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公允价值在会计准则中的广泛运用引致了以财务报告为目的的评估业务需求。本文选取了2004~2008年上市公司为研究样本,检验了以财务报告为目的的资产评估总体价值相关性以及基于资产减值测试的评估价值的市场反应。研究结果表明,新会计准则实施后的价值相关性显著提高,而资产减值的计提受投资者的关注度则有所减弱。这说明以财务报告为目的的评估有效地提高了会计信息的质量和信息含量,并在一定程度上抑制了滥用公允价值进行盈余管理的行为。从长远来看,深化经济的市场化程度,努力构建一个完整、统一、开放、充分竞争的市场,实现评估界与会计审计界的良性互动,同时加强会计监管及行业自律并对滥用公允价值及虚假评估行为予以严惩,仍是未来一段时期的重中之重。 相似文献
以财务报告为目的的资产评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
上个世纪八九十年代发生在美国的储贷危机被认为是储贷机构使用历史成本计量法的财务报告掩盖了问题贷款,没能真实地反映企业真实的财务状况,影响了投资者对经营风险的判断,从而导致了多家金融机构破产。2006年美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)发布《美国财务会计准则第157号公告:公允价值计量》(SFASNo.157[1]),公允价值概念开始在会计准则中大规模地应用和推广。 相似文献
随着财务报告中公允价值的引入,以财务报告为目的的评估受到了会计界和评估界的高度关注,越来越多的会计实务要求对财务报告中的资产或者负债进行公允价值计量,这就要求注册资产评估师能够合理公允评估出资产或者负债的价值,以服务于财务报告的要求。其中,特许经营权是经常碰到的以财务报告为目的的无形资产,由于对以财务报告为目的的特许经营权评估与传统的特许经营权评估存在较大差异认识不足,导致评估师在评估以上两 相似文献
邓清华 《金融经济(湖南)》2005,(9):42-43
企业采用公允价值模式计量的,不对投资性房地产计提折旧或进行摊销,应当以会计期末投资性房地产的公允价值为基础调整其账面价值,公允价值与原账面价值之间的差额计入当期损益。 相似文献
本文通过对证券市场的稳定、公允价值运用的意义以及公允价值运用对上市公司盈余的影响几方面的分析,提出涉及敏感资产及复杂资产的公允价值的确定,应由外部的专业评估机构进行。为了证券市场的稳定,应发挥资产评估在公允价值计量中的作用。 相似文献
在2006年末上演的股指“大跃进”中,伴随新会计准则而来的资产重估预期扮演了一个重要角色。然而,在品尝了证券投资与投资性房地产饕餮之时,回归证券估值原理,会多一份清醒,少一分狂热。[编者按] 相似文献
Ervin L. Black Keith F. Sellers & Tracy S. Manly 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1998,25(9-10):1287-1317
Bartov (1993) demonstrates that US firms time asset sales to smooth income and affect debt/equity relationships. This study examines earnings management behavior through asset sales in countries that allow asset revaluation: Australia/New Zealand (ANZ) and the United Kingdom (UK). Earnings management behavior differs across these two country groups when their accounting rules differed prior to 1993, but is similar during the 1993–95 period when the UK implemented FRS 3 . The results also find that revaluer companies do not use asset sales to smooth income in ANZ nor in the UK after FRS 3 was implemented in 1993. UK revaluers (prior to FRS 3 ) and both countries' non-revaluers sell assets consistent with income smoothing. 相似文献
张家伦 《中央财经大学学报》2002,(8):61-63
合并会计报表审计是随着市场经济的发展 ,企业集团大量涌现而产生的一种新的审计项目。作者认为合并会计报表审计的内容 ,应当为合并范围的审计 ,会计政策的审计、母子公司个别会计报表的审计、合并会计报表、编制程序的审计以及合并会计报表附注的审计等五大部分。 相似文献
ROBERT R. CARNES DANE M. CHRISTENSEN PAUL E. MADSEN 《Journal of Accounting Research》2023,61(5):1531-1589
Financial statement fraud generates many negative effects, including reducing people's willingness to participate in the stock market. If it also stigmatizes accounting, it may similarly adversely affect the quantity and quality of workers willing to become accountants, thereby potentially creating negative effects for years to come. We examine the impact of fraud on the labor force entering the accounting profession, which is a key input into the production of accounting information (i.e., the output). Using data describing millions of college students across the United States, we find incoming students are actually more likely to major in accounting when local frauds occur during their formative years. These students are also more likely to have attributes desired by the accounting profession (e.g., high academic aptitude) and are more likely to subsequently serve in public accounting and become Certified Public Accountants. In the context of other fields (i.e., all college majors), we find that fraud similarly spurs interest in other business disciplines, but not in majors outside of business schools. Those attracted to other business disciplines, however, generally possess different traits. Specifically, students entering accounting are distinctively more likely to exhibit values espoused by the accounting profession, including a predisposition to public service and less commercial orientation. Thus, nonpecuniary motives appear to uniquely drive accounting student enrollment following fraud. Collectively, our findings suggest that, while fraud is unmistakably bad, it appears to have the positive unintended consequence of attracting labor into business disciplines and, in accounting, increasing the prevalence of desirable traits among entrants. 相似文献
