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在全球价值链格局中,贸易摩擦所导致的单边技术管制不仅会对一国出口贸易利益形成冲击,还会对全球产业价值链和国际经济格局重塑产生重要影响.党的十九届五中全会明确提出,构建国内、国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,同时强调推动产业链与供应链多元化.本文基于贸易增加值法测算框架,分析在中美贸易摩擦历史背景下中国制造业出口的中间品进口依赖度,评估美国单边技术管制对中国制造业出口贸易利益及国内产业链的冲击程度.研究发现:中国制造业整体出口增加值中源自国外增加值部分比例在大幅下降,但计算机、电子和光学制品、电气设备等行业仍十分依赖国外中间品投入;欧洲、美国和日本是中国制造业中间品进口依赖度最高的地区,且中国出口中来源于这些地区的国外增加值占比低于流出占比.美国单边技术管制对中国出口的冲击,通过全球价值链体系在国内各行业及主要贸易伙伴之间形成差异化的"放大效应"和"吸收效应".  相似文献   

刘文涛 《新经济》2007,(5):90-93
国际范围内产业结构的不断高级化极大地促进了发达国家和新兴工业化国家与地区的低端产业加速对外转移。由于中国具备劳动力资源丰富且成本低廉以及相当规模的制造业基础等承接国际产业转移的有利条件,由此促使着国际产业链以加工贸易为主要形式不断向我国延伸,从而为我国加工贸易发展提供了更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

西方的工业化围绕着制造业的发展,实现资源与人口在地理区域的集聚,催生和促进了城市化.制造业获得专业化的生产性服务,延伸传统制造业的产业链,进而增加其产业增加值.工业化中后期的城市化伴随着制造业与生产性服务业的集聚化而快速发展.现代信息技术服务、物流等生产性服务业的技术进步,使得产业布局摆脱以往工业化时期对空间距离的限制,也使企业远距离获得资源与服务成为可能.另一方面,服务业产业化又促进产业在空间上的扩散,使产业布局在更为广阔的空间范围分布与协调,使单一的城市化转向城市群与区域经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

文章利用2000—2021年联合国商品贸易数据库和世界银行的数据,实证分析中国生产性服务业国际竞争力的空间分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)中国生产性服务业国际竞争力整体不强,在报告国的空间份额也偏低;2021年国家贸易竞争力指数,在1.1%左右的国家,只有日本和德国;(2)报告国对中国生产性服务业的需求、报告国制造业和生产性服务业的部分指标,通过示范效应、空间知识溢出效应、产业链嵌入效应和市场压力效应,对中国生产性服务业国际竞争力空间格局产生显著正冲击;(3)报告国贸易开放度、报告国制造业和生产性服务业的另一部分指标,通过技术竞争、市场竞争和劳动生产率的竞争,对中国生产性服务业国际竞争力产生显著负冲击。提升中国生产性服务业国际竞争力主要对策如下:(1)通过开发技术提升制造业和服务业的融合度,以及开发新的国际市场来拓展生产性服务业国际竞争力的提升空间。(2)通过提高基础技术研发能力和原始技术创新能力,来提升中国生产性服务业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

一、人民币升值对我国经济有利的影响。1.有利于中国进口原材料和技术。国外消费品和生产资料的价格比以前便宜,原材料进口依赖型厂商成本下降,如钢材、电解铝、汽油、石油等国内消耗极大,越来越多地依赖进口。中国的工业化需要大量购买国外的先进技术,升值可  相似文献   

中国下游行业融入国际分工的进程要早于装备制造业,随着国际产业竞争呈现出标准许可化的发展趋势,引入技术及其标准成为中国下游行业参与国际分工的重要条件。而随着上下游产业间技术关联加强,国际技术标准的垄断逐渐具有产业链捆绑效应,造成中国上游本土设备企业发展空间和自主创新受限。本文构建数学模型,分析了控制下游技术标准专利的跨国公司,通过在上游不同附加值环节有选择性地拒绝或放开授权,制约本土设备企业发展和创新的机制。实证分析进一步验证,下游技术标准受控于跨国公司所造成的中国通信设备制造业不同环节的非平衡发展,竞争效应和资源挤出效应制约了本土通信设备企业的自主创新。为此,需要通过产业链上下游合作来突破技术标准的捆绑约束。  相似文献   

去工业化是一国经济发展到一定程度所必须面临的经济现象,不同的去工业化模式会对一国经济产生不同的影响。总量去工业化带来的一种消极后果是产业空心化,这也是目前诸多发达国家在经济发展过程中所面临的问题;而结构性去工业化能较好地保存一国的制造业与该国经济增长的动力源泉。中国目前正处在即将进入去工业化阶段时期,制造业面临着成本上升、人口红利消失、汇率上升以及东南亚国家的竞争等不利因素,同时发达国家的再工业化行为也对中国制造业构成了极大的挑战。结构性去工业化是中国应该采取的去工业化模式。  相似文献   

