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Since 1964 with the enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the courts have held that although Title VII prohibits discrimination because of sex, sex has been construed to mean gender, but gender and sexual orientation are different. Traditionally sexual discrimination has been interpreted to protect women in male/female encounters. Thus protection for homosexuals based on sexual orientation has not been covered. However, there are some interesting aspects to the concept of discrimination due to sexual orientation, including defining same-sex harassment as being harassment, equal opportunity harassment, and sexual stereotypes. In addition, how homosexuals may be protected under state laws, unions, company policy, and the constitution is discussed as well as protection for public sector employees. An analysis of 98 litigated cases alleging discrimination based on same sex or sexual orientation harassment led to the development of a logit model predicting future case outcomes based on case characteristics. These are type of harassment, physical contact, type of employees, and whether there was equal opportunity harassment. Implications from the study are that the issues of protection from discrimination are complex and one cannot necessarily assume that this type of discrimination is not protected. Recommendations for more effective managerial actions are provided.  相似文献   

Numerous surveys suggest that while the number of women in the work force who have experienced sexual harassment is high, the number of those who are willing to actually report incidents of harassment is far lower. To better understand the consequences of sexual harassment to women and the legal implications to the corporation, we discuss briefly the psychophysiological consequences experienced by victims, followed by a review of sexual harassment law. Next we discuss the results of our survey based on a national sample of 1500 working women. Our study examines the reasons underlying women's reluctance to report sexual harassment and identifies policies and procedures to encourage the reporting of sexual harassment. Our findings are discussed in terms of the need for organizations to develop more user-friendly sexual harassment reporting procedures.  相似文献   

When victimized in the workplace, gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) employees often find themselves without recourse as Title VII does not recognize sexual orientation to be a protected class. We suggest that recent court decisions that have expanded Title VII to protect individuals from discrimination based upon violations of gender norms can be used to provide a basis for protection of GLB individuals under this statute. Using a review of the role of gender norms in the workplace as well as an analysis of recent court decisions and the Congressional debates on the Federal Marriage Amendment as well as the wording of the Defense of Marriage Act [Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Pub. L. 104-199, Stat. 2419 (September 21, 1996)], this paper provides the theoretical background and conceptual argument (but does not attempt to make the legal argument) to suggest that same-sex harassment and discrimination are considered violations of societal gender norms and should therefore be protected under the expanded coverage of Title VII.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment in the workplace continues to be one of the most controversial and complex legal and ethical issues facing empolyers. The U.S. Supreme Court's June 1986 decisiion inMeitor Savings Bank v. Vinson, which applied Title VII of the Civil Reights Act to situations involving sexual harassment, is discussed. The Court's definition of hostile environment is reviwed, and federal court cases interpreting the Supreme Court's pronousncements are examined. The cases provide guidance on the kinds of situations that result in employer liability for sexual harassment. A primanry conclusion is that employers may easily avoid liability by exercising learned judgment and sound management practices.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment has been a difficult area of legal interpretation. Legal frameworks used in other areas of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act have not been used in the development of standards by which to judge on the job harassment. Specific difficulties analyzed are the status of group versus individual protection, the notion that harassment is a correctable violation, problems of defining a hostile environment and determining harm, adverse effects on third parties, harassment without sexuality, and same sex harassment. Disagreements between the Circuit Courts and the EEOC are highlighted and effects on individuals and organizations are discussed. Suggestions for organization policy are made.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the three recent sexual harassment cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 1997–98 session. The purpose is to highlight the most common mistakes made by management as evidenced by the case history on this topic. Each mistake is described in the context of the cases and with reference to widespread business practices. The explanation of each error is followed by a brief practical directive to aid management in formulating appropriate policies and practices on that topic. A concluding section describes the desired result of each recommendation from the perspective of the employees. This article gives managers a quick checklist to ensure that their policies and practices avoid common problems and are up to date with the latest court interpretations on sexual harassment.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews the development of a philosophy about sexual harassment at work and legal protection for victims of harassment. It then focuses on the rights and responsibilities of three groups affected by sexual harassment: the target of harassment, the alleged harasser, and the employing organization. A discussion follows regarding the current status of the rights and responsibilities of the relevant parties as well as opportunities for abuse of rights and abnegation of responsibilities.  相似文献   

