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2018年美国以"寻求贸易平衡"为由对中国进口产品实施单边贸易制裁,制裁的产品集中在《中国制造2025》计划发展的高技术产品。基于2000-2017年中国海关总署以及《中国高技术产业统计年鉴》数据对中美高技术产业贸易现状和贸易竞争力进行了分析,同时依据《中国制造2025》中的创新能力指标对中国高技术产业五大行业的创新能力进行了测度,研究发现贸易顺差只是美国对华贸易摩擦集中于高技术产业的表象原因,遏制中国技术创新和维持全球经济体系治理话语权才是其真实目的。中国应通过提升高技术产业在全球价值链上的位置、加强与日本欧盟的经贸联系、积极申请加入CPTPP来应对美国对中国高技术产业产品的进口限制。  相似文献   

鉴于具有高技术制造水平才是一个国家制造业发达的标志,我国政府不断完善发展智能制造的产业政策,并于2015年5月正式提出"中国制造2025"战略,这给湖南制造业带来了全新的发展机遇,但也带来了竞争和挑战。湖南应在区域竞争中谋求合作,争取资源互补,鼓励差异化创新发展,并结合转化企业生产和管理模式,利用交通优势和"一带一路"政策提高贸易投资便利度以及对外开放度,提升制造业的发展水平。  相似文献   

论文通过对美国和德国制造业在金融危机后采取的一系列战略进行分析,揭示了两国制造业复兴的方式。中国在执行"中国制造2025"战略时可借两国经验,在中小企业稳定发展基础上发展制造业高科技,促进能源转型、高速网络以及制造业创新中心的形成,再充分发挥"中国制造2025"计划的前瞻性,着力实现制造业智能化。  相似文献   

程斌 《中国海关》2004,(12):26-28
中国加入世界贸易组织后,巨大的市场进一步开放,市场竞争规则日益与国际接轨。中国的制造业得到了蓬勃的发展,大量印有“中国制造”的产品走出了国门,并以其价廉物美在国际市场上占有了一席之地。同时,越来越多的国外大型企业,凭借丰富的知识产权经验和强大的知识产权优势,向国内企业发出颇具威慑的挑战。  相似文献   

本文基于全球价值链视角,将国家五年规划对产业政策和贸易政策统一量化,分别研究产业政策和贸易政策对于产业升级的影响。研究发现,贸易政策显著促进全球价值链地位上升,产业政策相反或者不显著;产业政策因干预市场竞争对其他未鼓励产业具有挤出效应,贸易政策没有挤出效应,反而通过市场竞争促进了产业升级;不同于产业政策,贸易政策还可以通过提升产品质量来促进产业升级;相比于下游产业,贸易政策对上游产业升级的效果更强。  相似文献   

美国的金融危机使世界经济遭受重创,中国亦不能幸免.为了拯救不断恶化的全球经济,各国政府相继推出了刺激经济复苏的各种举措,中国政府推出的产业振兴计划尤为引人瞩目.中国的产业振兴计划的一个突出特点是以扩大内需为宗旨,强调投资与消费的密切联系."汽车下乡"、"家电下乡"等产业政策都体现了政府振兴经济的基本思路,即把刺激消费增长作为拉动内需的纽带.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,美国在巨额贸易逆差下实行了经济持续增长。本文从金融角度详细分析了美国依据美元特殊的国际货币地位和外汇储备特征实行对全球的金融剥削;从产业角度探讨了新一轮全球产业分工重组背景下制造产业的国际转移、跨国公司内部贸易、美国独特的进口商品结构、油价上涨和美国能源产业政策对“悖论”解释的合理性;从宏观政策角度解析了美国“双赤字”并存的必然原因。本文认为,美元地位的不断下降使美国经济增长模式存在潜在危机,而美国对内外经济失衡的调整,势必对中美贸易、人民币汇率、中国外汇储备及内外经济平衡产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

智能制造是新一轮工业革命的核心,是全球制造业发展的重要方向,也是我国从制造业大国向制造业强国转型的必经之路。为了全面提升中国制造业发展水平,智能制造发展需加快技术创新、提高产品质量,推动智能装备应用。近年来,不少国家都将机器人发展纳入国家计划。美国《先进制造业国家战略计划》、欧盟SPARC民用机器人研发计划、《中国制造2025》、日本《机器人新战略》、韩国《机器人未来战略2022》等,纷纷将机器人纳入国家科技创新和产业发展的重点领域。机器人已成为新一轮科技革命与产业变革背景下世界各国产业竞争的焦点。  相似文献   

