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Enterprise's Culture Is the Economy of Tomorrow The enterprise's culture is directly connected to the fortune of the enterprise,life or death. Famory Group is an embroider factory which has developed from an almost brankrupt one to a present booming wedding dress and full dress manufacturer. The successful road of the company originates from the enterprise's culture with Famory feature, meaning culture of mission first, culture of human first,culture of precise and initiative organization system, and unique enterprise image culture.  相似文献   

经过前一期的贸易摩擦和我国伴随着经济高速增长后与一些亚洲国家的成本比较,不难得出结论:我们已经不能在纺织品服装出口贸易中再走比较优势的老路了。在这一转变和升级的过程中,创建自有的、有国际影响力的知名品牌是下一个阶段的必然选择。  相似文献   

Objective: This study was to determine if calcium fortification yields a higher price per serving in grocery store products. Researchers compared store brand to national brand grocery products in relation to cost in order to examine if calcium values were similar between store brand and national brand products. Methods: A total of 112 store brand and 211 national brand grocery products were collected from three low (national chain store), middle and high priced (Virginia and North Carolina regional store) grocery venues. Products were compared using price and calcium percentage per serving. ANOVA was used to determine between store brand and national brand for price per serving and calcium content, and between grocery venues. Results: National brand fortified products had a significantly lower mean price per serving when compared to national brand non-fortified products (p = 0.0002). There was no statistical difference between store brand fortified and non-fortified products (p = 0.9256). Low priced store brand products had the lowest mean price per serving ($0.34 ±0.24). Conclusions: This study found store brand products have similar calcium content as national brand products. Product cost was lower at low priced store compared to middle and high priced stores.  相似文献   

国家品牌效应:欧盟品牌全球营销的利器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家品牌效应不同于原产地和国家品牌形象,它是一个国家的整体品牌形象对某个企业的品牌形象产生的影响.文章以两个在中国市场上的欧盟品牌为例,分析它们在中国市场成功运用国家品牌效应的两个条件,一是消费者对产品不熟悉,二是消费者能够清晰地识别国家品牌形象.  相似文献   

戴贤远 《商业研究》2003,(12):96-97
民族品牌没有正式的定义,但是却有深厚的文化底蕴。弘扬这些文化底蕴,是宣传民族品牌的捷径。移情作用在传达人的情感时有重要意义,因此,品牌宣传中,使用移情手法,传播速度最快,影响最深刻。古典诗词的韵味对民族品牌的文化底蕴有特殊的影响,在广告标识语中运用文化移情方法,可以产生绵长的韵味,加深民族品牌的文化底蕴。  相似文献   

WhenhotdiscussionsonbrandnamesquietlydisappearweTheChinaInt'lBrandStrategyConference(CIBS)washeldinBeijinginthespringof1998.AndtheChinaBrandStrategyinternationalSeminarandChinaBrandProductsExhibitionwillbeheldinBeijinginMaythisyear.Thefocusofthetwoconferencesisbrandstrategy,somethingthesponsorsoftheconferencesconsidernotamake-shiftbutalong-termphenomena.Brandnameisdifferentfromothernames.ItisonlyadreamforthosewhowanttocreateChineseandInternationalbrandsthroughafewroundsofmajorbrand…  相似文献   

彭怡 《商业研究》2001,(3):48-49,58
对近几年来中国的几个著名服装品牌的实例分析,加入WTO后,经济国际化的今天,中国服装品牌的创立思路及品牌运作的几种经营模式,对品牌经营提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

政府主导下我国民族品牌发展战略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府主导下我国民族品牌发展存在的问题,主要体现在法律法规不健全,影响企业品牌维护成本;地方政府急功近利,影响企业品牌建设;评价体系不完善,品牌评选缺乏统一标准等方面。应建立健全品牌保护的法律法规,整顿维护市场秩序;规范品牌评价体系,完善品牌评价机制;支持企业自主创新,创建自主知名品牌;建立品牌推广制度,提升民族品牌知名度;制定品牌战略发展规划,加快实施品牌战略。  相似文献   

周环宇 《广告大观》2005,(12):165-165
11月18日,以一曲《知心爱人》扬名乐坛的付迪生和任静夫妇,出现在央视黄金资源广告招标现场中,并以投标者的身份高调举牌竞标。付迪生和任静代表的是江西仁和药业,作为该公司主打产品——妇炎洁的形象代言人,付迪生在中标后对记者表示,希望2006年央视的广告中,他们作为代言人能够为仁和集团品牌形象的提升贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

