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This article reports on a pilot study of the loads exerted vertically by children when jumping. The subjects of the study were 17 children, aged from two to twelve years. Measurements were made using video recordings and a force-plate. The influence of the stiffness of the base and of jumping with and without shoes was investigated. Knee flexion, push-off force (thrust) and the ratio between push-off force and body weight (relative thrust) were analyzed. Measurements of the knee flexion showed a certain consistency for each child. The angle of knee flexion during push-off follows a bimodal distribution with maxima at 60° and 90°. The results for relative thrust suggest a close relationship between push-off force and body weight.  相似文献   


A review of the literature revealed that data on the actual forces that children can exert on products is practically non-existent. For a number of situations, the loads resulting from actions by adults are known. The ratio between body weight and load may be used for estimating the forces that can be exerted by children. The object of the present study was two-fold

to verify the approach of estimating forces by using the body mass of children;

to fill in some of the blanks where no data is available, even for adults

Four different types of peak forces that children can exert on products were selected for the purpose of this study

standing: a push against a horizontal bar

standing: a tug at the bar

sitting: a push with the hands against the bar when sitting with the back against a support

sitting: a push with the feet against the bar when sitting with the back against a support

A total of 203 children participated, ranging from 4 to 12 years of age The methods and equipment used to measure forces are described in the paper. Forces measured and force ratios calculated for different age groups are presented. Some conclusions are:

children can exert higher forces than anticipated, especially when pushing with the feet;

boys are a bit stronger than girls, especially in the higher age groups;

the correlation between weight and forces was high enough in all cases to use body weight as a force indicator;

the ratio between force and body weight is lower in lower age groups.  相似文献   

This study explores the forces that promote and hinder gender equality efforts of a multinational corporation (MNC) operating in the Middle East. Specifically, we draw from a case study to document the formal and informal pressures exerted on a British MNC operating in Saudi Arabia to better understand the multiple forces that influence gender equality approaches in the host country. Our findings suggest that while formal institutions such as the legal requirements and localization policies support gender equality, informal forces that are rooted in the cultural norms and traditions are formidable in hindering such efforts and in reinforcing the status quo. The insights generated from our study have the potential to inform public policy makers and organizational decision makers to locate the right policy tool to promote gender equality. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


The present study investigates the extent to which extenuating factors (excluding those produced by the commercial) affect the extent to which an advertisement is both persuasive and eventually engenders persuasion. The authors collected data from over 5,000 television commercials in the United States, and identified the existing market structure (e.g., brand share, number of competing brands, brand loyalty) surrounding each item at the time the product was advertised, in an effort to separate the effects of the advertisement from the effects of pre-existing market forces on persuasiveness. The results demonstrate that the combined pre-existing market forces have a greater impact on a commercial's ability to persuade than does the message or creativity in the advertisement itself. However, when pre-existing market forces between two products were similar, a creative advertising campaign was still identified as important in producing persuasion. Marketing strategy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The researchers interviewed 300 customers of a fast food restaurant. The respondents indicated that quality, cleanliness and value are the three most important attributes of a fast food restaurant. The study reported the respondents' ratings of competitive brands. Cross-tabulations of satisfaction rating by various customer traits are provided.  相似文献   

The HASSLE Scale     

Retailers can respond to consumer complaints of perceived problems in many different ways. The response chosen by the retailer, as well as the time and effort exerted by the consumer, can influence consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (S/D) with the complaint resolution process. Results suggest that consumer S/D with the complaint resolution process has four critical dimensions. The two consumer input dimensions are consumer time and consumer effort expended in an attempt to resolve the problem. The two outcome dimensions are compensation received and attributes of the retailer's representative.  相似文献   


Social marketing holds great hope for promoting well-being and social good. Yet, as a ‘master’s tools’ strategy it must be deployed carefully and critically to ensure campaigns are not co-opted by the individualising and issue shaping forces of mainstream marketing. Moreover, social marketing strategies should go beyond promoting better and healthier choices for individuals, and be deployed to encourage critical thinking, political engagement and social action.  相似文献   


