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闫志明 《价值工程》2014,(34):87-88
混凝土搅拌站的良好运作和它自身的保养维护是密不可分的,混凝土搅拌站的设备需要精心呵护,进而才能够最大限度降低机器的故障发生率和提高设备使用寿命。本文主要论述了搅拌站正常使用与保养过程中的注意事项、使用搅拌站柴油机过程中的注意事项、混凝土输送泵、混凝土搅拌车及装载机的使用注意事项及混凝土搅拌站负责人员要注意的清理保养项目。  相似文献   

夏先均 《价值工程》2015,(10):166-167
柔性制造技术是柔性自动化制造技术的简称,这种技术是上个世纪六十年代在国外兴起研发的新型技术。随着我国科技水平的不断发展进步,我国对于柔性制造技术的研究也愈发的深入,并且能够很好地将这种技术与工业需求进行相对完善的整合,在一定程度上已经可以灵活地将这种技术应用到相关的领域。  相似文献   

席淑丽  王佑喜 《价值工程》2010,29(21):236-236
GIS地理信息系统是以地理空间数据库为基础,在计算机软硬件的支持下,运用系统工程和信息科学的理论,科学管理和综合分析具有空间内涵的地理数据,以提供管理、决策等所需信息的技术系统。近年来GIS技术正逐渐应用到城市交通规划中来,并发挥出日益重要的作用。  相似文献   


Extant research already emphasises that complementarities and substitution involving incentive pay and other elements of an organisation's management control system play an important role in terms of explaining the effectiveness of incentive systems. Despite this awareness calls continue for more research addressing the need to better understand how interdependencies arise among management control system elements and how they affect organisational effectiveness. Based on an in-depth case study on the implementation of a new incentive system in a manufacturing firm, we seek to provide more research and insight into how incentive pay features in complementary and substitutional relationships in an individual organisational setting. Greater insight can help illustrate how complementary and substitutional relationships unfold in even more complex ways than current research indicates, as well as how the effectiveness of the incentive system in the individual organisational setting is determined by these relationships.  相似文献   


In this paper, multi-process collaboration subsystem, multi-intersection collaboration subsystem, and multi-operator collaboration subsystem are deduced through the overall architecture of Smart Manufacturing Collaborative System (SMCS). Furthermore, the detailed implementation steps of SMCS are given, and verified by a case study in an automotive enterprise, which can realize the sharing of information, data and resources between adjacent business links and improve the utilization rate of enterprise's overall information and data resources. It also can improve design efficiency, save manufacturing costs and improve supply response speed. Then, it can save communication costs, and improve the utilization rate of information service resources.  相似文献   

文章针对卷烟厂混合型的卷烟生产,采用车间调度问题的方法,系统分析了卷烟生产中卷包和制丝不同生产环节的特点,得到了它们适用的计划模型以及相适应的算法。根据研究开发的计划排产信息系统,通过在武汉卷烟厂的实际应用表明,该计划排产信息系统具有优化排产、计划冲突避免的优点,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

万桂华 《价值工程》2015,(22):186-189
适合的学习策略是提高英语学习效果的有效手段,然而现实中还存在英语学习策略培训成本高、普及难和不可持续等问题,影响了英语学习策略的广泛使用和应用效率的显现。本文充分应用了英语技能学习策略研究和实践中已取得的成果,从梳理英语学习中听、说、读、写、词汇等技能学习的一般策略在计算机网络系统中如何实现并进行优势分析着手,提出构建一个以应用英语技能学习策略进行学习和培养学习者策略使用习惯为目的的计算机应用系统,以实现英语学习者在有效提高英语技能的同时提高英语学习策略应用能力,养成自觉使用学习策略习惯的目的。  相似文献   

陈丽华 《价值工程》2015,(14):219-220
为了培养出企业满意的具有较强综合职业能力的高素质技术技能型人才,构建符合人才培养需要的课程体系。文章调研了计算机辅助设计与制造专业学生就业岗位群,分析了岗位能力要求,并探讨了满足这职业能力的高职计算机辅助设计与制造专业课程体系建设及与职业资格标准的融合。  相似文献   

Management consultants are a core group of knowledge workers, and interest in their work and the organisational environment in which they operate has intensified. However, the role of policies at a national and organisational level in influencing gender regimes in this field of work remains unclear. This paper examines the organisation of careers and flexibility from the perspective of management consultants from the UK and US offices of two case study firms. The findings cast light on the role of macro- and meso-level policies together with the characteristics of the occupation and its client-focus in gendering careers and flexibility. These outcomes point to the need for the structures and policies supporting women and flexible working in these types of firms to be modified accordingly, particularly given that these firms make recommendations to clients nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

