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进入2008年,北京高档商业地产市场似乎并没有放慢它前进的步伐。随着北京市社会消费品零售总额在前两个月内攀升至718.55亿元,越来越多的品牌商家进入北京开店,更多的项目投入运  相似文献   

由于金融危机的影响,2008年到2009年商业地产项目受到很大的冲击:销售出现困难、租金水平大大滑坡、招商困难重重。随着金融危机的影响逐渐退去,商业租金的滑坡趋势也在逐步减缓,与此同时,商业项目整体运营趋向正规化,专业化,房地产开发商在商业项目的开发、租售形式选择、后期运营等各方面都趋于多元化。目前市场上很多新优秀项目可选,投资者也需要更专业的分析自身资金的投资趋向。本专题主要通过2009年商业地产总体数据概括分析出2010年的发展趋势,以期通过对市场的客观分析,为商业项目运作者、投资者提供参考。对于投资者而言,选择哪些区域、何种业态、何种租售形式的项目应当是考察项目的前提。对于开发商而言,项目运作前期也需要考察选择。本选题从商业租售形式、区域、业态、租售价格等方面,主要用数据来展示市场现状及预期发展。  相似文献   

<正>在零售业强劲需求的驱动下,2007年北京商业市场出现的供应放量的势头在未来一年还将保持下去刚刚逝去的2007年堪称是北京的高端商业地产年。据世邦魏理仕12月提供的最新分析资料显示,2007年北  相似文献   

<正> 成都商业地产投资环境全国最佳根据"2008年中国商业地产行业年会"揭晓的2008年中国商业地产投资环境最佳城市和最具投资潜力城区:成都市从众多参评城市中脱颖而出,被组委会推荐为"2008中国商业地产投资环  相似文献   

08年奥运的到来,给各行各业带来了巨大的商机,2007年北京市购物中心整体放量400多万平方米,一时间总量的多与少问题成为业内反复探讨的话题。  相似文献   

随着北京乃至全国范围的房地产萧条,开发商与投资者纷纷转向利润回报率更高的商业地产市场。自2008年开始,北京商业地产的供应量成倍增长,相对应的,市场吸纳量也大幅提高,从某种意义上来说,极大地带动了北京商业地产市场的发展,同时,也吸引了大批国际一线品  相似文献   

现在我们这的大型商业项目可多了,我数了数,得不下于10个。这是一个常年居住在翠微一带的女士对所在地的描述。可以看出,对于这片区域,她是寄予了更多的感情的。早几年,这里的出行都不是很方便,更别说是有可以购物、休闲的地方了。除了翠微大厦、城乡贸易中心以及后来的华普超市,这里几乎没有更多的购物场所。  相似文献   

北京CBD无疑是中国最国际化、最商务化的发展区域:北京CBD规划之初,区域内的国贸中心就完全可以代表北京国际化、商务化、商业化的制高点:北京CBD规划落定,嘉里中心、华贸中心、财富中  相似文献   

一度被斥为非国民待遇的国内商业项目赔本招租现象正向国际二三线品牌甚至国内品牌倾斜。此前,国内一些商场为了提升档次会给予国际一线品牌商装修补贴的招商优惠政策,而近来这种赔本的招租现象大有全国泛滥之势。据中国商报记者调查了解,在一般性的装修补贴之外,零租金、铺货费、倒扣点……愈加苛刻的条件都被开发商运用到  相似文献   

经过10来年的开发与运营,Mall的商业地位已经初步得到确立,在一些区域,商业中心和城市副中心的地位越来越巩固,并且逐渐构筑了繁华的商业版图,多个商圈由概念逐渐变为现实,拉动了所在地商业地产的发展,商业多中心的格局开始初步形成。在北京,"两轴两带多中心"规划了整个城市的战略格局,多个大型Shopping Mall领耀市场,2009,"后奥运经济"时代,一个新的Street Mall时代即将来临,谁将在全新的市场环境下有所作为,引领商业地产的深度变革?  相似文献   

