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Between 1960 and 1985 international tourism to Greece enjoyed one of the fastest rates of growth in the world, averaging 12.2 per cent annually. Numerous inter-related explanations were offered for this phenomenon, including endowed factors such as warm climate and antiquities; low costs; the supportive infrastructure and the strength and efficiency of the supply of tourist services and products. One aspect, however, which has not attracted much attention is the quality of Greek marketing. The Greek tourism marketing strategies are examined using a sample of Greek national tourist offices located in major European cities. Data for the study were gathered from personal interviews with the directors of such tourist offices. Although the marketing strategies undertaken by the national tourist offices of Greece abroad have been generally successful, the long-term viability of such strategies can only be sustained by a formalised strategic marketing planning process which caters for a host of interacting internal and external variables.  相似文献   

一、绪论 在经历了2002年与2003年两年的高速增长后,2004年前三季的汽车销售出现大幅度的减退。在过去的10个月间,“价格战”和“持币待购”是被用得最多的两个描绘今年车市的词汇。随着各个厂家产品的扩张,新车型的不断上市.在中低档的车市中,任何一个以5万元为间隔的价格段,都有相当数量的不同品牌的不同车型在竞争;消费在进行购买时,已经可以有多个不同品牌、  相似文献   

This contribution discusses the degree to which changes in human resource management (HRM) have taken place in the China since the Special Issue on HRM in the Asia Pacific Region came out in 1997. At that time, we spoke of ‘relative convergence’ as being the main feature of Chinese HRM; this remains largely the case. As the non-state owned sectors in the Chinese economy expand and state-owned enterprises shrink correspondingly, the impact of World Trade Organization entry will lead to more competition and a greater role for market forces. The greater the impact of these changes on Chinese firms, the more Personnel Management will be replaced by HRM year by year. How rapidly this pragmatic, step-wise path proceeds will depend on how far the new norms become institutionalized and how far managers' as well as workers' mind-sets absorb and integrate them.  相似文献   


This article presents a general framework for the social marketing process. An example from British history is used to demonstrate an effective model for gaining public and government support for a social marketing initiative. The historical analysis illustrates a key issue: public interpretation of the importance of the social marketing cause is dependent upon its core values and that its values may differ from the group advocating social action. The advocacy group's effectiveness in obtaining support for its cause will hinge upon its ability to strike a resonant chord with the social values of society and its cause.  相似文献   

中小企业市场竞争策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈桃红 《商业研究》2005,(20):126-130
中小企业在世界各国经济的发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。但由于资金、技术和能力所限以及行业的特殊性,中小企业在市场竞争中往往需要避开与大企业的正面交锋,以保全实力,赢得发展。因此,如何选择恰当的市场竞争策略,选择目标市场开展场竞争,已经成为中小企业实现可持续发展首要问题。  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,企业迎来了发展的契机,但同时也面临发展的挑战,在机遇与挑战并存的大背景之下,企业可持续发展的构建,着力于可持续市场营销战略的构建。基于市场细分下市场营销策略的构建,强调企业在经营发展中,强化市场为主导地位下,营销策略的科学构建,推动企业可持续发展。无论是细分市场差异化的营销策略,还是整体市场覆盖化营销策略,都只在实现营销策略的科学分布,而重点市场集中化战略,旨在强化对重点市场的营销战略构建,强化对重点市场的集中化营销,更有助于提高并激活企业的市场竞争力。市场营销策略的构建,应体现科学合理性原则。  相似文献   

The emergence of new economic centers is changing the competitive scenario. The diffusion of power across an increasingly broad range of countries has opened a window of opportunity for firms from China that want to compete globally. These firms understand their options in exploiting economic geography, and they frequently use cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) to penetrate developed countries. The United States and Europe are becoming natural destinations for such investments because of their huge markets and leading‐edge technologies. This article provides a “framing device” for firms’ strategies in a multipolar world. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of cause-related marketing (CRM) is to publicise and capitalise on a firm??s corporate social performance (CSP) by enhancing its legitimacy in the eyes of its stakeholders. This study focuses on the firm??s internal stakeholders ?C i.e. its employees ?C and the extent of their involvement in the selection of social campaigns. Whilst the difficulties of managing a firm that has lost or damaged its legitimacy in the eyes of its employees are well known, little is understood about the extent to which managers and their social partners listen to and involve their employees in the legitimation process. Through telephone interviews with non-profit organisations and senior managers of service sector firms, the extent of employee involvement in CRM campaigns and the perceived benefits of doing so are investigated.?Amongst other things, we find that (i) the extent of employee participation varies significantly across firms; (ii) larger CRM campaigns tend to be managed centrally with relatively less employee participation than smaller ones and (iii) financial services firms are more likely to make CRM decisions centrally, with relatively less employee participation than retail services firms.  相似文献   

This article hypothesizes that, on average, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that use a systematic methodology in selecting foreign target markets (what we call systematic market selection) perform better than SMEs using an ad hoc international market selection methodology. Using a sample of Greek exporting firms, we found that systematic international market selection is a significant determinant of export performance, even when controlling for decision-maker and firm-specific characteristics previous studies found to be related to export success. Implications for managers, trade promotion agencies, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

