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论述了产品执行标准注册、产品质量认证和产品质量监督抽查的关系。三者既相互联系又不能相互替代,注册是认证和监督抽查的前提和依据;认证和监督抽查是产品标准实施的具体体现和有效途径;通过认证和监督抽查又为标准制定和标准化工作提供可靠的信息。  相似文献   

产品标准评价是事关企业产品质量更新、升级和由此提高市场竞争能力的重要问题。因此,凡是注重产品质量的企业,都十分注重产品标准评价。然而,在产品标准评价中,有许多问题一直仁者见仁,智者见  相似文献   

阐述了当前钻井液处理剂企业标准存在的几个问题,并以磺化沥青、润滑剂、稀释剂、防塌剂类等产品为例,指出当前企业标准普遍存在的一些问题。由于产品标准制定不规范,同种或同类产品缺乏统一的评价方法和质量指标,给产品的检验、监督抽查、采购和现场应用带来诸多不便,同时导致处理剂产品质量参差不齐、鱼目混珠、产品价格居高不下,企业间的不公平竞争日趋激烈。指出,要规范标准,首先应将处理剂产品按使用功能进行分类并制定统一的质量指标和评价方法,其次是提高企业标准的质量水平,同时应定期对标准的实施情况进行监督检查。  相似文献   

油井水泥产品质量现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合2000~2005年对各油田油井水泥的质量监督工作,对我国油井水泥使用的标准、产品工艺、产品质量现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

国家质检总局日前发布第13号局长令,新的《产品质量国家监督抽查管理办法》将于今年3月1日起施行。原《国家监督抽查产品质量的若干规定》和《产品质量国家监督抽查补充规定》同时废止。据悉,国家监督抽查是国务院产品质量监督部门依法组织有关省级质量技术监督部门和产品质量检验机构对生产、销售的产品,依据有关规定进行抽样、检验,并对抽查结果依法公告和处理的活动。国家监督抽查是国家对产品质量进行监督检查的主要方式之一。《办法》规定,国家监督抽查分为定期实施的抽查和不定期实施的专项抽查两种。定期实施的国家监督抽查…  相似文献   

1994年,我局技术监督工作坚持“以质量为中心,标准化、计量为基础”的工作方针,以“务实、求实、扎实”的工作作风,更新观念,转变职能,强化监督,搞好服务,开展了“标准化、计量、质量管理和质量监督”4项工作;组织了标准实施大调查、计量大调查、优质项目(工程)评选、产品质量监督抽查、“’94质量效益行”等5项活动,取得了“产品、工程质量稳中有升,以质量占领市场”等8大成绩。  相似文献   

油田化学剂在油田生产中有着广泛的应用,就胜利油田有限公司各采油厂来说,每年化学用剂费用都在2千万元以上,因此严格控制进入油田生产领域的化学剂质量,则可以保障油田效益的最大化。笔者从事油田化学剂监督检验工作多年,工作过程中深刻感受到产品标准对于产品质量以及产品监督检验的重要。在此就产品标准对于产品监督检验重要性进行叙述,并就油田化学剂标准存在的一些问题,以及在标准制修订中要重视的几项工作进行阐述。  相似文献   

从加强石油内、外部企业产品标准的管理与监督,提高石油企业生产用产品质量水平的角度,论述了开展企业产品标准水平认定的必要性和重要性.针对石油行业内、外部企业产品标准的管理现状,提出了进行企业产品标准水平认定方法.  相似文献   

《产品质量法》中对产品质量监督管理规定了质量体系认证、产品质量认证和产品质量监督检查等制度,而这些制度的实施都以相应的标准作基础和依据,因而也是对贯彻相应标准的验证和监督过程。《标准化法》也规定了对标准的实施要进行监督检查。随着技术监督工作逐步走上法制化管理的轨道,质量监督和标准实施监督也被以法律的形式固定下来,成为技术监督工作的重要内容。本文就质量监督与标准实施监督的关系谈几点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

阐述了质量监督和标准实施监督的内涵及主要任务,通过事实论正、正反对比阐明了两者的关系.指出,企业是贯彻各级标准的基本单位,企业只有将贯彻实施标准与全面质量管理紧密结合起来,通过全面质量管理,严格贯彻实施标准,才能生产出合乎规定要求的产品,标准也只有在质量监督中才能得到提高.全过程的质量监督,产生了全过程的标准实施监督,最终达到提高产品质量,增加企业效益.  相似文献   

对标准中的监督质量水平与监督检验水平确定的监督质量水平一般不低于产品验收合格质量水平等项原则进行了探讨,为企业技术监督管理部门制定监督质量水平和监督检验水平的参数及技术检验部门执行标准提供了参考意见.  相似文献   

针对标准实施监督和质量监督的特点,分析了两者的异同点,认为:标准实施监督和质量监督的关键在于质量体系的有效运行.要严格按照标准执行体系文件,建立健全组织机构,明确质量监督责任制,提高人员素质。  相似文献   

指出了产品标准中的外观技术要求存在着不完善和不准确的现象。通过对组成产品外观3个要素的分析,以及产品外观在油田化学用剂的质量检验中对评定结果影响的讨论,明确了外观在产品标准中的重要性。并依据讨论结果提出了建议,旨在解决标准中外观技术要求存在的问题,更好地指导产品质量检验工作。  相似文献   

