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扩大消费需求促进经济增长的财政政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会总供给与社会总需求是一对矛盾, 计划经济时期, 矛盾的主要方面在于社会总供给, 而在市场经济条件下, 矛盾的主要方面已经转向社会总需求。当前, 在我国出现买方市场的情况下, 扩大内需成为经济增长的主要拉动力。在扩大内需上, 1998 年我们采取了一系列政策, 增加投资, 以推动经济增长, 但是, 如果想使经济持久地增长, 必须扩大消费需求。从我国的情况看, 制约消费需求增长的因素主要有: 居民收入增长缓慢、收入差距进一步拉大、边际消费倾向偏低以及消费环境有待改善等等。因此, 扩大消费需求,促进经济增长应当采取以下财政政策: 强化税收作用, 用税收调节全社会的边际消费倾向,调节社会消费水平; 提高居民的收入水平; 健全和完善社会保障制度; 加强基础设施建设,改善消费环境。  相似文献   

通过检验边际消费倾向、边际投资倾向和政府边际支出倾向与经常账户的关系,得到消费和投资是经常账户差额的解释变量,而边际吸收倾向出现"拐点"主要是由于边际消费倾向下降。通过观察边际吸收倾向和边际消费倾向的时序变化,认为中国特有的储蓄偏好、体制改革导致不确定性增加等观点均无法解释中国边际消费倾向的下降,而人口结构的变化可能是影响边际消费水平下降的长期和结构性因素。  相似文献   

一、引言消费作为社会再生产的终点和新的起点,是促进国民经济和社会发展的重要支撑力量。消费需求的规模扩大和结构升级是经济增长的根本动力。引导居民合理消费,发掘消费热点,促进消费需求回升,实现消费与生产的良性互动,不仅具有重大的理论意义,更是当前经济运行中需要研究解决的现实课题。尽管国家刺激消费、拉动内需的政策已持续多年,但内需乏力、“产能过剩”的困局一直无法破解。其中的原因很多,本文试图以湖南省居民收入与消费状况为样本,从不同收入阶层的消费需求特征入手,探索各阶层居民的边际消费倾向以及当前社会财富分配结构对消费需求的影响,并针对各阶层居民边际消费倾向特征以及当前存在的贫富差距过大问题,提出加大财政税收调节力度,在国民经济初次分配和再次分配中向中低收入阶层倾斜以及扩大消费信贷、激活消费市场,以破解消费需求困局的对策建议。二、收入与消费的函数关系影响消费的因素很多,但其中最重要的因素还是收入水平。根据凯恩斯的绝对收入理论,消费与收入的关系通常可以表述为:C=a bY ε其中,C为消费需求,a为自发消费,b表示边际消费倾向,Y表示居民收入。边际消费倾向(MPC)是指在每一单位收入增量中消费所占的比率,也就是消费增量与...  相似文献   

吴筠 《新疆金融》2006,(Z1):22-24
消费是社会再生产的终点和新的起点,消费需求的规模扩大和结构升级才是经济增长的根本动力,扩大消费需求与扩大投资需求相比,消费需求对经济增长的拉动作用更为直接和相对稳定。研究表明,目前我国投资每增加1%,可以拉动GDP增长0.2%,而居民消费每增加1%,可以拉动GDP增长0.8%。而且消费需求的扩大也将为增加有效投资需求创造更大的空间。消费需求不足,必然使大量投资形成产能过剩,从而使业已形成的生产能力开工不足,失业增加,劳动者收入增长困难,进一步降低整个居民购买力,在出口受阻的情况下,造成生产过剩并可能引发经济危机。因此,对于一个国家或地区的经济来说,扩大内需的最佳策略是扩大消费,再由消费诱导投资,这样的经济增长才是最有效的经济增长。  相似文献   

一、正确认识消费需求对经济增长的作用人们一般认为,投资需求对经济增长的推动力较大。但是,在分析了我国改革开放以来投资需求、消费需求和出口需求对经济增长的贡献率(经济增长贡献率即某一需求年新增额占 GDP 年新增额的比重)之后,发现除极个别年份外,最终消费需求始终是我国经济增长最大的贡献者。  相似文献   

