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This article examines the effect of De Jure financial openness in developing countries on the total amount of bilateral AfT inflows that accrues to these countries. The analysis relies on 126 countries over the period 1995–2015 and uses both the within fixed effects and the two‐step system GMM estimators. Results suggest that the effect of financial openness on AfT depends on the level of financial openness, whose values range between 0 and 100. A positive and significant effect is obtained for levels of financial openness lower than the value 48. In contrast, the effect becomes negative for countries whose level of financial openness is higher than 62. Countries whose degree of financial openness is comprised between 48 and 62 experience no significant effect of financial openness on the amount of the AfT flows that they receive. Overall, the analysis shows that financial openness does matter for the amount of AfT that recipient‐countries receive from donor‐countries.  相似文献   

王力  徐松 《华东经济管理》2007,21(10):27-30
20世纪50年代以来,发展中国家为改变自身畸形的经济结构,改变自身在国际分工中的不利地位,从未间断探索适合本国经济发展的道路.在贸易战略上,发展中国家经历了初级产品出口导向型战略、进口替代型战略到出口导向型战略的转变.文章以发展中国家贸易战略的演变为线索,以发展的眼光多角度的评论这三种贸易战略的效应.  相似文献   

近10年来,在全球性和区域性服务贸易自由化的推动下,东盟五国加快了服务贸易的对外开放。本文通过五国在GATS中承诺的开放水平和它们实际的开放度来比较五国的服务贸易开放程度。研究显示,到目前为止,各国之间和部门之间的开放水平仍存在较大差异。但从长远来看,五国的服务贸易都将会有更大的开放。  相似文献   

M.G. Hayes 《World development》2008,36(12):2953-2961
LeClair [LeClair, M. S. (2002). Fighting the tide: alternative trade organizations in the era of global free trade. World Development, 30(6), 949–958] concludes that in theory Fair Trade is a second-best alternative to aid, may impose losses on non-Fair Trade producers and prolongs dependence on unsustainable modes of production. This paper shows how these conclusions depend upon a particular definition of subsidy and upon the assumptions of full employment and that Fair Trade goods face price-inelastic demand. An adverse impact on non-Fair Trade producers is possible but not intrinsic, and the claim of economic inefficiency cannot be sustained within a more general analysis.  相似文献   

白积洋 《科学决策》2011,(11):34-64
文章基于Melitz理论模型,通过引入产业集聚变量,分析了贸易开放与贸易封闭条件下产业集聚对均衡生产率的影响,并使用非线性的门槛回归方法对不同贸易开放条件下产业集聚与全要素生产率的关系以及产业集聚促进全要素生产率提高的具体渠道(技术进步、技术效率)进行了实证检验。结果发现,产业集聚水平的提高对要素生产率的贡献与一国所处的外部经济环境有关。在我国产业集聚促进全要素生产率增长的过程中,有贸易开放的门槛效应的存在,只有在贸易开放水平达到一定阶段之后,产业集聚才会推动全要素生产率的显著提高。在不同省际间,不但产业集聚促进全要素生产率提高的效应大小有所差异,其具体作用渠道也有所不同。在贸易开放水平较高的省份,虽然产业集聚在推动技术进步上的作用十分明显,但其却限制了技术效率的提高,产业集聚对全要素生产率提高的影响主要是通过推动技术进步来实现的。  相似文献   

文章以城镇化、贸易开放和经济增长为研究对象,运用协整检验和完全修正的最小二乘法(FMOLS)对我国省际面板数据进行实证分析,表明:我国的城镇化、贸易开放与经济增长之间存在着长期稳定的面板协整关系;城镇化和贸易开放对经济增长都有促进作用,但作用力度有差异;城镇化是经济增长的Granger原因,而贸易开放不是经济增长的Granger原因。  相似文献   

基于空间计量模型,使用中国省级层面数据探究劳动力市场扭曲程度和贸易依存度对地区全要素生产率的影响.研究结果表明,劳动力市场扭曲抑制了地区经济增长,贸易开放水平对经济发展有着正向促进作用.对比中国不同区域可以发现,东部地区在劳动力市场与国际贸易市场上发展较为完善,中西部地区还需缓和中西部地区农业部门与非农部门的劳动力市场不平衡、增加贸易对外开放程度、增加企业自主研发等方式来提升地区全要素生产率.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of trade openness and capital account openness in influencing financial development in Malaysia. The empirical findings using the bounds testing approach demonstrate that trade openness and capital account openness are positively significant determinants of financial development. However, there is no empirical support of the hypothesis that the simultaneous opening of both trade and capital accounts is necessary for financial development to take place. The evidence is valid for three banking sector development and two stock market development indicators.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of international trade with newly industrialized countries (NICs) on wage inequality in the European Union (EU). We apply a two-stage mandated wage-estimation procedure to assess the respective impact of trade and technology on the relative wages of low-skilled workers. We find weak evidence of a positive impact on the wages of high-skilled workers with regards to trade with high-wage South-East Asian NICs but no evidence for other groups of NICs. We also find evidence of technological change, induced by trade with high-wage South-East Asian NICs. However, this indirect effect of international trade seems to have reduced wage inequality in the EU.  相似文献   

文章通过把女性生育率和劳动力市场性别歧视内生化,为理解工资不平等的发展趋势提供了新的视角。研究表明,随着女性家庭地位上升和生育率下降,企业性别歧视程度降低,于是工资不平等将受女性技术工人和非技术工人生育率差异的影响。如果生育率差异扩大,那么技能溢价将上升。当性别工资差距可以影响女性家庭地位时,生育率下降将扩大女性家庭地位对技能溢价的影响。这一影响机制在关于我国农民工调查数据的实证研究中得到了验证。  相似文献   

金融危机对新兴市场国家贸易影响的动态效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化的大背景下,金融危机严重影响部分国家甚至全球的经济运行。作为目前全球增长的最大贡献力量,以出口导向为主要特征的新兴市场国家,面临金融危机时常表现出高频性和脆弱性。文章通过引力模型的实证分析得出:危机爆发年中,货币贬值都对进口和出口产生消极影响,且对进口的影响程度大于出口;危机爆发接下来的两年期间,货币贬值促进出口增长,进口依然下降。另外,金融危机对国际贸易的冲击反应表明:总体上,危机期间,进口不断下降,而对出口的影响轨迹在1980-1995年间呈"U"型,在1996-2007年间表现为短期即刻下降,而后迅速上升,第二年后恢复并超过危机前正常水平。  相似文献   

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