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Increasing importance is being attached to market segmentation strategies as a means of increasing producer returns. In this paper, a generalised model of price discrimination without supply control is developed to analyse the implications of optimal segmentation strategies for non-homogeneous products. It is shown that the magnitude of producer returns is dependent on demand and supply conditions, with increases in returns falling as price elasticities of demand and supply increase. The model is applied to the New Zealand sheep meats industry to reveal that returns to producers from market segmentation strategies could be quite low in the long run.  相似文献   

Does the seemingly disproportionate growth in Australia of agricultural economics, relative to other branches of applied economics, represent a misallocation of educational and research resources? Probably not, since (i) it may be better–because of the existence of increasing returns–to concentrate one's limited resources of economist brainpower in a few fields than to spread them widely; and (ii) the growth of agricultural economics has helped to correct certain weaknesses–particularly in micro-economics and econometrics–in the Australian economics profession as a whole. However, it is suggested that in the future agricultural economists might apply their skills increasingly to non-agricultural problems.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the status and further contributions of the Agricultural Economics discipline. It focuses on how the discipline can develop further and contribute more effectively to overcoming some of the complex problems faced by society. Although the discipline is well developed and widely recognized, respected and supported, there are concerns about its members' abilities to adequately meet the demands and needs placed on them. It seems clear that there is a need for more agricultural economists, but it is also clear that primary emphasis must be placed on disciplinary excellence and adequacy. This prerequisite is basic to effective and relevant contributions of agricultural economists in leaching, research, public service, administration, and extension. It seems clear that many of the problems and issues agricultural economists are asked to help resolve will require a multidisciplinary approach, with many disciplines contributing their respective knowledge and skills. Facilitation of the co-ordination and integration of such collective effort may require the organization of appropriate new institutions. Society has a large investment in disciplines like ours and is demanding relevance and effectiveness and this is the challenge Cet article examine ?un point-de-vue critique ?état actuel et les contributions futures de la discipline de ?économie rurale. II se concentre sur le développe-ment de la discipline et comment elle peut aider plus efficacemenl a surmonler quelques problemes complexes qui confromenl la societé. Bien que la discipline soil bien developée, et bien quelle soil reconnue, respectée at appuyée par lous, on a exprimé des inquiétudes sur la capacityé de ses membres de répondre avec compétence aux exigences et aux besoins qu'ils rencontrent. Il semble clair qu'il existe un besoin pour plus ?economistes ruraux, mats il est clair égalemenl qu'on doit insister sur la qualité et la compétence dans la discipline. Cette condition préalable est essentielle pour produire des contributions efficaces et utiles de la part des économistes ruraux dans ?enseignement, les recherches, le service publique et ?administration. II semble clair que beaucoup des problemes et des questions que les économistes ruraux doivent aider a résoudre exigerant des méthodes inlerdiscip-linaires on plusieurs disciplines contriberont leurs connaissances et leur competence. Pour rendre plus facile la co-ordination et ?intégration de cet effort collectif il faudra peut-être le création de nouvelles institutions dans ce but. La societé a des placements importants dans les disciplines comme le nôire et demande pertinence et efftcacité. Voilà le déft  相似文献   

Using the results of the first part of their 1994 membership survey, Ahmadi-Esfahani and Brakey (1996) examined the structure, conduct and performance of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society qualitatively. This paper extends that analysis by appraising some current trends in the Australian agricultural economics profession quantitatively. It concentrates on the second part of the survey to address a number of fundamental questions. A comparison of the US and Australian agricultural economics professions is made. The implications of the analysis for the product mix of the Society are explored.  相似文献   