财务报表国际趋同的重大进展——IASB与FASB《财务报表列报初步意见》之分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
财务报表作为公司对外财务报告的核心载体,其结构、内容及繁简在国际上充满争议。如何使财务报表最为及时、准确、有效地传递公司财务信息给使用者,是理论和实务界的共同努力方向。国际会计准则理事会(IASB)和美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)联合发布的《财务报表列报初步意见》讨论稿提出了颠覆性的方案。针对讨论稿中提出的变革方案,我们需要从强化资产负债观、逐步引入综合收益表、加强对新报表分类模式理论研究三个方面努力,以改进我国财务报告,实现我国会计准则与国际财务报告准则持续和动态趋同。 相似文献
UK GAAP has traditionally allowed the write-off of purchased goodwill directly to reserves, resulting in the widespread depletion of book equity. Companies have also been permitted to revalue fixed assets at management's discretion. This study examines whether upward revaluations have been associated with the depletion of book equity and with other costly contracting explanations identified in prior research. Our results provide strong support for the equity depletion hypothesis, both with regard to the decision to revalue and the timing of the revaluations. Indebtedness, liquidity, size and fixed asset intensity are also consistently associated with upward revaluation. 相似文献
UK GAAP has traditionally allowed the write-off of purchased goodwill directly to reserves, resulting in the widespread depletion of book equity. Companies have also been permitted to revalue fixed assets at management's discretion. This study examines whether upward revaluations have been associated with the depletion of book equity and with other costly contracting explanations identified in prior research. Our results provide strong support for the equity depletion hypothesis, both with regard to the decision to revalue and the timing of the revaluations. Indebtedness, liquidity, size and fixed asset intensity are also consistently associated with upward revaluation. 相似文献
Financial statement analysis textbooks advocate disaggregating profitability into asset turnover and profit margin in performing financial analysis. In spite of the prominence of this technique, there is no evidence demonstrating its usefulness in a forecasting context. We provide evidence that disaggregating return on assets into asset turnover and profit margin does not provide incremental information for forecasting the change in return on assets one year ahead, but that disaggregating the change in return on assets into the change in asset turnover and the change in profit margin is useful in forecasting the change in return on assets one year ahead. 相似文献
Bambang Setiono Norman Strong 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1998,25(5&6):631-657
We examine the profitability of the Ou and Penman (1989a) Pr trading strategy and the Holthausen and Larcker (1992) Prob trading strategy over the period 1980–1992 in the UK. This is a test of whether an investor can earn abnormal returns by exploiting fundamental accounting data. We employ alternative abnormal return metrics and research designs to control for risk. Using a UK dataset offers an independent test because the UK differs from the US in its formal and informal financial reporting environment, its structure of share ownership, and the behaviour of its economy over the study period. We find consistent evidence that an investor could have used a summary measure of financial statement information to predict future abnormal returns by indirectly predicting one-year-ahead earnings changes, but only weak and inconsistent evidence that an investor could have used a summary measure of financial statement information to predict one-year-ahead stock returns directly. We offer some thoughts on the reasons for these different results. 相似文献
从金融外部性视角分析不良资产与金融脆弱性 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
不良资产一直是困扰我国银行业健康发展的重要问题,其负面影响放大了金融脆弱性的风险。大量的不良资产损害了商业银行的安全性原则,同时降低了商业银行资产的收益性,严重影响中国银行业的竞争力。在这个意义上,不良资产具有巨大的金融负外部性。当前,一方面要采取措施防止不良资产反弹,包括引入经济资本管理理念,加强行业风险研究,推行全面风险管理,加快现有不良资产的处置等;另一方面,为了消除其金融负外部性的影响,有必要通过建立明晰的银行业产权制度,增加金融激励,引进民营银行等手段促使外部性内部化,保障中国银行业的健康发展。 相似文献
不良资产一直是困扰我国银行业健康发展的重要问题,其负面影响放大了金融脆弱性的风险。大量的不良资产损害了商业银行的安全性原则,同时降低了商业银行资产的收益性,严重影响中国银行业的竞争力。在这个意义上,不良资产具有巨大的金融负外部性。当前,一方面要采取措施防止不良资产反弹,包括引入经济资本管理理念,加强行业风险研究,推行全面风险管理,加快现有不良资产的处置等;另一方面,为了消除其金融负外部性的影响,有必要通过建立明晰的银行业产权制度,增加金融激励,引进民营银行等手段促使外部性内部化,保障中国银行业的健康发展。 相似文献