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《跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系协议》谈判被认为是历史上最大双边贸易协议谈判,如果协议达成,将会给美欧带来颇丰的经济和地缘政治利益,因此双方对该协议都抱有很大期望并为谈判设定了较高标准.但是,双方在诸多敏感问题如农产品补贴、转基因、地理标志等方面都存在分歧,这给谈判增加了不小的难度.无论该自由贸易和投资协议最终能否达成,中国都应积极关注,因为一旦达成最终的协议,将有可能动摇中国在世界贸易体系中的地位.  相似文献   

美欧对地理标志保护的争议及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在国内立法方面,欧盟对地理标志的保护尤为详尽,而在多边协议方面,世贸组织的TRIPS协议对地理标志的保护则较为突出,但这两者对此却存在着一定的差异.由此导致美国等世界贸易组织成员与欧盟之间就此争端迭起.世贸组织争端解决机构的协调作用促使国际贸易框架下,全球范围内的地理标志保护规范向趋于一致的方向发展.  相似文献   

正跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,TPP)是由美国主导,12个成员参与的自由贸易协定,其谈判成员国内生产总值(GDP)总和约占全球的40%,贸易额约占世界三分之一,协定一旦达成将对亚太地区产生重要影响。美国主导TPP谈判后,试图通过"全面覆盖"原则将TPP塑造  相似文献   

世贸组织争端解决机制在国际贸易中的重要作用日益引起非政府组织和私营公司等非政府主体的密切关注。通过揭示国际上非政府主体近年来参与世贸组织贸易争端出现的新趋势,我们可以从中得到某些启示。  相似文献   

对于“非世贸组织协定”是否可以像“世贸组织涵盖协定”一样作为世贸组织争端解决机制的适用法律,“并入说”学者持肯定的态度。然而,无论是《争端解决机制谅解》还是争端解决机制的司法实践,“并入说”的观点都是值得商榷的。“并入说”理论的不足在于其混淆了世贸组织争端解决机制与国际法院的法律属性。世贸组织法很大程度上属于自足性的法律体系。  相似文献   

正自2014年1月以来,中国与欧盟的投资协定谈判已经进行了三轮。上半年,习近平主席和李克强总理分别访问欧洲,以及欧盟国家领导人相继访华,有力地推动了中欧投资协定谈判的进程。众所周知,欧盟是国际投资领域的先行者,研究其有关国际投资合作的政策诉求,对于进一步做好中欧投资协定谈判相关工作具有积极意义。  相似文献   

7月8日,在漫长的2年准备之后,欧盟翘首期待的美欧自由贸易谈判终于启动,路透社称,该项协定将造就世界最大的自由贸易关系——占世界经济总量的50%,全球贸易总量的30%以及全球对外投资量的20%。伦敦经济政策研究中心认为,这项雄心壮志的协议能减少欧美贸易之间的关税以及监管障碍;一旦完全执行,每年将为两地经济增长贡献1000亿美元。据悉,美国和欧盟政府间将组成15个谈判组,讨论诸如农业市场准入、电子商务以及投资和竞争政策等多项事务。欧盟最关注的是欧洲企业能否绕开《购买美国产品法案》  相似文献   

8月31日,中方就我诉美22类产品反补贴措施世贸争端案向世贸组织争端解决机构提起设立专家组请求,商务部新闻发言人沈丹阳就此发表谈话表示,鉴于中方关注在磋商阶段未得到解决,根据世贸争端解决规则,中方向世贸组织提起设立专家组请求,希望本次争端能够在世贸组织争端解决机制下早日妥善解决。  相似文献   