中国制造业转移过程中污染扩散的特点决定了中国内陆地区不具有承接高污染产业的比较优势,制造业向内陆地区转移是否就意味着污染转移?对于这一问题,本文首先从理论上分析制造业转移的规律和动力,然后运用该理论模型,针对两个企业案例进一步分析验证制造业以并购、合资和合作等方式转移,能提高中西部地区污染企业的技术和制造规模,有效降低上游地区的污染程度,从而减少上游地区污染扩散导致的危害.  相似文献   

王艳 《经济研究导刊》2009,(13):167-168
基于进口贸易的传导机制,在研究学者关于国际技术扩散的模型中引入国内研发投入和国外研发投入的交互项这一变量,利用中国近年来的数据进行了实证研究。结论表明,中国国内研发投入对进口贸易技术扩散产生了促进作用,但由于国内研发不足导致中国对技术扩散效应的吸收能力较差,从而阻碍了进口贸易传导的技术扩散效应的发挥。  相似文献   

在当今世界,发展外向型经济已成为许多国家经济高速增长的成功经验。在发达资本主义国家中,战后经济迅速崛起已一跃成为经济大国的日本和联邦德国,成功之路就在于它们把本国与世界经济紧紧地联系。利用有利的国际环境,吸收了大量国外资金和先进技术,运用了国际资源和世界市场.走外向型经济道路。  相似文献   

It is often said that the 21st century will be the Asian century. Based on population and gross domestic product projections, it certainly looks as if this will be so. Will the existing international financial institutions give more voices, votes, and top positions to Asia? Or will Asia create its own institutions that would rival the old architecture? This present paper argues, first, that China, and possibly India, will be in a position to be so influential that the international financial architecture may have to go through significant changes. Second, the three large crises in the last 20 years have made Asian countries more confident that they can manage capital flows by accumulating large foreign reserves and by adopting sound macrofinancial policies. After 2009, China started to push various initiatives that will amount to creating its own sphere of influence with new regional institutions in the future.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of China's integration into the global economy on other countries, Asian countries in particular. We first examine how the growth of China's exports is affecting the exports of other countries in Asia and the rest of the world. Our innovation is to distinguish exports of capital goods, consumer goods, and intermediates and to disaggregate textiles and consumer electronics, the most visible sectors where China's presence is felt. We next look to the impact of China on direct foreign investment flows. Here our innovation is to distinguish vertical and horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI) and to consider how they are affected by supply‐chain relationships. We then look more closely at factors influencing the articulation of these supply chains, the fragmentation of production, and the emerging international division of labor, focusing on two industries, electronics and autos, that exhibit very different responses. The results suggest that countries specializing in the production and export of components and raw materials feel positive effects from China's growth, while countries specializing in the production of consumer goods feel negative effects. Similarly, countries that compete with China for horizontal FDI find it more difficult to attract foreign investment as a result of that country's emergence, while countries that are potentially attractive destinations for vertical FDI find it easier to attract foreign investment as a result of trade links, especially in components and intermediates, that allow them to take advantage of supply chains involving their large and dynamically growing neighbor.  相似文献   

对1996—2005年中国电子及通讯设备制造业产业内贸易的结构、变动及决定因素进行的实证分析显示:中国电子及通讯设备制造业贸易以产业内贸易为主,产业内贸易又以垂直产业内贸易为主,水平产业内贸易贡献不大;加入WTO前后两个阶段产业内贸易及其结构变动呈相反的趋势;要素禀赋结构及其变化是产业内贸易变动的主要因素,而外商直接投资、规模经济和产品差异三个因素的影响很微弱。这表明中国电子及通讯设备制造业扩张的基础是成本优势且主要集中于国际产业链的低端,加入WTO并没有真正改变中国电子及通讯设备制造业的国际分工地位。  相似文献   

本文运用联合国商品贸易数据库2004-2013年共十年数据,对我国27个制造业国际竞争力、外商直接投资程度、产业集聚度进行测算,并利用静态面板回归和动态向量自回归PVAR模型对三者之间的内在作用关系进行实证对比分析。结果发现:(1)中国整体制造业国际竞争力稳步提升,但具备较强国际竞争力的还主要集中在劳动密集型行业,而中高技术行业是中国参与全球竞争形成优势最有潜力的行业;(2)我国引入外商直接投资占比变化不大,但其总额提升速度迅猛;(3)我国制造业的平均产业集聚程度呈上升趋势,但其大小程度及变化趋势在不同行业之间有着明显差别;(4)静态面板回归结果表明,FDI渗入程度越高,产业集聚程度越大,越有利于制造业国际竞争力的提升,此外,FDI与产业集聚间存在交互效应继而正向影响国际竞争力的提升;(5)向量自回归(PVAR)模型也显示FDI、产业聚集、国际竞争力间存在长期稳定的相关关系。  相似文献   

