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应宜逊 《浙江经济》2010,(17):18-19
(一)应当较多地使用财政政策来应对通胀和通缩当前,通胀与通缩都在不同程度上困扰着我国。现实的危险是通胀,也因此今年以来国家决策当局一直在适度收紧银根,以抑制通胀发展。而潜在的风险则是通缩,这是由我国社会贫富差距已经过大,以致消费率严重偏低、消费需求相对不足所引起的。一旦经济热度降温,通胀势头平抑,通缩就会立即抬头。  相似文献   

由于国内CPI增速迅速回落,国际大宗商品价格持续走低,我国通胀形势已经缓解。不少专家认为,短期内通缩风险已经大于通胀,长期来看,则应警惕由于经济形势变化,导致通缩通胀交替出现的局面。10月CPI回落至4%,比9月份下降0.3%。工业生产增加值继续下滑,事实上这已是通缩的苗头。  相似文献   

2005年的中国经济呈现出“高增长、低通胀”的良好局面,正当我们在为曾经一度高企的代表通胀程度的CPI高开低走而庆幸的时候,又有专家指出,我们要对可能出现的通缩有足够的警惕。  相似文献   

通胀预期之火正在燃化通缩之冰!用这句话来形容7月物价走势再形象不过——尽管7月CPI和PPI继续双降,创出多年来的新低,但是通胀回升如同海水潮汐般上涨,不易察觉但很确定。而推动下一轮通胀可能将是猪肉和农产品价格。  相似文献   

中国经济形势转换之快前所未有。我们刚把通胀理出眉目,通缩来了;还没把通缩研究完,通胀又要来了。这叫老百姓们陷入了迷局,2009年中国面临的风险到底是通胀还  相似文献   

<正>安倍将日本带向通胀时代日本经济界长久以来都有两派:通缩派主张保持稳定,通胀派则希望刺激增长。过去十几年来,日本主流经济界都是通缩派占上风,这次安倍代表的则是通胀派的全面胜利。过去日本长达20年都处在零利率、零通缩的停滞性阶段,这就是著名的"日本病",即负增长的经济、  相似文献   

根据目前的CPI水平,我国可以说既无通胀,也无通缩。但是,由于流动性宽松,推动了资产价格和大宗商品价格上涨,这些是形成通胀预期的因素。与此同时,由于存在一揽子刺激政策退出的预期,以及某些行业较大的产能过剩的压力,因此,也有形成通缩预期的因素。这些都充分表明,当前经济运行有着较高的复杂性。  相似文献   

根据目前的CPI水平,我国可以说既无通胀,也无通缩。但是,由于流动性宽松,推动了资产价格和大宗商品价格上涨,这些是形成通胀预期的因素。与此同时,由于存在一揽子刺激政策退出的预期,以及某些行业较大的产能过剩的压力,因此,也有形成通缩预期的因素。这些都充分表明,当前经济运行有着较高的复杂性。  相似文献   

2008年9月,美国雷曼兄弟银行的破产在全球金融市场引起连锁反应,导致全球经济进入投资的寒冬。我国经济在经历39个月的连续通胀后首次出现通胀下降。近3个月通胀指数均在2%以下。经济放缓其实不可避免。正确认识经济放缓甚至潜在通缩,对我们采取投资和消费行为有指导意义。  相似文献   

货币流通速度的影响因素众多,不同国家、不同时期的影响因素及其影响程度互不相同,但一般都接受货币流通速度的轨迹呈U形曲线的观点:即货币流通速度经历起始下降、中间平稳、最后上升三个阶段。分析我国货币流通速度的时间序列趋势,说明我国货币流通速度正处于不断下降的阶段,经济的货币化、非现金货币比率、利率以及储蓄率是影响货币流通速度的主要原因。  相似文献   

货币流通速度不仅受实体经济影响,而且受虚拟经济影响,本文运用实证分析方法探讨货币市场基金对货币流通速度是否产生影响,结果表明货币市场基金收益率变动是货币流通速度变动的格兰杰原因,两者正相关,可根据货币市场基金收益率和一年期国债收益率预测货币流通速度,货币政策实施效果受货币流通速度影响,管理者可通过调整货币市场基金政策稳定货币流通速度。  相似文献   

Market transaction data are used to estimate the quantity of specie in circulation. This estimate is used to provide the first comprehensive measure of a colony's money supply and, along with data on population and prices, to retest the quantity theory of money and measure output growth using the equation of exchange. Output growth is found to depend on periodization and the extent that rising commercialization increased the velocity of circulation. Specie was becoming relatively less scarce as the Revolution approached, and movements in specie and paper currency both offset and reinforced each other depending on the period of analysis. (JEL N11, N21, E42, E51)  相似文献   

