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This paper deals with the process by which electronic customer loyalty (e-loyalty) is formed. The twofold aim is to analyse e-loyalty, describing its development in terms of how it is influenced by several determinants and to study potential barriers to switching which significantly affect the repeat purchase decision. In particular, an integrating theoretical framework is proposed to determine the e-loyalty dependency of electronic service quality and perceived value, and how this last relationship can be moderated by switching costs. Results offer evidence for the important role of customer's perceptions of e-service quality and value in e-loyalty. Proposals are made of how companies that are online can use this knowledge to build marketing strategies.  相似文献   


Understanding, building, and predicting customer loyalty in e-commerce are critical activities for long-run profitability. Successfully carrying out these activities is challenging due to the complex mix of both business organization and customer factors that may influence and drive e-loyalty. We demonstrate that business factors, such as credibility, e-satisfaction and site knowledge, and customer factors, such as inertia, innovativeness, and aggressiveness, influence e-loyalty. Our analyses show that business credibility is affected by the reputation of the e-business and its congruence with the customers’ self-image; e-satisfaction by the customers’ value perception, care, and choice; and site knowledge by customer experience, involvement, and expertise. Business factors account for about 75% of the explained variation in e-loyalty and customer factors for the rest. Understanding the controllable business and uncontrollable customer factors that drive customer loyalty should enable e-commerce retailers to continually assess these factors and make appropriate changes in marketing strategy.  相似文献   

The unprecedented dissemination of digital technology has changed people's psychology including their shopping behaviour in the last two decades. Smartphone led digital applications and advancements have disrupted consumers' shopping processes, purchase decisions, and priorities as well as increased their exposure, aspirations and expectations inevitably. Therefore, it is imperative to examine the relevance of various elements of shopping motives holistically. Therefore, the present study aims to develop a new theoretical framework based on significant elements of shopping motives for physical products in the digital technology era. For this purpose, an exploratory study, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used. EFA generated five latent factors by grouping 18 independent variables. CFA validated latent factor construct and measured model fit. SEM visualized the path analysis and portrayed the pattern of relations between latent factors into a single factor structural model (consumer shopping motives framework). Results show that consumers' shopping priorities are changing as 3 conventional variables (‘role-playing’, ‘status and authority’, and ‘pleasure of bargaining’) became obsolete and 3 new (‘anywhere and any-time shopping’, ‘safe and secure digital transaction’, and ‘unbiased reviews and ratings”) came into existence prominently. The format and perspective of ‘fun, entertainment and recreation’ ‘social interaction and communication’, and ‘exposure to new and latest trends' have been changing. Consumers are becoming more technology-dependent in their shopping processes and purchase decisions. The validation of the framework on channel preference behaviour revealed that consumers largely prefer offline channels for the fulfilment of risk-free and social sub-motives, and online channels for convenience sub-motive. Therefore, broad structural change and clarity, specification of priorities, a shift in the format and perspective of few elements of shopping motives, intrinsic passion for the use of digital technology and web service in the shopping journey, and simplification of antecedents for growing popularity of multi-channel shopping paradigm are the key novelty of this study.  相似文献   

基于预期不确认理论和技术接受模型构建网络购物顾客满意度影响因素模型,将顾客满意度影响因素分为五个维度:个体创新性、顾客期望、网站特性认知、质量与服务感知和网购接受程度。通过结构方程模型方法进行验证,结果支持该模型及大多数假设,其中顾客期望、网站特性认知、质量与服务感知和网购接受程度均显著影响顾客满意度,个体创新性对顾客满意度的影响并不显著,并且网站特性认知、质量与服务感知和网购接受程度之间的假设关系得到验证。  相似文献   


Despite prolific growth in the number of Internet web sites, significant increases in the advertising and other promotional expenditures for Internet advertising, and the fact that millions of consumers are shopping for and spending billions of dollars purchasing products via the Internet, marketers have a limited understanding of Internet-related consumer behaviors. This study presents the results of an empirical study designed to investigate the degree to which one segment of that market–college/university students–has access to the Internet, shops for and purchases products via the Internet, and perceives the Internet as an alternative to more traditional shopping methods. More general uses of the Internet by this market segment are also explored, as are the impacts of consumer knowledge and experience with the Internet on on-line shopping and purchasing.  相似文献   


From the viewpoint of trade leakage for local retailers, Internet shopping bears a similarity to traditional outshopping, in the tendency to shop outside the consumer's immediate shopping areas. Yet, the relationship between consumer outshopping?related characteristics and preference for Internet shopping has received little, if any, research attention. We investigate this relationship using survey data from consumers in three countries—the United States, India, and Korea. According to the results, consumer in-home shopping proneness and perception of time pressure are positively related to consumer preference for Internet shopping mode. In contrast, consumer support for local shopping and orientation toward time management are negatively related to Internet shopping preference. Other findings and managerial implications are also reported.  相似文献   

