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The institutional combination of illiquid assets and demand deposit banking is regarded as vulnerable to collapse because of the impatience of depositors. We suggest that the mechanism of fully backed central bank money is a means of redress.  相似文献   

We examine changes in banks’ market-to-book ratios over the last decade, focusing on the dramatic and persistent declines witnessed during the financial crisis. The extent of the decline and its persistence cannot be explained by the delayed recognition of losses on existing financial instruments. Rather, it is declines in the values of intangibles – including customer relationships and other intangibles related to business opportunities – along with unrecognized contingent obligations that account for most of the persistent decline in market-to-book ratios. These shifts reflect a combination of changed economic circumstances (e.g., low interest rates reduce the value of core deposits; meager growth opportunities reduce the value of customer relationships) and changed regulatory policies. Together, these changes in the business environment since the financial crisis have led investors to associate little value with intangibles. For example, changing market perceptions of the consequences of leverage have affected the way investors value banks; prior to the crisis, higher leverage, ceteris paribus, was associated with greater value (reflecting the high relative cost of equity finance), but during and after the crisis, as default risk and regulatory concerns came to the fore, lower leverage was associated with greater value. Reflecting the rising importance of regulatory risks (e.g., the uncertain consequences of the Volcker Rule), after controlling for other influences, dividend payments (a signal of management and regulatory perceptions of the persistence of financial strength) matter for market prices much more after the crisis, while increases in recurring fee income matter less.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - This study comparatively assesses the influence of board busyness (i.e., multiple directorships of outside directors) on stock market valuations of...  相似文献   

This paper uses a Binary Classification Tree (BCT) model to analyze banking crises in 50 emerging market and developing countries during 1990-2005. The BCT model identifies three conditions (and the specific threshold of the key indictors) at which the vulnerability to banking crisis increases—(i) very high inflation, (ii) highly dollarized bank deposits combined with nominal depreciation or low bank liquidity, and (iii) low bank profitability—which highlight that foreign currency risk, poor financial soundness, and macroeconomic instability are important drivers of banking crises. The results also emphasize the importance of conditional thresholds in triggering crises, in that banking crises are underlined by a combination of vulnerabilities—or a sequence of (non-linear) conditions—rather than the deterioration of a unique factor.  相似文献   

近年来,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,资本市场在其国民经济的重要地位正日益显现.资本市场作为要素市场的重要部分,是配置社会资源的重要场所,其从来没有像现在这样引入瞩目.从全球范围来看,目前世界金融体系主要分为银行主导型金融体系和市场主导型金融体系,无论是以资本市场为主导的英美,还是以银行主导的德日,它们都有一个共同的特点,那就是它们的资本市场在近几年都得到了飞速的发展.  相似文献   

Following a natural disaster, the rate of economic growth recovers faster in less competitive banking markets. A 10% reduction in competition increases the rate of economic growth by 0.3%. In less competitive markets, banks respond to a disaster by increasing the supply of real estate credit by refinancing mortgage loans, but do not lend more to businesses or consumers. Instead, government agencies provide disaster loans to affected businesses and households. Smaller, profitable and well-capitalized institutions that rely more on traditional retail banking originate most mortgage credit.  相似文献   

Journal of Financial Services Marketing - This qualitative study examines the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of market orientation (MO) in the context of retail...  相似文献   

银行间贷款转让市场的建成,标志着金融机构信贷资产转让交易机制的规范化运行,这对于促进商业银行从持有信贷资产向经营信贷资产转型、改进和完善其资本管理手段、形成信贷业务专业化与差异化发展、助推我国信贷资产证券化和贷款利率市场化发展,部将产生积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

This research is aimed at assessing the impact of the stock market capitalization and the banking spread in per capita economic growth (as a proxy of economic development) in the major Latin American economies during period 1994–2012. To do this, a panel data model is estimated with both system and difference Generalized Method of Moments. The main empirical findings are that economic growth in the countries under study is positively impacted by the stock market capitalization and negatively by the banking spread. Typical problems of multicollinearity and autocorrelation appearing in panel data analysis are corrected under the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

近些年,金融自助服务在大众生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,也遇到了越来越多的机遇和挑战。便利性、安全性、舒适性乃至艺术性,都将成为金融自助服务面对的挑战性课程。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how different degrees of market power affect bank efficiency and stability in the context of developing economies. It sheds light on the competition-stability nexus by documenting and analyzing the complex interactions between a tripod of variables that are central for regulators: the degree of market power, bank cost and profit efficiency, and overall firm stability. The results show that an increase in the degree of market power leads to greater bank stability and enhanced profit efficiency, despite significant cost efficiency losses. The findings lend empirical justification to the traditional view that increased competition may undermine bank stability, and may bear significant implications for stressed banking systems in developing economies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate banking sector integration in the Gulf Cooperation Council during the period 1998-2009. The integration inference was derived by testing the convergence of cost efficiency scores. These efficiencies were measured using a smoothed bootstrap procedure that ensures consistency and unbiasedness. The convergence was examined using two tests: a beta convergence test and a sigma convergence test. The two tests show significant convergence, particularly during the transitional period 2003-2009, that witnessed substantial reforms. Therefore, we conclude that integration and harmonization measures taken by the Gulf Cooperation Council Governments have had a significant impact on efficiency and homogeneity of these countries’ banking markets.  相似文献   