The intangible nature of relationships makes for certain difficulties in analysing both “relationships;” themselves and the circumstances in which they might exist. Using an adaptation of Bosiot's I Space, it is suggested that relationships may often effectively be the product offered in business‐to‐business relationships. However, the combination of market forces and the behaviour of managers is identified as the source of the instability of relationships.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a two-year investigation into the forces driving change in the global foodservice industry and the identification and analysis of competitive methods used by multinationals to respond to these forces. The five forces identified are: (1) globalization and economic change, (2) a knowledge based environment, (3) the future labor force and its entrants, (4) concern for well being, and (5) threatened natural resources. The competitive methods as identified by analyzing multinational foodservice firms are: (1) strategic expansion into the international marketplace, (2) investment in technological development, (3) internal competency development, (4) effective communication to target markets, and (5) competitive pricing strategies. Using the co-alignment model of strategy as the underpinning of the analysis it was determined that multinational firms have responded well to the forces of globalization and economic change, and the knowledge based environment. However, it appears that little competitive methods have been developed to address the forces such as labor force, well being and threatened natural resources. The implication here is that firms that are not in alignment with environmental forces will have to address this concern if they expect to continue to add value for all industry stakeholders.  相似文献   


This article investigates the forces that constrain Taiwanese-based corporations from improving quality and introducing and marketing new products. A total of 182 executives from the service and manufacturing sectors participated in the study. The results indicate that Taiwanese-based firms are optimistic about their competitive market position and about their respective industries. Furthermore, executives of these firms prefer to compete in regional and global markets. Absence of pride in a job well done, ineffective performance evaluation systems, and excessive government regulations were found to be the most important factors that may prohibit improvement in product quality. The results also reveal that various factors may hinder the development and marketing of new products. They are inattentiveness to consumer needs, top management's lack of attention to world competition and global opportunities, deterioration of the competitive spirit among employees and managers, absence of a flexible manufacturing strategy, volatile business environment, and too much focus on immediate results.  相似文献   


Conflicting and complex forces are shaping the diffusion patterns of the Internet and e-commerce in South Asia. Drawing upon the literature on institutional theory, we explore the drivers and inhibitors of the Internet in South Asian countries. We examine the influence of the three pillars of institutions (Scott, 1995) on the digital world of South Asia. The paper discusses how regulatory, normative, and cognitive institution–such as laws, relationships, culture, and habit–have shaped the diffusion patterns of the Internet and e-commerce in South Asia.  相似文献   


Time as a strategic variable has gained a great deal of attention in recent literature, but little has been reported on how to effectively manage time between strategic partners in a global context. In addition, there has been virtually no attention paid to time as a critical strategic variable when doing business in African countries. This paper examines the importance of time in developing effective operating relationships between Western and African countries. We posit the concept of strategic timescapes to provide managers with a way of visualizing the various dimensions of time that could vary from one culture to another. In addition, a means to effectively manage knowledge and learning between Western and African organizations is presented using the concept of “virtual” organizations to serve as the coordinating vehicle.  相似文献   


The impact of the macroeconomic policy on the micro variables comes with a significant delay and is not well understood at the microlevels (enterprises, citizens, etc.) in postcommunist societies. Because of the time lag in obtaining or perceiving measurable results at the microlevels, sound macropolicies are at risk of being derailed by populist propaganda by forces stemming from the old System.  相似文献   


Good research demands that researchers are reflexive, understanding that all findings are socially constructed and susceptible to the unacknowledged interests of the researcher. When studying the consumption of religion and spirituality, how does a researcher mitigate a potential secularist worldview to consider consumers’ alternative metaphysical assumptions? And when these alternative worldviews posit divine and occult forces, how should the researcher study and theorise these forces? Based on our research of Pentecostalism in Ghana, we offer four suggestions. First, we demonstrate the importance of delineating the socio-historical context of our informants’ worldview. Second, we encourage exploring the potential of indigenous methods that may be more culturally sensitive; in this case, we show how religious testimony offers new insights as a way of knowing that is consistent with our informants’ worldview. Third, we advocate theorising within the frame of the indigenous metaphysical worldviews, such as understanding the religious testimonies as affective performances. Finally, we reflect on the benefits of moving beyond reflexivity to paths of action that seek rapprochement among differing worldviews.  相似文献   