伴随着在线零售的迅速发展,在线购物体验及其衍生的购物体验价值日益受到学术界和实务人士的重视。基于消费者体验视角,本文考察了在线购物体验的四个维度,即感官体验、实用体验、认知体验与关系体验,识别出在线购物体验价值的四种类型,包括经济性价值、社会性价值、享乐性价值以及利他性价值——本研究证实的一种新的购物体验价值,发现消费者感知的在线购物体验会正向影响购物体验价值,后者又会对在线购物意向产生正向影响。研究还发现,性别、互联网经验、网购年龄及网购频率会影响消费者的在线购物体验及体验价值感知。  相似文献   


The generalizability and applicability of the Consumer Shopping Inventory (CSI) scale on Indian sample in predicting online shopping behavior was examined. CSI scale has been adapted by researchers to validate its applicability in different countries. Results revealed new factors and different segments of consumers were identified by factor analysis. The findings posit that the original U.S. eight-factor model could not be confirmed completely on Indian sample. However, the study found support for five factors: quality-conscious shopper, fashion-conscious shopper, uninterested shopper, impulsive shopper, and brand-conscious shopper. Online shopping behavior was categorized under convenience, information availability, and cost factors. Demographic factors do not influence consumers' decision to shop online. Consumers shopping online frequently and Impulsive shoppers are likely to look at convenience factor of online shopping. Information availability was important for fashion-conscious shoppers, consumers frequently shopping online, and impulsive shoppers. Brand-conscious shoppers and quality-conscious shoppers were not likely to purchase online.  相似文献   

张建华 《商业研究》2006,(14):122-125
当前,购物中心作为引领零售业发展的新贵,在我国正迎来新的发展契机,合理借鉴国外购物中心的成功模式和运行经验,结合我国的具体国情,对购物中心的建设进行必要的政府调控与干预,可使购物中心在我国的健康发展。  相似文献   

Bawa  Kapil  Ghosh  Avijit 《Marketing Letters》1999,10(2):149-160
The shopping trip to the grocery store is one of the most basic elements of consumer behavior. The authors seek to provide an understanding of the factors that account for variations in shopping behavior across households. They present a model of shopping behavior that assumes that households seek to minimize the travel cost associated with shopping and the cost of holding goods in inventory. As in the classic EOQ model, observed shopping behavior reflects the manner in which households balance these costs while meeting their consumption needs. A number of propositions derived from the model are tested using data on shopping trips made by households over a one-year period. The results support the model and indicate that the relationship between household characteristics and shopping behavior can be fairly complex: for some households shopping may have a recreational aspect while for others it may compete directly with wage-earning activity.  相似文献   

在网络购物过程中,顾客会因各种产品质量问题而感到不满意,从而产生抱怨行为。基于此,文章在网络购物背景下,分析顾客抱怨行为的影响因素,通过层级回归方法,重点探讨网购认知与顾客抱怨行为的关系。研究发现网购认知与顾客抱怨行为倾向之间存在正向关系,网购认知越高,顾客抱怨行为倾向越高。并且网购认知对向卖方抱怨、私下抱怨以及向第三方机构抱怨等三类抱怨行为均存在较大影响。因此电子商务企业应加强顾客抱怨管理,提升顾客满意度。  相似文献   

We study cause-related auctions where a percentage of the dynamically determined purchase price of an item is donated to charity. Little is known about the effectiveness of such auctions. Bidders who value donations to charity have an incentive to bid more aggressively in such auctions. Regardless of whether they win or not, these bidders can significantly affect prices. The purpose of this paper is to study bidders' willingness to pay a premium in charity auctions and the drivers that affect the charity premium. We use a carefully designed field experiment involving simultaneous pairs of auctions that are identical in all respects but percentage of the proceeds donated to charity. This design gives us the ability to look at bidder choice among auctions based on charitable considerations. We use a mixture model approach to allow for different types of individual preferences. We find that individuals fall into three segments: two altruistic segments and a selfish segment. The altruistic segments, which drive up the charity premium, can be classified as warm glow bidders who derive pleasure from the act of giving and other-regarding bidders who give for selfless reasons. Results show that the difference in donation percentages is the major factor influencing the charitable premium. However, bidders differ considerably in their responses to donation percentages. While other-regarding bidders tend to seek auctions where a greater percentage of revenue is donated to charity, warm glow bidders only contribute when the charity premium is sufficiently low. Thus, managers should focus their marketing efforts on appealing to these different segments, depending on the percentage donated to charity.  相似文献   

