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固定资产的投资也具有一定的风险性,要想使得这种风险性可以最大限度的降低,就需要合理的运用内部控制,构建相应的内部控制制度,以此来保障企业的内部管理,使得固定资产投资的安全性得以提升。本文主要针对内部控制在固定资产投资中的应用进行了简要的分析,仅供同行参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

新常态下,处理好政府投资和社会投资之间的关系成为当务之急。本文从政府工作角度,就如何把握政府投资在经济社会发展中的作用、方向和原则,宏观把握投资增长趋势,提高政府投资效率,鼓励民间投资健康发展,提出了几点想法和思考。  相似文献   

王辉 《财经界(学术)》2010,(18):209-210
现金流量分析是固定资产决策的基础以及中心环节.对固定资产项目评价的财务指标是与其相关的现金流入与流出的教量.本文针对现金流量在固定资产中的决策作用以度现金流量的测算两大方面对固定资产投资中的现金流量进行分析.  相似文献   

本文对我国固定资产投资统计制度的历史变迁进行了综述,并对现行固定资产统计制度改革的现状及存在问题进行了分析,最后指出了投资统计制度进一步完善的方向。  相似文献   

高星级酒店投资的一大特点是投资大、回收期长。投资后形成大量的固定资产,固定资产的管理水平将直接影响酒店投资的收益。固定资产的管理应从源头登记管理,建立专职和兼职相互配合的管理模式,根据酒店经营周期和外部经济环境的变化,加强固定资产前瞻性管理。细化固定资产报废处理程序。  相似文献   

王俊艳 《商》2014,(6):118-118,111
固定资产在企业中所占的比例很大,科学有效的管理固定资产对企业生产经营都有很大的意义。因此对固定资产审计是企业审计的重点之一,笔者结合审计经验,着重从审计固定资产的取得、持有、处置三方面分析了应该重点内容的关注。  相似文献   

固定资产是企业最重要的一项资产,是企业负债表中的一个重要项目,其核算正确与否,既会影响到资产负债表反映信息的质量,也会影响到利润表反映信息的质量。固定资产的核算包括固定资产报废、毁损的核算,固定资产折旧的核算,关于土地使用权的核算。应正确认识固定资产核算的意义,采取适当的核算方法,按核算的固定程序进行核算。  相似文献   

刘浩 《中国市场》2007,(32):118-119
教育信息化设备的购置是当前教育机构不可或缺的工作环节,往往因为大批量、高成本使得采购工作难度增加,本文将从采购前的准备,采购误区两个部分探讨教育信息化设备采购应注意的问题。  相似文献   

近几年来,国有银行集中采购在自身经营业务中所占的比例越来越大,作用也十分重要。随着我国财政体制的不断健全,国有银行集中采购逐渐朝着法制化、规范化的方向发展,但由于缺乏丰富的管理经验,集中采购在具体实施过程中存在一些问题,需要银行工作者正确看待并从实际出发制定出切实可行的解决对策,争取日后开展相关的工作。  相似文献   

固定资产是企业资产的重要组成部分,更是进行生产经营活动不可或缺的条件。健全有效的固定资产投资内部控制,不仅有利于企业合理配置资源,而且有利于企业完善内部管理,确保固定资产的安全性。  相似文献   

基于苏北农村的抽样调查,本文在控制了苏北农村家庭的年收入、未婚子女数量等变量之后,利用Eviews6.0的多元线性回归分析,考察了苏北农村家庭的社会资本对其人力资本投资状况的影响作用.研究发现,苏北农村家庭的社会资本对其人力资本投资具有不可忽略的作用,但并不具有非常积极的作用,具体表现为:家庭结构社会资本时家庭人力资本投资具有一定的促进作用,但作用的力度并不理想;而家庭认知社会资本与家庭人力资本投资却具有反向作用.  相似文献   

Integrating the literature on language-MNEs (multinational enterprises) in international business and economic theory of human capital (HC), we establish an analytical framework to systematically examine how HC and language capital (LC) jointly determine foreign direct investment (FDI). We contend that the extent to which MNEs can leverage HC in a host country for FDI depends on LC. Based on an extensive bilateral dataset covering 3315 country pairs during 1995–2008, we reveal clear evidence on the moderating role played by LC in HC-FDI relationship and such evidence is robust to different measures used for different variables, the inclusion of more control variables and different samples.  相似文献   

关于企业人力资本的投资风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因为企业在人力资本投资中存在一定风险,从而降低了企业人力资本投资的积极性.本文通过研究企业人力资本投资的风险因素,对风险的防范提出合理对策.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化,国民待遇制度已被广泛接受,但仅就国际投资这一领域来看,对于其理论就是各执一词,各国实践也有着很大的差距.本文旨在研究国际投资领域国民待遇的基本理论,以及在我国的实践,问题在哪里,未来的方向又是如何.  相似文献   

我国经济高速发展的九五和十五期间,GDP增长率逐年上升,而城镇登记失业率却连年上升,奥肯定律在中国出现了失效本文从人力资本投资的角度来解释奥肯定律的失效,主要采用相关分析、VAR模型分析和Granger因果关系检验的方法来阐述人力资本投资与失业的关系,并且对我国的就业人口进行预测.  相似文献   