吴筠 《新疆金融》2006,(B10):22-24
消费是社会再生产的终点和新的起点,消费需求的规模扩大和结构升级才是经济增长的根本动力,扩大消费需求与扩大投资需求相比,消费需求对经济增长的拉动作用更为直接和相对稳定。研究表明,目前我国投资每增加1%,可以拉动GDP增长0.2%,而居民消费每增加1%,可以拉动GDP增长0.8%。而且消费需求的扩大也将为增加有效投资需求创造更大的空间。消费需求不足,必然使大量投资形成产能过剩,从而使业已形成的生产能力开工不足,失业增加,劳动者收入增长困难,进一步降低整个居民购买力,在出口受阻的情况下,造成生产过剩并可能引发经济危机。因此,对于一个国家或地区的经济来说,扩大内需的最佳策略是扩大消费,再由消费诱导投资,这样的经济增长才是最有效的经济增长。  相似文献   

宏观税负和税收结构对经济增长均有重要影响。剔除经济发展水平对税收的正向影响后,1999年至2007年中国宏观税负水平较高,且税负水平的快速上升显著降低了经济总量的上升。在主要税种中,营业税对中国经济增长的负效应最弱,而个人所得税的负效应最强。短期,增加营业税而相应减少个人所得税的比重,在不改变税收总量的前提下可以提高经济效率。  相似文献   

运用税收政策 提升消费需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,刺激经济扩大内需的关键是刺激国内消费,为此,需进一步理顺税收政策,纠正以投资为重心的做法。一方面,在税率和转移支付上做文章,发挥税收对消费的直接效应;另一方面,运用税收调节国民收入和边际消费倾向,间接拉动消费。双管齐下,真正拉动消费。  相似文献   

根据2011年的统计数据,投资、消费、净出口在我国GDP核算中分别占49.2%、48.2%和2.6%.投资、消费属于国内部门,内需所占的比重较大.长期以来,内需一直是我国重点关注和调控的内容,投资和消费是拉动经济增长的重要因素.当前我国一再强调要把稳增长放在特殊的重要位置,而国外经济不稳定因素较多,消费需求疲弱,我国净出口增速下滑.在此背景下,研究投资、消费对经济增长的拉动作用有一定的现实意义. 在关于投资、消费对经济增长拉动作用的论证中,大多学者通过各种模型实证得出投资、消费对经济增长有正面拉动作用,但关于投资、消费分别对经济拉动作用的大小有不同结论.  相似文献   

消费不足是长期制约我国经济可持续增长的重要原因之一,而消费不足则是由居民、企业和政府的收入分配格局偏向于政府,政府收入增加挤压居民收入所造成。税收是政府获得收入的主要途径,现行不合理税收体系是导致居民税负较重、消费不足的主要原因。因此,未来应该逐步降低流转税在税收体系中的比重,提高收入税和财产税等税种的地位,形成更加科学合理的税收体系,促进居民消费增长,实现经济结构转型。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of corporate taxes on investment. Since firms with a foreign parent have more cross-country profit shifting opportunities than domestically owned firms do, their effective tax rate and, consequently, their tax-induced costs to investment are lower. We therefore expect capital investment responses to a corporate tax cut to be heterogeneous across firms. Using firm-level data on German corporations, we exploit the 2008 tax reform, which substantially cut corporate taxes as an exogenous policy shock and expect domestically owned firms' investments to be more responsive to the reform. We show exactly this in a difference-in-differences setting. We find that the reduction in corporate tax payments led to a one-to-one increase in the real investments of domestic firms. The effect is stronger for domestic firms relying more on internal funds. Correspondingly, labor investment increased more for domestic firms, ensuring a constant mix of input factors. In addition, we show that domestic firms' sales grew faster after the tax cut than the sales of foreign-owned firms. Our results imply that corporate tax changes can increase corporate investment but that domestic firms benefit more than foreign-owned firms from a tax cut through higher investment responses resulting in greater sales growth.  相似文献   

税收政策能够通过改变需求结构进而影响供给结构,并最终改变产业结构。税收政策对产业结构变迁产生影响的需求途径主要包括:改变中问需求与最终需求的比例以及中间需求结构、改变消费结构、改变消费需求与投资需求的比例、改变投资需求结构。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider environmental policy as part of a mixed tax problem with a general income tax and linear commodity taxes. I assume that the wage rate is determined by bargaining between unions and firms. The results show that the change in the number of employed persons, following a change in the use of a tax instrument, affects the optimal tax structure via two channels; (i) it makes the tax revenues available for public expenditures more or less costly to collect, and (ii) it affects the aggregate demand for the good that causes the environmental damage. This means that the use of taxation to counteract the labor market imperfection is not easily separated from the environmental aspects of tax policy.JEL Code: D62, H21, J60  相似文献   

