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This article examines an initiative by the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government to increase the income opportunities emerging from the school feeding programme. Since the inception of the programme, small medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) have been enlisted to provide schools with ingredients. However, in 2006 the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government replaced some SMMEs with women's cooperatives. By 2009, 12 of the original 42 cooperatives had collapsed, and some schools serviced by the cooperatives complained of unreliable delivery of ingredients. This article examines the interface between policy and implementation through a case study of four cooperatives in one district. Our data suggest that some cooperatives struggled to take root as a result of a variety of factors which we discuss under the themes of viability, membership and skills. The top-down creation of these cooperatives according to inflexible guidelines also resulted in significant problems.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of a Japanese public health care reform—called the contract out policy—on intergenerational inequality and the probability of a surplus in medical saving accounts. First, I investigate the change in the lifetime net burdens for each generation and public health expenditures and conduct simulation analyses to consider the effects of contracting out public health insurance on intergenerational inequality using the generational accounting method. Next, I simulate the probability of a surplus in medical savings accounts using the transition probability of health care expenses based on individual health data, such as receipt data. According to the simulation results, the net lifetime burden on future generations after contracting out shows a 1% reduction compared to the base case, which is not implemented in public health care reform. In addition, the probability of medical savings accounts remaining in surplus, including cases of zero medical expenses, is 69.6%.  相似文献   

以保险公司员工为测试对象的研究表明:福建省内保险营销人员自我效能感的整体水平比较高,其自我效能感与他们的性别、工作岗位没有明显关联;他们的生活满意度相对偏低,这种满意程度与其性别显著相关;却与各自的工作岗位关联甚弱。省内保险营销人员的心理健康状况还存在提升的较大空间;公司外勤人员的心理健康水平明显高于内勤人员,但性别上的差异未表现在心理健康状况上。保险营销人员的自我效能感与他们的生活满意度、心理健康状况均呈现显著正相关。因此,可以通过提高保险营销人员的自我效能感,生活满意度,从而提升他们的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

大力发展医药健康产业对于助推区域加快构建高精尖产业结构具有重要意义。以2014—2021年北京市医药健康产业政策文本为样本,从“政策工具-医药健康产业价值链”两个维度,采用政策文本分析法对政策条目进行量化分析。得出结论:北京市医药健康产业政策总体上符合产业发展需求,起到了促进产业发展的作用,但也存在着供给面政策工具应用过溢、环境面政策工具中管制类占比过高、需求面政策工具应用不足等问题,进而提出完善和优化北京市医药健康产业政策的对策建议,包括适当降低供给面政策工具使用频率、调整环境面政策工具分布及突破需求面政策工具应用的局限性等,为完善北京市医药健康产业政策提供参考。  相似文献   

谢敏  张梦云 《科技和产业》2023,23(2):204-211
社区应急管理政策工具的选择和合理的使用搭配将有助于社区在突发公共卫生事件中更好地发挥作用,产生更好的政策效果。探究现阶段政府在制定社区应急管理政策中的特点与不足,对今后相关政策制定及应急管理政策体系优化具有重要参考价值。为此,选取2003—2021年颁布的18份国家层面的社区应急管理的政策文本,运用内容分析法从政策工具、应急管理维度对政策文本进行量化分析。研究发现,目前应急管理政策体系中供给型和环境型政策工具使用较为充分,需求型政策工具相对短缺,且存在政策工具内部分布不均的情况,同样应急管理维度下政策工具的运用与组合也存在不均衡。基于此,提出完善社区应急管理政策体系的建议。  相似文献   

鄂虹 《理论观察》2004,(4):131-132
民族学校开发历史课程资源要以全面贯彻国家的教育方针为根本,全面落实课程改革为己任,有针对性地挖掘课内外课程资源,突出特色,培养特长,促进学生个体和社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

In 2014, Indonesia implemented a new, nationwide, subsidised universal-coverage health insurance program, under which poor Indonesians do not pay to become members and others pay a relatively low fee. This program has created a national debate about the effectiveness of the ownership of health insurance in increasing the use of health services—particularly among the poor—given the limitations in their quantity and quality. Using membership data on different health insurance programs from the 2007 rounds of Susenas and Riskesdas, this article researches the impact of having health insurance on health service utilisation, by controlling the levels of quality and quantity of health services in the area. We argue that having health insurance increases health service utilisation by approximately eight percentage points when people feel sick (or by approximately five percentage points if we include those who do not feel sick).  相似文献   

The decade of 1980 has been a time of changes to the world and also in Brazil. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the globalization are phenomena which marked the late 20th century. Brazil was part of this scenario as it went through structural changes, including Real Plan, which brought stability along with the possibility of growth and development. Tourism is enveloped by neoliberalism as a way of attracting investments, investors, better infrastructures, and changing the country's image. As far as Brazilian public policies of tourism are concerned, there are two points that constitute the objective of this present work: to analyze the national Program of Municipalisation of Tourism (PMNT) and the Program of Regionalization of Tourism (PRT) considering the context of post-democratization in Brazil and its influences on the organization of national tourism. This analysis has been focused on the content of constitutional documents which have oriented tourism public policy, as well as authors who investigate this theme. From a conceptual map, the relations between political context and the moment when documents were elaborated have been built up. By the end of this work it will be possible to point out the prevalence of the neoliberal model, along with the interest of market agents over Brazilian touristic context.  相似文献   

