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司法部门享有独立的审判权不仅有助于约束和监督政府行为,避免政府对市场的过度管制和干预,而且有助于约束市场主体在事后的机会主义行为,进而有益于市场经济的成长和繁荣.本文以2008年中国各省高院院长异地交流作为刻画地方法院审判独立性提升的一次自然实验,倍差法估计发现高院院长异地交流显著促进了经济的市场化进程,一系列安慰剂及...  相似文献   

丁全 《经济研究导刊》2010,(17):207-208
法官职业道德是避免法官职业活动受到腐蚀的防腐剂,是正当或优质高效履行司法职责的保障.法官的职业活动是行使裁判权,欲使法官正当地或优质高效地履行职责,需要各种保障,包括物质上的、财政上的、人力上的、素质上的等等.职业道德就是这些保障中的一个重要部分.有了职业道德的保障,裁判权才不会偏离轨道,人民的权利才能真正得以保护.良好的职业道德,是法官队伍建设的重要目标,也是确保司法公正、提高司法效率的客观需要.  相似文献   

"法官腐败"是司法腐败在我国现阶段的主要表现,是指依法行使国家审判权的司法审判人员滥用职权,违反法律和法官职业道德规范,以不正当手段谋取利益的行为。"法官腐败"的特征具有多样性;造成"法官腐败"的原因也是多方面的,既包括法律体系不健全、少数法官的理想信念缺失,也包括法官职业道德的制度保障不完善、外部监督乏力。惩治和根除"法官腐败",是加强和改进新时期司法工作的必由之路,也是深入推进新一轮司法改革的必然要求。必须深化审判权运行机制改革,从源头上遏制和根除"法官腐败";推进法官管理制度改革,打造清正廉洁高效的法官队伍;改进法官工作作风,提高司法职业道德水平;拓宽多元化监督渠道,使"法官腐败"无处藏身。  相似文献   

司法公正与司法效率关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张大海 《经济师》2006,(8):75-76
司法公正是司法制度的主要原则和价值目标,司法效率是司法制度的工具理性和刚性原则。两者既构成一个统一的主题又各有明显不同的要求,两者都是现阶段我国司法制度追求的目标。两者既对立又统一,既相互促进又相互影响,共同构成新世纪我国司法活动的主题。  相似文献   

本文基于北大法宝百万级司法案例的文本数据和商务部在华外资企业全量数据,考察了知识产权司法保护对外资企业进入模式的影响效应和影响渠道。研究发现:加强知识产权司法保护显著提高了外资企业独资进入的概率;影响机制检验发现,知识产权司法保护主要通过“进入成本降低”渠道和“市场收益增加”渠道提高外资企业以独资方式进入的概率;异质性检验发现,知识产权司法保护对外资企业独资方式进入的促进作用主要体现在来自港澳台、母国法律起源为普通法系、进入东部地区以及金融危机后期进入的外资企业;进一步研究发现,知识产权司法保护提高了合资企业中外资持股的比例以及外资控股的概率。  相似文献   

战略投资者选择与银行效率——来自城商行的经验证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭晔  黄振  姚若琪 《经济研究》2020,55(1):181-197
本文研究了商业银行战略投资者对银行效率的影响,探讨了不同类型战略投资者对银行效率影响的差异,并对战略投资者影响银行效率的渠道进行分析。基于城市商业银行的战略投资者更为多元化,本文选取2008—2016年102家城市商业银行为样本,运用双重差分模型与中介效应模型进行了检验。实证结果表明:第一,引入战略投资者能显著提高我国商业银行的效率。第二,境内金融机构战略投资者是商业银行战略引资时的最佳选择,其次是境内非金融机构战略投资者,最后是境外战略投资者。第三,战略投资者尤其是境内金融机构战略投资者可以通过"引制"与"引智"渠道促进银行效率的提高。  相似文献   

实现司法公正是当前司法体制改革的核心问题,也是社会转型时期制度建设的首要任务。本文运用比较的方法,重新植理了两大法系关于法院审级制度构建的基本理论,检讨了我国现行法院审级制度的弊端,从司法审判内部机制改革、资源重新合理配置这一独特视角,对中国法院在审级制度上应进行的改革提出了一些有针对性的建议,试图解决地方保护主义等体制性问题,并逐渐实现司法公正。  相似文献   

