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为有效防范贷款投放中出现的信贷风险,各国有商业银行都加大了贷款审批制度的改革,变信贷风险的贷后化解处置为主向信贷风险的贷前识别防范为主转移,不断探索从源头上杜绝或减少信贷风险的信贷管理体制.目前各国有商业银行都初步建立了分级授权、集中审批、审贷分离的贷款审批制度,形成了四个基本特点:一是贷款审批原则以风险控制与加强营销并重为主.二是贷款审批权限实行分级授权授信的集中审批制度.三是贷款审批程序实行前后台分离的集体审批制度.四是突出了对贷款审查审批的责任追究制度.但实际工作中还存在诸多问题亟待改进.  相似文献   

贷款审批是贷款决策的关键一环,不仅关系到贷款的成败得失,而且影响到社会效益。这一程序应力求科学化、规范化,应该符合集中主要力量解决主要矛盾的辨证观点。可是,重新审视我们的一些贷款审批,抛开个别行政干预的“奉命”等贷款不谈,只看一些所谓正规的贷款审批,也有较多随  相似文献   

贷款审批方式作为现代金融企业制度下商业银行业务管理系统的一个特定范畴,随着商业银行业务管理水平的提高和不断发生变化,以集中上会、面对而举手通过的会议表决形式为主的传统的贷款审批方式已经在很大程度上不能适应现代金融企业制度下商业银行业笋高速发展的要求。利用多功能办公平台简化贷款审批方式是整合商业银行业务流程,提高业务管理水平,实施标准化管理的必然选择。  相似文献   

马红  戴灿涛 《时代金融》2013,(10):63-63
招商银行的小微贷款业务发力始于2012年划归到零售业务部后,目前500万以下的贷款,属于零售贷款中的个人经营性贷款,在流程上具有总行集中授信、批量化审批的特点。招行的“点”、“圈”、“线”、“面”给小微业主大开了方便之门。  相似文献   

一、当前金融支持经济发展的主要障碍 1.基层行经营困难.一是近几年国有商业银行为规范信贷业务,将基层行信贷审批权限上收,对信贷资金实行集中、集权、集约管理.这种管理体制虽然对集中资金,防范金融风险有利,但弊端不少:(1)人为增加了贷款环节,影响企业正常生产经营.审批手续复杂,降低企业贷款意愿(2)个私经济融资难.目前各基层行发放小额贷款受限制较多,而个私经济恰恰处于这一区域,从而导致金融机构为其服务出现真空地带,特别是"一事一报"的贷款审批方式,基层行在多次往返上级行履行手续之际,就很可能使企业丧失商机,因此有可能造成银企关系的断裂和不协调;二是信贷处罚约束制度不切实际,制约了贷款的有效投入.  相似文献   

目前,缩短贷款审批周期已被国家纳入缓解小微企业融资难的重要内容。为研究贷款审批效率状况及其影响因素,本文基于25家银行业金融机构的1149笔贷款审批数据,运用随机前沿模型评价贷款审批效率,并对贷款审批效率的影响因素进行对比分析。研究发现:(1)银行类型、是否首次贷款、贷款类型、是否风险补偿对贷款审批效率具有较显著的影响,其中是否风险补偿在各因素中对贷款审批效率的弹性影响最为显著;(2)银行贷款审批效率总体偏低,仍有20%~50%的提升空间;(3)银行内部环节审批效率较低,低于最优效率水平46.3%,外部审批环节导致贷款审批效率的下降;(4)非国有银行信贷审批效率高于国有银行,且外部审批环节对非国有银行和国有银行的贷款审批效率均具有显著的一致性影响。  相似文献   

阐述了贷款审批是银行信贷经营管理的一项重要工作。针对国有商业银行在贷款审批权限结构的运行机制上存在的问题,指出应用我国国有商业银行正在推行的内部评级法优化国有商业银行的贷款审批权限结构,是改善国有商业银行的贷款审批权限结构的有效手段。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着企业及个人征信系统建设的不断完善,各金融机构逐步建立了以征信系统为依托的信贷审批机制,查询企业和个人信用信息已成为金融机构贷款审批的前置条件。但笔者通过调查发现,目前涉农信用信息普遍存在更新滞后和缺失问题,极易引发潜在的信贷风险。  相似文献   

做好信贷业务,要正确把握和处理存款与贷款的关系,调查与审批的关系,发放与管理的关系,集中与分散的关系,进入与退出的关系,对公存款和个人消费贷款的关系,本地贷款与异地贷款的关系,创新和发展的关系。  相似文献   

总行最近颁布的"农户贷款集中审查审批试点实施方案"规定,农户小额贷款要实行"分散受理、集中审批、审贷分离"的运作模式,本文根据该方案有关规定及省分行现行的农户小额贷款运营模式及操作流程要求,结合黄冈分行目前农户小额贷款业务运作情况,就农户小额贷款营运与管理提出一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

吉林省伊通农联社自主研发了“贷款远程集中审查、审批系统”。该系统具有较好的信贷管理模式,投入少、易操作、实用性好。本文分析了该系统的研发背景、运行情况、存在问题并提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

This study conducts a cross-sectional analysis of U.S. metropolitan counties to inquire into the factors affecting white and minority mortgage loan approval rates during 1990–1991. In particular, evidence is sought on whether minority loan applicants are denied credit more frequently than white applicants because of information externalities. Within each county, all predominantly minority, low- or moderate-income census tracts are groupted together, and then regression equations are estimated across counties and tract groupings. Separate approval rate equations are estimated for conventional and federally insured (FHA or VA) home purchase loans. In addition, a regression equation for the percentage of applicants applying for federally insured loans is estimated.Both approval rate regressions indicate that across white tract groupings, the depth of the housing market (the number of sales of owner-occupied units during 1989) has a positive and statistically significant effect on the loan approval rate, consistent with the view that information externalities affect mortgage loan evaluations. However, this relationship appears not to hold across minority tract groupings.  相似文献   

