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柴雷鹰  杨飞云 《商业研究》2001,(11):102-103
目前在风险投资业发达的国家主要投资形式是有限合伙制,是对公司型风险投资机构的一种制度创新.但我国的法律还未承认这种形式,其他条件还不成熟,所以我国现阶段还不能实行.但是,在实际运作中经过制度“变形”,将有限合伙人与普通合伙人的特殊代理关系引入到现存的风险投资机构中,探索出一条发展的新模式.  相似文献   

在"热发行"时期会伴随相对较多的资金寻找投资机会,而IPO是风险投资机构退出所投资公司并寻找其他投资机会的有效工具.通过风险投资机构定价决策模型建立首次公开发行价格、出售比例、公司价值、新项目受益这四者之间的函数关系,可以说明,风险投资机构退出原来企业的主要原因是在"热发行"时期市场上高利润的新项目较多,收益相对较大,使得这一时期的风险投资机构急于以低于公司价值的价格出售大部分股票以筹措更多资金投资新的项目,获得利益的最大化.  相似文献   

本文从风险投资的三方关系入手,研究投资行为发生后,在风险投资运作的过程中,风险投资公司与风险企业的策略选择对投资者的影响,得出投资者是前二者策略选择的被动接受者这一结论,最后根据投资者的这一困境,给出保护投资者利益的对策。  相似文献   

<正> 自风险投资在国内兴起并形成热潮以来,如何建立健全公司内部运营和管理机制,推动风险投资业务的发展一直是风险投资公司所面临的问题。为此,各风险投资公司不断创新、积极探索符合自身特点的运作模式。本文拟就风险投资业务运作中股权代持和管理股赠送的会计处理问题进行探讨。一、“股权代持”的会计处理问题在风险投资业务中,有的公司  相似文献   

自风险投资在国内兴起并形成热潮以来,如何建立健全公司内部运营和管理机制,推动风险投资业务的发展一直是风险投资公司所面临的问题。为此,各风险投资公司不断创新、积极探索符合自身特点的运作模式。本拟就风险投资业务运作中股权代持和管理股赠送的会计处理问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

税收政策促进我国风险投资业的若干思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄凤羽 《财贸经济》2001,(12):53-56
风险投资(Venture Capital)1946产生于美国.我国1985年成立了第一家专营风险投资的全国性金融机构--中国高技术创业投资公司(简称"中创"),1998年3月民建中央"一号提案"①后,风险投资成为各界关注的焦点.有关资料显示,截止到2000年底,我国已有风险投资机构近200家,投资资本总额超过300亿元.但从总体上看,我国风险投资业的发展水平还不高,科技成果的产业化、商业化程度还很低,与当今世界高科技产业迅猛发展的需要还有很大差距,同时,当前我国风险投资的发展中还存在着政府行为的若干越位和缺位的现象.  相似文献   

任秋芳 《消费导刊》2009,(16):70-70
风险投资运作的关键是对风险投资项目进行评估。由于风险投资评估在我国兴起较晚,对风险投资项目的评估的研究仍处于探索阶段,我国的风险投资公司运作亟待规范。本文对于提高风险投资项目评估规范性和准确性,提出了建立适合国情的评估体系等一些建议。  相似文献   

我国风险投资机制模式的构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卓敏  李彦 《财贸经济》2003,(5):54-57
我国发展风险投资事业于80年代中期创建以来,风险投资机构运作效果并不理想,其主要原因在于我国尚未建立起完善的风险投资机制.本文在分析存在的主要问题的基础上,探讨了风险投资机制模式的构造,即:以政府资金为引导,民间资本为主体的风险资本筹集机制和循环机制;市场化的风险资本运作机制;完善的退出机制;有力的政策法规支持.  相似文献   

近年,小额贷款公司在我国迅速发展。作为一种新型商业化组织,其商业风险管理问题日益突出,影响了机构可持续性发展和金融市场稳定本文结合小额贷款公司自身特征、信用风险特殊性和实际运作特征,研究提出基于风险控制措施的小贷公司风险审计方法。  相似文献   

唐红娟 《商场现代化》2007,(24):174-175
公司制和有限合伙制是现代风险投资两种主要的组织制度。风险投资公司治理的问题比普通公司的更为突出和复杂。通过比较,有限合伙制能有效解决风险投资公司治理问题,具有较高的运作效率和治理效果,是风险投资组织制度的理想选择。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence on financing technology-based small firms (TBSFs) in Europe. European TBSFs finance new investments by relying primarily on internal funds, due to capital market failures induced by asymmetric information. European venture capital has caught up with US venture capital, but this is mainly because of the growth in UK venture investments. It is unclear whether European venture capital has been able to certify the quality and enhance the growth of funded companies. Compared with the NASDAQ, there is little development of trading in high-tech stocks in Europe: the so-called New Markets established in the 1990s collapsed in the wake of the Internet bubble crash. Public venture capital and research and development (R&D) tax incentives seem to have positively affected high-tech firms.  相似文献   

