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《The Economic record》1977,53(3):447-455
Book reviewed in this article:
The Process of Economic Development in Australia. By W. A. Sinclair. (Cheshire Publishing Pty. Ltd. Melbourne, 1976)
Finance For Small Businesses in Australia: An Assessment of Adequacy. A report by The University of Newcastle Research Associates prepared by B. L. Johns, W. C. Dunlop and K. M. Lamb. (AGPS Canberra 1976.)
Taxation and the Small Firm in Australia: A Report To the Taxation Review Committee. By B. L. Johns, W. C. Dunlop and W. J. Sheehan
Australian Trade Practices: Readings. Second edition. Edited by J. P. Nieuwenhuysen
Economies of Scale in Retailing. By K. A. Tucker. (Saxon House, UK and Lexington Books, USA, 1975)  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1986,62(2):238-245
Book reviewed in this article:
A Course Through Life: Memoirs of an-Australian Economist, by H. W. Arndt
The Role of the Public Sector: Causes and Consequences of the Growth of Government, by P. Saunders and F. Klau
Economics of Worldwide Stagflation, by Michael Bruno and Jeffrey D. Sachs
The Economy of Papua New Guinea: An Independent Review by R. Goodman, C. Lepani and D
Policy, Power and Order: The Persistence of Economic Problems in Capitalist States, by Kerry Schott  相似文献   

《The Economic record》2002,78(243):490-506
Books reviewed:
Deepak Lal, The Poverty of 'Development Economics'
Gary S. Becker and Kevin Murphy, Social Economics: Market Behaviour in a Social Environment
Eric Jones, The Record of Global Economic Development
John Laurent and John Nightingale, Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics
Gary Bryan Magee, Knowledge Generation: Technological Change and Economic Growth in Colonial Australia
Robert W. Dimand, Mary Ann Dimand, and Evelyn L. Forget, A Biographical Dictionary of Woman Economists
Richard Posner, Public Intellectuals: A Study in Decline
Richard K. Lyons, The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates
David M Levy, How the Dismal Science Got its Name. Classical Economics and the Ur–text of Racial Politics
Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind
John Nash, Harold W. Kuhn and Sylvia Nasar, The Essential John Nash  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1993,69(3):343-349
Banks as Multinationals, edited by G. Jones
Price Theory and Applications, by J. Hirshleifer and A. Glazer
The Economics of Monetary Integration, by P. de Grauwe
The Economics of Order and Disorder, by J. Lesourne  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1989,65(4):399-418
Book reviewed in this article: External Economic Policy Since the War. Vol. 1. Thc Post-War Financial settlement, by L.S. Pressnell Egalitarianism and the Generation of Inequality, by Henry Phelps Brown Lectures on Advanced Econometric Theory, by D. Sargan States and Markets: An Introduction to International Political Economy, by S. Strange How Much Government? by Michael James Allocation Models: Specification, Estimation & Applications, by R. Bewley Industrial Relations Reform: A Policy for Australia, by William A. Growth, Accumulation, and Unproductive Activity: An Analysis of the Postwar U.S Economy by E.N. Wolff Risk, Decision and Rodonality, edited by B.R. Munier Specification Analysis in the Linear Model—in Honour of Donald Cochrane, edited by M.L. King and D.E.A. Giles Structural Change in Macroeconomic Models, by MJ. Vilares Classical Political Economy: A Survey of Recent Literature edited by W.O. Economic History and the History of Economics, by M. Blang Economic Adjustment: Polices and Problems, edited by F. Holmes Direct Protection of Innovation, edited by W. Kingston  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1989,65(1):85-106
Book reviewed in this article:
Growth Receiving: Economic Change in World History , by E. L. Jones (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988)
Review of the State Tax System: Tax worm and NSW Economic Development , New South Wales Tax Task Force (NSW Government Printer, Sydney, August 1988)
Incentive Cooperation and Risk Sharing: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Employment Contacts . by H.F., Nalbantian (Rowman and Littlefield, New Jersey, 1987)
Alternative Systems of Buaivss Organization and Worked Remuneration . by J.E. Meade (Allen & Unwin, London. 1986)
The Costs of Academic Libraries An Econometric Interpretation . by John R. Brockman (Curtain University of Technology, Perth, 1988)
socialism, Economics and Development . by A. Nove (Allen & Unwin, London. 1986).
