of the Chinese automobile industry. Second, perceived quality plays an important role in mediating the relationship between brand personality and brand commitment for both groups. Third, perceived quality does not affect brand trust for the purchaser group. In the context of Chinese automobile industry, increasing the level of perceived quality of a particular brand requires convincing non-purchasers that the brand is valuable, and that the information being provided is useful. Fourth, since the relationship between perceived quality and brand trust was found to be non-significant, future research studies may wish to focus on obtaining a better understanding of Chinese cultural perspectives to shed further light on why perceived quality and brand trust are not related for the automobile purchaser group.  相似文献   

在中国文化背景下,中国人的个性特征跟其文化倾向、价值观念相联系,这种个性特征会影响到其品牌个性偏好。对当代中国人个性特征归纳和分类,对应设计、划分了本土品牌个性的四种类型:积极进取型、随遇而安型、消极智慧型和新潮开放型,进一步细分其各自的子类别。这有利于企业在建立品牌个性时,根据目标消费者的文化倾向,保持品牌个性和目标消费者个性特征一致,获得消费者忠诚。  相似文献   

隐喻是语言的重要组成部分,与文化联系密切,许多深层文化内容在很大程度上通过隐喻来表达,而不同语言文化在隐喻运用上又往往有较大差别。在分析了隐喻的基本概念和特征后,阐述了隐喻与文化的关系,最后比较了英汉不同文化下的隐喻的内涵。  相似文献   

区域品牌发展对区域经济产生了重要的影响.但区域品牌在发展过程中很容易出现区域品牌的滥用现象,如何减少甚至杜绝区域品牌的滥用是区域品牌管理的关键问题之一。为此,以区域品牌忠诚作为研究突破口,探讨建立了以企业因素、区域品牌、产业集群、区域因素等四个变量作为自变量,以企业认知评价作为中介变量,以区域品牌忠诚作为因变量的区域品牌影响因素理论模型,并结合变量关系提出了对应的假设。  相似文献   

企业并购品牌整合对品牌资产的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球金融风暴引起新一轮的企业并购浪潮。在品牌并购中,品牌整合是企业要解决的核心问题。在梳理相关文献的基础上,分析品牌整合对品牌资产的影响过程,构建基于消费者的品牌整合对品牌资产影响的理论模型,并提出加强并购品牌整合的对策建议。  相似文献   


In this era, social media platform is integrated into the marketing strategy. This new technology sets out new mechanisms and communication tools that companies can rely on to interact and engage with actual and potential customers. This study aimed at exploring the impact of social media marketing activities (SMM) on brand loyalty via brand trust and brand equity. Based on an online survey of 287 users who follow telecommunications companies on social media located in Egypt, data was collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that SMM activities comprise only three dimensions; trendiness, customization and word-of-mouth. These attributes of social media marketing directly influence brand loyalty and indirectly influence brand equity mediated by brand trust. The study emphasis the role of trust and provide guidance toward measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing.  相似文献   

我国企业品牌建设问题探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文认为,近年来我国本土品牌发展较快,但与世界著名品牌相比,还有相当大的差距,品牌的重要作用还没有凸显出来;产业规模还比较小;品牌出口能力弱。因此面对国际竞争,必须明确品牌定位,选准目标市场,打好品牌根基;制定可持续发展战略,使品牌的培育、发展、管理与企业的整体战略相统一;视质量为品牌的生命,严把品牌建设质量关;加快新产品开发,不断为品牌注入新的活力;注重营销整合,为品牌成长提供保障。  相似文献   

伴随国内电视受众注意力资源的稀缺,以及在中国电视产业转型过程中,媒介品牌价值的日益提升,国内电视综艺娱乐节目加速品牌经营的趋势,也目益明晰。国内电视综艺娱乐节目结合现实国情、传媒政策、管理体制、传播观念等元素,率先强化了节目生产与传播过程中的品牌意识,展开节目运作的品牌竞争。  相似文献   

This interview study investigates how managers/associates of a failed distributed large-scale Research Infrastructures perceived their brand and the role mindsharing played in light of the organisation’s ultimate failure. Specifically, the study looks at BioBanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure in Sweden (BBMRI.se), an organisation that involved collaboration between several medical and technical universities and sought to harmonise biobanking in Sweden. The aim was to discern the respondents’ degree of mindsharing in regards to their perception of the organisational brand. The four stages the branding process investigated were: Brand Strategic Analysis, Brand Identity, Brand Operationalising, and Post-Implementation Reflections. The results indicated that the mindsharing was present at the initial two stages, but dissipated throughout the ensuing two final stages, resulting in a fragmented brand perception, thereby forgoing the ability of generating a “pull-effect” for the BBMRI.se brand. The study’s implication is for branding to account more for social and individual motivations and less for instrumental motivations, e.g. mission statements.  相似文献   

品牌延伸成为开拓新市场的一种策略,有益于降低新产品的市场导入费用,增加无形资产的经济价值,实现专业化与规模化生产,减少新产品的市场风险,并可确保企业新产品投资迅速、准确地加快新产品的定位。但其可导致品牌的个性淡化,引发品牌间的冲突,限制企业多元化经营,造成了品牌资产的贬值。因此,只有正确认识品牌延伸策略的优势和陷阱,才能让企业在发展壮大中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

品牌建设是品牌培育和发展的重要途径。本文探讨了本土品牌建设的发展策略:差异化定位,打造民族特色的中草药品牌;注入传统文化,精心设计品牌识别系统;加大研发力度,创新产品类别和功能;树立质量安全观念,树立民族品牌高品质形象;借助网络广告和微博营销,多角度全方位进行品牌推广;维护品牌权益,创新品牌表现形式。  相似文献   

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