Organizational scholars have studied the impact of sex on sexual harassment outcomes but left unexplored the influences of race. Thus, we use social identity theory to explore the role of race stereotypes and their influences on sexual harassment outcomes. We posit that stereotypes of African-American women tend to be much more negative than those of white women and this serves to marginalize their position both as victims of sexual harassment as well as complainants.
Eileen KwesigaEmail:

Subjects were presented with multiple training methods to determine their effect on sensitivity to possible sexual harassment situations. The training methods used were case analyses, commercially produced videotape episodes, and an open-ended questionnaire. Subjects were found to be more sensitive to incidents of possible sexual harassment when videotape episodes were combined with case analysis. The pattern of gender differences supported previous research showing perceptual differences in ambiguous cases. Research-based suggestions for sexual harassment training programs are offered.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that sexual harassment in the workplace continues to pose a problem for organizations. Using published arbitration awards, the current study examines the critical issues involved in discipline decisions of alleged sexual harassment perpetrators. Content analysis of 92 cases enabled the examination of critical judgment factors considered by arbitrators examining the disciplinary penalties imposed by management. Elements of the arbitrator's judgment including the just cause standards, mitigating circumstances, severity of harassment, and length of harassment were examined. The results of the analyses are discussed with an emphasis on the lessons provided for effective management practices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates reactions of potential jurors to sexual harassment incidents. Email and face-to-face incidents are compared to determine the importance of context on decision-making. The paper considers juror decision-making for both guilt and level of award to randomly assigned scenarios involving multiple levels of harassment. Results found that email harassment was perceived more harshly, consistent with a context-based hypothesis. The paper concludes with organizational implications for better handling sexual harassment awareness training as well as Internet usage guidelines.  相似文献   

Laws addressing harassment at work have evolved considerably since court systems first recognized that (sexual) harassment is illegal. Now, managers must worry about protected classes other than sex (e.g., race, age, etc.), and the effects of harassment on bystanders as well as victims (i.e., ambient harassment). Understanding these newer conceptualizations of workplace harassment is critical for mangers dealing with an increasingly complex array of possible work environments, only some of which are illegal. Toward this end, we present a taxonomy of eight possible work environments, created by parsing the legal definition of sexual harassment (i.e., the first-recognized type of hostile work environment). The taxonomy illustrates the evolution of law in this area, and highlights the multidimensional nature of workplace harassment. Also discussed are potential complications arising from how a reasonable person and a victim might interpret behavior. Managers using the taxonomy may better assess whether their work environments have crossed the line, or facilitate movement from less- to more-desirable work environments.
Kenneth J. DuneganEmail:

Recognition of same-sex relationships is receiving increasing national attention in the United States. This paper discusses the current availability of employee rights in the United States on the basis of marital status to same-sex couples, and both the direct and indirect economic consequences to organizations of providing such rights. Despite legal recognition in some states and by many employers in the private sector, the availability of marital rights in the workplace for same-sex couples remains tenuous, at most. Although the direct economic consequences of same-sex relationships remain a matter of debate, the indirect economic advantages are several, including being an employer of choice and having a favorable reputation in the consumer, stockholder, and applicant marketplace. Employers should counterbalance indirect economic benefits with opposition to same-sex relationships, including product boycotts. The issue cannot be ignored from a legal or economic perspective.  相似文献   

The problem of sexual harassment in the workplace can be viewed within the framework of personal control. In particular, sexual harassment can be viewed as an infringement upon employees' rights to control the conditions under which they work. Targets of harassment must tolerate sexual harassment to avoid negative consequences such as termination, demotion, distasteful remarks or jokes, and so forth. Previous research (Wortman & Brehm, 1975; Greenberger & Strasser, 1986) into personal control has drawn upon two theories—reactance theory and learned helplessness theory—to explain behavioral responses to infringement upon personal control. The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of personal control theories in explaining responses of targets who file discrimination suits.  相似文献   

