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This article analyzes intraday patterns for U.K. and U.S. tradingof British cross-listed stocks. For each market, the intradaypatterns for these stocks closely resemble those of otherwisesimilar, non-cross listed stocks. There is a 2-hour period eachday when cross-listed stocks are traded both in New York andin London. This overlap is characterized by concentrated tradingas private information, originating in New York, gets incorporatedinto prices in both markets. Cross-border competition for orderflowtends to reduce already declining spreads in London. By contrast,New York specialists maintain  相似文献   

We hypothesize that managers use stock splits to attract more uninformed trading so that market makers can provide liquidity services at lower costs, thereby increasing investors’ trading propensity and improving liquidity. We examine a large sample of stock splits and find that, consistent with our hypothesis, the incidence of no trading decreases and liquidity risk is lower following splits, implying a decline in latent trading costs and a reduced cost of equity capital. Further, split announcement returns are correlated with the improvements in both liquidity levels and liquidity risk. Our analysis suggests nontrivial economic benefits from liquidity improvements, with less liquid firms benefiting more from stock splits.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of public and private information flows in intraday liquidity and intraday liquidity risk in the Tunisian stock market. Our empirical results are based on ARMA and GARCH-type models and show that, for major Tunisian stocks, gradually elapsed public information together with gradually elapsed private information in the market is the dominant factor in liquidity improvements in the Tunisian stock market. Liquidity improvements are generated by a decrease in the bid-ask spread accompanied by an increase in the depth at best limit. Our results clearly indicate that the arrival of public information in a sequential manner is the dominant factor generating increases in liquidity risk related to the bid-ask spread, while the advent of private information in a contemporaneous manner is the dominant factor generating increases in liquidity risk related to the depth at best limit. Additionally, our results show that liquidity risk persistence disappears when trading volume and order imbalance are included as explanatory variables in the conditional variance equation.  相似文献   

I analyze the firm‐specific determinants of the U.S. share of trading volume for 126 U.S.‐listed Canadian firms. I find that the U.S. share of volume is directly related to the mass of informed and liquidity traders in the United States relative to Canada, as proxied by relative analyst following, relative duration of listing, and the U.S. share of sales. Evidence also supports the market liquidity argument that the market with lower spreads and greater depths has greater volume. Finally, the U.S. share is directly related to the relative sensitivity of the stock's value to information in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the liquidity of two different electronic trading systems – the APT system at LIFFE and the DTB system. First we describe the different characteristics of the trading systems and give potential reasons as to why they might differ in liquidity. Second we investigate empirically the liquidity provided by the two trading system. The comparison is especially interesting because the Bund Futures instruments traded are identical and the markets are open simultaneously. The intra-day data used in the study is from August 1997 to February 1998. The results show that the APT has smaller spread but the DTB is slightly deeper.  相似文献   

We examine the behavior of a 15 strong proprietary stock trading team and show how consistent intraday trading profits were generated. The team, who worked for a large US direct access trading firm, executed over 96 thousand trades in 3 months in 2000. Profitable intraday trading occurred in an anonymous dealer capacity, on both long and short positions, especially when volume and price volatility were higher. The traders rapidly entered long (short) positions when the number of dealers and size become greater on the bid (offer) side of the spread. Profits were taken early against the trend.  相似文献   

本文基于信息反应模型研究了机构投资者盈利预测偏离与普通投资者交易需求之间的激励关系,并选取2006至2010年的相关盈利预测和股票交易数据进行实证分析。结果表明,机构投资者的盈利预测存在显著偏离前期市场平均预测值的倾向,而且这种偏离倾向会进一步诱发股票交易增量,从而增加机构投资者的佣金收入。这意味着普通投资者在参考机构投资者的盈利预测报告时,需要考虑其基于刺激交易量的自利因素。  相似文献   

