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鲍震宇 《经济论坛》2007,(18):43-46
一、劳动力市场中的女性歧视现象劳动力市场中,当女性拥有与男性同等的能力、教育、培训和经历时,他们却在雇用、职业选择、提升和工资率等方面受到不公正待遇,这就出现了歧视。劳动力市场歧视可以分为:工资歧视、就业歧视、职业歧视、人力资本歧视。  相似文献   

因我国劳动力市场的独特性,我国劳动力市场存在的歧视现象具有特殊性.在就业、职业选择、工资收入等方面,农业劳动力一直处于政府的制度性歧视之下;妇女受到的性别歧视与我国重男轻女的“前劳动力市场歧视”相关;欠发达地区的劳动力在沿海发达地区遭受到雇主的统计性歧视,而这与我国地区发展不平衡有关.由于歧视类型的不同对歧视的消除也应采取不同的方法.  相似文献   

地方保护主义的歧视性限制政策 ,严重影响了当地劳动力市场的供求关系 ,直接导致职业歧视和工资歧视的发生。因此 ,地方保护主义是我国劳动力市场歧视产生的新根源。这种劳动力市场歧视不但严重影响人才的自由流动 ,而且也容易引发对方的报复 ,最后自己的局部利益也会受损  相似文献   

歧视在劳动力市场上广泛存在劳动力市场上的歧视行为不仅对劳动力资源的优化配置有着重要的影响,而且直接影响广大劳动者劳动权利的实现。本文就此问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会的进步,劳动力市场上的就业歧视问题层出不穷、愈演愈烈.本文就我国劳动力市场上就业歧视产生的原因,进行了具体的分析,结合我国具体的实际情况,提出对策建议.  相似文献   

笔者通过对河南省劳动力市场调查数据的分析,发现我国劳动力市场歧视呈动态性变化并主要存在于职业搜寻领域,是企业在信息不对称条件下的理性选择,呈现均衡状态。因此偏见不是歧视产生的根源,缺乏科学的人员甄选手段才是造成歧视的根本。降低甄选成本以及增强劳动者的个体差异性和人力资本的专用性是控制歧视的有效方法。  相似文献   

户籍歧视的政治经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵宇  刘艳 《生产力研究》2006,(7):11-12,24
本文从政治经济学的角度分析了我国户籍歧视的表现、原因及相应的对策。笔者认为,我国劳动力市场中户籍歧视主要表现为就业歧视和工资歧视,其深层原因是:制度因素(包括正式制度和非正式制度)导致对农村迁移劳动力的就业歧视,而工资歧视是市场经济条件下企业最大化利润的理性行为。因此,要消除户籍歧视,必须实行配套改革,降低城市户口的含金量;改革农地制度,发展农村经济;提高农民工的人力资本;加强劳动者权益保障等。  相似文献   

劳动力市场歧视成本分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张抗私 《财经问题研究》2001,(4):74-80,F003
劳动力市场上存在着各种歧视,其中最为多见和敏感的是性别、各族和民族歧视。歧视的市场经济并非人们通常认为的样能够增加歧视者的收入,而是使歧视者和被歧视者同时蒙受损失,甚至歧视者为其偏好付出的成本更加高昂。  相似文献   

解决劳动力市场歧视问题之对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邱爽 《经济与管理》2006,20(7):29-32
和谐的就业对构建和谐社会具有重要意义。但是,劳动力市场的就业歧视在某种程度上阻碍着构建和谐社会的进程。因此,应从减少歧视偏好,市场缺陷和人力资本开发中的发现入手,创造和谐的就业环境。  相似文献   

随着我国高校的不断扩招,高等教育逐渐走向大众化,用人市场呈现出了供大于求的状况。在激烈的竞争中,受到社会、经济、政策法规、高校教育、女性自身等因素的影响,女大学生就业歧视问题日渐凸显。就业上的性别歧视减少了女大学生的就业机会,更不利于整个社会的和谐发展。文章以当前女大学生就业歧视的表现为逻辑起点,深入分析歧视问题产生的原因,并以此为导向提出解决对策,以期对解决女大学生就业歧视问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

