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探讨了中国流动儿童的教育现状,分析了政府、公办学校、农民工子弟学校、农民工自身所面临的问题,阐述问题产生的原因,并提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

底层、学校与阶级再生产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
熊易寒 《开放时代》2010,(1):94-110
对于处在城市底层的农民工子女而言,学校意味着什么?是实现向上流动的阶梯,还是迈向阶级再生产的驿站?公办学校向农民工子女开放是否会带来社会流动机会的增加?研究发现:就读于公办学校的农民工子女,其成长的过程存在显著的“天花板效应”,一方面认同主流价值观,渴望向上流动,另一方面则制度性地自我放弃。而农民工子弟学校则盛行“反学校文化”,通过否定学校的价值系统、蔑视校方和教师的权威而获得独立与自尊,同时心甘情愿地提前进入次级劳动力市场,加速了阶级再生产的进程。两类机制虽有差异,却殊途同归地导向阶级再生产而非社会流动。  相似文献   

佘宇  冯文猛 《发展研究》2017,(11):27-39
改革开放后特别是20世纪90年代以来,流动儿童的教育问题日益引起社会关注.当前特大城市流动儿童在义务教育阶段主要面临公办学校准入门槛进一步提升、“钱随人走”实际变成“钱随籍走”、学校教育连续性的破坏和家庭教育的缺失、身份认同等心理问题严重,以及民办学校特别是打工子弟学校教师流动性大等问题.究其原因,主要在于教育政策与城镇化政策之间的张力与冲突、国家教育政策与地方政府及府际之间功能和利益的冲突,以及教育资源供给与流动儿童公平教育需求之间的冲突.破解特大城市流动儿童义务教育困境的总体思路可以确定为顺应人口流动和城镇化内在规律,做好1亿人左右的人力资本储备和提升.具体政策建议包括突破计划控制思维,科学预测城市人口,适时增加教育资源供给:进一步提高中央和省级政府在义务教育支出中的分担比例;规范学籍的线上与线下管理,减少权力寻租行为,落实打工子弟学校财政补贴;加强对流动人口的宣传和辅导,提高其对相关教育政策的认知和理解.  相似文献   

根据《长江三角洲16城市农民工现状调查》课题组的专项调查数据表明,有47.1%的来沪农民工务工经商带子女随行,外来农民工子女教育问题值得关注。在上海市政府的关怀下,当前在沪农民工子女受教育状况有所改善,多数孩子能进公办学校学习。调查数据显示,在沪农民工子女进入本地公办学校就读的比例为24.5%,在民工子弟学校就学的占12.8%,就读于家乡学校的占62.8%,因各种原因失学的占2.8%。从全市范围来看,进入本地公办学校读书的外来农民工子女比例已高于民工子弟学校就读比例,失学比例也低于2004年5%-6%的比例。另外,调查反映外来农民工对子女受教育程度的期望值较高。按本次调查统计数据,拥有大学本科学历是大多数人对子女的美好愿望,该比例占到45.4%,6.2%的人因各种原因(包括子女已长大工作)选择了“无所谓”,认为至少应读到大专的占6.1%,有5.9%的人甚至认为孩子最好读到研究生及以上,希望读到高中的仅占2.1%,初中、中专比例更少分别为1.2%和0.7%。并且,90%以上的外来农民工家庭表示只要自己的孩子有能力读书,砸锅卖铁也会供其念书。外来农民工对子女学历的看重,说明在子女身上寄托着他们想要改变户籍身份和命运的强烈愿望。[第一段]  相似文献   

康楠 《经济》2012,(7):40-42
有这样一群可爱的孩子,尚且年幼却漂泊异乡,他们要洗衣做饭,他们能照顾弟弟妹妹.但是,他们未能享受多媒体教学,没有可以尽情奔跑的操场,更不曾拥有各种课外书和向往的课外班. 写作业、看电视、做家务,他们重复着往返于家和学校,几乎没有机会走出村子,甚至连父母的陪伴也是奢求,这便是就读在首都北京南五环附近某打工子弟学校的孩童们的生活.这只是众多城市流动儿童生活的缩影.  相似文献   