This paper exploits the Financial Accounts of the United States to derive long time series of bank and nonbank credit to different sectors, and to examine the cyclical behavior of these series in relation to (i) the long-term business cycle, (ii) recessions and recoveries, and (iii) systemic financial crises. We find that bank and nonbank credit exhibit different dynamics throughout the business cycle. We also examine the role of bank and nonbank credit in the creation of financial interconnections and illustrate a method to conduct macro-financial stability assessments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal and dynamic relationships among stock returns, return volatility and trading volume for five emerging markets in South-East Asia—Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. We find strong evidence of asymmetry in the relationship between the stock returns and trading volume; returns are important in predicting their future dynamics as well as those of the trading volume, but trading volume has a very limited impact on the future dynamics of stock returns. However, the trading volume of some markets seems to contain information that is useful in predicting future dynamics of return volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper I assess the degree of similarity in the cross-sectionalpricing of Internet and non-Internet stocks during the tumultuousyear of 2000. Despite large differences in their economic fundamentals, I find that the equity market values of Internetfirms with immaterial web traffic, firms that are randomly selected, and firms that went public atthe same time as Internet firms are similarly related to analysts' forecasts of earnings in 2001 andthe long-term rate of growth in earnings. This is not the case for firms with intensive web traffic.I also find that at the peak of Internet prices in March 2000 the market rewarded losses ofweb-traffic-intensive firms but did not reward profits, while after the peak the market reversed itsview, rewarding profits but not losses. Beyond earnings, web traffic is significantly positivelypriced both at and after the Internet peak. However, I find no evidence that two proxies forsupply and demand forces – the degree of public float and short interest – are value-relevantfor Internet firms. Overall, I argue that there are enough similarities in the cross-sectional pricingof Internet and non-Internet firms to make it unlikely that the pricing of Internet stocks during2000 was entirely irrational. Moreover, any irrationality in the prices of Internet stockscannot be linked to public float and short interest.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether cross-listing in the U.S. reduces firms’ costs of capital. We estimate cost of capital effects implied by market prices and analyst forecasts, which accounts for changes in growth expectations around cross-listings. Firms with cross-listings on U.S. exchanges experience a decrease in their cost of capital between 70 and 120 basis points. These effects are sustained and exist after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. We find smaller reductions for cross-listings in the over-the-counter market and for exchange-listings from countries with stronger legal institutions. For exchange-traded cross-listings, the cost of capital reduction accounts for over half of the increase in firm value, whereas for other types of cross-listings the valuation effects are primarily attributable to contemporaneous revisions in growth expectations.  相似文献   

With the benefit of very high frequency (25 million 1 minute observations) and recent data (2001) for the UK, this paper explores a number of intra day patterns of stock market behaviour. More specifically, a distinct reverse J shaped bid‐ask spread pattern is noted for SETS securities, a declining bid‐ask spread pattern for non‐SETS securities, a two hump pattern for trading volume and a U‐shaped pattern for returns volatility for all securities. In terms of complementing the existing literature, the paper shows that differences in trading systems may affect the bid‐ask spread patterns, while differences in market environments (i.e. US and UK markets) seems to affect the trading volume pattern. The paper suggests avenues for future research, in particular, the need to consider what factors are significant in determining intra day patterns for different trading systems and the need for additional cross‐market comparisons to identify how institutional factors affect the behaviour of investors on an intra day basis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interrelationship between stock prices in the US and Korea by applying the vector autoregression (VAR) model to the daily stock prices at three different level of aggregation – the national aggregate index level, the high-tech industry level and the semiconductor firm level – for the period of July 1996 through February 2001. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, the US stock market plays a leading role over the Korean market at every level of aggregation. The reverse direction of influence, from Korea to the US, was found to be minimal. Second, the evidence also suggests that the speed of transmission of innovation from the US to Korea is swift and finished for the most part within a 24-h period, although it takes three or four days to complete the whole process. Third, the influence of the US stock prices on Korean stock prices, which is measured by the innovation transmission using the impulse–response function (IRF) analysis, seems to be somewhat stronger in the composite national stock price indices and the tech-laden indices than high-tech firms. Fourth, at the firm level, the influence of Micron Technology on the leading semiconductor manufacturers in Korea is shown to be strong and persistent by passing about 34 percent of its innovations to the Korean firms within the three-day period. The impact of IBM and Intel on the Korean chip makers seems to be relatively smaller. Finally, stock prices in Korea, national stock price indices and individual high-tech stocks alike, have become much more responsive to innovations in the US stock prices after the 1997 financial crisis. The implications of the main findings in this paper are also discussed.  相似文献   

