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本期话题: 本期涉及的是有关枸杞被染色的问题。近期,合肥市民龚女士投诉,称其在安徽某会展中心购买的“正宗宁夏构杞”用水冲泡之后掉色,由此怀疑它是染色的劣质产品。近年来,类似事件时有发生,该状况一直困扰着不少消费者。那么,枸杞为什么会被染色?染色的枸杞对人体有哪些危害?消费者应如何辨别?  相似文献   

重庆作为西部最大的中心城市,拥有良好的办展环境,尤其是近年来展会数量逐年增加,研究重庆绿色会展的发展现状是明确重庆未来会展方向的重要任务。目前,重庆绿色会展行业还处于初级阶段,在实施和管理过程中仍存在诸多问题。文章通过对重庆绿色会展发展现状分析,找到当前绿色会展发展存在的问题,提出重庆绿色会展发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济快速发展的大环境下,教育改革正稳步推进。会展专业教育近几年受到各高职院校的广泛关注,许多高校都相继开设了会展专业,缓解了我国职业市场上会展人才供不应求的现状。在实际教学工作中,由于认识不足,会展人才标准比较模糊,实际教学工作与职业市场的需求存在较大偏差,如何解决会展专业教育中存在的问题是高校会展专业教育工作者必须解决的首要问题。笔者结合多年教育工作经验,从会展人才市场需求的特点着手,对职业市场需求强化会展专业教育的措施做了简单介绍。  相似文献   

安涛 《监督与选择》2011,(12):32-35
11月,在中国汽车质量网的投诉平台,针对帝豪车型的投诉量明显增加。《品质汽车》统计发现,有关帝豪轿车的投诉案例已累计达62宗。在这些投诉案例中,针对EC7轿车的投诉有54宗,其中有25宗投诉李尔座椅质量问题;针对EC7RV轿车的投诉有6宗,其中有2宗投诉李尔座椅质量问题;针对EC8轿车的投诉有2宗。总体来看,有高达44%的帝豪车型投诉车主都抱怨该车配备的李尔座椅出现了质量问题。  相似文献   

产品质量投诉仍居榜首,维权道路任重道远。2001年消费因质量问题的投诉54395件,占总投诉量的72.02%,投诉总量下降,而质量投诉的比重增加,说明了商品的质量令人堪忧。商品质量问题的投诉主要表现在以下几方面:  相似文献   

汽车质量和服务方面的投诉日益增多,已经引起了各方面的关注,如何解决汽车投诉问题已经成为当前的一个迫切的课题,近年来,汽车质量和服务投诉大幅度上升,已经成为前三位的投诉热点。投诉内容包括:(1).新车质量投诉(多次维修、长时间修理、退换非常难等);(2)零部件质量投诉;(3)售后服务投诉《服务态度、服务水平、服务纠纷)(4)赔付问题。另一方面,也反映出消费者驾驶技术水平低、汽车技术知识缺乏、使用不正确、不按规定保养等问题,少数消费者有超合理范围维权现象。投诉的大量增加、许多问题难以解决的主要原因  相似文献   

本文针对会展英语课程任务及目前会展英语教学存在的问题,提出了项目教学法在会展英语教学中的实施策略。  相似文献   

用户投诉应该如何处理,用户投诉是多好还是少好,对于这样的问题仁见仁、智见智,褒贬不一。但从追求卓越质量管理的要求出发,用户投诉正是反映组织存在问题的“晴雨表”,对用户投诉中的问题进行积极主动的纠正预防是卓越组织所持不变的原则。  相似文献   

中国质量万里行促进会的有关数字显示,2005年共受理消费者投诉14518件,其中产品质量问题投诉6968件,占全部投诉受理总数的48%。“诚信缺失”成为消费投诉居高不下的一大“元凶”。据介绍,2005年收到的因缺乏诚信而导致的投诉达4863件,占投诉总量的33%,  相似文献   

在分析我国会展物流运作现状的基础上,指出当前运作过程中存在的效率不高等问题,有针对性地提出实现我国会展物流高效运作的措施,旨在为会展物流发展提供相关的建议。  相似文献   

This paper uses a repeated-game model to study the retention of talented workers in the face of competition for talent. When the job benefits that workers value are non-contractible, retention cannot be achieved by a sequence of spot contracts, but must be based on self-enforcing long-term agreements, which we call relational retention contracts. Retention then is successful only if workers trust their employers' promises. We demonstrate that relational contracts are valuable even if there are no incentive problems inside firms and that firms with a relatively low valuation for talent may be able to retain talented workers.  相似文献   