背包旅游已成为旅游市场主流,采用访谈调查和统计分析方法,研究四川背包旅游市场行为特征,针对性地提出了四川背包旅游市场营销策略:四大旅游品牌构筑四川整体文化特色;点线结合空间战略促进背包客空间扩散;整合资源,发挥世界遗产旅游品牌优势;注重目的地背包旅游网络营销;与西部其它背包旅游目的地联合营销。  相似文献   

郑小勇 《商业研究》2004,(13):11-13
企业在市场竞争中所处的相对竞争地位不同,可供选择的竞争战略也就不同。其中,作为市场追随,在追随市场领导的同时,还要承受来自市场挑战的压力。我们需应用博弈论的方法,分析市场追随在各种不同情况下对于竞争战略的选择过程。  相似文献   

全球金融危机危及到国内消费市场,严重影响消费者购买信心,造成零售商销售业绩下滑。为了激发消费者购买信心,零售商应尽快调整营销战略,为低迷的消费市场注入活力。即建立供零联盟,降低商品成本;加强供零合作,让利消费者;发展零售商自有品牌实现商品低价。通过全新的营销方略,提升零售商的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

The study seeks to measure the strategic choice of industries over different dynamic phases in the Indian economic environment. The total sample of 536 companies has been divided into 14 industries as per Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. The paper also categorizes companies as per the cyclical changes in the economy, that is, growth, cyclical, and defensive industries. Evidence suggests that choice of diversification is industry specific and concurrently affected by the environmental conditions prevailing in the emerging economy. Food and beverages, plastic/rubber, and electrical equipment industries follow higher categories of diversification than other industries.  相似文献   

旅游市场开发与营销需要准确的市场分析与定位。建立旅游市场竞争态模型,分析江苏省入境旅游客源地市场竞争态和接待城市的空间竞争态。根据竞争态矩阵,将客源地市场和江苏主要旅游城市划分为明星、现金牛、幼童、瘦狗四种类型。研究不同类型客源地市场的发展战略为促进江苏省入境旅游发展作出相应对策。  相似文献   

疫情期间,直播成为支撑经济复苏的关键词。为助力全国各地复工复产、经济复苏,转战线上平台入驻电商直播,成为许多商家转型自救、开启营销新模式的突破口。例如央视主持人朱广权和李佳琦组成的小猪配琦公益行为,首场直播售出价值4014万元的湖北商品。欧阳夏丹和演员王祖蓝组成的谁都无法祖蓝我夏丹的组合也是圈粉无数,多次爆单补货。除此之外,还出现了地方官员助力电商直播的新现象,县长当网红主播,平台经济搭台,成为疫情期间农产品上市的新通道。显然,电商直播这一数字趋势正全面赋能营销环境的转型与升级。  相似文献   

This paper is a survey of the role and impact of competitive tendering and contracting (CTC) policies in the public sector. The paper examines the theoretical rationale for introducing competition in the provision of public services and the methodology by which contracting decisions are reached. It investigates the extent of implementation and nature of outcomes in several countries. A broad sweep of the empirical findings suggests that CTC generates substantial cost savings. Lack of adequate data makes an assessment of the effect on quality more troublesome, and further research is needed  相似文献   

Global competition of products and services leads to rapid changes in the economy, industry and management. Judging from the industrial employment structure in Japan, the lower prices of foreign goods and services will drive the unemployment rate up in the long run. The Japanese economy urgently requires the growth of business and job opportunities, and therefore the role of employment protection legislation should be re-examined from the viewpoint of encouraging business activities. Analysis of the case study shows that managers in the growing service sector have positive attitudes towards employment growth and the expansion of business activities if the following measures are introduced: the deregulation of redundancy dismissals, the introduction of arbitrary work with performance pay, and legislative enforcement against age discrimination for hiring and firing.  相似文献   

This article describes short-term reactions to the Asian crisis by European, US and Japanese MNCs and examines their long-term regional production strategies for Southeast Asia. In the process, it highlights similarities in the firms' responses but also distinguishes differences in the long-term regional reorganization of production activities of Western and Japanese firms. The article argues that there is currently a window of opportunity for Western MNCs to expand their Southeast Asian operations. Japanese firms face several obstacles to the implementation of a comprehensive regional production strategy as a result of their highly centralized way of managing international operations and their comparatively early production engagement in Southeast Asia whichequips most US and European MNCs with a latecomer advantage.  相似文献   

Marketing scholars have argued that marketing has the potential to considerably increase productivity and quality of goods and services delivered by developing nations' marketing systems. But in order for this to occur it must be in the self-interest of entrepeneurs to adopt modern marketing practices. This need not be the case in the highly oligopolistic business structures of import substituting LDCs, where market power may be a more important determinant of success. The article tests this hypothesis in the context of Venezuela. The results suggest that market structures in LDCs offer limited incentive to the adoption of marketing, at least to the extent that self-interest is a crucial reason for adopting the marketing concept.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, many studies have highlighted the important role that marketing plays in contributing to a firm's competitive success. Thus, this article aims to examine the contribution of marketing to the competitive success of forty two British medium-sized manufacturing firms at two time points, 1987/88 and 1997/98, in order to determine any success factors that are durable over time. The investigation is based on mail surveys and in-depth interviews undertaken within the same set of firms at both dates. The findings identify eight specific marketing practices that might well be described as key determinants of success. However, they also draw into question several of the traditional tenets of successful marketing.  相似文献   

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