We examine whether market reactions to earnings announcements vary according to differences in the cultural values of firms' countries of origin in the case of cross-listed firms in the U.S. stock market. To deal with time-varying volatility returns, market reactions are determined using the market model adjusted for GARCH. We also apply the Fama-French three factor model to determine market reactions. Using the dynamic panel generalized method of moments estimator, we analyze 5562 firm-year observations from 30 countries over the period 2000–2014. We find that market reactions to the earnings announcements of cross-listed firms are significantly negatively (positively) associated with firms’ home countries characterized by the culturally- based accounting values of conservatism (optimism) and secrecy (transparency). Overall, the results suggest that the informal institutional influences of culture relating to the financial performance of cross-listed firms are priced by the U.S. stock market.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic relationship between stock market implied credit spreads, CDS spreads, and bond spreads. A general VECM representation is proposed for changes in the three credit spread measures which accounts for zero, one, or two independent cointegration equations, depending on the evidence provided by any particular company. Empirical analysis on price discovery, based on a proprietary sample of North American and European firms, and tailored to the specific VECM at hand, indicates that stocks lead CDS and bonds more frequently than the other way round. It likewise confirms the leading role of CDS with respect to bonds.  相似文献   

China's recent removal of short‐selling and margin trading bans on selected stocks enables testing of the relative effect of margin trading and short selling. We find the prices of the shortable stocks decrease, on average, relative to peer A‐shares and cross‐listed H‐shares, suggesting that short selling dominates margin trading effects. Contrary to the regulators' intention and recent developed market empirical evidence, liquidity declines and bid‐ask spreads increase in these shortable stocks. Consistent with Ausubel (1990), these results imply that uninformed investors avoid the shortable stocks to reduce the risk of trading with informed investors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) through four well-known calendar anomalies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1900 to 2013. We use subsample analysis as well as rolling window analysis to overcome difficulties with each method type of analysis. We also create implied investment strategies based on each calendar anomaly as well as determining which market conditions are more favourable to the calendar anomaly performance. The results show that all four calendar anomalies support the AMH, with each calendar anomaly's performance varying over time. We also find that some of the calendar anomalies are only present during certain market conditions. Overall, our results suggest that the AMH offers a better explanation of the behaviour of calendar anomalies than the Efficient Market Hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study has been inspired by the emergence of socially responsible investment practices in mainstream investment activity as it examines the transmission of return patterns between green bonds, carbon prices, and renewable energy stocks, using daily data spanning from 4th January 2015 to 22nd September 2020. In this study, our dataset comprises the price indices of S&P Green Bond, Solactive Global Solar, Solactive Global Wind, S&P Global Clean Energy and Carbon. We employ the TVP-VAR approach to investigate the return spillovers and connectedness, and various portfolio techniques including minimum variance portfolio, minimum correlation portfolio and the recently developed minimum connectedness portfolio to test portfolio performance. Additionally, a LASSO dynamic connectedness model is used for robustness purposes. The empirical results from the TVP-VAR indicate that the dynamic total connectedness across the assets is heterogeneous over time and economic event dependent. Moreover, our findings suggest that clean energy dominates all other markets and is seen to be the main net transmitter of shocks in the entire network with Green Bonds and Solactive Global Wind, emerging to be the major recipients of shocks in the system. Based on the hedging effectiveness, we show that bivariate and multivariate portfolios significantly reduce the risk of investing in a single asset except for Green Bonds. Finally, the minimum connectedness portfolio reaches the highest Sharpe ratio implying that information concerning the return transmission process is helpful for portfolio creation. The same pattern has been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic period.  相似文献   

论美国影子银行体系的发展、运作、影响及监管   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
第二次世界大战结束特别是20世纪70年代以来,由货币政策目标与金融监管框架之间的不一致性所引发的金融创新以及机构投资者对安全性资产的超额需求共同推动了影子银行体系在美国迅速发展。美国的影子银行体系主要由政府支持的影子银行体系、"内部"影子银行体系以及"外部"影子银行体系组成,但其各自的信贷中介程序和复杂程度不尽相同。影子银行体系的迅速发展对美国以及全球金融体系都产生了重要而复杂的影响。尽管《多德—弗兰克法》为美国乃至全球金融监管改革指明了方向,但旨在有效规范影子银行体系发展的金融监管体制改革之路依然漫长。  相似文献   

本文考察了美国经常账户失衡的发展过程,指出了其对手方的国别与地区结构特点,随后总结了对该现象的有关研究和解释。文章简述了伯南克世界储蓄过剩论,指出了该观点论证逻辑中的错误,然后分析了其理论分析框架——储蓄缺口模型与新古典增长模型对美国经常账户失衡解释的不适用。  相似文献   

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