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The procedure of Jarque and Bera (1980a, b), consisting of the application of the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test to the Pearson Family of distributions, is used to derive efficient normality and/or homoscedasticity tests for limited dependent variable (LDV) models.  相似文献   

A standard result of IS-LM analysis is that fiscal policy has no first-round effects on income if the LM curve is vertical. IS-LM models, however, are based on the restrictive assumption of a one commodity production technology. This paper relaxes this assumption and shows that complete, first-round crowding out is consistent with a negative interest elasticity of the demand for money.  相似文献   

A well established belief both in the game-theoretic IO and in policy debates is that market concentration facilitates collusion. We show that this piece of conventional wisdom relies upon the assumption of profit-seeking behaviour, for it may be reversed when firms pursue other plausible goals. To illustrate our intuition, we investigate the incentives to tacit collusion in an industry formed by labour-managed (LMLM) enterprises. We characterise the perfect equilibrium of a supergame in which LMLM firms play an infinitely repeated Cournot game under grim trigger strategies. We show that the critical threshold of the discount factor above which collusion is stable (i) is lower in the LMLM industry than in the capitalistic one; (ii) monotonically decreases with the number of firms.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of generally applicable specification tests for constant and dynamic structures of conditional correlations in multivariate GARCH models. The tests are robust to the presence of time‐varying higher‐order conditional moments of unknown form and are pure significance tests. The tests can identify linear and nonlinear misspecifications in conditional correlations. Our approach does not necessitate a particular parameter estimation method and distributional assumption on the error process. The asymptotic distribution of the tests is invariant to the uncertainty in parameter estimation. We assess the finite sample performance of our tests using simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Using IS and LM curves to illustrate the problem, the authors show how the curves drawn in the textbooks often have theoretical implications inconsistent with the analysis presented.  相似文献   


The paper suggests a new Keynesian model of the General Theory. A reduced form entails a diagram with three curves relating employment and the real wage, which represent the two fundamental classical postulates and the principle of effective demand. This diagram illustrates better than IS–LM the generality of Keynes's theory, clarifying the distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment. Other significant features are the role of the distribution of expected interest rates among heterogeneous agents, whether dispersed or concentrated, in shaping the LM curve, as well as the role of wage competitiveness constraints as a foundation of Keynes's relative wage hypothesis.  相似文献   

Money velocity and asset prices in the euro area   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Monetary growth in the euro area has exceeded its target since several years. At the same time, the money demand function seems to be increasingly unstable if more recent data are used. If the link between money balances and the macroeconomy is fragile, the rationale of monetary aggregates in the ECB strategy has to be doubted. In fact, a rise in the income elasticity after 2001 can be observed, and may reflect the exclusion of real and financial wealth in conventional specifications of money demand. This presumption is explored by means of a cointegration analysis. To separate income from wealth effects, the specification in terms of money velocity is preferred. Evidence for the presence of wealth in the long run relationship is provided. In particular, both stock and house prices have exerted a negative impact on velocity after 2001 and lead to almost identical equilibrium errors. The extended error correction model is stable over the entire sample period and survive a battery of specification tests.
Jürgen WoltersEmail:

A great of deal of study has explored the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty under the assumptions of normal distribution and no regime shift. This paper attempts to investigate whether changes in the specification of distribution specification and regime shifts will affect the inflation-uncertainty relationship. Empirical results show that these two factors have a vital effect on the inflation-uncertainty relationship. A specification with four states and the Student’s t distributed error terms can successfully describe the dynamics of the inflation rate. After taking the non-normal density and independent regime shifts into account, this paper finds that inflation uncertainty has no impact on inflation, regardless of inflation pressure. Inflation has a negative impact on inflation uncertainty during periods of high inflation volatility, while the impact of inflation on inflation uncertainty is insignificant during periods of low inflation volatility.  相似文献   

This study investigates the validity of purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis as a long run equilibrium condition for thirteen Asia Pacific economies using a generalized error correction model. The results of the generalized dynamic specification appear to support PPP for more countries than do standard tests for unit roots. Out of the thirteen bilateral exchange rates, evidence of PPP is found for only one (the Mexican peso/U.S. dollar rate) under traditional tests for unit roots, while seven of them support PPP under the generalized dynamic error correction model. It appears that one of the factors that lead standard tests for unit roots to fail to detect evidence of PPP may be the undue restrictions imposed on the model specification.  相似文献   

Global vector autoregressions (GVARs) have several attractive features: multiple potential channels for the international transmission of macroeconomic and financial shocks, a standardized economically appealing choice of variables for each country or region examined, systematic treatment of long-run properties through cointegration analysis, and flexible dynamic specification through vector error correction modeling. Pesaran et al. (2009) generate and evaluate forecasts from a paradigm GVAR with 26 countries, based on Dées, di Mauro et al. (2007). The current paper empirically assesses the GVAR in Dées, di Mauro et al. (2007) with impulse indicator saturation (IIS)??a new generic procedure for evaluating parameter constancy, which is a central element in model-based forecasting. The empirical results indicate substantial room for an improved, more robust specification of that GVAR. Some tests are suggestive of how to achieve such improvements.  相似文献   