Canton Fair,also called China Import and Export Fair,is held twice a year in Guangzhou every spring and autumn,with a history of 53 years since 1957.  相似文献   

太空旅游市场有多少商机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王倩 《国际市场》2004,(5):65-67
“神舟”5号载人飞船刚从太空成功返回,一些精明商家的赚钱脑筋便马上动到了太空。四川有人抢注“神五”商标、新加坡的各大酒店纷纷推出“太空套餐”、香港的太空科技馆也不失时机地办起了“中国载人航天科技展”……经验表明,每一次人类航天事业的成功,都会引发无限的商机。  相似文献   

You will walk through a gigantic colorchanging "brain cell" and then be dazzled by a spiral array of screens at the European Union Belgian Pavilion for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.  相似文献   


This article reviews the literature on IMC and then examines its development empirically in Turkey. In this paper, we explore perceptions of IMC derived from a sample of advertising agency executives, and explore how perceptions of IMC within the developing country of Turkey. The main aim of the survey was to explore how agencies implement, coordinate, and evaluate IMC programs, and examine barriers relating to these. Managerial and public policy implications of the study are also offered. Findings underpin global adoption of IMC even in conditions of economic turbulence. Moreover, the findings confirm that IMC (in Turkey) as elsewhere is more related to tactical implementation of promotion than to strategic business development.  相似文献   

Asignificant marketing document produced by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to promote greater bilateral trade and investment co-operation between the UK and China in the area of advanced engineering was launched on 11 March,Beijing,by HM Ambassador,Sir William Erhman,UK Ambassador to China.  相似文献   

Asignificant marketing document produced by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to .promote greater bilateraltrade and investment co-operation between the UK and China in the area of advanced engineering was launched on 11 March, Beijing, by HM Ambassador, Sir William Erhman, UK Ambassador to China. Entitled UK Advanced Engineering Global Marketing Strategy, the document is the first of its kind to be produced by UK Trade & Investment to promote the strength and capabilities of the UK advanced engineering sector and the leading role UK companies in the global economy.  相似文献   

2006年是“十一五”规划的开局之年,对我们这些职业前卫于市场的调查/咨询业来讲更是机会与挑战并存的一年。  相似文献   

Textile is one of the largest export and source of foreign exchange in Pakistan. For the last two decades, Textile sector is serving as the backbone for Pakistan economy. Several foreign retailers including Target, Jessie Penny, Wal-Mart, and Kohl’s are outsourcing textile and garments from Pakistan. Along with the quality, these retailers are highly concerned with the ethical and social issues of their suppliers, including child labor, forced labor, compensation, working hours and environment health, and safety. My current study is an applied research, based on the problem, regarding the working hours and its proper management in textile factories, mismanagement of which lead to serious issues during social and ethical standard audits. Repetition of which may consequent in termination of business with suppliers and factories. The research hypothesis is that working off the clock will lead to overtime premium not paid and double book record keeping. As far as ethical and social compliance (SC) is concerned both overtime premiums not paid and double book records are critical issues during SC audit. A sample of 40 suppliers (factories SC audit reports) of Pakistan was randomly selected working with foreign buyers. Secondary data were used to verify the findings based on Audits finding conducted by different third party during a period of 2 years, i.e. Feb., 2010 to Jan., 2012. The results and research findings reflect that during the last 2 years (Nov., 2010 to Oct., 2012) out of 40 factories audit reports 25 factories (62.5 %) were found having working off the clock that also lead to overtime premium not paid. However, double book records were not witnessed in all 40 factories SC audit reports as parallel (falsified) records were not maintained by any factories. The above findings will help the suppliers, factories, and buyers to develop a proactive approach (on buyers end) and proper production planning (on suppliers and factories end) to avoid critical issues and smooth business activities.  相似文献   

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