Stock Market Anomalies , edited by E. Dimson (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988)
The Flow of Funds in Theory and Practice: A Flow-Constrained Approach to Monetary Theory and Policy , by J. Cohen, Financial and Monetary Policy Studies 15 (Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, 1987)
Technological Change Development and the Environment Socio-Economic Perspectives , edited by Clem Tisdell and Riyatosh Maitra (Routledge, London, 1988)
Dynamic Economic Analysis , by Milton Harris (Oxford University Press, New York. 1987)
Elements of Econometrics , by J. Kmenta (MacMillan. New York. 1986)
The Theory of International Trade , by J.R. Markusen and J.R. Melvin (Harper & Row, New York 1988)
An Assessment of Agricultural Research Priorities: An International Paspective , by J.S. Davis, P.A. Oram and J.G. Ryan (Australian Centre for International Research, Canberra. 1987)
A History of Economics The Past as the Present , by John Kenneth Galbraith (Hamish Hamilton, London 1987)  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1989,65(2):190-214
Book reviewed in this article: Sustainable Development in Agriculture, edited by J.K. Parikh Agriculture and the GATT: Rewriting the Rules, by Dale E. Hathaway Keynes's Vision, by A. Fitzgibbons The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement: The Global Impact, edited by J.J. Schott and M.G. Smith From School to Unemployment?, edited by P.N. Junankar Empirical Modeling of Exchange Rate Dynamics, by F.X. Diebold K.A. Chrystal and R. Sedgwick (Wheatsheaf Books, Sussex, 1987) Floating Exchange Rates: Theories and Evidence, by R. MacDonald Essays in Honour of Kenneth Arrow: Volume I, Social Choice and Public Decision Making; Volume II, Equilibrium Analysis; Volume III, Uncertainty, Information and Communication, edited by Walter P. Heller, Ross M. Starr and David A. Starrett Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Volume 1—Economics and Policy, edited by O.F. Hamouda and J.M. Smithin Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Volume 2—Theories and Method, edited by OF. Hamouda and J.M. Smithin Handbook of Econometrics Volume III, edited by Z. Griliches and M.D. Intriligator Applied Welfare Economics and Public Policy, by R.E. Just, D.L. Hueth and A. Schmitz The Economic Theory and Measurement of Environmental Benefits, by P. Johansson Applications of Modern Production Theory: Efficiency and Productivity, edited by A. Dogramaci and R. Fare Australian Protectionism: Extent, Causes and Effects, by Kym Anderson and Ross Garnaut Policy Options for the Singapore Economy, by C.Y. Lim and associates German Political Economy: The History of an Alternative Economics, by T. Riha World Agricultural Trade: Building A Consensus, edited by W.M. Miner and D.E. Hathaway Industry Assistance Reform and the Labour Market: The New Zealand Experience, by R. Blandy and M. Baker  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1994,70(210):341-357
Book reviewed in this article:
Lectures in Industrial Organization Theory , by K. Basu.
Advanced Industrial Economics , by S. Martin.
A Defence of Economic Rationalism , edited by Chris James, Chris Jones and Andrew Norton.
Economic Rationalism Dead End or Way Forward? , edited by Stephen King and Peter Lloyd.
Crisis, Stabilization and Economic Reform: Therapy by Consensus , by M. Bruno.
Maynard Keynes. An Economist's Biography , by D.E. Moggridge.
John Maynard Keynes. The Economist as Saviour 1920–1937 , by Robert Skidelsky.
Struggle and Survival on Wall St: The Economics of Competition Among Securities Firms , by John O. Matthews.
Distorted Probabilities and Choice under Risk , by C. Puppe.