高校教学管理是指教学管理人员依据教育教学规律,按照高校教学管理的规章制度,运用各种管理手段,对教学活动进行计划、组织、领导和控制的整个过程。优良的教学管理工作其目标在于创造一种良好的教学环境,使教师和学生在教学过程中高质量地完成教学任务。然而一成不变的机械性教学管理将成为教学改革深化的重大阻碍。  相似文献   

任世翔 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):122-123
建筑业是国民经济的重要物质生产部门,它与整个国家经济的发展和人民生活的改善都有着密切的关系。将价值管理这一现代的管理方法引入建设项目,可以有效地解决建筑业发展过程中的问题,但目前在我国价值管理的应用还没有受到足够的重视,对应用价值管理的认识仍存在误区。文章结合我国应用价值管理的实际情况,总结出价值管理应用中存在的问题,提出优化价值管理应用的建议与对策。  相似文献   

计算流体力学可以模拟正在规划的城市建筑群的小气候的数值,也可以较为准确的预测城市规划方案使城市楼宇、街道的小气候即将发生的改变,从而在城市规划设计中趋利避害。本文简要探讨了计算流体力学在城市规划设计中的应用,希望能给大家一些借鉴学习之处。  相似文献   

权责发生制和收付实现制是两类最基本的会计基础,在财政部下发的<高等学校会计制度>(征求意见稿)中引入了修正的权责发生制会计基础,本文通过分析研究美国政府会计中修正的权责发生制的概念及其使用规定,对比分析我国高校会计制度引入修正的权责发生制的基本情况,探讨在实际操作中存在的问题及建议.  相似文献   

技术创新是企业生存的关键,而信息化对企业的技术创新能力有着重要的影响。本文从研究内容、角度、层次和实证等方面分析了信息化对制造业企业技术创新能力影响研究的问题,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

当前土地储备制度存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国土地使用制度改革、土地管理改革的深化和城市化进程的加速,“土地储备制度”作为一种全新盘活国有土地资产的方式,在全国得到推广,同时,也发现了一些问题。应该加强对土地储备的研究,完善土地储备机制,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce scarcity into a conventional demand-driven input–output system to produce a ‘flex-price’ Leontief model. We retain the fixed technical coefficients but allow changes in relative prices to reflect variations in the real wage. Because the consumption coefficients increase with the real wage, the aggregate labour demand curve is found to be upward sloping. This produces conventional results, as long as the labour supply curve is perfectly elastic (horizontal). However, once we introduce labour scarcity, in the form of an upward sloping labour supply function, we derive the seemingly paradoxical result that the output and employment effects of a demand expansion are greater here than in conventional input–output. Through simulation, this result is found to be strongly dependent on the assumption of export exogeneity.  相似文献   

我国空间规划体系的时代困境与模式重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国现行的空间规划体系成形于计划经济时期,虽伴随国家公共政策的变化经过多次调整,但规划体系仍不完善,规划的运行也出现了诸多问题,不仅降低了规划的有效性,并且浪费了大量运行成本。空间规划是协调人地关系和促进区域发展的重要手段,在实践中必须实现规划行政体系整合、规划编制体系整合和规划法规体系整合。本文提出了整合模式的初步设想,试图为空间规划体系的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

孙建 《价值工程》2013,(28):223-224
为了提高软件开发效率,节约设备开发成本,实现发控台硬件平台的标准化。本文在VxWorks嵌入式操作系统平台下进行了任务调度应用组件的研究和设计。实现了不同工作模式的自动切换和同一模式下多个应用组件的同时工作。通过某武器发控台的应用验证了设计方法的正确性。该研究极大的提高了软件的灵活性和可扩展性,解决了因多种型号发控设备同时存在导致的不兼容性问题。  相似文献   

The article argues that whilst there is a growing sense of degradation and worsening conditions (disaggregation) of work in the cleaning sector in general, there are some important contradictions which require complex organisational responses. In the main, there is a growing sense of isolation in this work, yet also a growing perception of autonomy and workers having to use discretion in new and challenging ways. This article focuses on these issues and management responses to reaggregate the nature of such work, creating new forms of identity and activities intended to enhance (or address) the levels of stability and sustainability at work as well as in operational processes. This management conundrum means that they need to deal with a range of job‐related, skill‐oriented worker learning and also representation issues. These responses bring to the fore the contested nature of such forms of work and how they are changing.  相似文献   

张志清 《价值工程》2011,30(34):99-100
结合实际,分析了中小城市住宅小区的规划结构,并对住宅小区的环境绿化设计进行了分类,介绍了部分设计手法。  相似文献   

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