The research performed and reported in this article represents an econometric analysis of the model generated by John Blatt (1978). A major point made by Blatt was that the standard statistical procedures used by economists would have led to egregious errors in inference; namely, estimating a stable linear relationship in a world generated by an unstable nonlinear model. The main point of this paper is that the use of specification error tests pioneered by one of the authors leads to immediate and overwhelming rejection of the incorrect model. That empirical economists must learn to test their models before attempting to make inferences is the major policy conclusion.  相似文献   

Testing the specification of econometric models has come a long way from the t tests and F tests of the classical normal linear model. In this paper, we trace the broad outlines of the development of specification testing, along the way discussing the role of structural versus purely statistical models. Inferential procedures have had to advance in tandem with techniques of estimation, and so we discuss the generalized method of moments, non parametric inference, empirical likelihood and estimating functions. Mention is made of some recent literature, in particular, of weak instruments, non parametric identification and the bootstrap.  相似文献   

The equity premium puzzle is found during the test of the Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) with aggregate consumption data. Because of income disparity, many consumers lack financial assets to intertemporally allocate their consumptions under income constraints. Thus, it is likely to lead to a specification error by employing aggregate consumption data to test the CCAPM. This paper examines the impacts of the economically constrained (low-income) consumers and unconstrained (high-income) consumers on the CCAPM using urban consumption expenditures in China delineated by consumer income, and tests the income constraint hypothesis. The empirical results show that the CCAPM is not more consistent with the consumption pattern of the higher-income consumers. Including the income constraint into the analyses of the consumption and asset returns does not unravel the equity premium puzzle.   相似文献   

We prove the perfect-monitoring folk theorem continues to hold when attention is restricted to strategies with bounded recall and the equilibrium is essentially required to be strict. As a consequence, the perfect monitoring folk theorem is shown to be behaviorally robust under almost-perfect almost-public monitoring. That is, the same specification of behavior continues to be an equilibrium when the monitoring is perturbed from perfect to highly-correlated private.  相似文献   

The paper fully characterizes the class of Nash implementable social choice correspondences (SCCs) by mechanisms endowed with Saijo’s message space specification— $s$ -mechanisms. This class of SCCs is equivalent to the class of Nash implementable SCCs, though any game form involving ‘one less’ preference announcements breaks this equivalence relationship down.  相似文献   

This paper estimates and tests a model of the demand for money function, which uses the public's expectations of future inflation as a proxy of the opportunity cost of holding money. The hallmark of the paper is that expectations are rational inMuth sense. The cross-equation rational expectations restrictions are derived and then tested, using quarterly Greek data of the high inflation period 1973I to 1981 IV. The paper concludes that the evidence is consistent with the rational expectations assumption and supports the adopted specification of the money demand function.  相似文献   

This study tests whether individuals are reluctant to tell lies, or perhaps only “harmful lies”, in a previously untested environment: an expert sending a message to a decision maker whose interpretation of that message is subject to error, i.e. a noisy sender–receiver game. In the Aligned treatment, the expert can send a “white lie” to the receiver, eliminating the negative effects of noise and improving both parties’ payoffs. In the Conflict treatment, lies are harmful and the inability to commit to truthtelling destroys all meaningful communication in equilibrium unless there is a cost of lying. In the experiment, receivers are overly trusting and experts learn to take advantage of this. As experts gain experience they tell stronger and more frequent lies in both treatments, consistent with models of reinforcement learning. The findings suggest that neither harmful nor universal lie aversion is a factor when communication is noisy, provided individuals have time to discover their personal benefits of lies.  相似文献   

The extended linear expenditure system (ELES) can be developed as an atemporal maximization of a Stone-Geary utility function wherein saving is treated as a good in itself. The key to this development is the a priori specification of the ‘subsistence quantity’ of saving, γn + 1, to be zero. Thus, the intertemporal maximization approach to the ELES is equivalent to specifying a Klein-Rubin saving function with γn + 1 = 0 for a linear expenditure system (LES) based on permanent income rather than total expenditure. Any income concept - current, normal, or permanent, for example - is acceptable for the ELES developed from the atemporal maximization.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations are performed to examine small sample properties of Canonical Cointegrating Regressions (CCR). The first data generation process is designed to generate both cointegrated and non-cointegrated systems with normal disturbances. If the near-observational equivalence of the stationary and the integrated processes is not significant, both powers and empirical sizes of CCR tests are acceptable. The second data generation process is based on the error correction model. Cointegrated systems with various fat-tailed disturbances are generated and analyzed. The empirical sizes of CCR tests with studentt disturbances and GARCH disturbances are found to be reasonable under certain restrictions. The last data generation process is a generalized least squares (GLS) process that incorporates heteroskedasticity into the error correction model. Again, the empirical sizes of CCR tests are reasonable.  相似文献   

In this paper an extension of the Monetary Approach to the Exchange Rate reduced form is presented and estimated for four bilateral exchange rates with data from the recent floating experience. The extension incorporates two features: a more sophisticated modelling of money demand, using theCarr andDarby money demand specification, and allowing for deviations from purchasing power parity. The estimated results are supportive of our extended specification and we conclude by arguing that care should be taken in specifying the underlying structural relationships in asset reduced form exchange rate equations.  相似文献   

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