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杨雪  刘巍 《广告大观》2009,(7):36-38
上世纪80年代.跨国广告公司为了能够服务于国际客户.纷纷合作,换取市场准入。1986年.美国电扬广告公司与中国公司正式拉开了跨国广告公司进入中国大陆广告市场的序幕。截止2008年,全球五大广告集团都在中国设立了分公司。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,随着欧美大型广告公司开始全球广告版图的扩张之旅,许多国家的广告市场也卷入了全球化的竞争之中。然而,在同样有着开放性经济特征的韩国,其本土广告业却成功地抵御了外国广告运营模式和广告文化对于民族广告业的冲蚀。与欧美国家采用独立的代理机构来运营广告的发展模式不同的是,韩国很多广告公司都是作为大型企业集团子公司的形式成长起来的,  相似文献   

袁铭良  马晶 《新财富》2003,(8):52-68
随着越来越多的外国品牌来到中国,全球性的广告集团亦紧随而来。至1998年,全球前10名广告公司全部在中国设立了合资公司,且业务发展非常迅速。这些广告巨擘除服务于跨国企业外,亦纷纷争取本土大品牌客户。与中国的产业规模相对应,中国广告企业在全球市场中仍处于低端,其现实的选择是,在跨国广告公司实力还未充分表现出来之前,把握稍纵即逝的机会,不求最大,只求在某一专项或一个环节做到最好。  相似文献   

中国本土广告公司经营的问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年中国广告经营额突破1200亿元,中国广告业表现出强劲的发展势头。这一数据对于中国广告公司和媒体而言,无疑具有不同寻常的意义。2005年,随着中国进一步融入国际市场.一些大型的跨国公司和传媒集团纷纷进入中国这一潜力巨大的市场,使得整个广告市场规模扩大.广告经营额增加,为广告业带来新的机遇。与此同时,一些大型的跨国广告公司和媒介购买公司凭借其在资金、  相似文献   

在经济普遍不景气的背景下,国外广告集团反而加大了对美国本土广告公司的并购与收购,扩张其业务范围。其中日本电通公司先后收购了2009年最佳广告公司McGarry Bowen、设计型广告公司Attik和拥有360i数字技术的创新互动机构。  相似文献   

小智 《中国广告》2005,(7):18-22
本期专辑:中国本土广告公司成长报告 说到本土广告公司的成长这是一个既让人兴奋.同时又不免忧心的话题兴奋是因为在中国的广告经营额突破1000亿元大关后.现在的广告市场看起来无比璀璨.经历了20多年的成长.我国的广告市场从来也没有像今天这样活跃过。广告公司百花齐放,达到数万家,各样形态,(既有70年代就成立的北京广告公司、上海广告公司.广东省广告公司等国有广告公司,有国际的大型广告集团.有更大批的私营广告公司)、  相似文献   

中国专业广告公司的生存现状与模式创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在评价广告产业发展的诸多指标中,专业广告公司的发展情况无疑是一个重要的评价指标,它反映该国广告公司的市场竞争能力。我国专业广告公司经过20多年的发展,无论是从公司数量和规模,还是从人员素质和年营业额来看,都获得高速发展。但是中国专业广告公司长期以来的高度分散与高度弱小,也是一个不争的事实。在跨国广告公司全球扩张和中国广告市场全面开放背景下,如何实现本土广告公司市场竞争力的迅速提升,成为业界和学界广泛关注而又亟待解决的问题。一、我国专业广告公司发展现状与生存危机"1.从专业广告公司年营业额的递增看专业广告公司…  相似文献   

在国际全球化和地区差异化的背景下,广告不仅是一种商业行为更是一种跨文化交际行为.本土化策略在广告的跨国传播中不仅可以提高广告公司对爵标市场的理解,消除民族隔阂,制定有效的广告传播策略,更能提高其在全球经济一体化中的核心竞争力.本文以刘翔版的可口可乐为例,分析本土化策略是如何成功应用的,并为广告的跨国际传播提供借鉴.  相似文献   