伴随着生产力发展,制造业的升级成为了各个国家的热点话题。近年,我国学术界针对制造业出现的人才、管理、工匠精神等问题进行了有效的探索。本文通过研究工匠精神对中国制造2025计划的推进作用,引申出管理人才在中国制造2025计划中的核心表征,从管理人才的输送方和使用方提出工匠精神职业素质培养建议,构建中国制造2025计划、管理人才和工匠精神职业素质三者的有机联合。  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命和产业变革席卷而来,《中国制造2025》是我国实施制造强国战略第一个十年的行动纲领,是新形势下我国抢占制造业新一轮竞争制高点的重要战略谋划。广西必须抓住这一重大历史机遇,积极主动对接"中国制造2025"国家战略,实现广西传统优势工业"凤凰涅槃"、跨越式发展。通过产业生命周期法分析广西13个传统优势工业所处的生命周期阶段,并构建两主体、三主体参与的博弈论模型分析基于"工业2025"下传统工业转型升级的必要性,在此基础上,研究在新的背景下广西传统优势工业转型升级的战略思路。最后提出一些在"工业2025"下符合广西实际、力求具有针对性和可操作性、能够有效促进广西传统优势工业发展的政策建议。同时也为后发地区工业实现转型升级、跨越式发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Japanese industrial policy had been well known to be about specific sectors and technologies. About 1990 economic growth stopped after decades of a remarkable process of catching up with the US. The potential to borrow technologies and ideas from other countries has become exhausted and Japan had to develop own technologies. The article descibes structural reforms in competition policy, corporate governance, management of intellectual property and mobility of researchers. Industrial policy has now more to do with horizontal policies and framework conditions than with targeting. Even if the “new economic growth strategy” – drawn up by the economics ministry [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)] and improved by government in 2006 – defines industrial areas with strong growth potential, these areas are obvious and there are no instruments available to promote them specifically. METI has become a proponent of government wide deregulation and will play as a leader of reforms.  相似文献   

汪斌 《财贸经济》2005,(7):58-63
国际产业政策是顺应经济全球化时代由传统国别产业政策转型而来的一种新产业政策.本文从国际产业政策概念、国际产业政策形成的必然性和合理性、政策目标及主要内容、政策实施方式和手段等角度,综述了国际产业政策的理论研究及其研究中存在的不足.本文指出,加强国际产业政策的研究,对于正处在力争跨越式发展和追赶阶段的我国产业和企业参与全球竞争具有十分重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

Industrial Policy for Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Does US government policy purposefully benefit particular industries or is industrial policy absent in the USA? Based on a review of recent US policies this paper argues that the USA applies many policies with an industry-specific impact. But these policies do not differ significantly from those in other countries and the process in which US industrial policies emerge severely limits their consistency. What differentiates the USA is a microeconomic business environment that enables a high degree of regional specialization, benefits especially knowledge-driven industries, and raises the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship policies.  相似文献   

澳大利亚早期产业政策,虽然通过贸易保护机制促进了澳大利亚制造业的发展,但它不是发展主义的,不体现政府"驾驭市场"或"替代市场"的政策价值观,而是从属于宏观经济政策,是政府在市场经济条件下对经济活动的有限干预,在促进制造业发展的同时,不会造成市场机制的全面扭曲以及普遍的寻租和结构性腐败等问题,即产业政策的干预带来的效率损失及总的政策成本较小,从而对澳大利亚的长期经济增长产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

From Industrial to Innovation Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Industrial policy has been a cornerstone of economic policy in Europe after the world war and the transformation of basic industries like coal and steel were key issues at the beginning of European integration. In the 1970s and 1990s industrial policy shifted toward support of high-tech industries. In the seventies the importance of a more systemic view came up, policy had to address the specific weaknesses of the innovation system. The Lisbon agenda finally combines competitiveness with social and environmental goals. Industry plays an important role in generating welfare and industrial policy is in different forms and sorts back, high on the agenda.  相似文献   

Finland represents a good example of how knowledge can become the driving force in economic transformation. Finland tops various competitiveness rankings and has been listed number one in the OECD’s PISA studies on young people’s learning skills and educational attainment. This paper discusses the role that industrial policy has played in these developments, looking explicitly on recent shifts in policy thinking and implementation. We focus on the emergence of new industrial policies in the early 1990s, the main policy initiatives and measures, and present their broader organizational landscape. We conclude with an assessment of these policies and the future challenges.  相似文献   

The Paradigm of Knowledge-Oriented Industrial Policy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The paper attempts to synthesize some of the outcomes of the evolution of thinking on industrial policy in the knowledge-based economy and the related advances in policy practice. The term “knowledge-oriented industrial policy” is used in the paper to denote a new brand of public sector interventions targeting various structural aspects of the economy through transmission channels and mechanisms that hinge on the driving forces of knowledge flows and stocks and incorporating a systemic understanding of the policy rationale. The paper outlines the theoretical background, the rationale and the operational framework as well as the design of knowledge-oriented industrial policy whose nature is highlighted by drawing attention to the distinctions between “traditional” and “knowledge-oriented” approaches and instruments. A simplified taxonomy of different categories of knowledge-oriented policy instruments is also presented in the paper. The specific features and effectiveness of these policy instruments are discussed by highlighting their knowledge functions, the policy transmission channels as well as other important characteristics.  相似文献   

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