Venture capital firms are linked together in a network by their joint investments in portfolio companies. Through connections in that network, they exchange resources with one another. The most important of those resources are the opportunity to invest in a portfolio company (good investment prospects are always scarce), the spreading of financial risk, and the sharing of knowledge. All venture capitalists operate in very uncertain environments, none more so than the one confronting high innovative venture capitalists, HIVCs,1 that specialize in investing in high innovative technology companies. The most uncertain of all their investments is a high-technology start-up with nothing more than a product in the head of the founder. There is uncertainty about the talent of the entrepreneur, the market need for the product, the development of a saleable product, the raising of second-round financing for working capital and expansion; the manufacturing of the product, competitors' responses, and government policies such as capital gains tax and ERISA rules, to name some of the major components. It is a formidable list. Indeed, it is hard to name a segment of any other industry that bears more uncertainty than HIVCs.A venture capital firm copes with uncertainty by gathering information. This research shows that the amount of coinvesting by a firm depends on the degree of uncertainty it faces. The greater the uncertainty, the greater the degree of coinvesting.By examining how venture capital firms were connected by their joint investments, it was found that the top 21 HIVCs comprise a tightly coupled network. And of that group, none is more tightly bound than the nine HIVCs located in California. In contrast, the group of top 21 firms that invest mainly in low innovative technology companies, LIVCs, is more loosely bound. HIVCs are more tightly bound together because they shoulder more uncertainty and therefore have a greater need to share information with one another.The practical implications of this study are as follows: Venture Capitalists. It is vital to be well-connected to other venture capital firms. They are important sources of information and investment opportunities. For HIVCs, the California group is central in the network, so links to them are valuable. Communications in a tightly coupled system are swift, so it is likely that information is disseminated very quickly among members of the group. It probably facilitates the setting of a market rate for venture capital. A disadvantage of a tightly bound system is that information flowing among the members has a redundancy and sameness about it, so to ensure a supply of fresh information, members should have as many links as possible to other organizations and individuals besides venture capitalists. Entrepreneurs. When entrepreneurs submit a proposal for funding to venture capital firms, they can assume that news will spread fast to other firms. Thus, they should not use a bird-shot approach; rather, they should select their targets with rifle precision. The proposal should be submitted to a few firms that are known to specialize in the type of product or service that the entrepreneur is planning to make. Entrepreneurs should be concerned about more than the price of the deal. When the top 61 firms invest in a portfolio company, they bring information, contacts, and “deep pockets” to the companies in which they invest. Those factors are significant in nurturing a growing company. Policy Makers. The networks of HIVCs and UVCs are quite different. The HIVCs cluster around oases of high-technology entrepreneurship in the northeast and California, whereas the LIVCs are more evenly spread throughout the U.S.A. HIVCs are located almost exclusively in the so-called “bi-coastal regions of prosperity.”This study found cliques among the venture capital firms. But it found no evidence that the top 61 firms exclude other venture capital firms from their coinvestments of first-rounds of capital. More research is needed before conclusions can be drawn about the power and influence of the top firms. Researchers. In a recent article, Granovetter (1985) suggests that if we are to explain economic behavior, we must understand the networks in which transactions are embedded. This research shows that the networks formed by the syndicated coinvestments of venture capital firms may help us to explain their behavior. A general model for coinvestment networks that is developed in this article is applicable to analysis of syndicated coinvestments not only of venture capital firms, but of investors and lenders in general.  相似文献   

We investigate relationships between the industry relatedness of venture capital-backed companies and their strategic acquirer in trade sales and the achieved investment returns of venture capitalists. Using a proprietary data set of 716 trade sales, we analyze return differences between lateral and synergetic trade sales, as well as between horizontal and vertical trade sales. We find that venture capitalists achieve higher returns with lateral rather than synergetic trade sales, and that the difference is greater for deals involving early stage companies characterized by strong information asymmetries. In addition, horizontal trade sales yield higher returns than vertical trade sales; however, in boom phases of the venture capital market, this effect reverses. Finally, we find that experienced venture capitalists are able to overcome disadvantageous situations in trade sales, resulting in comparable returns across all trade sale categories.  相似文献   

采购管理作为企业产供销链条的重要环节,面对经济全球化的挑战,如何科学规划、实现科学创新管理,一直是企业关注的话题.哈尔滨电气集团公司作为一家大型国有装备制造企业,通过多年的探索与实践,努力寻求在国企特有的组织架构基础上,建立一套适合企业发展需要的采购管理模式,持续推进降本增效,不断提升企业的核心竞争力和价值.  相似文献   

This study examines the syndication of investments novel to a VC firm as a function of the firm's need and opportunity to do so. We distinguish two types of uncertainty that firms face when considering novel investments: egocentric, pertaining to making the right decisions, and altercentric, pertaining to being evaluated as a potential partner on the investment. Whereas the former increases the firm's need to syndicate the investment, the latter reduces the firm's opportunity to do so, making it contingent upon the firm's status and reputation for attracting potential partners. Using data on first-round venture capital investments, we find that novel investments are more likely to be syndicated. Moreover, this relationship is stronger for firms with higher status and weaker for firms with higher reputation. These results highlight a relational aspect of uncertainty, inherent in a particular VC firm — investment dyad, and suggest that status and reputation play different roles in aligning the need and opportunity to syndicate novel investments.  相似文献   

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