随着网络购物的飞速发展,网络购物中的诚信问题也越发明显,主要表现在网络商家的不诚信,客户隐私遭到侵害,物流配送机制不健全。其原因是信息的不对称性,缺乏诚信意识,社会约束机制不健全。在网络购物活动中,应加强诚信建设,建立健全法律制度,加强物流企业的管理,建立科学的服务标准和服务质量体系,使网络购物诚信健康发展。  相似文献   

薛君  赵青  卫林英 《财贸研究》2012,23(4):126-132
以网络购物中的消费者粘性行为前置影响因素为切入点,通过文献回顾,提出用户视角的网络粘性是在持续使用基础上所形成的一种心理依赖行为,并以此为基础构建网络消费者粘性的前置因素假设,通过问卷调查的方式进行实证分析。研究表明:持续使用意向在各前置因素与粘性行为的形成之间起中介效应作用;消费者的感知因素如感知有用性、心流、满意度均通过中介变量对粘性产生影响;同时,网络的结构化特征结构嵌入也通过持续使用意向促进粘性的产生;消费者的网络使用习惯则直接促使粘性的产生。  相似文献   

Research on merger and acquisition (M&A) outcome often focuses on tangible financial results and the reaction of stock markets. This research attempts to provide a more accurate assessment of M&A performance by linking tangible as well as intangible M&A motives to outcome assessment. The theoretical framework is based on evaluation theory. We analyze four case studies of international M&As conducted by European companies. The findings indicate that M&A outcome can be more accurately measured by aligning it with the motives defined by the acquiring firms. They suggest that M&A outcome assessment should be considered as a process covering both premerger and postmerger stages.  相似文献   

近年,随着网络购物迅猛的发展,网络企业的服务质量好坏对于企业竞争优势的获取意义重大。通过对电子服务质量文献进行综合分析和研究,将电子服务质量划分为服务环境质量、服务过程质量和服务结果质量三个维度,并开发了相应的电子服务质量量表,为今后的电子服务质量的研究和网络企业服务质量的提高提供了理论依据。但探究验证表明,从具体行业着手,利用国外现有的模型进行评估,大多较少从理论本源上研究服务质量构成要素,大大限制了我国的服务质量研究水平。  相似文献   

空间相互作用与购物中心建设规模的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近两年我国大中城市兴起了建设购物中心的热潮,通过空间和空间的相互作用,形成了影响购物 中心建设规模的各种重要因素。用确定购物中心规模的简单模型,结合实际.情况再对模型进行修正,这 样能对中国大中城市购物中心的建设起着一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of consumer shopping orientations on grocery channel attractiveness and choice. It extends the concept of shopping orientation (utilitarian and hedonic) to account for emerging motivations among French consumers: shopping in line with sustainable and ethical values. In doing so, it helps profile segments of consumers who choose to shop through new online channels (Drive through) and newly deployed store formats (city stores). A sample of 300 French customers, responsible for shopping in the household, was surveyed. Hypotheses were tested through Latent Class Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with categorical outcomes. Our findings indicate that consumers shopping orientations influence the way consumers will combine the different channels and store formats for grocery purchase. In particular, our results highlight the importance of responsible retail practices and ethical assortments in consumers' choice of online formats whilst local product orientation influences the choice of city stores and market places.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web has rapidly become an alternative means to reach customers and has attracted the attention of many businesses. Unfortunately, however, despite its growth, there is little knowledge of which consumers would be willing to switch to the new format and to what extent. Our paper is aimed at providing some insights into these questions. Specifically, we propose a model to identify segments that differ in their shopping style, i.e., in their preference for which format, or bundle of formats, they like to shop in.Our research question, and model, is similar in spirit to prior research in marketing on how consumers choose assortments. Despite this similarity, our research makes some substantive and methodological contributions to the literature. Substantively, we examine the issue of the choice of channel assortments by consumers across a variety of product categories. We believe this is an important question and one that has not been examined earlier. From a methodological point of view, our model adds to earlier work by specifying the utility of an assortment as a sum of the deterministic and stochastic components of the utilities of its members. This contrasts with previous research where only the deterministic components of the utilities of the component brands of an assortment are added and the relationships between their random components are not accounted for.We calibrate the model on data regarding the format choices of households. In order to control for potentially similar format preferences across purchases of different categories we specify the model to allow for correlation between format preferences over the choice history of each household. Our results suggest that there are four segments of consumers that differ in their preference for different types of formats.  相似文献   

购物中心规划和运作的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
购物中心是指在一个大型建筑中,由许多商场和专卖店所组成的零售业综合体。近半个世纪以来,购物中心在发达国家发展得很快,现在在我国大中城市里也有发展壮大之势,但国内相关的理论研究还较少。因此,从购物中心规划和运作两个方面介绍了相关的经济理论,简要总结了国外学者的研究成果,并分析了其具体运用。  相似文献   

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