This article speculates about some of the possible effects of increasing organizational diversity upon sexual harassment, and suggests some potential research opportunities and directions. Discussion and research recommendations center around the following aspects of sexual harassment: (1) antecedents of harassment; (2) behaviors exhibited; (3) perceptions of behaviors; (4) immediate reactions of harassees; and (5) longer-term individual and organizational outcomes of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

Many had anticipated that Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., the first significant Supreme Court ruling on sexual harassment since 1986, would clarify the boundary between merely offensive conduct and unlawful conduct, and would offer greater guidance on when an employer is liable for the creation of an abusive (or hostile) work environment. However, the Harris court handed down only a short, narrow decision that left these areas largely unresolved, and, accordingly, it was widely criticized for circumventing contentious issues and for perpetuating the vague framework under which abusive work environment claims are now analyzed. This article examines a representative cross-section of federal and state decisions that have interpreted and applied Harris to evaluate whether courts have achieved any consensus on what constitutes an abusive work environment and on when an employer is liable for this type of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

The present study utilized sexual harassment, organizational climate, and engagement theories to articulate a process model of how perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents relate to affective commitment and intentions to stay. The authors hypothesized that perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents would relate to employee engagement, both directly and indirectly through psychological distress. Moreover, psychological distress and employee engagement were hypothesized to mediate the relationships of perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents with affective commitment and intentions to stay. Study findings supported these hypotheses within two subsamples of female (N = 3,283 and 3,207) and male (N = 3,460 and 3,300) military personnel. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Managing employees and external partners effectively has been a primary concern for organizations and their managers. Many studies have investigated the effectiveness of organizational controls in a wide variety of contexts. Using organizational controls literature that discriminates among outcome, behaviour, and clan control, this study synthesizes the research on the effectiveness of these controls. In particular, the study examines 23,839 organizational controls–performance relationships from 120 independent samples, and tests several new hypotheses using advanced meta‐analytic methods. The results indicate that outcome, behaviour, and clan controls generally enhance performance, with each control having a distinct performance effect. Our analysis also demonstrates that controls function as complements to one another. This finding indicates that one form of control increases the effectiveness of other forms of control. We also examine the organizational controls–performance relationships across various contexts, and our results show that they vary according to the type of task. The paper concludes with a discussion on the theoretical and managerial implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Seven dimensions of organizational culture that influence the employee reflection process that ultimately leads to whistleblowing behavior are presented. These include 1) vigilance, 2) engagement, 3) credibility, 4) accountability, 5) empowerment, 6) courage, and 7) options. Key considerations within each dimension are discussed and a compliance framework is used to identify strategies for encouraging a culture that supports employee communication, questioning, and reporting of illegal, unethical, and illegitimate practices within organizations.  相似文献   

Implementing sustainable policies in supply chains is a significant challenge for businesses. Recent evidence has shown that failure to manage supply chains responsibly can have significant impacts on firms' reputation and financial performance. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework, which focuses on organizational learning, and outline specific channels through which firms can generate learning processes and build appropriate capabilities to successfully implement social and environmental supply chain policies. Drawing on 57 in‐depth interviews from a cross‐sectional sample of seven UK and nine German companies, we empirically assess our conceptual framework in accordance with a grounded, in‐depth case study analysis approach. We find compelling evidence to suggest that organizational learning is an important factor for a successful implementation of sustainable supply chain management. Organizational learning is often established as a result of training, knowledge acquisition, stakeholder engagement and collaboration between intra‐organizational and inter‐organizational partners, including suppliers and NGOs. Nonetheless, our results also emphasize that firms often have few systematic processes through which organizational learning is developed, and that such learning processes are often ad hoc at best, which in turn has significant implications for the responsible supply chain practices. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

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