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This study examines the nature and extent of sustainability reporting practices in the various reporting media used by companies listed on the ASX (annual reports, discrete reports and websites). The sustainability reporting practices of the sample are compared with key indicators outlined in the GRI framework. The annual report is found to be the least valuable source of information on corporate sustainability in terms of the number of indicators observed and the diversity of the information provided. The discrete reports and websites provide greater levels of information on sustainability; however the overall levels of disclosure are generally low.  相似文献   

This study examines the progress Canada's largest companies are making in their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures. Given the introduction of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) as well as the issuance of the Task Force on Climate‐Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, our research reflects the uptake of these guidance documents by both mature and new reporters. Our analysis suggests that challenges persist—processes and progress often fail to reach investors as they are “lost in translation” when issued through third‐party ESG information providers, and reporters are also pressured to respond to a myriad of requests for information from rating and reporting agencies. Nevertheless, we note that Canada has new reporting sectors that must mature to survive the scrutiny of the markets and also hope that stock markets will respond to the recent announcement by the 181 CEOs of the U.S. Business Roundtable, who committed to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders. Overall, we believe that our research will provide food for thought for companies interested in continuous improvement.  相似文献   

The importance of sustainability reporting to external stakeholders is reflected in the advent of various reporting guidelines and government inquiries. However, evidence of the inadequacy of such reporting, coupled with limited evidence of its use by market participants (such as investors and creditors) for resource-allocation decisions, raises questions about the overall value-relevance of sustainability reporting. This study seeks to identify, in the Australian context, whether the level of sustainable reporting is associated with a range of financial and market performance attributes of the firm.  相似文献   

The importance of sustainability reporting to external stakeholders is reflected in the advent of various reporting guidelines and government inquiries. However, evidence of the inadequacy of such reporting, coupled with limited evidence of its use by market participants (such as investors and creditors) for resource-allocation decisions, raises questions about the overall value-relevance of sustainability reporting. This study seeks to identify, in the Australian context, whether the level of sustainable reporting is associated with a range of financial and market performance attributes of the firm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between firm value and the quality of Australian listed corporations’ sustainability reporting. We examine whether firms that make higher‐quality sustainability disclosures exhibit systematically higher equity prices, through either (or both) cost of capital or expected future performance effects. Using proprietary data obtained from a specialist responsible investment research firm, we document a significant negative association between quality sustainability reporting and the cost of equity capital for ASX 200 firms from 2003–2005, and a significant positive association between expected future performance and the quality of sustainability reporting. We also test for industry‐specific associations and find that our main results are driven heavily by the reporting behaviour of, and market response to, firms in environmentally sensitive industries.  相似文献   

上市公司社会责任报告解读与完善建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内关于社会责任信息披露的研究主要以年报为主,本文以(2006年20份专门的社会责任报告为研究对象,对报告进行内容分析和整体质量解读。本文认为,社会责任报告是公司传递社会责任信息的有效途径,政策指引对相关披露具有良好的引导推动作用,并且公司之间形成了披露的示范效应;但也发现公司对社会责任理解存在偏差、披露缺乏中立性、形式重于实质等问题。本文最后提出了完善社会责任报告的建议与思考。  相似文献   

随着全球报告倡议组织(GRI)的成立及其《可持续发展报告指南》的发布与改进,可持续发展报告在全球范围内得到广泛的推行。现有文献对企业可持续发展报告的研究主要集中在四个方面:可持续发展报告的发展历程、现状与趋势,可持续发展报告评价指标体系的构建与实证研究,GRI指南在我国的应用情况以及可持续发展报告带来的经济后果。现有研究大多是对可持续发展报告评价指标体系与影响公司行为的方式进行理论分析,未来研究方向将集中在企业可持续发展报告的评价以及运用实证方法检验公司行为与可持续发展报告的披露两者之间的关系上。  相似文献   

As business, government, and society continue to emphasize the importance of sustainability—both of individual organizations and of the natural world—accounting standard-setting bodies want to be part of the process. In September 2020, in response to “urgent and growing demand” for more “consistent and comparable” sustainability reporting, the IFRS Foundation (the Foundation) released for comment a Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. In the paper, the Foundation proposed the creation of a Sustainability Standards Board (SSB), which it would oversee alongside the IASB. The SSB would become, de facto, the global sustainability reporting standard setter. The Foundation received 577 responses to its proposal. These responses came from around the world and from a wide range of stakeholders. Thirty-eight of the responses came from Canada. This study profiles the Canadian responses, contrasting them with the wider set of worldwide responses. Some uniquely Canadian features include user responses from a large number of pension funds and preparer responses solely from the energy sector. There was also a significant response from the Canadian accounting community, including from the full set of Canadian standard-setting organizations. Five auditors general also responded. Overall, Canadian respondents supported both globalized sustainability reporting standards and the Foundation's creation of the SSB. This support aligns Canada's response with the worldwide response.  相似文献   