采取整群抽样法在北京城区一所打工子弟学校、二所公立学校选取小五-初二年级的流动儿童415名进行问卷调查,采用个体歧视知觉问卷、社会身份冲突问卷、城市适应问卷探讨歧视、社会身份冲突、城市适应三者的关系。歧视会负向影响流动儿童城市适应状况;歧视会正向影响社会身份冲突;社会身份冲突会负向影响流动儿童城市适应状况;社会身份冲突在歧视与城市适应中的心理适应维度之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着无锡经济社会的快速发展,吸引了大量外来务工、经商人员,他们的迁徙必然带来子女的迁徙,如何加强外来务工子女(未成年人)思想道德建设,促进他们的健康成长,不仅关系到千百万家庭的幸福安宁,更关系到我市经济社会的和谐发展。为了全面了解无锡市外来务工子女思想道德素质状况,切实增强思想道德教育的针对性和实效性,我们采取抽样问卷、个别家访、集中座谈等形式对6所外来民工子弟学校和4所公办学校的近500名外来务工子女的思想道德素质状况进行了一次专题调研。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对923名流动儿童的学校适应不良图式与学校适应进行测查,以探讨流动儿童的学校适应不良图式与学校适应的关系。结果发现:流动儿童在自我放纵性上呈极其显著的性别差异,男生显著高于女生;除猜疑感外,学校适应不良图式总分及其他维度存在非常显著的年龄段差异,初中生显著地强于小学高年级学生;流动儿童的学校适应不良图式与学校适应存在极其显著的负相关;在控制性别、年龄段的作用后,学校适应不良图式对学校适应有极显著的负向预测效应,其中无助感和自我放纵性预测力更佳。研究表明,流动儿童适应不良图式与其学校适应关系密切。  相似文献   

刘雨诗 《新经济》2015,(2):12-13
中国的农民工是一个特殊的群体,他们为城市的发展建设有着不容忽视的影响。但是由于户籍制度与社会各种条件的制约,农民工子弟难以在大城市的公办学校上学。中国人民大学项目组成员长期参加此类学校支教工作,对这类学校的运营了解深入。通过对相关资料的查找和预调查,我们发现现在农民工子弟学校的最大问题就是资金链运转不善,项目组希望能够通过对“农民工子弟学校资金链运营效率分析”研究,来实现农民工子弟学校的良好发展。  相似文献   

本研究基于2019年中国教育财政家庭调查(CIEFR-HS)数据,分析学前教育幼儿资助的覆盖率和瞄准度。主要发现:首先,幼儿园在园儿童获得保教费减免或资助的比例为11.2%,公办园在园儿童获得资助的比例(13.5%)要高于民办园在园儿童(9.6%)。其次,我们以建档立卡贫困户和低保户的在园儿童是否获得资助来衡量资助的瞄准度,发现来自经济困难家庭的儿童获得资助的可能性显著高于其他家庭,但资助对经济困难家庭儿童的覆盖率还不够高,未来的政策应着重考虑完善学前教育资助制度,建立由政府公共财政对经济困难家庭儿童入园免除保育费和给予生活资助的学前教育资助体系,并给予在民办幼儿园就读的经济困难家庭儿童与公办幼儿园就读儿童同等的待遇。此外,在关注农村家庭的同时,也需要关注城镇低收入家庭学前教育的负担。  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data collected from China, this paper studies how primary school type affects migrant children’s high school opportunities. We use parental residence prior to a policy change in Shanghai as an instrument for primary school type, and find that migrant children who attended private primary schools are 10% less likely to enter high schools without retention than their counterparts who attended public primary schools. We show that both institutional barriers and learning at the primary school stage affect students’ probability of entering high school and whether they go to regular or vocational high schools.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether non-public school enrolment affects the performance of public school districts. If homeschooling and private schools act as competition, public school districts test scores should be positively associated with non-public enrolment. Using data on West Virginia county school districts, and controlling for endogeneity with an instrumental variables approach, we find that a one standard deviation increase in relative non-public enrolment in a county is associated with statistically significant improvements in public school district test scores. Our findings thus confirm that non-public enrolment and the competition it provides act to improve, rather than impede, public school performance.  相似文献   

