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"This paper extends the traditional theory of urban location to derive a consistent model of inter- and intra-regional mobility. It demonstrates that the two are behaviorally distinct. Workplace and residence relocations tend to be 'substitutes' in intra-regional mobility but are 'complements' in inter-regional mobility. Previous empirical papers have neglected the theoretical foundations of intra-regional mobility. In consequence, they have made four types of analytical compromises: defined 'migration' as any change in residence location, used job changes as proxies for workplace mobility, neglected commuting distances, and used estimation techniques that do not reveal the underlying behavior."  相似文献   

This paper examines whether female East–West migrants in Germany face a differential effect on their labor market outcomes after they move compared to both males and stayers. It builds on a “difference-in-difference-in-difference” approach, employs a matching procedure to define the corresponding before and after periods for movers and stayers and uses panel data techniques to difference away time-invariant unobservable confounders. I find that migrant women after migration do not experience significantly different earnings or employment prospects, compared to migrant males and female stayers. They do, however, face an additional negative effect on hours worked and on annual income. The results also suggest that for them, the income effect seems to dominate the substitution effect and they substitute some market work in the West with home production, in particular, with childcare.  相似文献   

This article examines attempts by UNISON to embed a culture of learning within the workplace. The analysis, which is rooted in resource‐based mobilisation theory, shows how UNISON was able to draw on the Union Learning Fund to create new resources in the form of project workers. These project workers subsequently played a vital role in building support for learning at regional and branch levels. The article also examines ways in which UNISON activists were able to progress the learning agenda through proactive engagement with ‘opportunity structures’.  相似文献   

Critics of entrepreneurial capitalism have argued that entrepreneurship creates dysfunction in individuals, families, communities, and society because entrepreneurs neglect social and environmental dimensions of value in favour of financial value creation. By way of contrast, hybrid organizations, such as Benefit Corporations, are created explicitly to address social and environmental objectives in addition to their financial objective. Therefore, in this paper we explore the consequences of a world of blended value in which every new venture is required to be a hybrid organization. In doing so, we reveal the boundary conditions of current social criticism levied against entrepreneurship and suggest that blended value may best be relegated to the role of ideal or guideline as opposed to normative or legal obligation.  相似文献   

The traditional HRM system has been job-based and has reflected a bureaucratic model of organizing work. Such job-based personnel management systems have shown a tendency to break down when jobs are dissolving under more flexible work organization. Many writers have called for a competency approach to replace the traditional job-based approach under these new conditions, and we have seen a growing literature on competency modelling. The study reported here suggests that jobs are structured along two independent lines: formal control and complexity of work tasks. Each combination of formalization and complexity (high and low) gives rise to a different approach to align work and competencies. The job-based approach and the competency approach are only two of these, and an occupational and a professional approach are also identified. While formal company-internal training is related to job approach and competency approach, training for skilled tradesmen and professionals is a combination of company-external professional training prior to the work career and informal on-the-job and self-managed training.  相似文献   

Public opinion in Europe seems worried about the relocation of production plants toward low wage countries often accused of practicing ‘social dumping’. To reduce the incentives for relocation trade unions proposed the adoption of ‘social clauses’ protecting domestic markets from commodities produced in countries where minimal labor condition are not met. We analyze the effects of the adoption of a social clause in a vertically differentiated Bertrand duopoly. We assess how such a policy affects firms’ relocation decisions in order to be able to assess its welfare implications. We also characterize the optimal social clause policy, both under domestic welfare maximization, and from an efficiency point of view. While we show that a social clause policy cannot be dismissed on domestic (or world) welfare grounds, its case is weaker the higher is the domestic wage and the lower is the foreign wage.  相似文献   

A bstract . From Rice Vaughan, 1675: The first Invention of Money was for a Pledge and instead of a Surety to John Maynard Keynes, 1937: Our desire to hold money as a store of wealth is a barometer of the degree of our distrust there is a tradition of monetary theory linking the demand for money with the state of confidence. In the early nineteenth century, Henry Thornton and Thomas Attwood analyzed the shifts in precautionary demand for money and their implications for money supply, production, employment, and the balance of payments. The tradition was interrupted during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and was subsequently revived by Keynes's General Theory .  相似文献   

