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巴西“贫民窟”现象的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴西是南美大国,经济实力居南美各国首位,居于世界经济前十位,面积851.42万平方公里,人口约1.8亿。1967-1974年,巴西国民生产总值连续八年平均以10.1%的速度递增,创造了巴西奇迹,人均国内生产总值已达4000美元。上世纪80年代巴西经济严重衰退,  相似文献   

刘华 《经贸实践》2014,(4):58-58
浙江人正在进行一场“圈地”运动,且风潮来势汹汹。据不完全统计,目前已有50万浙商在全球40多个国家和地区从事农、林、牧、渔等产业,承包土地面积300余万亩;跨省承包5000万亩土地务农开发,面积已超本省耕地,相当于再造一个浙江农业。浙商在土地、环境、  相似文献   

巴西石油化工工业起步较早,但其工业生产规模的扩大,技术上的成熟始于80年代。目前巴西基本上探索出了一条自己的发展道路,形成了门类比较齐全的石化工业体系,摆脱了对外国的依赖局面,很快从石化工业产品进口国转为出口国,并已成为世界第七大石油化工产品生产国,与英国平起平坐。  相似文献   

铁平 《经济研究导刊》2013,(19):247-248
中国与巴西同为金砖国家,处在经济迅猛发展阶段,其相互合作意义重大。巴西原材料丰富,中国产品物美价廉,两国良好的经贸关系不仅体现在进出口上,在投资领域,经贸科研等方面也深入合作。近几年签署了多项大型合作项目,贸易往来能够通过本币进行结算,虽然巴西对来自中国进口商品的反倾销调查有所增加,但双边经贸关系发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

巴西政府一直重视汽车制造业的发展并以此作为促进国民经济发展、扩大公共交通、改善工农业和城乡居民交通运输的重要条件之一。三十多年来,巴西借助于外国的资金、技术和经验使本国汽车工业得以振兴和发展。目前,巴西汽车和汽车零配件生产除满足国内外  相似文献   

巴西十分重视电力工业的发展,视电力为发展国民经济的重要条件。巴西政府强调以水电为主,火电和核电为辅的发展方针。经过近20年的努力,巴西电力工业发展颇快,从1962年到1986年电力生产增长10倍,不仅达到了电  相似文献   

巴西酒精生产发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产发展概况巴西早在20年代和30年代就有用甘蔗生产酒精的传统,当时主要用于饮料和香水。1933年成立了全国"糖和酒精局"。但是,酒精生产大发展还是70年代的事。  相似文献   

巴西是南美洲第一大国,也是南美洲贫困现象最严重的国家之一,从上世纪60年代开始,历任巴西政府推行了一系列的反贫困措施解决国内的贫困现象,经过近半个世纪的努力,巴西在经济建设、 社会发展、 扶贫事业方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,为人类反贫困斗争做出了巨大的贡献.我国和巴西同属世界上发展中大国,在国情上有很多相似之处.本文通过对巴西贫困现状进行描述,分析巴西贫困现象产生的原因,总结巴西扶贫开发工作的实践,从而提出对于我国扶贫工作的经验启示.  相似文献   

圣保罗市是巴西最发达的工业城市,而圣保罗州内地城市经过近几十年的努力建设和发展,已成为国家工业领域的后起之秀,形成了除大圣保罗市(包括37个郊区县)以外的全国第二大工业基地,成为内地城镇经济的重要支  相似文献   

巴西劳工法现状及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球化进程加快,中国和巴西作为金砖四国成员国,在政治、经贸等领域的合作不断扩大,我国越来越多的企业到巴西投资兴业。文章论述了巴西劳工法的现状以及投资巴西中资企业的对策建议。  相似文献   

突出特色是旅游规划的灵魂   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
赵毅  牟松 《经济地理》2002,22(5):624-627
旅游业发展需要特色突出的旅游规划,特色突出有利于增强旅游业、旅游景区的吸引力和竞争力。特色不突出导致重复建设,造成资源和投资浪费,也是部分旅游规划存在的缺陷。建立在《旅游规划通则》中,增加突出特色的条目,并通过组建多学科专家队伍,保证完成特色突出、高水平的旅游规划。  相似文献   

Mega‐sporting events such as the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup are expensive affairs. Host countries often justify the spending required to stage these events by predicting that mega‐events will draw large numbers of tourists. This paper analyzes monthly foreign tourist arrivals into Brazil between 2003 and 2015 and finds that the 2014 FIFA World Cup increased foreign tourism by roughly 1 million visitors. This number far exceeded expectations, but we show that roughly a quarter of this increase in foreign tourism was caused by the fortuitous advancement of Argentina's national team, and potential hosts should not count on the event to consistently produce out‐sized tourism figures. We conclude that on‐field results can greatly influence FIFA World Cup tourism. (JEL L83, F14)  相似文献   

