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食品安全一直以来都是人们关注的焦点话题,从以往社会报道的各类食品质量安全事件来看,食品安全问题的发生不仅与相关法规制度不完善有关,更与食品检验技术落后密切相关。基于此,本文概述了食品工程质量与食品安全现状,从食品工程中生产加工原料、生产加工环节以及食品包装3个生产因素入手,探究影响食品工程安全质量的主要因素,分析了食品安全方面存在的不足,并提出相应的解决对策。 相似文献
陈培基 《中国国土资源经济》1989,2(12):18-23
本文论述了设备租赁的租金计算标准的制定原则是:租赁双方都能受益;对系统内外的租赁应有区别;要区别设备的新旧程度;要区别租期的长短;以及合理解决设备修理费的分担。文章还结合地矿系统的情况,对设备租金的构成及其计算标准的确定方法谈了个人的意见。 相似文献
重庆市土地租赁户农作物选择机制及其对粮食安全的威胁 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究目的:通过对重庆市自耕模式和土地流转模式下主要农作物收益和成本进行比较分析,揭示土地流转成本—收益胁迫下农户农作物选择及其对粮食安全的威胁。研究方法:成本收益分析。研究结果:在区位条件好的地方,土地租金占农户现金成本的比例高达61.77%;土地流转成本—收益胁迫下,农户最优选择是种植收益率更高的马铃薯、茄子和萝卜等蔬菜作物,压缩稻谷、玉米等粮食作物;土地租金压力测试表明蔬菜作物可承受压力远大于粮食作物,这使得粮食作物缺乏竞争力;土地流转增多将减少粮食作物种植比重,并威胁地区粮食安全。研究结论:为保障粮食安全,建议地方政府应根据各种农作物的成本收益对粮食作物种植大户提供政策补贴,通过农业保险等市场化手段解决经济作物种植风险。 相似文献
The objective of this study is to develop a simultaneous equations model of profitability, concentration, advertising expenditures and research and development outlays for the food manufacturing indushies in the United States. The data used in the estimation are subjected to regression diagnostics in an effort to determine the importance to the estimation results of a subset of the data that can have a disproportionate influence. The estimation results, especially for the advertising expenditures relationship and the research and development outlays equation, do change when a truncated data sample (based on the omission of the outliers) is used. This serves partly to explain why there is some disagreement in the literature on market structure and economic performance with regard to the impact of several economic factors. 相似文献
牛肉是西餐主要的食材之一.本文通过对牛肉的初加工技术进行分析,探究对西餐牛肉类进行食品安全控制的措施,以提高牛肉类产品的整体质量,使西餐牛肉类产品能够达到我国食品安全的标准. 相似文献
Munisamy Gopinath 《Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie》2003,51(1):97-107
In this study, cross-country differences in the food processing industry's technology are investigated. A value-added function is estimated using panel data comprising of 13 developed countries and the 1975–95 period. Evidence of nonconstant returns to scale and differences in technology across countries is statistically significant. The United States is the leader in terms of the level of total factor productivity followed by Japan, Germany, France and Canada in that order. The growth rates and levels of productivity are inversely related, and the speed of productivity convergence is 2.6% per year. In addition to impacting future growth and international trade analyses, the study has implications for competitiveness of the food processing industry. 相似文献
我国水土流失治理机制研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
一、水土流失治理的进展(一 )水土流失治理的总体进展最近 50多年来 ,全国水土流失治理工作取得了巨大成就。截至 2 0 0 0年底 ,初步治理水土流失面积 87.41万平方公里 ,占同期水土流失面积的 2 3 .82 %。其中 ,兴修梯田 1 475.2 1万公顷 ,筑坝淤地、治沙造田 2 57.2 2万公顷 , 相似文献
Stefan Hirsch Jan Schiefer Adelina Gschwandtner Monika Hartmann 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2014,65(3):703-721
This paper decomposes the variance in EU food industry return‐on‐assets into year, country, industry and firm effects using a hierarchical linear model (HLM). The HLM approach accounts for some of the methodological drawbacks of conventional approaches of variance decomposition such as anova and components of variance and additionally allows the estimation of the impact of covariates within each effect level. The results for selected EU countries show that firm effects are far more important than industry structure in determining food industry profitability. In particular, firm size and industry concentration are drivers of profitability while firm risk and age as well as industry growth have a negative influence. 相似文献
食品生产加工质量安全直接关系着人们的身体健康和生命安全,而随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,对食品生产加工质量安全的要求也不断提升.同时,食品生产加工的质量备受社会各方面的高度关注,是衡量国民幸福指数的重要因素.本文从食品生产加工的基础条件、质量标准和法律保障等方面进行论证,探析建立食品生产加工过程的质量... 相似文献
Demonstrating compliance with food safety requirements of the global food economy is a prerequisite for access. This article presents an overview of the governance within global value chains and their impact on the prospects of developing countries accessing and participating in the global food manufacturing value chain. Based on fieldwork undertaken in Ghana, the article investigates the issues that hinder compliance of the Ghanaian food manufacturing sector with the basic requirements of food safety and investigates the potential role of a technical regulation in enhancing compliance, and therefore participation, in the global food manufacturing economy. 相似文献