This paper uses loan application-level data from a peer-to-peer lending platform to study the risk-taking channel of monetary policy. By employing a direct ex-ante measure of risk-taking and estimating the simultaneous equations of loan approval and loan amount, we provide evidence of monetary policy's impact on a nonbank financial institution's risk-taking. We find that the search-for-yield is the main driving force of the risk-taking effect, while we do not observe consistent findings of risk-shifting from the liquidity change. Monetary policy easing is associated with a higher probability of granting loans to risky borrowers and greater riskiness of credit allocation. However, these changes do not necessarily relate to a larger loan amount on average.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine who holds the decision-making power for credit approval in small business lending; we also examine the determinants of shifting this power from a local bank branch to an upper organizational level. Because soft information is usually collected by local branches, shifting the decision-making power may lead to a loss of soft information because it is difficult to transmit soft information across organizational levels. We find that when the local bank operates with a relationship lending strategy, it tends to handle loan requests, and soft information loss is less likely to occur. We also find that the probability of losing the soft information is much higher when the duration of the relationship is shorter and when borrowers undertake the relationship with a greater number of banks. In particular, our findings suggest that information loss is linked to borrower risk, as risky loans tend to be evaluated centrally. Furthermore, we observe that the organizational level at which loan requests are handled has a significant effect on the approval/rejection of a loan request.  相似文献   

摘要:本文利用山东省新型农村金融机构的调查数据,分析了三类新型农村金融机构支农行为的差异及支农目标的共同特征,并从信贷行为角度解释其支农目标的实现。新型农村金融机构支农目标主要体现为借款者数量增加。贷款余额的扩大、期限多样性的增加、审批效率的提高及涉农成本的降低有利于增加借款者数量。政府的支农政策应鼓励新型农村金融机构增加借款者数量,仅关注支农深度及涉农比例只会干扰新型农村金融机构的市场化运行或鼓励支农数据造假行为。信贷政策上,应鼓励新型农村金融机构扩大贷款规模、增加贷款期限弹性、提高贷款审批效率、降低涉农贷款成本,并通过新型农村金融机构信贷模式创新,更有效地完成支农目标。  相似文献   

Interbank market integration, loan rates, and firm leverage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the effect of interbank market integration on small firm finance in the build-up to the 2007-2008 financial crisis. We use a comprehensive data set that contains contract terms on individual loans to 6047 firms across 14 European countries between 1998:01 and 2005:12. We account for the selection that arises in the loan request and approval process. Our findings imply that integration of interbank markets resulted in less stringent borrowing constraints and in substantially lower loan rates. The decrease was strongest in markets with competitive banking sectors. We also find that in the most rapidly integrating markets, firms became substantially overleveraged during the build-up to the crisis.  相似文献   

In the last decade there has been a proliferation of financial crises in emerging markets. To some extent, the suddenness and magnitude of some of these crises have been blamed on poor financial reporting standards for bank loan losses. As a result, prior to providing countries with “financial bailout” funds, international investors and international financial organizations have increasingly required that countries harmonize their bank financial reporting standards with international financial reporting standards.Given this trend, this case requires students to assess the effectiveness of efforts to harmonize loan financial reporting (with International Financial Reporting Standards) for Mexican banks during (and after) the country’s financial crisis of the late 1990s. Students are required to assess the extent to which both pre-crisis standards as well as new, post-crisis standards complied with international financial reporting standards. They are also required to assess the impact of the new standards on the reporting practices for loans of one particularly troubled financial institution. Through the examination of this institution’s accounting practices for loans, students obtain a familiarity of the shortcomings of emerging markets’ banks’ loan financial reporting as well as the factors which influence the adoption of international financial reporting standards by emerging market banks.  相似文献   

近年来,商业银行普遍上收信贷审批权限,对申请贷款的企业和项目要在全省乃至全国层面统筹考量,这就使信贷资源配置倾向于发达地区,导致欠发达地区资金外流和信贷投放不足。欠发达地区政府为缓解这一由商业银行的市场行为导致的问题,采取多种措施影响市场,为信贷投放培育良好的环境,以争取更多的金融资源,也取得了一定的效果。本文力图分析这种地方政府行为的合理性、有效性和必要性,并研究其存在的问题及合理边界,以期对经济金融的均衡发展有所启示。  相似文献   

We analyze how two types of recently used prudential policies affected the supply of credit in the United States. First, we test whether the U.S. bank stress tests had any impact on the supply of mortgage credit. We find that initiation of the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) stress tests in 2011 had a negative effect on the share of jumbo mortgage originations and approval rates at stress-tested banks, whereby banks with worse capital positions were impacted more negatively. Second, we analyze the impact of the 2013 Supervisory Guidance on Leveraged Lending and subsequent 2014 FAQ notice, which clarified expectations on the Guidance. We find that the institution-specific share of speculative-grade term-loan originations decreased notably at regulated banks after the FAQ notice, especially at banks with greater market share for such loans.  相似文献   

通过对中部河南省410户农户资金借贷行为的问卷调查,发现农户资金借贷的可获得性不强,资金用途上呈现非农生产的特征.正规农村金融机构较少提供农户小额信用贷款,农户贷款普遍受到较多的信用限制,其中农村信用社的支农功能更是弱化.虽然民间私人借贷信用形式灵活,但借贷范围较窄,借贷也不活跃且较少满足农户大额贷款需求.文章针对中部...  相似文献   

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