数字化是新时期提升制造业GVC竞争力的有效路径。系统梳理数字化影响制造业GVC竞争力的理论机制,并利用2000—2014年中国制造业面板数据进行实证检验。结果表明,制造业数字化通过成本效应、配置效应和协同效应促进GVC竞争力提升;样本考察期内,中国制造业GVC竞争力整体呈不断上升趋势,且基本稳定在前10行列,并以中低知识密集度行业竞争力最强;数字化整体上有利于GVC竞争力提升,分行业看,数字化对中低和中高知识密集度行业的GVC竞争力有显著促进作用;分投入来源看,国际数字化投入比国内数字化投入的促进效果更显著;分投入类型看,软件和信息技术服务业的促进效果最突出。结论可为制造企业制定数字化转型及GVC竞争力提升策略提供参考。  相似文献   

Japan's Security Policy in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Japan's strategic thinking has been driven by three main factors: a fear of isolation, calculation of the geopolitical strength of China (and to a lesser extent, Korea), and accommodation to the prevailing international power structure. During the Cold War Japan aligned with Washington, but maintained sufficient distance to explore a mutually beneficial relationship with China based on Japan's dominant economic position. As Chinese power has grown and Japan's own economic tools for statecraft have slowed, Tokyo has moved closer to the United States to balance Chinese power. Japan has also had to seek new ways to shape the security environment in Asia, turning to multilateral diplomacy such as the Changmai Initiative. Where Japan's diplomacy in Asia in the 1980s and 1990s emphasized Japan's unique ability to champion "Asian" values with the West, increasingly Tokyo has emphasized its unique ability to champion universal values of democracy and rule of law in Asia. This theme has been used by conservative governments to improve Japan's brand over China, but also builds on a tradition of Japanese diplomatic efforts to take a lead in rule-making in the region. Prime Minister Koizumi's assertive foreign policy helped to reinvigorate Japan's international position, but he moved from the traditional three part formulation of Japan's orientation – the U.S. alliance, the UN system and Asia – to a simpler two part formulation of "the U.S.-Japan alliance and international cooperation." The lack of focus on Asia has contributed to growing tensions with South Korea and China over history issues, even as Japan's global and broader regional standing has increased according to most opinion polls. These regional challenges will continue to confront future Prime Ministers well past Koizumi.  相似文献   

Globalization has for decades been associated with a rise in the female share of employment or feminization. This study finds that since the mid 1980s, export growth in developing countries is associated with feminization in some countries and a defeminization in others. Focusing on Southeast Asia and Latin America, it uses a fixed-effects econometric model to test whether the technological conditions of production (labor or capital intensity) rather than export growth account for shifts in the female share of employment in manufacturing. It finds that the capital intensity of production, evidenced by shifts in labor productivity, is negatively and significantly related to shifts in the female share of employment in manufacturing, while exports are statistically insignificant. The study concludes that an anti-female bias exists in labor demand changes that result from output or employment shifts in developing countries when manufacturing becomes more capital intensive, a process likely related to industrial upgrading.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,国际资本的急剧流动引发了东南亚的金融危机。国际资本的短期性和投机性,以及它对发展中国家的资本市场、汇率、外汇储备和金融体系的强烈冲击,应当引起我们的深思。资本市场的开放,必须建立在国内金融体系的改革和实质经济市场化转型的基础上。  相似文献   

The research examines the role of market expansion and international labor division in the British Industrial Revolution from the perspective of globalization. The research shows that British cotton textile output in pieces grew 275 times from the 1770s to the mid-1850s and documents that such growth would never have happened without a vast overseas market for the supply of raw cotton and the sale of products. The paper argues that the continuous and dramatic expansion of overseas markets allowed the British cotton industry to expand greatly without hitting the ceiling of marginal returns, leading not only to the great expansion of production, but also to technological and institutional innovations, and that international labor division made it possible for the industry to import ample amounts of raw cotton and export large amounts of cotton textiles. In contrast, foreign demand for Chinese cotton textiles increased significantly in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but accounted for only 0.3% of production capacity, which was too little to lift the law of diminishing marginal returns and to induce either technological or institutional changes. As a result, only Smithian growths could be achieved through optimal resource utilization and specialization in production.  相似文献   

基于全球价值链嵌入视角,探究后发国家制造业高质量发展的技术路径选择。通过分析梳理全球价值链嵌入对技术路径选择的影响及作用机理,明确后发国家制造业适宜技术路径选择依据。在此基础上,通过匹配WIOT数据和中国制造业行业数据,对中国制造业高质量发展的适宜技术路径进行实证检验。研究表明,参与全球价值链分工在为后发国家提供技术溢出机会的同时,通过低端锁定和竞争效应倒逼后发国家制造业在技术路径选择中加大自主研发投入;随着全球价值链嵌入程度加深,自主研发对制造业高质量发展的积极作用正逐渐显现;由于考察期内自身要素禀赋不足,引进模仿技术路径相比于自主研发对制造业生产效率提升更有利。在新型国际分工与贸易背景下,及时调整技术路径,加大研发投入,对推动我国制造业向价值链高端攀升进而实现高质量发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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