Higher education funding arrangements remain unsatisfactory. Central government's price controls over the services which universities offer threate both autonomy and quality. The best UK research universities can no longer compete with their counterparts in the United States and elsewhere. This article proposes a return to private status for universities, allowing them to form a contractual relationship with government for teaching and research, with freedom to charge an additional market price for their services to privately funded and overseas students.  相似文献   

Tetrads are more conducive to studying the dynamic nature of supply networks compared to triads. For instance, the balance theory assumes there is equilibrium in the triadic structure when, in fact, relationships are constantly in flux in networks. Tetrads help us examine how a network is embedded in a larger network, how factions or subgroups operate in networks, and how strong and weak ties play out in a network.  相似文献   

This paper examines the investments and performance of community development venture capital (CDVC). We find substantial differences between CDVCs and traditional VCs: CDVC investments are far more likely to be in nonmetropolitan regions and in regions with little prior venture activity. CDVC investments are likely to be in earlier stage investments and in industries outside the venture capital mainstream that have lower probabilities of successful exit. Even after controlling for this unattractive transaction mixture, the probability of a CDVC investment being successfully exited is lower. One benefit of CDVCs may be their effect in bringing traditional VCs to underserved regions—controlling for the presence of traditional VC investments, each additional CDVC investment results in an additional 0.06 new traditional VC firms in a region.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the literatures on socially responsible investment (SRI), investment management, regulation of financial services and social accounting by providing a comprehensive survey of investment methods used in SRI products and regulated social reporting in financial services. Australian and New Zealand regulations require issuers of self‐declarative SRI products to provide details on methods used in portfolio construction. Regulators' objectives to standardize the reporting of portfolio construction and thus improve its comparability were identified by examination of parliamentary debates and other public reports. Portfolio construction styles of 86 SRI products managed by 63 financial institutions in Australia and New Zealand were chosen for analysis. Statistical analysis was conducted to identify associations between styles, construction methods and assessment techniques over a four‐year period: 2004–2007. These aspects were further examined in 18 case studies. Over the period, diversity and intensity of construction methods had increased both within and between investment managers. The non‐standard nature of management consultation used in SRI products, marketing needs to distinguish rather than standardize investment methods and the types of information thought relevant to clients did not reconcile easily with the types of information required by regulation. The more recent products in the sample tended to reference market indexes in portfolio construction, separate social considerations from financial considerations and delegate qualitative assessments of invested companies. Consumer policy implications arise from questions bearing on the integrity of information attached to investment products and the effective monitoring of delegated investment processes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The authors argue that international managers and researchers need to avoid an ostrich-like attitude of ‘gender and race blindness’ when dealing with diversity in the workforce. This issue is addressed specifically in the case of international assignments. The paper draws on previous studies investigating gender, race and international assignment, and considers a sample of regulations pertaining to gender and race in the context of international assignment decisions. The authors present the results of a preliminary study focusing specifically on the interplay of these variables. Based on the issues discussed, the authors examine selection, preparation and support activities as important avenues for meaningfully incorporating gender and race into the international assignment process.  相似文献   

This introductory article summarizes the discussions and results of the Fifth Annual Greening of Industry Conference, Global Restructuring—A Place for Ecology?, held in Heidelberg, Germany, November 25–27, 1997. The Greening of Industry Network is concerned with the transition of industry towards sustainable production as an essential part of achieving a sustainable society. The Network conferences, held at different locations around the world, promote this goal by bringing together participants from different regions and with different backgrounds (academia, industry, governments and NGOs). The conferences are venues for information exchange, learning and dialogue about different aspects of the greening of industry and possible pathways to a sustainable society. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Between 1995 and 2004, Kate Bronfenbrenner wrote several studies arguing that union organizing would be more successful if certain tactics were used. Bronfenbrenner’s methodology seemed unassailable and her opinions were influential among union leaders, but organizing outcomes did not improve. To understand why, this study asked highly successful union organizers for their views. Their responses point to an entirely different conceptualization of the organizing process. Rather than follow a certain recipe, respondents saw their first priority as building relationships of trust with workers. Then, organizers and workers together could develop tactics tailored to the particular situation. If organizing success most requires relation-building skills and creativity, then it is more important for unions to hire the right organizers than to employ a given tactical formula.  相似文献   

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