This paper proposes a measure of the contribution of unequal opportunities to earnings inequality. Drawing on the distinction between "circumstance" and "effort" variables in John Roemer's work on equality of opportunity, we associate inequality of opportunities with five observed circumstances which lie beyond the control of the individual—father's and mother's education; father's occupation; race; and region of birth. The paper provides a range of estimates of the importance of these opportunity-forming circumstances in accounting for earnings inequality in one of the world's most unequal countries. We also decompose the effect of opportunities into a direct effect on earnings and an indirect component, which works through the "effort" variables. The decomposition is applied to the distribution of male earnings in urban Brazil, in 1996. The five observed circumstances are found to account for between 10 and 37 percent of the Theil index, depending on cohort and allowing for the possibility of biased coefficient estimates due to unobserved correlates. On average, 60 percent of this impact operates through the direct effect on earnings. Parental education is the most important circumstance affecting earnings, but the occupation of the father and race also play a role.  相似文献   

文章以湘中紫色土丘陵综合治理试验区为研究范围,以中国1:100万土地资源图的土地资源分类方法为指导,详细阐述了如何利用GIS的强大空间分析功能进行紫色土丘陵地区的土地资源类型划分,试图为我国南方同类地区的土地资源类型划分工作提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   


Opinions differ about whether family structure, especially fertility, should be considered endogenous in models of behavior in developing countries. Faced with a dearth of good instruments, mainstream researchers often urge working in reduced form and, therefore, losing variables of policy interest or limiting the type of questions they ask to those where good instruments are available. Rather than treating endogeneity as a yes or no characteristic, we suggest instead that researchers consider the likely magnitude of endogeneity bias before moving to reduced form. Facing a situation where endogeneity bias is often presented as a concern but where we expect little endogeneity bias, we tackle endogeneity using multiple econometric techniques not available to the average researcher. We find support for our hypothesis that little bias arises due to the assumption of exogeneity of recent fertility in a model of women's employment.  相似文献   

This paper derives four alternative measures of "hot money" outflows of capital from Latin America's three major debtors–Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. These measures are based on two sources of quarterly data from 1977 to 1986: (i) the balance of payments statistics and (ii) changes in the U.S. bank deposits of non-banking entities in the debtor countries. The portfolio adjustment model then is used to specify the factors influencing capital flight. These factors are grouped into two types. The push factors relate to characteristics of the so-called source countries for capital flight and include the interest and inflation rates, the degree of currency overvaluation, and the environmental risks embodied in both frequent regime changes and the onset of the 1982 debt crisis. The pull factors include the interest and inflation rates in the host country, the United States. The principal findings of the paper show that the push factors alone are significant in explaining capital outflows from Argentina and Brazil. For Mexico, by contrast, the push factors as well as the pull factors are found to be relevant in explaining the behavior of flight capital, as measured by changes in the deposits of Mexican non-bank entities in the U.S. banking system.  相似文献   

The article refutes the contention that Brazil's development has not benefited the poor and that rapid growth has had a polarizing effect on the distribution of income. It uses the National Household Expenditure Survey of 1974–75 to try to quantify the extent of poverty and concludes that the incòme levels of the poor have been underestimated in the past. The evidence suggests also that occupational and regional variables are powerful determinants of income stratification. Wage rate statistics convey information about long-term trends in income. The article notes considerable increases in rural wages during the 1970s as well as wage improvements in the urban informal sector. Shifts in the structure of employment have probably been the most powerful cause of economic improvement in Brazil. The enormous absorption of rural-urban migrants occurred without a flooding of the lower income urban categories. Social indicators and statistics referring to ownership of household durable consumer goods corroborate income and labor market evidence to the effect that there has been considerable progress for the poor during the 1970s. The article reviews statistical evidence bearing on distribution. There is little doubt that the distribution of income in Brazil is very skewed. It is not possible, however, to come to conclusions about changes that might have occurred in the degree of inequality over time. Finally, the article includes data on the “distribution of education” and the “distribution of life expectancy” and notes improvement over time in both. This article takes advantage of the Brazilian population census of 1980 to bring up to date some of the statistical material that bears on the issues of poverty and income distribution. First, the article describes the overall context of Brazilian development since 1960. The second part analyzes the extent of poverty in the mid-1970s. The third part deals with trends in wages, employment and selected welfare indicators. The last section briefly summarizes the information relating to income distribution: what is the extent of skewedness and how has it evolved over time?  相似文献   

Effective governance of cooperatives depends on the pro‐active participation of members in the governance. However, it is commonly argued that, especially in cooperatives with high heterogeneity of membership, additional decision‐making and influencing costs could emerge if members who participate in the governance do so to obtain direct or indirect economic benefits at the individual farm level. The objective of this paper is to assess whether or not farmers’ economic motivations for continued association are relevant drivers of pro‐active participation. Data originate from 148 farmers from a large agricultural cooperative in Brazil. The results suggest that economic motivations for continued association are drivers of participation in the General Assembly, but not of ‘pro‐active’ participation in boards and committees.  相似文献   

世界性的区域经济一体化的动力模式一般都是从市场要素动力模式向制度动力模式演变.CEPA的实施,为"大珠三角"区域经济格局的调整提供了制度机遇,为此,文章提出以区域合作制度为导向,以区域创新为核心,从制度、产业、技术和空间等方面构建新的动力模式框架,以促进"大珠三角"动力模式从分散的市场要素动力模式转向制度动力模式.  相似文献   

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