林华 《广告导报》2004,(9):60-62
中国的广告市场将越来越开放——根据中国加入WTO的承诺,到2004年,允许合资跨国广告公司控股;到2006年,允许成立独资公司。面对这一系列利好消息,外资广告巨头更加剧了在中国的攻城略地。它们曲线布局广播广告业,力争品牌客户,甚至疯狂扩张并购,给本土广告公司带来巨大冲击。  相似文献   

江绍雄 《广告大观》2007,(3S):38-40
2004年中国广告经营额突破1200亿元,中国广告业表现出强劲的发展势头。这一数据对于中国广告公司和媒体而言,无疑具有非同寻常的意义。根据我国加入世贸组织的承诺,2005年底,中国开始允许外国广告公司以独资身份进入中国广告市场,一些大型跨国公司和传媒集团随即纷至沓来。这不仅使得整个广告市场规模扩大,广告经营额增加;更意味着中国广告市场的全面开放。至此,一个全新的广告发展阶段正式宣告它的到来。  相似文献   

As the inclusion of foreign languages in advertisements is a growing global trend, this research examines how language choice may influence important advertising outcome measures within a South Korean advertising context. Specifically, the study aims to explore how foreign and local languages influence recall and recognition for brand name and body copy messages. The interaction of using two languages in an advertisement, to convey different elements of the ad may secure varied levels of attention and comprehension. The findings suggest that recall and recognition are significantly affected by the language presented. An ad presenting a brand name in the foreign language (English Roman alphabet) with the body copy message in the local language (Hangul) is an effective strategy to enhance recall and recognition of the brand name and the ad message within the Korean youth market. The results of this study expand linguistic theory within an advertising context while also providing international advertisers with useful tips when operating in a multinational marketplace. Future research avenues are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-premium brands occasionally emulate their premium counterparts by using ads that emphasize premium characteristics such as superior performance and exclusivity. We define this practice as “advertising up” and develop hypotheses about its short- and long-term impact on advertising elasticity and brand equity respectively. We test the hypotheses in two large-scale empirical studies using a comprehensive dataset from the automotive industry that includes, among others, the content of 2317 television ads broadcast over a period of 45?months. The results indicate that advertising up increases (decreases) short-term advertising elasticity for non-premium products with a low (high) market share. The results also show that an intensive use of advertising up over time leads to long-term improvements (reductions) in brand equity for expensive (cheap) non-premium products. Furthermore, an inconsistent use of advertising up leads to reductions in brand equity. The results imply that managers of non-premium products with a low market share can use advertising up to increase advertising effectiveness in the short run. However, advertising up will only generate long-term improvements in brand equity for expensive non-premium products. Finally, to avoid long-term reductions in brand equity, advertising up should be consistently used over time.  相似文献   

This paper considers the differences and similarities between national brand and global brand advertising through the use of three analytical frameworks – creative strategies, advertising styles and advertising form. It seeks to identify any differences between national and global brand advertising in terms of creative strategy, advertising style and advertising form. The structural elements of advertisements, such as the length of a commercial, number of camera shots and number or type of characters present, are also examined for a total of 551 television advertisements. A number of significant differences between the advertising of global and national brands have been recorded. In addition, the study identifies a discriminant function, which successfully predicts the advertising strategies, styles and formats for global brands.  相似文献   


Researchers have documented whether and how companies use advertising disclaimers in regulated markets. We complement the extant work by analysing a sample of 449 online toy advertisements targeting children in Brazil, a largely unregulated market. Results show that multinational corporations are more likely to include disclaimers in their online ads than local Brazilian companies. Further analyses reveal, however, that advertising disclaimers used by multinational subsidiaries have more distractors that reduce viewer comprehension. Our research contributes to the fields of advertising and institutional theory by being the first to document whether and how multinational subsidiaries use disclaimers in online ads targeting an unregulated market.  相似文献   

