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应该修改和完善中国的消费税制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应该修改和完善中国的消费税制邓子基(厦门大学财政科学研究所)所谓消费税,是以消费品(或消费行为)的流转额作为课税对象的各种税收的统称。它是商品课税的一种主要类型。西方税收学界对消费的课税,有直接消费税和间接消费税两种解释。前者系对个人的实际消费支出额...  相似文献   

汽车节能减排的税收对策分析—从汽车消费税调整说起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年9月,为促进节能减排,我国对汽车消费税再次进行调整,然而仅靠消费税调整所发挥的作用比较有限.要解决汽车节能减排问题,应从调整消费税、开征燃油税和加强公共交通等多方面采取措施.  相似文献   

基于消费动机的奢侈品消费税影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张慧芬 《经济论坛》2010,(10):39-41
为了适度抑制奢侈品消费,通过税收调节社会收入分配,2006年我国对部分奢侈品征收消费税,2008年上调了大排量汽车税率,今年社会各界纷纷呼吁扩大奢侈品消费税征税范围。本文从奢侈品消费者的购买动机出发,研究了奢侈品消费税对消费者的影响,指出了奢侈品消费税体制中存在的一些问题并提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国税收的经济增长效应与社会福利损失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收对经济增长和社会福利的影响是宏观公共财政理论和经济增长理论研究的重点,已经有大量的研究。基于一个包含政府生产性公共支出的内生增长模型,本文以我国1980—2006年的经济为样本经济,通过参数化和数值模拟考察了我国税收的经济增长效应以及社会福利损失的大小。研究发现,在样本经济的参数环境下,我国税收的经济增长效应较小,但税收的社会福利损失较大;适当提高税率有利于促进经济增长,提高社会福利水平。原因是,税收通过公共支出对经济增长直接的促进作用要比其对劳动供给和投资的扭曲更大;税收通过提高消费增长率和休闲水平从而对社会福利有正向影响。本文的政策含义是,在我国当前的经济环境下,通过税收融资可以促进经济增长,提高社会福利水平。  相似文献   

“我们所谓的‘燃油税‘是一个广义的概念。不管未来推出的这个税叫什么名称,名义上都是‘燃油税‘,都是对燃油消费征收的一种税收。“——关于燃油税将实施的消息甚嚣尘上,国家税务总局一位权威人士对“燃油税“一一作了诠释。  相似文献   

通过对当前中国汽车税收政策现状评析,借鉴发达国家汽车税收政策的基础上,提出了按照汽车购买、拥有及使用三个阶段设置税种科目,在税种的设置上将车辆购置税与消费税合并为消费税,并采用分级税率,降低购置阶段税负、提高保有和使用环节税负并开征燃油税等具体建议,从而使汽车产业走上可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对汽车这一既具有生产资料属性又具有耐用消费品属性的商品的需求也在不断增加。汽车的消费既提高了普通百姓的生活质量,同时也消耗了大量的自然资源,污染了空气,给能源供给、环境质量等带来极大的压力。文章从我国两次调整消费税税率的角度出发,运用月度数据实证分析国家的消费税政策的变动对汽车消费量的影响,得出两次消费税税率的调整在一定程度上鼓励了小排量车消费,抑制大排量车消费的结论。  相似文献   

消费生态环境保护的财税政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究从消费生态环境与可持续发展的关系界定入手 ,对运用财税手段保护中国消费生态环境的必要性作一般分析 ;在具体的税收和财税政策工具选择上 ,提出了设置环境消费税 ,实施治污税收抵免和环境损害责任保险 ,并在此基础上对比分析了环境消费税与直接管制措施和补贴政策等的优劣 ;最后对运用财税政策手段保护中国消费生态环境过程中应注意的问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

通过建立一个CGE模型,并对该模型在存在和不存在环境税优惠政策两种场景下的社会产出、产品供应和社会福利状况进行模拟分析,考察环境税优惠政策的环保效应。结果表明,环境税的税收减免在长期内对社会福利的影响不大,但是,它却会对环境税的环境保护效果产生较大的负面影响。在使用税收减免工具时,政府要从社会福利和环境保护、能源使用等方面加以考虑,避免社会总福利的净损失。  相似文献   

刘荣 《现代财经》2001,21(5):6-7,13
消费税做为一个承担了特殊调节功能的税种,其税收负担较重。笔者从构成消费税的具体税制要素着眼,提出若干进行消费税收筹划的建议,以求在合理的范围内,降低企业的消费税负担。  相似文献   

There has been much debate about the redistributive implications of a consumption tax and the treatment of low income households. This article presents a general model which allows for the interdependence between income and consumption taxes, while allowing for transfer payments to the low paid. The appropriate adjustment of transfer payments in response to a change in the tax mix, in order to maintain a fixed real value of transfers, is examined. The use of exemptions, of those goods for which the proportion of expenditure falls as total household expenditure rises, in order to increase the progressivity of consumption taxes is also considered. The model enables changes in the tax mix, which are both revenue and progressivity neutral, to be devised.  相似文献   

