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2009年9月25日,首批获得批文的10家创业板企业公开招股发行,这意味着经历10年磨砺,创业板市场在我国正式启动。作为多层次资本市场重要组成部分之一的创业板市场,肩负着提高直接融资比例.为创新型、高科技和高成长中小企业融资服务的重任。本文简要介绍中国创业板的优势及应对风险的实践,分析了我国创业板市场面临的主要风险,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

侯勇 《价值工程》2012,31(7):95-96
创业板市场的运行为我国证券市场的发展注入了新鲜血液,它的推出有效缓解了长期困扰我国高科技中小企业"融资难"的问题。但是,创业板市场伴随而来的高风险引起了市场各方的高度关注。本文采用回归分析的研究方法,对创业板上市公司财务风险的影响因素进行了分析,实证研究结果表明,创业板上市公司的财务风险与股权规模负相关,与企业的偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力、发展能力、投资收益和现金流量不具有明显的线性相关关系。文章进一步提出了创业板上市公司财务风险控制的措施。  相似文献   

在西方发达国家,融资租赁是仅次于银行放贷的第二大融资方式。在全国融资租赁行业如火如荼发展的新阶段,为更好地发挥融资租赁的功能,全面实施江西省"十二五"战略规划,为鄱阳湖生态经济区建设等省内重点工程、重点项目搭建资金平台,有效解决省内中小企业融资难问题,促进江西省地方经济的发展,本文提出应学习借鉴成功经验,在观念转变、加强组织领导、政策扶持和完善租赁物权管理等方面,加快江西融资租赁行业的发展。  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, networking has become a ‘vogue concept’ in small business research, connecting with wider debates on learning and regional development. Participation in inter-firm networks is seen to provide small firms with access to a broader pool of resources and knowledge, helping them to overcome size-related disadvantages. In particular, the role of such networks as channels for innovation and learning within regions and localities has been emphasized in the context of an apparent shift towards a knowledge-driven economy. In this paper, we provide an empirically-grounded analysis of networking, trust and embeddedness amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Aberdeen oil complex. Drawing upon survey and interview data, it is argued that connections to extra-local networks play a crucial role in providing access to wider sources of information and knowledge. At the same time, an Aberdeen location still matters to oil-related firms because of the access it offers to crucial forms of industry-specific information and expertise. In concurring with recent calls for more empirically-grounded research which seeks to ‘test’ theoretical propositions against relevant data, we suggest in conclusion that a combination of firm surveys and face-to-face interviews provides an appropriate way forward.  相似文献   

杨韵  罗世华  陶冶 《价值工程》2013,(17):170-172
中国电子商务研究中心监测各电子商务企业已披露的数据显示:2012年,国内各大金融机构累计为约3万户企业发放3288亿元网络融资贷款,自网络融资业务推出三年来,工行累计为4.3万户小微企业发放了7710亿元的网络融资贷款。网络融资是小微企业融资新模式,本文以建设银行与阿里巴巴为例,分析金融机构与第三方交易平台在面向小微企业网络融资方面的竞争与合作关系,并通过竞合博弈分析,探索适合小微企业的融资新机制。  相似文献   

This study explores the funding issues at the early stages of development of computer software and biotechnology small firms in the UK. This study reviewed previous relevant literature in this area and presents empirical evidence derived from an extensive online questionnaire survey. The sample contains a total of 83 small firms, which includes 41 biotechnology and 42 software firms. With regards to funding issues, we found that software firms reports more funding problems than the biotechnology firms. Software firms are fastest growing firms and goes through the early stages of development quicker than the biotechnology firms. With regards to the sources of funding the evidence shows that biotechnology small firms mainly use venture capital finance whilst the main source of funding for the software firms are personal savings and house mortgage/re-mortgage. On the one hand, software firms seem to follow the pecking order hypothesis whilst financing their business growth and development. On the other hand, the pecking order hypothesis may not be fully followed by the biotechnology small firms. However, both software and biotechnology small firms report difficulties in securing equity finance. Software firms are financially constrained not only due to the supply side financial constraints but also by the demand side financial constraints.  相似文献   