There will be an increasing demand for additional capital as the pattern of landownership changes. In the past it was easier t o acquire on the death of a landowner a large block of land but as this land becomes broken up and becomes less homogeneous as far as landownership is concerned, this will give rise t o many social and economic problems. Undoubtedly the dead hand of the past lies heavily on the present and future pattern of British agriculture. There is a need for a change in attitude towards the new class of landowners, and for research on the implication of continuing policies that were initiated in times when there was reaction against landownership held by a few privileged individuals. It is hkely that if attention is not paid to these aspects we are likely to see landownership being transferred to institutional bodies. The past system of landownership on a personal basis will be replaced by various institutional arrangements on a very impersonal basis. Owner-occupiers (particularly those above 600 S.M.D.) faced with increasing charges for purchasing and servicing of landlord responsibilities will be forced to intensify their production and may demand greater support from government sources. It is suggested that as an immediate measure in addition to collecting information on a net farm income basis, data should be collected on the networth of individual farm businesses as well as of the industry as a whole. Non-agriculutural presswes en on land values need tc be considered. In the marginal areas part-time farming, together with tourism, or integration with other pursuits such as afforestation, appear to be sound enough proposals in general, but difficult to implement for the individual. More research work is required to assist us to deal with this problem of change of landownership and its interaction on the competing demands for capital.  相似文献   

Elements of three of the BAE's research programs in economic modelling of the rural sector, namely, the modelling of agricultural production systems, rural commodity markets and agriculture within a general equilibrium framework, are reviewed with emphasis on the use of such models in policy work. Suggestions are made for further modelling in these areas.  相似文献   

The degree of pricing efficiency achieved in the retail meat market is reconsidered in this paper. The approach adopted is to develop an economic model of the pricing behaviour of retail butchers, to postulate a behavioural model consistent with the economic model, and to test this model using the data supplied by three retail butchers. The results indicate that the deleterious effects of price levelling and averaging practices on pricing efficiency may have been understated in earlier studies. It is concluded that further research is required to re-assess the extent of the problem of pricing efficiency in the retail meat market.  相似文献   

The economics of taxation as a major element of agricultural policy is seldom analyzed, although taxation can be and is an important part of the agricultural policies of many nations. This paper describes some of the ways taxation policy can be employed to achieve a variety of public policy objectives. Using a production economics framework, the discussion indicates some of the consequences of viewing policy primarily in a taxation (or factor) dimension as opposed to a product dimension.
LA F1SCALITÉ: UN ASPECT NÉGLIGÉ DE ĽÉCONOMIE DE LA PRODUCTION–Ľeconomie de la fiscalité en tant qu'élément important de la politique agricole est rarement analysée, bien que les impôts puissent être et sont un élément important de la politique agricole de beaucoup de nations. Le présent mémoire décrit certains des moyens par lesquels la politique fiscale peut être employée pour atteindre divers objectifs ďordre public. Utilisant le cadre de ľéconomie de la production, la discussion indique certaines des conséquences de considérer la politique surtout dans une dimension fiscale (ou élémentaire) par opposition à une dimension de produit.  相似文献   

In this article attention is drawn to serious methodological weaknesses in Australian agricultural economics. It is frankly polemic in style and after a discussion of the philosophies of science of Popper and Kuhn the author argues that Australian agricultural economists ought to be more critical of the assumptions on which current theory is based and should be seeking to establish a new approach to the problems of the agricultural economy which would place more emphasis on social justice than on 'growth and efficiency'.  相似文献   

Many indicators point to increasing surpluses in the world wheat market. This study presents evidence of this trend by examining the present and projected 1975 levels of import demand and export supply for wheat in the major wheat importing and exporting countries. Domestic policies which directly or indirectly affect the level of wheat trade are also taken into account.
The implications for Canada resulting from these developments are indicated in terms of its anticipated level of exports, required wheat acreage adjustments and indirect effects to other sectors of the Canadian economy.
LA PARTICIPATION DU CANADA SUR LE MARCHÉ INTERNATIONAL DU BLÉ - Plusieurs changements indiquent une augmentation dans le surplus de blé sur le marché international. Cette étude présente une indication de cette tendance en examinant le nrveau actuel et celui de 1975 de la demande d'importation et l'offre d'exportations dans les principaux pays qui importent et exponent le blé. La politique intérieure qui touche directement ou indirectement le commerce du blé est aussi considérée.
L'implication du Canada est exprimée en fonction du niveau d'exportation anticipé, un ajustement dans la superfine et l'influence apportée aux autres secteurs de l'économie canadienne.  相似文献   

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