当前,由于风险投资在高新技术企业中所占的股权巨大,使得高新技术企业的公司治理变得复杂、特殊.风险资本市场本身具有风险性强、涉及范围广等特点,只有使其功能充分发挥出来,才能促进风险资本的合理开发,促进高新技术企业的技术创新,才能使高新技术企业的公司治理顺利开展.本文主要从风险资本最基本的运作原理入手,分析目前高新技术企业的公司治理过程中存在的风险,以及高新技术企业如何在各种风险中吸引风险投资.  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical examination of high-tech firm location data from 1953 to 1990 to show a dramatic shift in geographic centre of what is now called Silicon Valley. Universities (most notably Stanford), venture capital and law firms acted as magnets for divisions of established firms and local start-ups. These institutions combined with the Santa Clara County’s available land to pull the high-tech region’s epicentre south-eastwards from San Francisco, an early source of investment capital and legal expertise. These findings add another element (spatial change) for consideration in explaining the evolution of industry clusters.  相似文献   

李建良  濮江 《财贸研究》2004,15(3):73-75
风险投资的内在运行机制是“合理预期高收益和合理控制高风险”。由此 ,风险投资的投资对象不是人们一般意义上所理解的“高成长的中小企业”、“高科技企业”或“风险企业” ;国内争论颇多的“创业投资”与“风险投资”并没有本质不同 ,此种译名之争 ,其实强调的是各自不同的侧面 ;为解决风险投资的退出机制 ,以过低的上市标准来设计、推出创业板是一个错误的选择。  相似文献   

朱军 《北方经贸》2002,(5):52-54
风险投资在经济发展中起着十分重要的作用 ,特别表现在 2 0世纪 90年代的美国经济中。然而 ,风险投资在中国的运作并不理想 ,主要是由于退出机制方面的问题。事实上 ,退出机制是关系到风险投资运作的关键因素。为了更好地促进中国高新技术企业和成长潜力大的中小企业的发展 ,中国应建立起畅通的退出机制 ,以带动中国经济的新一轮增长。  相似文献   

Venture Capital in Spain by Stage of Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the investment decisions of 51 Spanish venture capital firms by stage of development. The results showed that venture capitalists ranked evaluation criteria related to the characteristics of the entrepreneurs, manager background, and management team experience as more important than market and product characteristics. Factors affecting the required rate of return were more important for the early-stage firms than for late-stage firms. Discounted cash flow analysis is the most frequently used valuation method. Private venture capital firms invest more during late development stages, while public venture capital firms invest more during the early stages. The results can be used by firms seeking venture capital, venture capital firms, consultants, and support agencies that provide capital-acquisition assistance. By gaining insight into decision criteria and processes, firms can develop better and more targeted materials to attract capital. Venture capital firms can use the information from this study to better understand their decision processes, individually and relative to competitors. Consultants and support agencies can use the information to provide better advice to both firms and venture capital firms. Information is this study could easily be built into training programs for both new and existing businesses. Finally, the results can also be incorporated directly into university courses that include material related to venture capital.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first analysis of the internationalization of venture capital firms through an examination of risk assessment and information usage by firms in India. Personal interviews were conducted with executives in 31 (84%) of the active venture capital firms. The paper extends previous research by comparing perceptions of the behavior of domestic venture capital firms in India, foreign (primarily U.S.) venture capital firms in India and U.S. venture capital firms in their domestic markets. Foreign firms in India place significantly greater emphasis on product market factors and accountants' reports than domestic firms in India. They place significantly less emphasis on financial contributions of management in assessing risk and own due diligence and information from entrepreneurs than do U.S. firms in their domestic market. They make more use of information from trade publications and relating to production capacity and technology and information from accountants' reports than do domestic venture capital firms in India. The evidence is consistent with venture capital firms adapting to local market conditions rather than implementing "recipes" from their domestic markets.  相似文献   