The study investigates how judicial review of policy and judicial independence affect the relative size of government. Judicial oversight of policy is the authority of courts to check the legality of policy measures and annul measures which are incompatible with the constitution or are enacted without following the procedures laid down by the law. Using a model of constitutional political economy, where policy making is subject to judicial oversight, it is predicted that the relative size of the public sector decreases as judicial review and judicial independence increase. The theoretical predictions are tested in an international cross section sample of 52 countries. Controlling for the effects of real income, age dependency, openness of the economy, the legal origins of a country and other socio-political variables the results show that the checks and balances provided by the judiciary lead to a smaller relative size of taxes in the economy.JEL Classifications: D70, D72, D74, D78, H30, K41.  相似文献   

地区放权与经济效率:以计划单列为例   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
中国的经济改革始于放权,尤其是对地区的放权。本文以计划单列为例,研究整体性行政放权对经济效率的影响并通过构造省内与省外城市的对比组来估计计划单列的因果效应。研究结果表明:从总体上,放权确实有助于计划单列市提高其经济效率。本文对此结论进行了一系列的稳健性检验。  相似文献   

作为解决环境纠纷的最终手段,环境司法在保护生态环境和维护环境公益上的重要功能是无可替代的。然而,现实中的中国环境司法却处于效率不高、能力不强、作用有限和效果欠佳的窘境。原因是目前中国环境司法效能依然受制于司法技能不足、法律依据不够和司法独立有限等因素。因此,有必要通过完善法制进一步提高环境司法主体的司法能力,发挥环境司法能动的积极作用,拓展环境司法的引导功能和加强环境司法指导监督等,不断提升中国的环境司法效能。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that productivity declines with age in a wide range of activities. Based on United States experience, it has been argued that one profession that might be an exception to this phenomenon is the judiciary. This study explores the relationship between aging and productivity for a sample of retired judges of the High Court of Australia. The High Court provides a useful test for the hypothesis that older judges are more productive because, in contrast to the United States, most, if not all, judges write their own judgments. Thus, ghostwriting does not cloud the issue of judicial productivity. The findings support the life-cycle hypothesis, which suggests the age-citation profile should increase, reach a peak and then decline as judges get closer to retirement. Thus, the results are consistent with the view that the productivity of judges over their working lives follows a similar pattern to other professions such as academia.  相似文献   

This article integrates the literatures on judicial compliance,panel decision making, and case selection in the federal judiciaryhierarchy. Many studies have speculated that "panel effects"—thephenomena under which an individual judge's vote may dependon her colleagues on a three-judge panel—can be tied toa "whistleblower effect," through which a lower court judgecan constrain a panel majority from disobeying with SupremeCourt precedent by threatening to dissent. However, no studyhas systematically found such a relationship. I present a game-theoreticmodel of circuit court-Supreme Court interaction that demonstrateshow panel composition might affect the likelihood of lower courtcompliance to Supreme Court doctrine. The model illustrateshow three-judge panels, while not inducing perfect doctrinalcontrol of lower courts by the Supreme Court, significantlyincreases the latter's ability to see its preferred doctrinecarried out by its subordinates in the judicial hierarchy.  相似文献   

文章以2005-2009年沪深两市上市公司为样本,从投资效率的角度检验了中国现实制度背景下盈余管理的经济后果。研究发现,企业盈余管理程度与未来投资效率显著负相关,上市公司盈余管理程度越高,其未来投资效率越低。文章由此得出结论:盈余管理不仅可能误导外部投资者的判断和决策,也对企业的内部决策产生了不利影响,损害了市场资源的有效配置,因此必须采取措施抑制企业的盈余管理行为。  相似文献   

A stochastic frontier production function is estimated using data from the 1995 industrial census to measure the technical efficiency of China's large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises. The technical efficiency estimates are examined and compared for different enterprise groups distinguished by their ownership, size, capital vintage and location. The sources of diverse performance of China's iron and steel enterprises are identified and discussed with an emphasis on policy implications.  相似文献   

Privatization in Estonia has produced varied ownership configurations. This enables hypotheses on the productivity effects of different ownership forms to be tested. Findings are based on fixed-effects production function models and are estimated using a large, random sample of firms. Depending on the particular specification (and relative to state ownership), (i) private ownership is 13–22% more efficient; and (ii) all types of private ownership are more productive, though managerial ownership has the biggest effects (21–32%) and ownership by domestic outsiders has the smallest impact (0–15%). The joint hypothesis that privatization coefficients are equal is rejected. Findings are robust with respect to choice of technology and the use of instrumental variable estimates. These results provide only partial support for the standard theory of privatization, but stronger support for theorists who argue that some forms of insider ownership may constitute preferable forms of corporate governance in some circumstances.  相似文献   

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