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国际结算和贸易融资风险的识别与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易融资较传统的流动资金贷款业务具有更大的市场适应能力.生产制造型企业贸易融资风险的主要影响因素有核心技术和装备情况、产品更新换代能力、国际品牌效应、人力成本.生产制造型企业资金流风险的主要影响因素有原材料采购与销售价格、结算方式、资产的流动性、盈利能力.贸易类企业融资风险的主要影响因素有上下游客户的稳定性、市场需求的稳定性、资金的可流动性.物流企业融资风险的主要影响因素有公司的收入及成本构成、应对市场价格变动的能力、上下游客户情况、企业的资金流.  相似文献   

论银行供应链融资市场与产品营销特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链融资逐渐成为银行贸易融资市场与产品的主流,其发展的动力来自宏观和微观层面.本文通过分析,展示了产品营销的五大特点,即:专业交叉的复合型营销团队、物流资金流信息流协同运行、客户满意度具有群体性、创新是竞争发展原动力、特定风险认识与防范.  相似文献   

本文从商业银行流动性资产储备、负债结构和稳定性、期限结构错配程度、资产安全性和市场融资能力五个维度选择15个流动性风险的基础评价指标,基于因子分析法提炼出流动性风险的主要影响因素,构建商业银行流动性风险综合评价模型。论文以16家上市银行2011年的年末数据进行实证分析,结果显示:大型商业银行得益于市场地位的优势,总体流动性风险最低;城市商业银行由于积极进行流动性风险管理,总体流动性风险次之;其他股份制银行既缺少"主动负债"的优势,经营业绩也相对要差,因而流动性风险相对最高。  相似文献   

影响贸易企业资金风险的因素一般有:资产的负债率比较高、贸易链客户的选择不当、内部财务的管理体制不够完善、财务的决策失误、库存结构的不合理等等。贸易企业应该根据最低成本来使企业的资金运动具有稳定性、连续性和效益性,实现企业资金风险控制的目标。贸易企业的资金风险如何规避是一个综合性的难题,资金能有序、有效地进行良性循环是贸易企业的关键因素。本文就围绕贸易企业如何规避资金风险来展开探讨。  相似文献   

徐凯 《会计师》2014,(7):18-19
影响贸易企业资金风险的因素一般有:资产的负债率比较高、贸易链客户的选择不当、内部财务的管理体制不够完善、财务的决策失误、库存结构的不合理等等。贸易企业应该根据最低成本来使企业的资金运动具有稳定性、连续性和效益性,实现企业资金风险控制的目标。贸易企业的资金风险如何规避是一个综合性的难题,资金能有序、有效地进行良性循环是贸易企业的关键因素。本文就围绕贸易企业如何规避资金风险来展开探讨。  相似文献   

贸易背景的真实性审计是一个系统工程,需综合运用各种信息,进行相互印证和核对,才能有效识别、防范和化解风险。贸易融资业务一般指的是银行根据企业真实贸易背景及其上下游客户资信实力,依托对物流、资金流的控制,为客户提供的短期金融产品。其区别于其他融资业务的核心特点在于债务的自偿性,即企业在未来的商品交易中产生的现金流是银行融资的偿还来源,而银行融资是对这种未来现金流的提前变现。  相似文献   

随着金融业竞争的日益激烈,传统的信贷产品已不能完全满足企业的多样化需求。商业银行只有不断推出创新产品,才能在市场上立于不败之地。传统贷款业务中,银行更多地关注企业整体信用和偿债能力,而贸易融资与交易相匹配,有物权和应收账款作保障,关注交易自身的资金流,具有风险可控、收益较高的特点。因此,通过贸易融资开拓企业融资市场,能更好地将信贷资金投入到实体经济中,支持企业尤其是中小企业更好更决地发展。  相似文献   

一是助其贸易融资。中小企业发展外汇业务.可以利用贸易融资获得资金,银行应关注每笔交易的真实性。通过对交易中物流和资金流的控制,掌控风险,确保资金的回笼,从而规避中小企业在披露信息和财务等方面存在的融资障碍。二是规避汇率风险。在我国汇率改革不断推进.企业生产经营日益国际化的今天,中小企业亟待增强规避汇率风险的能力。  相似文献   

近几年,商业汇票发展迅猛,已成为国内上下游贸易伙伴之间的主要结算方式。企业客户持有的商业汇票一方面具有仅次于货币资金的流动性,市场接受度高;另一方面,由于其金额的固定性导致再支付灵活性较差,若企业长期持有必然带来一定的资金占用成本与财务管理成本。商业银行为客户提供票据池服务,能帮助客户有效管理票据,并寻找票据流动性和收益性的平衡点。在市场已有的票据池产品服务功能基础上,商业银行和票据专营机构还可提供符合客户个性需求的票据池短期融资渠道和综合服务项目,从而实现双赢。  相似文献   

(一)转变外贸金融的经营理念 1、从关注外贸企业报表、关注担保向掌控企业货物流、资金流转变 与传统信贷的基于客户基本面的额度风险控制理念不同,贸易融资通常是以单笔交易授信为主,以具体交易项下的存货或应收帐款产生的现金流为第一还款来源,通过对物流、资金流的动态监控确保每笔业务发生后资金的回笼。贸易融资操作特点在于“封闭运行、单笔操作”。  相似文献   