We formulated and numerically evaluated a model of car ownership, car use and public transport use for peak and off-peak hours of the day. The model was used to study the optimal tax structure for passenger transport in Belgium, with special emphasis on the optimal tax treatment of diesel versus gasoline cars. We obtained a number of interesting results. First, if the government can set all fixed and variable transport taxes optimally, the higher marginal external cost of diesel use implies that the optimal tax per kilometre for the use of a diesel car is higher than for the use of a gasoline car. Moreover, high congestion implies that the taxes on car use in the peak period are more than twice their current levels. However, the optimal tax on ownership of a diesel car is some 200€ below its current level. Second, if the government uses kilometre taxes that do not differentiate between fuel types, the optimal ownership tax on a diesel car is twice as high as the tax on a gasoline car. Furthermore, if political constraints restrict user taxes to their current levels, we find that optimal ownership taxes on diesel cars double, whereas those on gasoline cars rise by 30%. Finally, subsidies to public transport are found to be optimal as long as variable car taxes are not differentiated between periods.  相似文献   

中国的税收结构、经济增长与收入分配   总被引:49,自引:4,他引:49  
本文通过实证分析,说明在中国现阶段的经济制度和税收结构下,流转税类、所得税类、资源税类和财产税类份额的增加会扩大资本所有者和劳动所有者市场收入的分配差距,而特定目的税类和行为税类份额的增加则会缩小资本要素与劳动要素的收入分配差距。同时,所得税类、资源税类和行为税类份额的增加会提高经济的总体规模,而财产税类和特定目的税类份额的增加则会降低经济的总体规模。这说明在现阶段的中国经济中,有必要对所得税类和财产税类进行结构和职能两方面改革,使这两种税能够体现社会公平的税收职能。单纯地从税收结构的数量调整上讲,目前应提高所得税类的税收份额,并降低财产税类(即房地产税)的税收份额。  相似文献   

间接税负担对收入分配的影响分析   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
刘怡  聂海峰 《经济研究》2004,39(5):22-30
本文利用城市住户调查资料考察了中国增值税、消费税和营业税这三项主要的间接税在不同收入群体的负担情况。我们的研究表明 ,低收入家庭收入中负担增值税和消费税的比例大于高收入家庭 ,但高收入家庭收入中负担营业税的比例大于低收入家庭。整个间接税是接近成比例负担的。间接税恶化了收入分配 ,但并不显著  相似文献   

Tax Competition and Economic Geography   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Tax competition between two countries is considered in a trade–and–location setting with differentiated products and monopolistic competition. There are two groups of workers, mobile ones and immobile ones. Taxes are used for producing a public good. It is shown that an equilibrium with mobile workers dispersed across countries is destabilized by increased taxes on these mobile workers—even for perfectly coordinated tax increases. It is also shown that while tax competition gives rise to standard distortions in a tax–competition game when mobile workers are dispersed, different distortions result when they are concentrated in one country.  相似文献   

The effects of a reform in capital and consumption taxes on private welfare and government tax revenue are examined for a small open, capital‐importing economy. A trade‐off between private welfare and tax revenue is encountered in maximizing social welfare. Nonetheless, lowering capital taxes and raising consumption taxes can increase both private welfare and tax revenue if the initial tax rates are not optimal. In addition, a tax reform by this fashion is a likely response to a rise in the foreign rate of return on capital.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of taxes on the real exchange rate through their marginal effects on economic activity. We hypothesize that an increase in the capital interest tax rate leads to real domestic currency depreciation while an increase in wage or consumption tax rates leads to a real domestic currency appreciation. These hypotheses are supported by an empirical study using panel data estimations of annual data from 10 OECD countries over 17 years.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal tax mix (taxes on income and commodities) under asymmetric information in a two‐type model, when individuals make relative consumption comparisons. The model includes both positional and nonpositional goods, taking into account the fact that relative concerns matter for some but not for all commodities. We find that in general the whole tax system is affected by the externalities caused by the consumption of positional goods, notably also the taxes on income and on a nonpositional good. The tax rates on positional goods are higher than in the absence of status effects, reflecting their Pigouvian role. The sign of the Pigouvian part in the income tax schedule is ambiguous and depends crucially on whether status goods are complements or substitutes to leisure.  相似文献   

This paper shows how a popular system of federal revenue equalization grants can limit tax competition among subnational governments, correct fiscal externalities, and increase government spending. Remarkably, an equalization grant can implement efficient policy choices by regional governments, even in the presence of differences in regional tax capacity, tastes for public spending, and population. If aggregate tax bases are elastic, however, equalization leads to excessive taxation. Efficiency can be achieved by a modified formula that equalizes a fraction of local revenue deficiencies equal to the fraction of taxes that are shifted backward to factor suppliers.  相似文献   

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