When performance is not verifiable, firms in a long-term relationship may rely on incentive contracts that are self-enforced or "relational." This paper studies the optimal design and performance of relational contracts in partnerships such as joint ventures or buyer-seller alliances. Optimal contracts look the same in each period as long as the relationship continues, but may require termination of the relationship after bad outcomes. Payments between the partners depend on their relative performance. In the special case of bilateral trade with specific investments, optimal relational contracting results in a price that varies with cost and demand conditions but is more stable than under spot market bargaining. Parallels are drawn with "Japanese style" subcontracting.  相似文献   

供应链中分销企业与生产企业的关系契约分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔伟  杨利 《物流技术》2004,(3):27-28,32
通过对供应链中分销企业与生产企业的关系契约分析,得出了契约双方非一体化情况下能够自执行的关系契约是存在的,并且存在向一体化的帕雷托改进,但有时也存在自执行的关系契约使得非一体化情况下的效率能够达到一体化下的效率。  相似文献   

Although extant literature has shown that formal contracts and relational governance play a key role in interorganizational relationships, the nature of their interplay still remains equivocal. To better understand the relationships between contractual and relational governance, we conducted a qualitative review and meta-analysis of the existing literature. Meta-analytic results from 33,051 interorganizational relationships across 149 empirical studies have indicated that contractual governance is positively related to both sides of relational governance—trust and relational norms. Our results have also indicated that contracts, trust, and relational norms jointly improve satisfaction and relationship performance and jointly reduce opportunism. These findings provide strong evidence for the complementarity arguments of the contractual–relational governance relationships and their joint impacts on performance. We also found that the mutual relationships between contractual and relational governance are moderated by the institutional environments, the interorganizational relationship type and length, and the construct measurement of contracts. Overall, this study provides new insights on when contractual and relational governance complement or substitute each other. We discuss the implications of our study for theory and practice and propose a research agenda for future research on governance in interorganizational relationships.  相似文献   

柏乃宁 《基建优化》2006,27(6):97-98
工程造价咨询是WTO列入的主要服务项目之一,按照WTO的“市场准入原则”,国外的工程造价咨询机构将有资格和机会进入我国国内参与同等竞争。而我国国内传统的工程造价咨询业与国际惯例、规范和做法尚有一定的差异。所以,树立工程造价咨询在新时代的新理念刻不容缓。对工程造价咨询的国际国内现状进行了简单分析,并就行业存在的问题提出一些看法,对新理念的树立提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

服务质量是养老服务的重要因素。针对我国养老问题,结合养老服务供应链思想,通过建立单集成商、多合作性提供商的质量风险模型,研究集成商和提供商之间不同质量激励合同对服务质量和供应链收益等要素的影响,探讨了合同成立的潜在条件,并分析了合同内变量之间存在的潜在关系。发现在满足一定条件时,适当的激励系数会使得提供商产生合作关系、提高风险防范水平并增加供应链各部分收益。对供应链风险环境下有效激励合同的建立提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

刘岩松 《物流技术》2012,(15):148-151
阐述了第三方物流合同的概念、特征及主要内容,分析其法律性质,在介绍与第三方物流合同相关的法律关系基础上,从合同的法律适用、归责原则、法律风险及规避等方面分析第三方物流合同。  相似文献   

abstract This paper studies some major legal implications of inter‐firm technology partnering through equity joint ventures, non‐equity partnerships, and licensing contracts. These different partnerships are placed within the classical and relational contracting perspectives, while also considering intellectual property rights issues. Samples of contracts of partnerships in bioscience, fine chemicals, biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals are analysed, in detail, with reference to the distribution of property rights, major contractual clauses, and measures for conflict resolution. Equity joint ventures and non‐equity partnerships are found to largely follow a relational contracting perspective, while licensing contracts are governed by a classical contracting perspective.  相似文献   

We develop a model of relational contracts with moral hazard and asymmetric persistent information about an employee's type. We find that the form of the optimal contract depends on the job characteristics and the distribution of employees' talent. Bonus contracts are more likely to be adopted in complex jobs and when high talent is not too common or too rare. Firms with “normal” jobs are more likely to adopt termination contracts. In labor market equilibrium, different contracts may be adopted by ex ante identical firms. Hence, we offer an explanation for the coexistence of different employment systems within the same industry.  相似文献   

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