Through explication of a visual research method, this paper theorizes how masculine identity interacts with consumption—of imagery, products, desires, and passions in advertising and consumer culture. We analyze the male body as a discursive “effect” created at the intersection of consumption and several marketing discourses such as advertising, market segmentation, and visual communication, balancing between brand strategy—what the marketer intends—and brand community—the free appropriation of meaning by the market. The paper’s contribution rests in extending previous work on male representation into historical, ontological, and photographic realms, providing a necessary complement between understanding advertising meaning as residing within managerial strategy or wholly subsumed by consumer response. We argue that greater awareness of the connections between the traditions and conventions of visual culture and their impact on the production and consumption of advertising images leads to enhanced ability to understand how advertising works as a representational system and signifying practice.  相似文献   

Advertising is widely considered to be an important isolating mechanism through which firms may defend an established competitive advantage. However, there is relatively little empirical evidence on the extent of the strategic use of advertising either to deter or in response to entry. In this paper, I report on a study of the advertising practices of 843 medium‐sized and large UK‐based firms. Nearly one‐quarter of all the advertisers surveyed state that they attribute importance to entry deterrence as an aim of their advertising. Further, one in five managers of advertising firms state that they would increase advertising expenditure if a new rival company appeared in their market. It is also apparent that there is a strong correlation between the perceived importance of advertising as an entry‐deterring tool and the intensity of advertising spending. Multivariate modelling provides confirmation that the existence of a sheltered market position, and the profitability that typically accompanies this, provides a statistically significant determinant of the decision to use advertising as a strategic entry‐deterring weapon.  相似文献   

中国广告产业的战略转型与产业核心竞争力的提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用核心竞争力理论,具体阐述了广告产业核心竞争力的内涵,通过对当前中国广告产业转型问题的深入剖析,提出广告公司经营的“泛专业化”和主营业务的“模糊化”,正严重消解中国广告产业的核心竞争力。作者在比照全球广告产业两次重大升级的基础上,指出中国广告产业的转型是广告产业可持续发展的战略必需,转型的核心和目标就是以广告产业为主导整合营销传播的相关领域,转型的实现途径是通过广告公司价值链的集聚和张大,提升广告产业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

孙小兵 《中国广告》2012,(1):121-123
实践教学是高校人才培养过程中的一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。本文结合地方高校广告学专业的培养目标以及人才市场对广告从业人员的技能要求,对地方高校广告学专业实践教学体系的构建进行了研究,并对实践教学体系的构建以及人才培养模式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

We analyze whether product market advertising has a spillover effect on stock price synchronicity by transmitting firm-specific information to the capital market and attracting more investor attention. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2009 to 2017, we find that firms with greater advertising expenditures have lower stock price synchronicity. The results are robust after we address endogeneity concerns. In accord with our hypothesis that product market advertising increases the amount of firm-level information capitalized into stock prices through the information channel, we find that the impact of advertising on synchronicity is more pronounced for firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry and firms in the consumer-product industry. Further tests show that product market advertising enhances the ability of current period returns to reflect future earnings, and thus rules out that the negative relationship between advertising and synchronicity is driven by noise trading. Our results imply that product market advertising plays an informative role and improves information efficiency in a capital market.  相似文献   

In recent years, multinational corporations have increasingly employed advertising in markets where their products are not available. Such ‘awareness advertising’ is only in small part for products that are likely to be introduced in those markets in the near future. A significant and larger part of awareness advertising is for products that are unlikely to be sold in the particular market because of government restrictions on commercial importation and sale. In this paper, we will analyse the motivation behind the use of awareness advertising, the benefits that multinational firms may receive from such advertising and its implications for international market segmentation. The paper concludes with a discussion of areas for fruitful future research on awareness advertising.  相似文献   

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