Theoritical explanations for wage discrimination collapse in the long run, because competition should drive discriminations firms out of the market. In product markets with imperfect competition employes with a taste for discrimination might survive, None the less inthis case long-run efffects are also unclear, unless some monopsonistic power in the labour market is involved. Monopsony in the labour market, on the other hand, has received very little attention in the literature. The paper tries to pick up this long negleted issue, looking at the impact of concentration in output markets and local labour markets on wage discrimination by sex in Austria. As limited workers' mobility enables employers to define their own local labour markets,special attention is given to married women, whose geographical mobility is known to be very low.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which discrimination early in one's career can have lasting effects on job quality even after the discrimination itself disappears. The results show that for young workers in the 1980s, discrimination is a short run phenomenon, and furthermore, the effects disappear relatively quickly. This research makes two contributions to the existing empirical literature on labour market discrimination. First, we broaden the measure of discrimination beyond wages by utilizing the Duncan Index of job quality to measure differences in labour market outcomes. Second, most empirical work has been concentrated on the effects of discrimination at a point in time using cross-sectional data. We develop a dynamic model to measure changes in job quality over time as workers gain experience over their first three years in the permanent labour market. From the results found in our empirical work, we are able to analyze the long run impact of initial discrimination. In other words, our methodology allows us to examine time dependent effects that are not observed in cross-sectional studies.  相似文献   

This paper considers a labour market model of monopsonistic competition with taste-based discrimination against minority workers to study the effect of equal pay legislation on labour market inequality. When the taste for discrimination is small or competition is weak, the policy removes job segregation and the wage gap completely. However, with a bigger taste for discrimination or stronger competition, equal pay legislation leads to more job segregation, and sometimes minority workers end up earning less than before. Profits of discriminating firms might increase, and discrimination can persist in the long run, although it would have disappeared without the policy.  相似文献   

Several studies using observational data suggest that ethnic discrimination increases in downturns of the economy. We investigate whether ethnic discrimination depends on labour market tightness using data from correspondence studies. We utilize three correspondence studies of the Swedish labour market and two different measures of labour market tightness. These two measures produce qualitatively similar results, and, opposite to the observational studies, suggest that ethnic discrimination in hiring decreases in downturns of the economy.  相似文献   

In this paper an orthodox segmented labour market theory (SLM theory)is tested by means of the data provided by the research project, Quality of Labour 1977 (Zanders et al., 1977). The segmented labour market theory is restricted to the dual labour market approach, although a major extension is taken into account (a primary segment consisting of two tiers). The segments are created by making use of an objectivemethod. Nine quality characteristics of jobs are taken into account. A number of logit estimations are carried out to test the competing theories of human capital and the segmented labour market. The conclusion is that although discrimination in the labour market appears to exist, the SLM theory has to be rejected.  相似文献   

An analysis of wage discrimination is carried out on the basis of health on UK data with a number of important modifications. First selection is controlled for into both health and labour market status. Second the direct effect of health upon productivity is accounted for and third, discrimination is examined with regard to participation as well as wages. The question of selection into health status is found to be of little empirical importance but taking account of selection into labour market status and the direct impact of health upon productivity leads to a fall in measured discrimination. The paper finds similar results with regard to participation. It is also examined whether these effects differ across age and gender.  相似文献   

In this paper we measure the extent of gender discrimination on Central European labour markets (Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak) during the first years of transition. Using Oaxaca's method and Social Stratification Survey data for 1993, we estimate that discrimination explains about half of the wage gap. Gender discrimination is significantly weaker in Hungary and stronger in Slovakia and Poland, where a large part of discrimination is tied to segregation. More fundamentally, we try to determine the nature of this discrimination; we conclude that discrimination is mainly statistical (both group and individual), but also deliberate, and the labour market is partly inefficient.  相似文献   

Claims of labour market discrimination against Catholics run to the heart of the Northern Ireland conflict. This paper assesses British Government led moves to promote fair employment in the region. It argues that initial policies to promote labour market balance were weak and ineffectual but that since 1989 a meaningful antidiscrimination institutional regime has been put in place. However, underlying economic and social conditions are not favourable to a big institutional push toward fair employment. Thus the quest to end Catholic disadvantage in the labour market is caught between a positive institutional regime and negative ground level circumstances. The paper concludes that the unpredictable outcome of this tension will be better managed in conditions of peace.  相似文献   

冯先宁 《生产力研究》2004,(7):37-38,60
劳动力合理流动是劳动力资源充分利用、市场经济正常运转、农村剩余劳动力顺利转移的重要条件。当前 ,由于各种因素的影响 ,全国统一、开放、竞争、有序的劳动力市场还没有形成 ,劳动力歧视妨碍了农村剩余劳动力的转移和劳动力资源的合理利用。消除劳动力歧视 ,有利于促进劳动力合理流动和市场经济正常运行及二元经济结构转换  相似文献   

The labour market situation in Slovenia has improved in the last ten years, but some labour market problems persist. This article presents the labour market reforms carried out in the last ten years, which could be considered as partial. In order to make the labour market more flexible and to increase the job intensity of GDP growth, labour market reforms should be more comprehensive. The article identifies the main challenges of labour market policy and draws attention to some current and potential labour market problems in Slovenia.  相似文献   

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