Recent work has started to analyze the choice of international commodity tax base under conditions of imperfect competition. This paper focuses on the effects of changing levels of trade barriers in a model where firms engage in duopoly competition and governments set commodity taxes non-cooperatively. It is shown that the consumption base (destination principle) dominates the production base (origin principle) when trade costs are high, but the ranking of the two tax bases is reversed for low levels of trade costs. We conclude that the case for origin-based commodity taxes becomes stronger when barriers to trade fall.  相似文献   

The paper shows how entrepreneurial taxes interact with the career choice of individuals, the quality of entrepreneurs, and their investment behavior. It is particularly relevant to differentiate the early effects on start-up enterprises with substantial uncertainty from the tax effects on mature firms where the uncertainty is resolved. Conditions are derived for the Nordic dual income tax to be neutral and they are found to be stringent. Profit expectations matter. The Nordic dual encourages (discourages) the establishment of new enterprises by entrepreneurs who anticipate high (low) profitability.  相似文献   

Optimal taxes for Europe and the U.S. are derived in a realistically calibrated model in which agents buy consumption goods and services and use home capital and labor to produce household services. The optimal tax rate on services is substantially lower than the tax rate on goods. Specifically, the planner cannot tax home production directly and instead lowers the tax rate on market services to increase the relative price of home production. The optimal tax rate on the return to home capital is strictly positive and the welfare gains from switching to optimal taxes are large.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the question of taxation and capital structure choice in Germany. Germany represents an excellent case study for investigating the question of whether and to what extent taxes influence the debt-equity decision of firms, because the relative tax burdens on debt and equity vary greatly across communities. German communities levy local taxes on profits and long-term debt payments in addition to personal and corporate taxes on the federal level. A stylized model is presented incorporating these taxes. The model shows that local taxes create substantial incentives for firms to use debt financing. Furthermore, the paper empirically investigates the effect of local business taxes on the share of debt used to finance incremental investments by German firms. I find that local taxes significantly influence the capital structure choice of firms, controlling for a large number of other factors. In an extensive sensitivity analysis the tax effect are found to be robust across several different specifications.  相似文献   

Taxation and Foreign Direct Investment: A Synthesis of Empirical Research   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
This paper reviews the empirical literature on the impact of company taxes on the allocation of foreign direct investment. We compare the outcomes of 25 empirical studies by computing the tax rate elasticity under a uniform definition. The median value of the tax rate elasticity in the literature is around –3.3 (i.e. a 1%-point reduction in the host-country tax rate raises foreign direct investment in that country by 3.3%). There exists substantial variation across studies, however. By performing a meta-analysis, the paper aims to explain this variation by the differences in characteristics of the underlying studies. Systematic differences between studies are found with respect to the type of foreign capital data used, and the type of tax rates adopted. We find no systematic differences in the responsiveness of investors from tax credit countries and tax exemption countries.  相似文献   

Is Tax Harmonization Useful?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is a widely acknowledged result of the literature on international tax competition that an inefficient provision of public goods can only be avoided, if taxes are sufficiently coordinated. In this paper we use a model where governments use commodity and factor taxes in the tax competition game. We show that governments will always choose a second-best efficient tax structure in the Nash equilibrium if they have access to a residence-based capital tax and either a destination-based commodity tax or a labor tax. Moreover, we show that tax competition need not foreclose third-best efficiency in a world with a restricted tax policy toolkit.  相似文献   

The efficiency cost of taxation has become an increasingly important consideration in the evaluation of alternative tax policy options. This paper provides a review of estimates of the efficiency costs of taxation and presents some new estimates for small open economies. The available studies suggest that, in closed economies, the distortions from taxation are highest for corporate taxes and lowest for wage taxes. This efficiency ranking of different taxes does not hold in small open economies. It is shown that, in a small open economy, this ranking is reversed. Personal income taxes are less distortionary than wage taxes primarily because the link between domestic saving and investment is severed. Corporate taxes are also less distortionary for a variety of factors, such as changes in depreciation levels, payments to foreigners and terms of trade.  相似文献   

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