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经济全球化使各种生产要素在全球范围内优化组合和资源优化配置,从而促进全球经济的迅速发展,其特征是生产、交换、分配、消费的全球化。它是一把“双刃剑”。它在推动全球生产力大发展、加速世界经济增长的同时,也带来一些负面影响,特别是对发展中国家而言,可以说是积极影响和消极冲击同在、发展机遇和严峻挑战并存。发展中国家要根据本国的实际情况,确定本国参与经济全球化的步骤、速度和深度,采取有利的战略决策和方针政策,完善其应对策略。  相似文献   

叶迎 《改革与战略》2010,26(7):33-36
文章从国际垂直分工引起贸易增长的视角研究中国收入分配不平等问题。文章认为,垂直专业化使得贸易扩张和收入在不同部门之间的分配产生差异,最后导致收入不平等的扩大。  相似文献   

张燕航 《科技和产业》2015,15(2):124-127
发展中国家的技术创新和发达国家的技术创新有一定的共性,但发展中国家的技术创新还存在一些特殊问题:发展中国家技术创新起点低,市场动力不足,技术创新投入有限,发达国家的技术封锁和技术压制,技术轨道锁定等。文章从发展中国家的技术创新存在的特殊问题出发,结合技术轨道理论提出相应对策。  相似文献   

A competitive general equilibrium model of production is specified and the long-run comparative static elasticities of changing prices on factor prices are examined in eight developing and newly industrialized countries. Unskilled labor in these developing countries stands to gain from a program of global free trade characterized by increased manufacturing exports and falling prices of imported business services, while capital owners and skilled labor lose. Results are contrasted with developed countries, the United States in particular, where unskilled labor will lose while capital and skilled labor enjoy gains with global free trade.  相似文献   

王力  徐松 《华东经济管理》2007,21(10):27-30
20世纪50年代以来,发展中国家为改变自身畸形的经济结构,改变自身在国际分工中的不利地位,从未间断探索适合本国经济发展的道路.在贸易战略上,发展中国家经历了初级产品出口导向型战略、进口替代型战略到出口导向型战略的转变.文章以发展中国家贸易战略的演变为线索,以发展的眼光多角度的评论这三种贸易战略的效应.  相似文献   

蒙代尔-弗莱明模型在发展中大国的适用与延伸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周赞文 《开放导报》2008,(5):105-107
M-F模型是开放经济宏观经济学的基本模型,其存在的缺陷和局限是理论拓展的主要方向。本文对M-F模型的前提假定和分析过程作出了放松和修正,使其适用于发展中大国的情形。并在M-F模型的货币政策效应分析基础上,提出M-F模型在发展中大国的延伸分析方法,即Semi-M-F模型分析方法,指出发展中大国的货币政策是部分起作用的。最后,对Semi-M-F模型分析方法在中国的应用进行评述。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that developing countries differ considerably from their developed counterparts when focus is on the nature and characteristics of short-run macroeconomic fluctuations. Cycles are generally shorter, and the stylized facts of business cycles across countries are more diverse than those of the rather uniform industrialized countries. Supply-side models are generally superior in explaining changes in output, but a “one-size fits all” approach in formulating policy is inappropriate. Our results also illustrate the critical importance of understanding business regularities as a stepping-stone in the process of designing appropriate stabilization policy and macroeconomic management in developing countries.  相似文献   


Using annual data, the paper studies the time-series evidence regarding the allocation of fluctuations in the exchange rate between demand components, real growth, and price inflation in a sample of developing and advanced countries. The evidence reveals patterns of interaction between the macro-economy and exchange rate variability. Across developing countries, appreciation decreases the cost of imports and price inflation, while depreciation shrinks the output supply, indicating high dependency on imported goods. The reduction in output supply correlates with higher inflation and an increase in the import value. In contrast, the evidence of the negative effect of currency appreciation on output growth is more prevalent across advanced countries, while depreciation stimulates competitiveness, resulting in higher demand for exports, investment and consumption. Across developing countries, exchange rate variability decreases trend real growth and increases trend price inflation. Across advanced countries, exchange rate variability decreases trend real growth while increasing the variability of price inflation and import growth. Minimizing variability of the exchange rate would be beneficial to sustain higher growth and reduce cyclical variability in developing and advanced countries.  相似文献   


This paper examines the effects of macro-economic factors on bank efficiency of commercial banks in Asia, Middle East/North Africa, and Africa. To achieve the objective, the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) was used to simultaneously estimate the parameters of the stochastic frontier and the inefficiency model. The results show that the effect of macro-economic factors on bank efficiency differs across region. Cost inefficiency of the commercial banks in the Asian region is negatively related to the real gross domestic product per capita, credit to the private sector, and market concentration but is positively related to trade openness. Banks cost inefficiency in the Middle East/North Africa is negatively related to trade openness but is positively related to market concentration suggesting that banking market in this region should be more open to competition.  相似文献   

范春燕 《改革与战略》2014,(10):135-140
文章首先分析了海外学者关于中国收入和财富分配不平等问题研究的观点;其次,分析了海外学者对改革与分配相关问题研究的方法与特点;最后在研究的基础上结合我国实际并提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

Using panel unit root tests, we examine purchasing power parity (PPP) for US dollar real exchange rates of developing countries during the current floating rate period. Since evidence of PPP may vary from period to period, we examine the data for moving 10-year periods from 1976–85 up to 1990–99. We organize panels based on country characteristics influencing the validity of PPP. Those characteristics include openness, inflation, and the level and growth rate of per capita GDP. Although we find stronger evidence of PPP after 1980, our examination of panel data over 15 10-year periods yields only limited support for PPP.  相似文献   

自21世纪伊始,在经济全球化日益发展的趋势下,不断加大对外开放的力度已成为发展中国家的必然选择。但是,由经济全球化所引发的世界经济运行的不确定性和风险的日益增加,使一些国家尤其是发展中国家经常面临着经济安全问题的严峻挑战。本文从发展中国家经济安全影响机制的基本思路分析,提出对发展中国家如何趋利避害,积极应对经济全球化所带来的经济安全问题提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies episodes of current-account reversal in developing countries (DCs) in the period 1965–1994. First, a number of persistent shifts (reversals) in the current-account balance dynamics are identified by structural break and segmented trend tests; then, the relationship between these reversals and a set of fundamentals suggested by the intertemporal approach to the current account is investigated in a panel-data set-up. We find that fundamentals play a different role in episodes of persistent deterioration or improvement of the current-account balance in DCs.  相似文献   

傅如荣 《改革与战略》2010,26(1):170-173
传统贸易利益的取得面临全球化带来的要素流动性以及多边体制的政策约束的限制,贸易带来的技术进步和创新应成为发展中国家追求的贸易利益的重点。贸易对技术进步特别是技术扩散有重大的促进作用,而且离开了国际贸易的开放,充分利用国际技术扩散和转移促进经济增长的努力将很难取得成效。东亚新兴经济体的实践也证明了这一点。  相似文献   

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