在现代经济发展条件下,股市是国民经济的晴雨表,经济运行中的变化会迅速、放大反映在股市的涨跌变动中。我国股市现在是典型的政策市,受国家宏观经济政策影响巨大,每次有较大政策出台时,都会带来股市的大幅波动。文章通过对近十几年来我国宏观调控政策变动引起的变动的分析,以  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制的确立与教育改革的深入拓展,计划经济时期的民族学校靠政府财政维系生存的条件已经不复存在。新时期民族学校要生存发展,必须更新观念以适应时代发展需要,学会生存,学会创业,学会竞争,努力创新、创造;变封闭式办学为开放式办学,变单一型办学为复合型办学,全面提高民族学生素质,在竞争中立足发展。  相似文献   

Jan Marc Berk 《De Economist》1998,146(2):303-320
The information content of the yield curve with respect to future inflation as well as future real economic activity is discussed. Both theoretical arguments and the empirical validity of these arguments are reviewed. The empirics favouring the yield curve as leading indicator for inflation is not found to be entirely convincing. The curve possesses information content, but it is difficult to empirically discriminate between the effects on real interest rates and future inflation. The yield spread is a stable leading indicator for future real economic activity, but there are several theoretical interpretations of this (positive) relationship, depending on the nature of shocks hitting the economy and the behaviour of prices in the economy. The proper reaction of monetary policy could differ among these interpretations. All in all, care should be taken in using the yield curve as information variable for monetary policy.  相似文献   

贺天庆 《魅力中国》2010,(22):223-223
目的分析探讨中专生社会支持获取的状况与特点。方法采用社会支持评定量表(SSRS)与症状自评量表(SCL-90)对254名中专生进行问卷调查。结果中专生社会支持水平在不同年级、男女、城乡学生、独生子女与非独生子女之间均无显著差异,心理健康者在主观支持上评分显著高于心理问题者。结论在中专生心理健康教育中,要重视良好的社会网络特别是主观支持的建立和利用.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展,对高素质体育人才的需求不断增加,加强体育类职业学校学生人文素质教育是时代赋予的使命。体育类职业学校在人文素质教育方面具有得天独厚的条件和资源。学校应不断挖掘体育本身的文化价值以及体育教学形式与方法的人文素质教育价值,更新教育观念,开拓人文课程内容,提高校园文化环境品味,强化教师实施素质教育的能力,从而实现提高学生人文素质的目标。  相似文献   

基于2012年11月以来的97份中国高校思政教育数字化政策为样本,构建X-Y二维分析框架,分析相关政策的政策工具分布及政策实施。研究发现,文件类政策较多,法规类政策较少;发文机构单一,协同类政策不多;政策工具体系初成,政策工具结构失衡;政策工具的应用持续向好,政策工具与政策实施的默契不足。最后,从强化法律法规支撑、加大政策协同力度、优化政策工具结构、提升政策工具与政策实施的匹配度等四方面提出优化建议。  相似文献   

政府卫生支出的有效性、地区差异及其人口健康改善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王俊 《改革》2007,(11)
利用健康生产模型.运用我国1997~2005年各省面板数据,说明我国政府卫生支出与改善人口健康状况之间的关系.为即将推行的卫生医疗改革各项公共管理政策的制定和实施。提供理论支持以及实证分析的证据。我国政府卫生支出是决定人口健康水平的一个关键因素,但政策制定者需要兼顾"投入的规模和管理的有效",同时,卫生医疗改革政策需要因地制宜,中央财政部门急需建立一套考核各级政府卫生支出管理绩效水平的系统指标体系。  相似文献   

文章收集了我国1998-2012年间的节能减排政策,在对各节能减排政策措施进行梳理的基础上对各政策措施进行了量化处理,并利用量化数据分析了各政策措施对节能减排效果的影响以及我国政府对各政策措施的使用状况。分析结论主要有:我国政府逐渐加大各种政策措施的使用来推动节能减排,但对不同政策措施的使用程度明显不同,并且不同政策措施对节能减排效果的影响也存在显著的差异。最后从完善政策措施使用和加强政策措施协同等角度提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

论中国共产党党校教育的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阚超 《理论观察》2001,(6):45-47
党校作为学习、研究、宣传马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的重要阵地和党性锻炼的熔炉,具有培养和造就治党、治国、治军领导人才,进行马克思主义理论教育和研究,继承和发扬党的优良传统和作风,考察和选拔干部等功能。充分发挥党校教育的功能,为党的建设和党的事业服务。  相似文献   

文章依据内陆新区的优劣势,比对功能定位,研究认为其未来发展应在国家战略统领下,综合考虑地理位置、自然资源和生态环境以及社会经济条件上的具体特点,在注重环境保护、贯彻生态文明理念的同时,积极承接东部的产业转移,与沿海新区在对外开放和产业发展上形成差异化的竞争优势,并借助新区叠加优惠政策形成政策洼地,进一步完善基础设施和制度建设以促进生产要素和人才集聚,最终实现新区的增长极核心带动功能。  相似文献   

促进循环经济发展的税收政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国经济增长方式依然属于粗放型增长,以牺牲环境、过度消耗资源为代价来发展经济。发展循环经济是我国经济社会发展的一项重大战略,需要通过税收政策的运用和监督管理,调节不同主体的经济利益,促进循环经济发展。现行税制对循环经济的发展还存在种种制约,有必要改进现行税种;开征碳税;对生态工业园区实行倾斜的税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

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