Drawing on literature underpinning brand management in marketing, product life cycles in economics, fads in sociology and aging in biology, this paper argues that brand demise is inevitable and not necessarily caused by managerial incompetence. Rather, this demise is a natural part of a brand's developmental process, instigated by consumers seeking to satisfy not only their material needs (constitutive utility), but also their self-image (symbolic utility). This paper presents a model of brand senescence to explain this phenomenon and concludes with a discussion of the implications for managerial practice and marketing theory.  相似文献   


In the era of the Internet and networking, stakeholders increasingly acquire power by influencing brand value and meanings. However, this does not imply that marketing managers have lost their power over brand creation and management. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore brand power relationships taking the co-evolutionary perspective as conceptual lenses. In particular, this article seeks to address the competitive relationship between the corporation and its stakeholders in determining the corporate brand evolution over time, suggesting that corporate brand management is successful when co-evolving power relationships are established. The relational interplay between managers and stakeholders is framed into the Brand Power Relationship Model that suggests four potential evolutionary paths. It offers new brand typologies supported by examples from business practices, which mirror four different ways of managing and adapting brands over time; namely, through the None’s Brand, the Managers’ Brand, the Stakeholders’ Brand, and the Co-Evolutionary Brand. Focusing on the latter, this study depicts managers and stakeholders as having reciprocal influences and co-determining themselves, thus triggering interrelated relational effects that influence corporate brand evolution over time. The bilateral power of managers and stakeholders is framed into a further model, focused on corporate brand co-evolution. It is proposed that corporate brands can successfully co-create their value and meanings over time only if corporations co-evolve with their environment—in this study, multiple external stakeholders.  相似文献   

<正>当前国内市场已经进入“品牌独尊”的时代。一方面,从与社会交流的显形符号商品如汽车、服装、手机、手表,到居家过日子的香皂、面包甚至木梳、卫生纸,品牌成为广大消费者选购产品考虑的关键要素;另一方面,在这个信息泛滥的时代,消费者对传播过度的各种信息很难形成深刻印象,品牌的打造和提升愈发艰难。在这种背景下,一个新兴品牌想在很短的时间内让广大消费者知晓并且产生信任,几乎没有可能。企业即使进行巨额投资进行品牌建设,也很难获得如期的品牌地位。因为在原有领域,强势品牌已经占据了相应的市场地位,在消费者心目中盘踞一定的心理份额,也就是业界常说的“Share of mind”,形成了较高的品牌壁垒。“罗马并非一日建成的”,品牌投资是一个长期过程,品牌投入或许很快扩大品牌的知名度,但很难形成品牌信任。  相似文献   


Corporate advertising has become a significant business activity. That fact is important for brand managers because consumers' knowledge formed from corporate advertising may influence the way they think about brands the company markets. Brand managers must understand how such potential influence may occur and manage it to their advantage. The authors explore four key questions brand managers should consider in that context. In presenting answers, they integrate several literatures and propose a conceptual framework with a set of research propositions. Finally, they describe general directions for future research.  相似文献   


In their quest for retaining or enhancing their overall brand equity, firms engage with their customers. This study investigates if brand engagement blossoms in brand love and the combined effect of brand engagement and brand love upon overall brand equity and purchase intention. A two stage analysis was done on data collected from 548 respondents through a self administered questionnaire. In the first stage the measurement model was checked for reliability and validity, while in the second one, the strength of the relationships was ascertained in the structural model. The study enables an in-depth understanding of the antecedents of brand equity. It provides valuable theoretical insights on the determinants of brand equity formation. At the same time, it explores the effect of socio demographic variables like gender and usage. Brand love and overall brand equity mediate relationships. This study proposes a new branding model by simultaneously integrating variables that have been previously researched upon; brand love, brand experience, overall brand equity and purchase intention as one comprehensive model. This paper confirms that brand love and brand engagement are second order constructs and important brand mix elements. Brand engagement and brand love relationship is moderated by usage and gender.  相似文献   