从商业银行角度浅析我国中小企业融资难问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋琳 《价值工程》2011,30(8):104-105
中小企业是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要力量,但长期以来,中小企业所获得的金融资源却十分匾乏,特别是通过银行融资难的问题己经成为严重制约我国中小企业进一步发展的最大瓶颈。本文首先分析了中小企业融资难的原因,然后论述了发展中小企业融资业务对我国商业银行的重要意义,最后对商业银行如何发展中小企业业务提出几点建议。  相似文献   

转轨经济时期,金融发展和政治关系在中小企业融资中发挥什么样的作用?金融发展是否能够缩小中小企业融资中的政治差异?这是一个极其重要的问题。利用全国民营企业的抽样问卷调查数据,从金融发展和政治关系在缓解中小企业融资约束上的替代效应角度对此进行分析。我们发现:具有政治背景的企业在外源融资上具有优势,中小企业融资中存在政治差异现象。金融发展能够帮助中小企业获得正规金融贷款,缓解他们的融资困境,并对政治关系产生显著的替代效应,它能缩小中小企业融资中的政治差异。  相似文献   

供应链融资业务的参与方有金融机构、核心企业、中小融资企业、物流企业等;其中各参与方当中起到供应链融资能否实施的决定性作用的是以银行为代表的金融机构及与中小融资企业有贸易来往的核心企业。文中以核心企业为视角,首先分析了核心企业在供应链融资中的作用,然后梳理了核心企业参与供应链融资运作的必要条件,最后阐明了供应链融资中核心企业的运作策略。  相似文献   

中小企业在我国经济发展中的作用现在已为社会各方所关注,在当前我国信贷紧缩的背景下,中小企业更是步履维艰。第三方物流业与金融业相结合推出的物流金融业务,能更有针对性地解决部分中小企业的融资难问题,尤其是满足在生产或销售上季节性较强的企业的短期融资需求。文中从我国中小企业目前的融资团境出发,提出物流金融能有效地解决中小企业短期融资难题,并有针对性地对中小企业利用物流金融融资提出建议。  相似文献   

银行业市场结构变化与中小企业融资环境分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪90年代中后期以来,我国的银行业市场结构发生了重大变化:国有商业银行大规模撤并基层分支机构、股份制银行发展壮大、城市信用社合并重组为城市商业银行、金融业对外开放后外资银行大量迅速进入。本文运用HHI指数对县域、城市银行业市场集中度进行分析,发现在我国金融二元结构的背景下,银行业市场结构呈双向变化,县域银行业市场集中度提高,市场竞争程度被削弱,城市地区银行业市场集中度下降,市场竞争程度提高。信贷市场竞争程度不同导致信贷制度供给和贷款市场边界也呈双向变化,城市地区中小企业融资环境虽有所改善,但县域中小企业融资环境进一步恶化。本文就此探究了相关治理对策。  相似文献   

浅析金融危机下中小企业融资问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘佩莉 《价值工程》2011,30(5):106-107
长期以来,融资难一直是制约我国中小企业发展的"瓶颈"。全球性的金融危机波及了中国,使我国许多中小企业因材料涨价、人工成本提高、人民币大幅升值、融资难等问题而纷纷倒闭,如何帮助中小企业度过这次难关,关键问题就是破解企业的融资问题。本文针对中小企业融资难的现状及成因分析,提出了中小企业融资困境的新思路。  相似文献   

黄海敏 《价值工程》2010,29(21):1-1
中小企业成为一国经济发展中不可忽视的经济力量。随着世界金融危机的蔓延,作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,我国中小企业将在稳定经济、吸纳就业、提供社会服务等方面发挥非常特殊的作用。我国中小企业遭遇了近年来最严重的一次困难,无论在发达国家还是在发展中国家,中小企业的融资问题一直是它们发展中面临的最大困难。从企业发展的外部环境讲,中小企业面临突出问题首先就是融资难问题。解决中小企业的融资难问题要多条措施并进。  相似文献   