This 2015 cross-sectional study tested whether the level of competition affected the national test scores of senior high schools in Jakarta. We measured the level of competition using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and a gravity-based school competition index for the number of enrolled students. We found that schools’ national exam scores were positively associated with the level of competition. Furthermore, this competition was better explained by physical proximity than by administrative boundaries. However, public schools did not benefit from the competition.  相似文献   

We examine whether the school choice programme of public junior high schools in Adachi ward has caused student sorting and has thus increased the differences in scores between the schools. We find that students are sorted in the sense that the students living in the school attendance areas where there is a higher proportion of high‐status occupations are more likely to select private schools even after the introduction of the school choice programme, or they select public schools with higher scores. Adachi's average scores relative to the Tokyo average have improved, while the between school differences in scores have not expanded.  相似文献   

There is a strong political opinion in India in favour of replacing caste based affirmative action with an economic class based one. We contribute to this debate by looking at the interaction of caste and wealth in school choice. We show that too rich and too poor parents behave in the same way irrespective of their caste identities—rich parents sending their children to private schools while poor parents choosing public schools for their children. The caste identity, we find, plays a role for the school choice decision made by the parents belonging to the economic middle class. Among the economic middle class parents, the ones from the privileged castes send their children to private schools, while the children of the parents from the disadvantaged castes are sent to public schools. The result is robust to alternative definitions of privileged and disadvantaged castes. For school quality choice, however, we find a monotonic relationship between wealth and school quality.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(4-5):837-851
The recent passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 solidified a national trend toward increased student testing for the purpose of evaluating public schools. This new environment for schools provides strong incentives for schools to alter the ways in which they deliver educational services. This paper investigates whether schools may employ discipline for misbehavior as a tool to bolster aggregate test performance. To do so, this paper utilizes an extraordinary data set constructed from the school district administrative records of a subset of the school districts in Florida during the 4 years surrounding the introduction of a high-stakes testing regime.It compares the suspensions of students involved in each of the 41,803 incidents in which two students were suspended and where prior test scores for both students are observed. While schools always tend to assign harsher punishments to low-performing students than to high-performing students throughout the year, this gap grows substantially during the testing window.Moreover, this testing window-related gap is only observed for students in testing grades. In summary, schools apparently act on the incentive to re-shape the testing pool through selective discipline in response to accountability pressures.  相似文献   

How accountability pressure on failing schools affects student achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although an emerging body of evidence has shown that the threat of sanctions on low-performing schools can raise student test scores in the short run, the extent to which these test score improvements are due to schools' manipulation of the accountability system has remained uncertain. In this paper, I provide two new strands of evidence to evaluate the relative importance of educational reforms and gaming behavior in generating test score gains by threatened schools. First, using a regression discontinuity design that exploits Florida's system of imposing sanction threats on the basis of a cutoff level of performance, I estimate medium-run effects on student test scores from having attended a threatened elementary school. Threat-induced math improvements from elementary school largely persist at least through the first 1 to 2 years of middle school, while evidence for persistence of reading improvements is less consistent. Second, I analyze the effects of sanction threats on various features of educational production, and I find that sanction threats raise school spending on instructional technology, curricular development, and teacher training. Both strands of evidence are consistent with a predominant role for educational reforms in generating test score gains by threatened schools.  相似文献   

This paper studies the residential segregation effects on educational attainment of children from regional migrant families in China. We find that if migrant families live in segregated communities with fewer local residents, the school dropout rate of the children living with their parents in the host cities is higher and their high school enrollment rate is lower. We employ a unique set of nationwide survey data of regional migrants in China in 2012 and 2013 that comprises more than 150,000 individuals in each year. We first use the ratio of migrants over the total population residing in a community to measure segregation. When the ratio increases by 10%, the school dropout rate of migrant children increases by 4.7% from the mean value. Secondly, we identify segregation from the housing type of the migrant family. When they reside in the dorms provided by their employers or in the workplace, they will also be surrounded by many migrant colleagues. We find that living in such places increases the “not‐going‐to‐high‐school rate” of migrant children by 35% from the mean value. Our subsample analysis indicates that the segregation effects only exist in the samples of male migrant children and rural hukou families.  相似文献   

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