产品与服务的品牌资产比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于品牌资产对产品更重要还是对服务更重要这一问题,学术界的研究结论并不一致.本文采用问卷调查的研究方法,直接和间接测量了搜索、体验和信任属性的产品和服务共12个品牌的品牌资产,并对两者的测量结果进行比较和讨论.结果表明:品牌资产对于无形的服务更为重要,消费者在选择有形的产品时,则更倾向于通过支付溢价来确保质量;在所有属性的产品中,品牌资产对于搜索属性的产品最为重要;而所有属性的服务中,其品牌资产的重要性是相同的.  相似文献   

文章通过文献研究和访谈提炼消费者品牌钟爱的维度,在品牌钟爱对品牌忠诚总体性直接作用研究的基础上,进一步探索品牌钟爱与品牌忠诚的维度间关系,同时引入品牌敏感作为中介变量,构建了包含品牌钟爱对品牌忠诚直接作用与间接作用的关系模型。基于消费者运动鞋品牌的实证研究发现:品牌钟爱包含品牌满意与信任、品牌激情、品牌依恋三个维度;品牌激情对品牌行为忠诚有直接的正向作用,品牌依恋对品牌行为忠诚和品牌态度忠诚均有直接的正向作用;品牌满意与信任、品牌依恋对品牌敏感均有正向作用,并以品牌敏感为中介,对品牌行为忠诚和品牌态度忠诚产生间接的正向作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to conceptualize the value creation process in brand alliances using a dynamic approach, based upon the literature on strategic alliances and inter organizational relationships, to explain the importance of organizational components in brand alliances. The research question is to identify the key components which allow the creation and sustaining of value: context, actors, objectives, behaviors, resources, and governance mechanisms, internal and external conditions affecting the value creation process. Then the framework is applied in case studies of brand alliances in the food market. We show that the impact of these components depends on the nature of the organizations involved, on market conditions and on the manner resources and governance mechanisms are combined together.  相似文献   

As a kind of building material, lacquer is very necessarily used in the room fitment. In order to protect the indoor environment and avoid the emission of poisonous gas, people always choose those high-quality imported lacquer despite the high price. However, a new Chinese brand lacquer has been produced, it's called East Man.  相似文献   


Purpose: The research reported on here set out to develop a tailored branding model for business to business (B-to-B) services by applying the brand resonance pyramid to a selected B-to-B services context.

The brand resonance pyramid was developed based on research that was predominantly consumer product or individual brand oriented, though one of the objectives when the model was developed was that “the model had to be versatile and applicable to all possible kinds of brands and industry settings. As more diverse applications of branding continued to emerge for products, services, organizations, people, places, and so forth, the model needed to have far-ranging relevance”. The brand resonance pyramid therefore had to be applicable to any context, including B-to-B services contexts. However, consumer goods branding strategies are not directly transferable to B-to-B or services markets and there are documented differences between the B-to-B and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets and products and services contexts. There is also doubt regarding the validity of the contention that the brand resonance pyramid should be applicable to the B-to-B sector.

Methodology: Using an interpretivist qualitative research approach and an exploratory research strategy, the Servbrand framework was developed empirically by applying the brand resonance pyramid to a selected B-to-B services context. Fourteen useful in-depth interviews were obtained from appropriate and information rich participants that represented more than 14 of the 89 organization that were included in the selection frame. Some of the participants were responsible for the relevant decisions of more than one organization.

Findings: The results from the study reported on here (summarized as Figure 5) prompted the inclusion of a people dimension and elevated the importance of relationships in an amended B-to-B services brand equity framework. The people brand-building block includes the dimensions of attitude and demeanor, personality and values, personableness, product knowledge and client knowledge. Relationships, as the ultimate aim of the framework, concern both interpersonal relationships and partnerships.

The article presents a conceptual framework to guide effective brand building strategies in a selected B-to-B services context. Researchers can use the framework to test its applicability in other contexts, which will contribute to the amendment of a significant brand equity management framework.

The Servbrand framework can assist marketing practitioners to improve the effectiveness of strategic brand management for B-to-B services.

Contribution: The empirical research contributes to three areas of brand equity research, namely: 1) the offering type – by investigating service offerings rather than product offerings; 2) the brand level – by investigating organization-level brands rather than product-level brands; and 3) context – by investigating a B-to-B context rather than a B2C context. A revised brand resonance pyramid is proposed and called the Servbrand framework.  相似文献   

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