Neglecting the existence of different technologies in banking can contaminate efficiency, market power, and other performance measures. By simultaneously estimating (i) technology regimes conditional on exogenous factors, (ii) efficiency conditional on risk management, and (iii) Lerner indices of German banks, we identify three distinct technology regimes: Public & Retail, Small & Specialized, and Universal & Relationship. System estimation at the regional level reveals that greater bank market power increases bank profitability but also fosters corporate defaults. Corporate defaults, in turn, lead to higher probabilities of bank distress, which supports the market power-fragility hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examine the response of domestic Philippine banks to the relaxation of foreign entry regulations that occurred in the Philippines. We find evidence that foreign bank entry is associated with a reduction in interest rate spreads and bank profits, but only for those domestic banks that are affiliated to a family business group. Foreign entry corresponds more generally with improvements in operating efficiencies, but a deterioration of loan portfolios. Overall, we conclude that foreign competition compels domestic banks to be more efficient, to focus operations due to increased risk, and to become less dependent on relationship-based banking practices.  相似文献   

The model developed in this paper explains both the quantity of CDs and the rate of interest on this instrument. We demonstrate that the behavior of the market for this financial asset is characterized by a dichotomy which has been induced by the Federal Reserve's administration of Regulation Q ceilings on offering rates on CDs. During several time spans since 1961, Regulation Q had no impact on the CD market and we hypothesize that the behavior of the CD market reflected market forces of both demand and supply. However during several periods, the Regulation Q ceiling effectively bound offering rates on CDs which induced a runoff in the quantity of CDs while the secondary CD rate was bid up to the level of market interest rates. In modeling the behavior of the CD market, equations are developed for both the outstanding quantity of CDs and the interest rate on CDs, each of which consists of different sets of variables for normal and runoff periods in order to explain this dichotomy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide a methodology for the joint estimation of efficiency and market power of individual banks. The proposed method utilizes the separate implications of the new empirical industrial organization and the stochastic frontier literatures and suggests identification using the local maximum likelihood (LML) technique. Through LML, estimation of market power of individual banks becomes feasible, while a number of restrictive theoretical and empirical assumptions are relaxed. The empirical analysis is carried out on the basis of EMU bank data. Market power estimates indicate fairly competitive conduct in general; however, heterogeneity in market power estimates is substantial across banks. The latter result suggests that the practice of some banks deviates from the average fairly competitive behavior, a finding that has important policy implications. Finally, efficiency and market power present a negative relationship, which is in line with the so-called “quiet life hypothesis”.  相似文献   

We investigate how product market competition affects corporate voluntary disclosure decisions, specifically regarding supply-chain information. Our results, based on a sample of manufacturing companies listed in China from 2010 to 2016, show that companies in more competitive industries disclose less customer/supplier information. The main results stand through several robustness tests. Further analyses show that the negative relationship between product market competitiveness and supply-chain information disclosure is stronger when the disclosure contains more incremental information and when competitors are more capable of gaining competitive advantage using the disclosed information. Our study contributes to the understanding of both the relationship between product market competition and voluntary disclosure decisions and the regulation of information disclosure to build a transparent capital market.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the implications of bank market power and funding structure for risk and return. It employs a sample of 978 banks in 55 countries leading up to the 2008 financial crisis to test for two related hypotheses. First, competition reduces internal capital as the level of market power increases when banks use internal funding to diversify into non-interest income generating activities. Building on these results and employing various specifications of Lerner index and funding strategy, the second test suggests that the relatively low insolvency risk among banks in emerging and developing countries during 2000–2007 is attributed to the high degree of market power and the use of internally generated funds.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between market power in the loan and deposit markets and efficiency in the EU-15 countries over 1993–2002. Results show the existence of a positive relationship between market power and cost X-efficiency, allowing rejection of the so-called quiet life hypothesis [Berger, A.N., Hannan, T.H., 1998. The efficiency cost of market power in the banking industry: A test of the ‘quiet life’ and related hypotheses. Review of Economics and Statistics 8 (3), 454–465]. The social welfare loss attributable to market power in 2002 represented 0.54% of the GDP of the EU-15. Results show that the welfare gains associated with a reduction of market power are greater than the loss of bank cost efficiency, showing the importance of economic policy measures aimed at removing the barriers to outside competition.  相似文献   

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