The development of electronic money changes the traditional style of money supply and money circulation under the credit money system, thus weakens the power of the traditional monetary policy tools, affects the controllability and validity of monetary medial indexes, and puts forward the challenge to the independence of monetary policy of Central Bank at the same time.  相似文献   

Money Growth Volatility and the Demand for Money in Germany: Friedman’s Volatility Hypothesis Revisited. — Recently, the Bundesbank claimed that monetary targeting has become considerably more difficult by the increased volatility of short-term money growth. The present paper investigates the impact of German money growth volatility on income velocity and money demand in view of Friedman’s money growth volatility hypothesis. Granger-causality tests provide some evidence for a velocity/volatility linkage. However, the estimation of volatility-augmented money demand functions reveals that — in contrast to Friedman’s hypothesis — increased money growth volatility lowered the demand for money.  相似文献   

The income velocity of money declined sharply in Sweden between the 1870's and the outbreak of World War I. This decline is explained by a monetization process. An account of this process is given focusing on (a) the growth of commercial banking, (b) changes in wage contracts and in labor markets, and (c) changes in exchange arrangements in the markets for goods. A number of proxy measures of the spreading use of money are presented and included in regressions on velocity. The influence of the monetization variables is compared to the effects of the standard explanatory variables in money demand studies, that is, of real income and interest rates. The econometric results support the view that monetization variables significantly contributed to the fall in velocity. These results question the luxury-good hypothesis of money, suggesting that the standard approach of including real income as an explanatory variable in money demand studies covering long spans of time runs the risk of ignoring important determinants of the secular behavior of velocity.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper tests Friedman's hypothesis that increased variability in the growth of money supply causes velocity to decline, using Egyptian data from the period 1960–99. The monetary aggregates M1 and M2 are decomposed into anticipated and unanticipated components and the variability of money growth is computed as the standard deviation of five years of monetary growth rates. Cointegration tests show that there is a statistically significant long‐run relationship between the variability in money growth and velocity, for both M1 and M2. However, while increased variability in the growth of M2 is found to be associated with lower velocity — supporting Friedman's velocity hypothesis — increased variability in the growth of M1 seems to have no influence on velocity, possibly because the definition of M1 has changed over time. The findings also suggest that anticipated movements in M2 volatility are not neutral, in the sense that they do affect velocity. An important implication is that the scope for discretionary monetary policy in Egypt is somewhat circumscribed in the short run. However, if the Central Bank of Egypt were to make its decisions more transparent and pre‐announce its policies, then velocity would be more predictable and monetary policy more potent.  相似文献   

开放经济条件下我国货币需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋金奇  李淼   《华东经济管理》2010,24(7):82-84
文章引入股票流通市值、汇率等变量对开放经济条件下我国货币需求函数进行全面研究。协整和误差修正模型结果表明:汇率是除社会消费品零售总额外影响我国长短期货币需求稳定的最重要的变量,并且对我国货币需求的影响很大;股票市场发展对我国长期和短期货币需求的影响很小。这一发现可为我国当前反通货膨胀的货币政策的制订提供重要的参考。为控制货币供应量,我们应该重点关注汇率波动。  相似文献   

中国的货币流通速度和M2/GDP的特殊表现引发了众多文献的讨论。本文阐释了货币流通速度在微观和宏观中的不同含义,分析和比较了中国、美国和日本的货币流通速度,指出中美货币流通速度的特征差别是两国不同增长方式的反映,中国货币流通速度的走向会伴随中国经济增长方式转变;日本货币流通速度的变化,是中国经济增长方式的前车之鉴;宏观政策应当着力于实现逆货币化过程,加快经济增长方式转变。  相似文献   

M2/GDP通常用来衡量一个国家的经济货币化水平.近年来,我国的M2/GDP畸高并逐年上升,M2/GDP水平不仅大于发达国家,还远远高于类似的发展中国家.文章在综合前人的研究结果的基础上,通过建立多元线性回归模型对我国M2/GDP过高的影响因素进行实证的分析.实证分析表明,我国M2/GDP畸高的原因是:金融市场不完善,总储蓄率高居不下,广义货币流通速度急剧下降以及国家债务负担沉重.在此基础上,文章将提出遏制M2/GDP风险的建议与措施,并对实证研究的贡献与不足之处进行总结.  相似文献   

Monetary economists have long been interested in economic history as a laboratory for the testing of theory. This paper surveys recent work in monetary history within the context of the modern quantity theory of money and the new classical macroeconomics. Topics surveyed include the development of historical monetary statistics and the determinants of money supply and money demand; historical uses of Granger-Sims causality tests of the relationships between money, prices, and output; historical studies of the secular behavior of velocity; the Great Depression; financial crises; historical evidence for the long-run and short-run neutrality of money; and domestic and international aspects of monetary standards. Each topic surveyed concludes with an evaluation and an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

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