Product quality alignment and business unit performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past decade, new strategic approaches to the management of product quality have become prime drivers of product and process innovation and change in many firms. However, many firm's product quality improvement efforts have failed to deliver anticipated business performance benefits. Implementation problems are generally viewed as significant factors in explaining such failures. Further, the literature suggests that firms' views of product quality are often very different from those of their customers. However, to date this issue has received little empirical attention. The objective of this research was to examine the causes and performance outcomes of product quality alignment ‐ differences between firms' views of the product quality they deliver and customer views of the product quality delivered to them. We conducted exploratory interviews with quality and marketing managers aimed at developing a grounded understanding of the nature, antecedents and consequences of product quality alignment. These fieldwork insights were combined with the existing literature to delineate the central product quality alignment construct and develop specific hypotheses concerning the antecedents and performance consequences of product quality alignment at the SBU‐level. Using data from a mail survey of multiple key informants (general managers, quality managers and marketing managers), we tested hypothesized relationships using a structural equation model methodology. Our quantitative findings provide empirical evidence that product quality alignment positively affects business unit performance. Our data also suggest that the degree to which quality goals spanning customer‐focused and internally‐oriented criteria influence decision‐making and actions taken is positively associated with product quality alignment. Further, our data indicate that while the use of marketing tools in developing and executing product quality improvement efforts is positively associated with product quality alignment, no such association is observed with more commonly recommended TQM tools. Our results also suggest that effective interfunctlonal interactions between quality and marketing functions (higher levels of interfunctional connectedness and lower levels of interfunctional conflict) are positively associated with product quality alignment. Overall, our results suggest that product quality alignment is an important concept in understanding product quality improvement‐performance linkages at the SBU level and that minimizing mis‐alignment may be an appropriate focus for management attention.  相似文献   

Offering a standardized product for different country markets may enable companies to accomplish fast product development and multicountry rollout, whereas also enjoying substantial cost benefits. However, not all manufacturers serving multicountry markets can adopt a standardized product strategy. Where technological requirements, standards, and approval procedures vary substantially across countries, manufacturers invariably must adapt the product's technology to fit individual country requirements. Extensive customization may lead to longer new product development and rollout times and increase the likelihood of delays in the entire project, hence adversely affecting overall new product outcome. This study examines the relationships between product technology customization, the timeliness in completion of both the new product development effort and international market launches, and new product success. The study that reports on new product launches across European markets, is based on personal interviews with senior managers in 30 multinational companies. The authors show that timeliness in new product development and timeliness in rolling out the new product into different country markets mediate the link between product technology customization and overall new product success. Customization of product technology increases the likelihood of delays in the completion of new product development projects and multicountry rollout. Additionally, the timeliness in new product development mediates the relationship between product technology customization and timeliness in international new product rollout. This means that if the NPD project runs behind schedule, a fault‐free multicountry rollout program becomes increasingly unlikely, as problems encountered during product development spillover into the rollout program. The results imply that international product managers must assign greater priority to assessing the relative advantages of customizing new product technology and to consider the timing implications for both the NPD effort and subsequent rollout. Managers must set realistic schedules and allocate sufficient resources to ensure both tasks can be accomplished within planned time scales. Finally, managers should not underestimate the complexities and time involved in customizing new product technologies, including the completion of disparate country technical approval procedures.  相似文献   

In new product development, faster is not always better. Conceptually, being faster to market should improve financial performance by improving product quality and reducing development expenses. Empirical support is mixed, however, demonstrating that higher speed to market exhibits an inverted U‐shaped relationship with product profitability. Conventional wisdom and empirical research suggest managers make speed to market–product quality–development expense trade‐offs. A particular concern regarding speed to market is that extreme speed may jeopardize product quality. Some researchers suggest that speed to market improves product quality while others suggest firms must balance both speed to market and product quality. Also, shorter lead times may be associated with reduced development expenses, but empirical evidence is conflicting. This research attempts to reconcile conflicting results regarding the speed to market–product quality relationship, their joint impact on product profitability, and their mediation role in the effects of development expenses and cross‐functional integration on product profitability. Partial least squares (PLS) is used to analyze multiplexed archival and survey data collected from NPD managers for 1115 different NPD projects in several firms. The results support the hypothesized equations, explaining 27% of speed to market variance, 35% of product quality variance, and 45% of product profitability variance. This study makes two contributions. First, because speed to market and product quality are related, simultaneous consideration of both factors enhances insight into their joint effect. Second, it provides evidence that speed to market and product quality jointly mediate development expense by NPD phase and cross‐functional integration effects on product profitability. Key results from the large sample data analysis include the following. Speed to market and product quality both enhance product profitability, but the impact of speed to market is larger than that of product quality. Speed to market and product quality partially mediate the impact of fuzzy front end phase expenses on product profitability, while expenses in the latter phases exhibit no impact on the mediators or profitability. Thus, the results suggest that trade‐offs are made not only between time, quality, and expense (i.e., if additional expenses are incurred at all), but also that trade‐offs relate to when (i.e., in which NPD phase) additional development expenses are incurred. Finally, cross‐functional integration (both internal and external) substantially impacts product profitability through a mix of direct and mediated effects.  相似文献   

石油管材所驻厂监理与国外监理比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了石油管材所驻厂监理的理念及模式,与国外监理公司进行了对比并加以分析。指出,管材所驻厂监督模式是适合中国国情的有效产品质量控制模式,但还应借鉴国外监理公司的经营模式,适当增加部门应用基础研究,最终实现产品质量的有效控制。  相似文献   

针对在制定产品标准中存在的一些问题,提出产品标准已不仅是作为组织生产的依据,企业不必为他人制定产品标准;行业在制定特定型号的产品标准时应该谨慎行事;产品标准中净含量的标注不能一概而论等四个论点.并就其进行了论述和探讨.  相似文献   

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