张旭起 《价值工程》2011,30(18):11-12
本文通过对目前国内中小企业在生产经营过程中普遍存在库存量大、资金沉淀、企业运营资金不足、融资困难的现象进行深入分析,提出了盘活库存货物,以物流企业为中间担保人实施抵押贷款的融资模式、物流企业贷款和委托金融机构贷款的融资模式,并对以物流企业为主导的这项业务提出了可行的操作方法和合理化措施,解决了中小企业资金不足的经营问题,同时也为物流企业开展供应链增值服务提供了创新的思路。  相似文献   

While agile project management has become increasingly important for high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), firm performance varies greatly due to companies’ different degrees of innovation capability and internal and external environmental dynamics. Drawing on the resource-based view – as well as innovation capability and agile project management theories – a comparative analysis was conducted of two high-tech SMEs. The results were used to develop a theoretical model based on six hypotheses. Empirical research was carried out that included measurement of key variables, data collection and analysis, validity and reliability tests, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling, which confirmed five of the six initial hypotheses. The proposed model incorporates different innovation capability roles, considers project agility enhancement of firm performance, and takes into account interactions between companies’ innovation atmosphere and environmental dynamics in a public sector-dominated economy (i.e., China). The results contribute to project agility management’s theoretical development and refinement by presenting new findings on innovation and environmental dynamics. The results also provide guidelines for project agility practices in high-tech SMEs in China, with the potential to improve these firms’ performance. Implications and limitations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article tests the hypothesis that the financial characteristics of the issuing firm, along with the availability of alternative sources of financing, are important determinants of the level of underpricing. While risk and its relationship to underpricing have been examined in previous studies, liquidity risk is unique because of its special implications for a firm’s bargaining position with the underwriter. Consistent with my hypothesis, firms with greater liquidity concerns at the IPO experience greater underpricing. On the other hand, firms with higher levels of venture capital funding and/or debt financing are more fully priced.  相似文献   

We examine the debt-equity decisions of startup firms using the Kauffman Firm Survey, the largest database of U.S. startups launched in 2004. To control for sample selection bias and the correlation among financing decisions, we employ a Bivariate Probit-Tobit model. Our results show that several firm characteristics such as growth prospects, firm size, tangible assets, and selling products, as well as owner characteristics such as net worth, experience, education and ethnicity explain the debt-equity decisions in the startup year. In addition, for firms that use debt, we document traits that explain the use of a particular type of business versus personal debt. Larger firms use more business debt, whereas home-based and growth firms use more personal sources of debt. Immigrants, owners who lack work experience and those who invest more time in the business tend to rely more on personal sources of debt.  相似文献   

在当前地方政府应对国际金融危机的政策选择中,支持中小企业发展是一个重要着力点,而融资难问题又始终是困扰中小企业发展的难题。  相似文献   

This article examines factors associated with financial distress among 1006 Spanish manufacturings (SMEs), distinguishing high and low technology industries. Financial distress is analysed using industrial organizational theory through the Porter's five competitive forces model (external factors) and the resource based view through strategic variables (internal factors), such as training, planning, innovation, technology and quality. Two different sources of information were used in the study: Qualitative information related to environmental conditions and strategic variables was gathered through a questionnaire addressed to the firm manager. Quantitative information to identify whether the firm was in financial distress was gathered from the balance sheets and earning statements of the firms. Evidence from this study shows that environmental conditions and some strategic variables are associated with financial distress. The results found that young SMEs with low technology and in a highly competitive environment had a higher probability of financial distress. High bargaining power of buyers and high degree of rivalry among existing competitors were positively associated with financial distress. Financial distress in high-technology industries was not affected by external factors. However, firms with a quality certification have better quality control procedures that ultimately improve financial performance of firms in the technology industries.  相似文献   

中小企业迅速发展已成为我国经济社会发展的重要推动力。然而,中小企业发展的最大障碍问题仍然是融资难。本文借助于金融缺口理论考察中小企业信贷约束困境,并从制度性约束和信息不对称视角,深层分析了信贷约束的原因,为化解我国中小企业信贷约束,应从融资制度安排上进行重点设计。  相似文献   

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