中国政府对稀土出口采取征收出口关税、出口配额措施、限制稀土出口企业资质三项管制措施被世贸组织争端解决机构裁定违规,中国援引GATT1994第20条一般例外条款中的(b)、(g)两项的抗辩失之勉强。面对稀土出口争讼案败诉的倒逼,中国政府应该停止被裁定为违反义务的出口管制措施,深度调整稀土产业政策,通过加强环保执法促使稀土开采和生产的环境成本内部化,提升稀土行业自治水平,遵守世贸组织规则,在此基础上大胆面对和利用国际市场竞争机制促进中国稀土产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Social Motives and Trust: Implications for Joint Gains in Negotiations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined the role of trust via contingency model in a multi-issue multi-party negotiation setting and how it relates to outcomes. Results of a laboratory experiment with 288 undergraduate students confirmed both a main effect of Social Value Orientations (SVO), such that cooperative negotiators achieved higher joint gains than pro-self negotiators, and a main effect of Motivational Orientations (MO), such that pro-social negotiators attained higher joint gains than egoistic-oriented negotiators. Furthermore, the predicted interaction effect between SVO and MO, such that negotiators with a pro-self SVO attained higher joint gains in a pro-social, in contrast to an egoistic MO, condition was confirmed. This effect was fully mediated by trust. The dimension of trust that explained the SVO and MO interaction was that of concern for fellow negotiators as rated by oneself, as well as by an objective third-party observer. Implications for the strategic use of social motives and trust on effective information exchange and negotiated outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current developments in WTO negotiations on agriculture and discusses the issues of greatest concern to Japan as well as agricultural issues in free trade area (FTA) negotiations relating to Japan. With regard to agricultural policies in Japan it is stressed that: (1) structural reform in Japanese agriculture is essential to promote the WTO agricultural negotiations and to make negotiations on FTAs more effective and prompt; (2) Japan must consider various measures to increase the investment of capital from outside agriculture and the accumulation of new human capital; and (3) there should be increased market competition in Japanese agriculture so that productive resources can be better concentrated in efficient farms and farm businesses. On international issues, it may be desirable to establish an international forum, particularly among Asian countries, to discuss important agricultural issues in the region. This forum should consider not only agricultural tariff reductions, but also sanitary and phyto‐sanitary (SPS) measures that might be addressed in working toward a broader FTA in Asia. The objective would be for Japan to play a strong leadership role in seeking wider cooperation on agricultural policies and agricultural resource management together with potential FTA partners in the Asian region.  相似文献   

作为21世纪国际经贸新议题的数字贸易,在国际经贸谈判中被越来越多地涉及。在WTO谈判中,由于美欧在数字产品的原则性问题上存在严重分歧,谈判陷入僵局。尽管多边谈判受阻,以美国为代表的数字贸易大国,仍积极通过诸边和双边谈判,试图对数字贸易提出一个有约束力的全球性标准。本文通过对当前国际经贸谈判中数字贸易议题进展情况的梳理后发现,美欧等国的诸多实践经验,对中方有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

以WTO为代表的国际组织为了实现对食品安全问题的有效规范,先后制定了GATT和《SPS协定》规范该事宜,主要内容是国民待遇原则和国际标准的采纳。相对于GATT而言,《SPS协定》属于特别法,但两协定可能同时适用于同一事项。当前主要的食品安全问题集中于人类健康风险的控制和标签、标准中的质量问题两方面,而中国的食品安全问题主要是食源性疾病。  相似文献   

Sam Laird 《The World Economy》2006,29(10):1363-1376
The economic implications of current WTO negotiations are likely to be far reaching. The World Bank and UNCTAD estimate annual global gains in agriculture and non‐agricultural products (including fish) of about $70−150 billion each under various scenarios and technical assumptions. Liberalising trade in services could be even more important, especially if agreement were reached to facilitate the temporary movement of labour (Mode 4 under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS). Some qualifications, however, are in order. First, gains are likely to be spread unevenly across countries and across sectors; and, second, short‐term adjustment costs might precede long‐term gains. Much depends on how ambitious liberalisation is and on policies to facilitate adjustment. This paper examines the Doha mandate in non‐agricultural market access (NAMA) and the current state of the WTO negotiations, in particular some key proposals being considered at the December 2005 Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong. We analyse various scenarios and their implications for trade, welfare, output, employment, revenues and preferences, as well as the distributional effects across countries and sectors. We note possible adjustment problems related to balance of payments and structural adjustment, as well as revenue and preference losses. These suggest the need for ‘aid for trade’ to help developing countries realise gains possible from WTO negotiations.  相似文献   

随着世界贸易组织成员国的增加和以中国为代表的发展中国家实力的增强,现有贸易框架已经不能满足欧美之间的经济和政治利益需求,也无法帮助欧美各国摆脱经济危机的影响、抵御来自世界其他地区和国家的贸易竞争和产业冲击。因此,建立新的合作机制,谋求区域共同发展,是欧美双方共同的利益需要。正是在这一背景下,  相似文献   

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