In 1994, Mexico underwent a severe peso devaluation. Thereafter, the country’s financial system experienced severe financial stress as loan defaults forced the government to undertake a program to rescue the country’s banks and obtain international financial assistance. One of the measures involved the reformulation of the financial reporting principles used by the country’s banks. The standards, which are contained in the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission’s Circular 1343 (1997), were designed to provide Mexican banks with a comprehensive set of financial reporting standards and to bring the financial reporting practices of Mexican financial institutions closer to international standards. However, while the standards contain several improvements in the fundamental aspects of financial reporting for Mexican banks, they lack some important measurement and disclosure provisions contained in international standards. Given this tendency, this paper examines the post-devaluation (1998) financial reporting practices of Mexican banks. Emphasis is placed on comparing the reporting practices contained in the banks’ 1998 financial statements with the requirements of Circular 1343, the standards published by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (MIPA), International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) standards, and Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rules.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to examine whether stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting constitutes the process of managing reputational risk. This research utilises Shrives and Brennan's (2017) framework of rhetorical strategies of non‐compliance to obtain empirical evidence of reputation risk management (RRM) in the context of stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting. Quantitative and qualitative content analysis was undertaken on 154 sustainability disclosures in both the annual and sustainability reports of large Australian companies. This research finds that large Australian companies engage with their stakeholders to manage reputational risk: to increase market share and pre‐empt social issues. It is evident that large Australian companies use several forms of rhetorical statements in their sustainability disclosures with respect to RRM. However, there is no evidence that they shirk their responsibilities.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates various explanations for the profitability of momentum strategies documented in Jegadeesh and Titman (1993). The evidence indicates that momentum profits have continued in the 1990s, suggesting that the original results were not a product of data snooping bias. The paper also examines the predictions of recent behavioral models that propose that momentum profits are due to delayed overreactions that are eventually reversed. Our evidence provides support for the behavioral models, but this support should be tempered with caution.  相似文献   

公司报告模式再造:基于XBRL与Web服务的柔性报告模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘琰  林琳 《会计研究》2007,16(5):80-87
如何将信息技术的创新成果应用于公司报告改革是学术界和实务界共同关心的问题。本文综合应用XBRL和Web服务等前沿技术提出柔性化的公司按需报告模式,并讨论其基本特性以及对会计信息质量特征的改进与创新。该模式突破目前仅将XBRL应用于公司报告呈报环节的简单应用模式,深入企业内部应用系统,并延伸至用户终端,形成一个充满柔性的完整的公司报告供应链。  相似文献   

This paper documents a research study on corporate reporting on the Internet by Australian companies. The findings suggest that while corporate reporting on the Internet is emerging in Australia, current practice does not utilise the full potential of the Internet to disclose information to stakeholders. Only limited evidence was found of changes in the reporting practices of companies resulting from opportunities for innovation in information dissemination offered by this technology.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):191-211
This paper reviews accounting literature in the English language on proprietary and entity theory in order to understand their implications for financial accounting and reporting. Although there is a lack of agreement on the definition and accounting implications of the various equity theories, the literature indicates clear differences between pure proprietary and pure entity perspectives of the firm. These differences particularly relate to the purpose of accounting and financial reporting, the distinction between debt and equity and its accounting implications for the analysis and recording of transactions and recordable events, and the definition, determination, disclosure and distribution of income. The main contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it explains in operational terms why an entity perspective of the company is theoretically irreconcilable with the asset–liability approach to the determination of income. Second, it makes clear that there is always an implicit perspective to financial reporting. Inconsistency in accounting standards results if the implicit perspective is not the same as the perceived focus of decision-usefulness.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development (SD) has a pre-eminent place in the environmental policy agenda where it is defined as “development which meets the needs of the present without compromizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (United Nations World Conference Environment and Development, 1987, p. 8). Within the accounting literature, research activity has focused on what SD may mean for business and accounting activity (see, for example, Batley & Tozer, 1993; Canadian Institute Chartered Accountants, 1993; Gray, et al., 1993; Gray, 1994; Rubenstein, 1994; Geno, 1995; Stone, 1995; Gray & Bebbington, 1996; Milne, 1996; and Bebbington & Thomson, 1996). As part of this literature Gray (1992) proposes the construction of an “account of sustainability" utilizing the idea of a sustainable cost calculation (SCC) which attempts to measure the additional costs which would be borne by the organization if the organization’s activities were not to leave the planet worse off at the end of an accounting period. This paper reports on an attempt to construct a SCC for Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. The paper explains why such an account was attempted, outlines the SCC, reviews the attempt to perform the calculations and reflects on the tensions which emerged from the case. The case, while being unsuccessful because it failed to produce the numbers expected, was successful in that it highlighted conceptual mis-specifications of the SCC. This paper builds on this insight and attempts to theorize the research process and reconceptualize the SCC in a manner which seeks to avoid the pitfalls of the original SCC.  相似文献   

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