我国现行融资制度功能的理论及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内生于经济增长的融资制度应具备筹资功能、降低交易成本功能、价格发现功能、流动性功能和风险转移功能等五方面的功能.我国现行融资制度基本能够有效地进行储蓄动员,但在向资本转化方面存在着一定的障碍;作为公共资源的政府融资仍然发挥着相当重要的作用,但金融市场对经济的促进作用有进一步弱化的趋势;在地区间和企业间存在着资源的逆配置现象,总体上资本的运用效率较低,而非正规金融发挥了不可或缺的作用;严格的利率管制使中介的价格发现功能几乎没有,而市场的价格发现功能一直较弱;此外,存在较高的交易成本,流动性水平整体较低,风险转移功能也相对缺乏.  相似文献   

Liquidity and capital structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the relation between equity market liquidity and capital structure. We find that firms with more liquid equity have lower leverage and prefer equity financing when raising capital. For example, after sorting firms into size quintiles and then into liquidity quintiles, the average debt-to-asset ratio of the most liquid quintiles is about 38% while the average for the least liquid quintiles is 55%. Similar results are observed in panel analyses with clustered errors and using instrumental variables. Our results are consistent with equity market liquidity lowering the cost of equity and, therefore, inducing a greater reliance on equity financing.  相似文献   

We examine market value implications of managing liquidity via supplier financing. Results suggest a direct link between shareholder wealth and use of trade credit, and the relation exhibits significant cross‐sectional variation. In particular, the market value of trade credit varies with the liquidity of goods sold and competition in product markets. Evidence also indicates the value‐supplier financing association strengthens with financial constraint, which supports the financing motive for trade credit. Further findings are consistent with the transaction cost motive. Overall, we conclude that shareholders value the strategic benefits associated with supplier financing and that downstream firms’ characteristics influence this value.  相似文献   

Exit Options in Corporate Finance: Liquidity versus Incentives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides a first study of the optimal design of active monitors'exit options in a problem involving a demand for liquidity and costly monitoring of the issuer. Optimal incentives to monitor the issuer may involve restricting the monitor's right to sell her claims on the firm's cash-flow early. But the monitor will then require a liquidity premium for holding such an illiquid claim. In general, therefore, there will be a trade off between incentives and liquidity. The paper highlights a fundamental complementarity between speculative monitoring in financial markets (which increases the informativeness of prices) and active monitoring inside the firm: in financial markets where price discovery is better and securities prices reflect the fundamentals of the issuer better, the incentive cost of greater liquidity may be smaller and active monitoring incentives may be preserved. The paper spells out the conditions under which more or less liquidity is warranted and applies the analysis to shed light on common exit provisions in venture capital financing.  相似文献   

Liquidity Provision and the Organizational Form of NYSE Specialist Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the influence of NYSE specialist firm organizational form on the nature of liquidity provision. We compare closely held firms whose specialists provide liquidity with their own capital to widely held firms whose specialists provide liquidity with diffusely owned capital. We argue that specialists using their own capital have a greater incentive and ability to reduce adverse selection costs, but face a greater cost of capital. Differences in the proportion of spreads due to adverse selection costs, large trade frequency, the sensitivity between depth and spreads, and price stabilization support this argument.  相似文献   

This paper derives an equilibrium asset pricing model with endogenous liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is modeled as a stochastic quantity impact on the price from trading, where the size of the impact depends on trade size. Under a strong set of assumptions, we prove that a unique equilibrium liquidity cost process and a unique equilibrium price process exists for our economy. We characterize the market’s state price density, which enables the derivation of the risk-return relation for the stock’s expected return including liquidity risk. We derive a generalized intertemporal CAPM and consumption CAPM for these markets. In contrast to the traditional models without liquidity risk, there is an additional systematic liquidity risk factor which is related to the stock return’s covariation with the market’s stochastic liquidity cost. Traditional transaction costs are a special case of our formulation.  相似文献   

本文主要分析我国资本市场稳定性问题、形成的原因,在此基础上探讨提升资本市场稳定性的思路。(1)我国资本市场稳定性问题主要表现在:股价波动幅度大、波动频率高,市场交易量、换手率波动剧烈,证券发行、市场融资大起大落;(2)我国资本市场稳定性问题形成的原因主要是:资本市场建立和运行时间较短,市场运行环境的急剧变化,一些上市公司质量不高,一些市场主体运作不规范,市场缺乏长期稳定的投资力量等;(3)提升我国资本市场稳定性的主要思路有:营造良好的市场运行环境,优化供需平衡的市场机制,全方位提升上市公司质量,促进市场参与主体规范运作,规范存量股份减持行为,优化市场调控手段。  相似文献   

Internal versus External Financing: An Optimal Contracting Approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study optimal financial contracting for centralized and decentralized firms. Under centralized contracting, headquarters raises funds on behalf of multiple projects. Under decentralized contracting, each project raises funds separately on the external capital market. The benefit of centralization is that headquarters can use excess liquidity from high cash‐flow projects to buy continuation rights for low cash‐flow projects. The cost is that headquarters may pool cash flows from several projects and self‐finance follow‐up investments without having to return to the capital market. Absent any capital market discipline, it is more difficult to force headquarters to make repayments, which tightens financing constraints ex ante. Cross‐sectionally, our model implies that conglomerates should have a lower average productivity than stand‐alone firms.  相似文献   

This study documents that firms with higher stock liquidity are more willing to extend trade credit and are less reliant on trade credit financing. This finding is robust to a battery of control variables, alternative measures of stock liquidity, different fixed effects, an instrumental variable approach, and a difference-in-difference approach using tick-size change as a quasi-natural experiment that exogenously increases stock liquidity. Subsample analyses show that the relation between trade credit policies and stock liquidity is more pronounced for firms that are financially constrained, dependent on external financing, and restricted by short-term debt. Overall, the evidence presented in this paper indicates that access to the equity market has important implications on firms' trade credit policies.  相似文献   

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