In today’s integrated global economy, business executives of multinational corporations are required to have a flexible global mindset in order to cope with the driving forces of globalization. Thus, the global market forces stress the importance for business schools to graduate students with skill sets pertinent to functioning competitively in the ever-changing business environment. In this article, we conducted a survey of 165 students in the Albers School of Business and Economics at Seattle University to examine whether international cocurricular activities help achieve the goal of cultivating a global mindset in students. The results suggest that international cocurricular activities enhance students’ global mindset. Short-term study tours and international internships do have a significant impact on students’ global mindset as other long-term cocurricular activities, which may cost more time and money. We recommend that short-term study tours be used as an alternative cost-effective way to engaging business students in the internationalization of the business curriculum at their institutions.  相似文献   


This article examines the role of cultural values in segmentation in social marketing, with a special focus on minority and immigrant groups. It offers a framework for values driven segmentation in social marketing. Since social marketing seeks to create behavior change, it needs to refocus on modalities that can bring about the desired behavioral change. Cultural values that distinguish and define cultural groups are perhaps the most critical, especially in multicultural environments. The values of various subcultures, their ethnic identities and cultural heritage have become important driving forces for social marketers in their quest to bring about behavioral change. Though the article focuses on social marketing to minority and immigrant subcultures, the values driven segmentation model can be validly applied to other cultural groups as well.  相似文献   


Purpose: This paper develops a conceptual framework to analyze the impact of a supply chain network (SCN) structure on relationship management strategies (RMS) that focal firms apply to manage sustainability issues within the SCN.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on a comprehensive review and analysis of the industrial marketing and purchasing (IMP), sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), and SCN literature.

Findings: The conceptual framework expands the network perspective in the SSCM context by considering the important role of the SCN structure in the firm’s decision-making process. Four factors (dependency, distance, power, and transparency) were found that are useful in conceptualizing the SCN structure. The conceptual framework also categorizes various sustainability practices into four RMS (noncompliance, transactional, dictatorial, and collaborative), which are needed to make an SCN more sustainable. In addition, 16 propositions are developed based on how firms may identify the most effective RMS to implement appropriate sustainability practices through examining their SCN structure.

Research limitations/implications: The conceptual framework, developed as a result of a comprehensive review of the literature, led to the development of 16 propositions, which can assist in furthering a research agenda on RMS to diffuse various sustainability practices within SCN structures.

Originality/value: The relationship between SCN structure and RMS in the sustainability context remains an under-researched but emerging area of interest. This paper leverages existing research to develop a conceptual framework suitable for empirical testing.  相似文献   


This article is a commentary on the literature review conducted by Reid and Plank. The objective of the paper is to both critique and complement the review and to provide a forum for debate as to the future direction of research in business-to-business (B2B) marketing research. The paper begins with a challenge to the reader to think beyond the traditional role of B2B marketing and think about how future B2B research could be more relevant and more strategic in focus. The concept of the new competition is offered as a framework for presenting future research issues. The new competition converges on the role of the extended enterprise as the reference point for thinking about competitive forces in a global marketplace. The implications for B2B marketers are discussed.  相似文献   


Is m-commerce just an extension or a subset of e-commerce? Will it turn out to be just more hype? In this paper we discuss the realities of m-commerce and the major differences between mobile commerce and Internet-based e-commerce. Based on this understanding, we identify key factors that must be taken into consideration in order to design valuable m-com-merce applications. We emphasize that the success of m-commerce relies on the synergy of three driving forces: technology innovation, evolution of a new value chain, and active customer demand.  相似文献   


In recent years, a number of internal and external forces have urged companies to pay increased attention to the role that corporate advertising plays in marketing communications strategy. Despite this increased importance, a comprehensive view of current corporate advertising practices does not exist. This study reports the practices of the 500 largest manufacturing and the 300 largest non-manufacturing firms in the U.S. and makes observations on several key management issues, including the definition of corporate advertising, objectives and measurement, funding, and future directions.  相似文献   

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