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A 15:00 on March 8, the Second Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee press .conference was held at press releasing office of the Great Hall, the theme was "CPPCC members talk about the Shanghai World Expo." Wan Jifei, Zhou Hanmin, Cheng Yuechong and Yang Lan attended and answered questions from reporters. Wan Jifei introduced organizing situation of the Expo from four aspects.  相似文献   

The proposals regarding the Shanghai Expo attracted the World Expo committee great concern. During the two sessions, the Shanghai World Expo organizer promised that they will play more active role in holding the expo.Though the world is suffering the global crisis, the organizer believed that this is a rare opportunity and as the World Expo 2010 to be held in Shanghai could help China overcome economic difficulties and lift the world out of the crisis shadow.  相似文献   

From July until November in 2010,which totals up to almost four months,I was employed as astudent ambassadorat the United States Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo.My job responsibilities consisted mostly of introducing the various parts of the Pavilion to Chinese guests(in Chinese of course).Naturally this gave me a lot of time to interact with them and talk to them about their views on the Expo,other countries including the US,and their very own native China.When not working,I would explore the other ...  相似文献   

The World Expo is a huge event sponsored by national governments. It is the world's highest level of comprehensive exhibitions with many countries and international organizations' participation. Since the first Expo held in London in 1851, the Expo has been recording and making tremendous contributions to the prosperity and progress of human civilization in over 150 years. Time proves that the Expo is a great opportunity for the host country to promote economic growth and social development, brings long-term economic and social benefits, as well as enhances its international status. Therefore, almost all countries attach great importance to holding the Expo. It is really a unique opportunity for the hosting country to promote economic development, upgrade,technology, speed up the domestic infrastructure construction, strengthen international cooperation, and display its own civilization.  相似文献   

Renowned as the Olympic Games of culture, economy, science and technology, the i.Shanghai World Expo is around the corner. It is reported that, by the end of January 2010, 90% of the World Expo pavilions have been completed and 18 million tickets have been sold. According to Xinhua news agency, sales value of franchised commodities for the Shanghai World Expo, which is to be held from May i to Oct. 31, have reached RMB 8 billion (US$1.2 billion U.S. dollars) by mid March.  相似文献   

The United States on July 2 confirmed its participation in next year's World Expo in Shanghai, saying it wanted to showcase US technology and values in a bid to boost ties with the Asian giant.  相似文献   

From now to 2010,there is just two years to go,and the preparation work has been all in order.In April,representatives from merebet countries of the International Expositions Bureau listened to the report from the delegation of Shanghai Expo organizers in Paris,and gave high remarks on what they had done.  相似文献   

上海世博会与商业发展新路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年12月3日.中国成功取得了2010年世博会的举办权,承办城市为上海。时间如梭,上海申博成功至今已经整整四年了,而距离举办世博会仅有三年多时间。目前,在全面推进世博会各项筹备工作的时间窗口,有必要加深理解世博会的作用和意义,思考上海商业发展的新路径,并把握时机,积极行动,实现新的跨越。  相似文献   

我们在讨论世博商圈的时候我们要把它的概念弄清楚.什么叫世博商圈呢?它是伴随着世博会举办,这个会场所产生的一种参观者的辐射半径所决定的,也就是说世博商圈不是我们讲的固定讲的一个商业集聚,它的作用只在世博会举办的半年时间,在举办的半年时间之内,世博会的举办它带来的一些客流,我们把它称之为世博商圈,有可能随着世博会举办以后,这个商圈也就不存在了,当然也可能会继续的存在,关键是说在世博会举办期间,我们受到辐射的商圈,你如何进行有效的运作,这是我们讨论世博商圈首先要把它的概念先理清一下.  相似文献   

On March 9, the preparation briefing meeting for Shanghai World Expo was held in Beijing. Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei, Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jieyi and three deputy directors of Shanghai World Expo Organizing Committee addressed the meeting.  相似文献   

<正>2010年5月1日,被誉为世界经济、科技界"奥林匹克"的上海世博会(以下简称世博)将在中国最大城市上海开幕。这是继2008年奥运会后,中国承办的又一个重大的世界级盛会,上海世博会再次吸引全球目光投向中  相似文献   

序作为国际性的重大节事,上海世博会不仅成为世界关注的焦点,同时也会给上海带来相应的经济效益。然而,上海世博会究竟将对都市化的上海,带来何种程度的增值?它是唤起人们对上海城市的旧有记忆,还是重塑一个全新的上海;它会是昙花一现,还是会永久绽放;它能否成为中国的骄傲?  相似文献   

田根荣 《上海商业》2006,(12):32-34
2010年上海世博会的各项筹备工作正在有条不紊、紧张有序的进行,围绕世博会开展的各项思想政治教育活动也取得了较大成果,这是有目共睹的。然而,随着世博会各项筹备工作的不断深入,特别是前不久上海社保基金案的被揭露,不得不让我们重新审视世博会的各项筹备工作,特别是筹备进程中的思想政治教育。事实表明,世博会  相似文献   

<正>能取得双赢结果已然很棒,但能够三赢就更好了。上海世博会就有可能产生这样的结果。世博会举办成功将使组织方、赞助方和消费者这三类参与者都能从这届盛会中获得各自所需要的好处。  相似文献   

With the announcement from Premier Wen Jiabao, the 2010 Shanghai Expo closed its curtain after operating for 184 days. Itbecame the largest expo since the first expo was held in London in 1851.  相似文献   

The Shanghai World Expo is closely related to the CCPIT,the leading organization in the national exhibition industry.  相似文献   

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