The networking of 464 venture capital firms is analyzed by examining their joint investments in a sample of 1501 portfolio companies for the period 1966–1982. Some of the factors that influence the amount of networking are the innovativeness, technology, stage, and industry of the portfolio company. Using the resource exchange model, we reason that the relative amount of networking is explained primarily by the degree of uncertainty associated with an investment rather than by the sum of money invested.Among the findings of our study about venture capitalists are the following:The top 61 venture capital firms that managed 57% of the pool of venture capital in 1982 had an extensive network. Three out of four portfolio companies had at least one of the top 61 venture capital firms as an investor. Those top 61 firms network among themselves and with other venture capital firms. Hence they have considerable influence.Sharing of information seems to be more important than spreading of financial risk as a reason for networking. There is no difference in the degree of co-investing of large venture capital firms—those with the deep pockets—and small firms. Furthermore, where there is more uncertainty, there is more co-investing, even though the average amount invested per portfolio company is less. That, we argue, is evidence that the primary reason for co-investing is sharing of knowledge rather than spreading of financial risk. Venture capital firms gain access to the network by having knowledge that other firms need.It is likely that there will be increasing specialization by venture capital firms. Knowledge is an important distinctive competence of venture capital firms. That knowledge includes information such as innovations, technology, and people in specific industry segments. Among the portfolios of the top 61 venture capital firms are ones with a concentration of low innovative companies, others with a concentration of high innovative technology companies, and others with a no particular concentration. As technology changes rapidly and grows more and more complex, we expect that venture capitalists will increasingly specialize according to type of companies in which they invest. Only the largest firms with many venture capitalists will be like “department stores,” which invest in all types of companies. The smaller firms with only a few venture capitalists will tend to be more like “boutiques” which invest in specific types of companies, or in specific geographical regions around the world.We think that the networking of venture capital firms has the following implications for entrepreneurs:Entrepreneurs should seek funds from venture firms that are known to invest in their type of product. It speeds the screening process. If the venture capital firm decides to invest, it can syndicate the investment through its network of similar firms. And after the investment has been made, the venture capital firms can bring substantial expertise to the entrepreneur's company.Entrepreneurs should not hawk their business plans indiscriminately. Through their networks, venture firms become aware of plans that have been rejected by other firms. A plan that gets turned down several times is unlikely to be funded. Thus it is better to approach venture capital firms selectively.The extensive network of the leading venture capital firms probably facilitates the setting of a “market rate” for the funds they invest. The going rate for venture capital is not posted daily. Nevertheless, details of the most recent deals are rapidly disseminated through venture capitalists' networks. Hence, that helps to set an industry-wide rate for the funds being sought by entrepreneurs.Lastly, we give the following advice to strategic planners:Venture capital firms share strategic information that is valuable to others outside their network. Since they often invest in companies with emerging products and services, venture capitalists gather valuable strategic information about future innovations and technological trends. Thus, strategic planners should tap into venture capitalists' networks, and thereby gain access to that information. It is sometimes information of the sort that can revolutionize an industry.  相似文献   

Venture capital is a primary and unique source of funding for small firms because these firms (with sales and/or assets under $5 million) have very limited access to traditional capital markets. Venture capital is a substitute, but not a perfect substitute, for trade credit, bank credit, and other forms of financing for small firms. Small businesses are not likely to be successful in attracting venture capital unless the firms have the potential to provide extraordinary returns to the venture capitalist.This study provides an analysis of a survey of venture capital firms that participate in small business financing. The survey participants are venture capital firms that were 1986 members of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), the largest venture capital association in the United States.The average size of the venture capital firms responding to the survey is $92 million dollars in assets, with a range from $600 thousand to $500 million. Twenty-three percent of the respondents have total assets below $20 million, and 27% have assets above $100 million.The venture capitalists' investment (assets held) in small firms delineate the supply of venture capital to small firms. Sixty-three of the 92 venture capitalists' have more than 70% of their assets invested in small firms.The venture capitalists were asked how their investment plans might change with changes in the tax law that were projected in the spring of 1986. Fifty-four percent expected to increase their investments in small firms, and 38% did not expect to change these activities.Venture capitalists are very selective in allocating their resources. The average number of annual requests that a venture capitalist receives is 652, and the median number is 500: only 11.5 of the respondents receive more than 1,000 proposals per year.  相似文献   

信息不对称是契约理论的核心概念 ,是交易契约设计的最基本原因。目前很多研究者都倾向于风险投资过程中的信息不对称主要来自于高新技术的不确定性 ,认为信息缺口是因人们对某种专业知识的缺乏。在风险投资契约过程中 ,信息不对称的根源并不是自然技术的外生不确定性 ,而是人力资本的内生不确定性 ,具体表现为人力资本投入、产出、退出三个方面的不确定性。风险投资的契约设计应基于人力资本的不确定性。风险投资应分段进行并设计好剩余索取权分配与剩余控制权安排等契约条款。  相似文献   

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