Utility Theories: Measurements and Applications , edited by W. Edwards.
Generalized Expected Utility Theory , by J. Quiggin.
Business Cycles, by Andy Mullineux , David G. Dickinson, and Wensheng Peng.
The Macrodynamics of Business Cycles: A Comparative Evaluation , by Mohammad H.I. Dore.
Economic Crisis in Developing Countries: New Perspectives on Commodities, Trade and Finance (Essays in honour of Alfred Maizels) edited by Machiko Nissanke and Adrian Hewitt.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1978,54(1):147-151
Book reviewed in this article:
Credit and Security in Australia: The Legal Problems of Development Finance. By David Allan, Mary Hiscock, Leigh Masel and Derek Roebuck
Australian Economic Policy. Edited by J. P. Nieuwenhuysen and P. J. Drake. (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1977)
Education, Employment and Migration in Papua New Guinea. Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 3. By J. D. Conroy
Bougainville in Transition. Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 7. By T. K. Moulik
Mediator: A Biography of Sir Richard Kirby. By Blanche d'Alpuget  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1986,62(1):95-127
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Industrial Relations Law and Systems. Report of the Committee of Review. Volume One: Recommendations for Change, Volume Two: Report, Volume Three: Appendices of the Report
Macroeconometric Systems: Construction, Validation and Applications, by D.W. C hallen and A.J. H agger
The Theory of Economic Policy, by A.J. Preston and A.R. Pagan
Dangerous Currents: The State of Economics, by L. Thurow
Capitalism, Socialism and Technology: A Comparative Study of Cuba and Jamaica , by Charles Edquist
Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Policy in Independent Papua New Guinea, by R. Garnaut and P. Baxter  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1965,41(95):462-472
Book reviewed in this article:
Land Utilization in Australia. Fourth edition. By Wadham and Wood
Industrialization in Malaysia. By E. L. Wheelwright
Monopoly and the Individual. By G. Hardy
Economics and Sociology of Industry. By P. Sargant Florence
Some Factors in Economic Growth in Europe during the 1950's. Part 2. Economic Survey of Europe in 1961. By Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe
Essays on Economic Policy. by N. Kaldor  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1986,62(4):515-535
Book reviewed in this article: The Social Science Imperialists, edited by P. Kerr Controversies in Political Economy: Selected Essays of G. C. Harcourt, edited by O. F Handbook of International Economics, Volume II, edited by Ronald W. Jones and Peter B Handbook of Public Economics, edited by A. J. Auerbach and M. Feldstein The Aboriginal Economy in Town and Country, by E. K. Fisk Instrumental Variables, by Roger J. Bowden and Darrell A. Turkington Ethics and Economics, edited by Ellen Paul, Fred Miller and Jeffrey Paul Foundations of Economics: Structure of Inquiry and Economic Theory, edited by Mauro Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri Social Goals and Social Organization: Essays in Memory ofElisha Pazner, edited by L. Hurwicz, D. Schmeidler and H. Sonnenschein Innocence and Design: The Influence of Economic Ideas on Policy- The 1985 Reith Lectures, by David Henderson The Flying Kangaroo–an Endangered Species?, by Christopher C. Findlay Trade and Structural Change, by Leslie Stein Federalism and Resource Development: The Australian Case, edited by P. Drysdale and H. Shibata Australia's Financial Institutions and Markets, edited by M. K. Lewis and R. H. Wallace Export Oriented Industrialisation: The ASEAN Experience by Mohamed Ariff and Hal Hill  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1998,74(227):412-422
Book reviewed in this article:
The Free Trade Adventure: The Uruguay Round and Globalism–A Critique , by Graham Dunkley
Vietnam's Reforms and Economic Growth , by Charles Harvie and Tran Van Hoa
Agricultural Reform in China , by Yiping Huang (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1998,74(225):195-207
Book reviewed in this article:
Understanding Saving: Evidence from the United States and Japan , by Fumio Hayashi.
An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics , edited by Thomas Cate.
Riches and Poverty: An Intellectual History of Political Economy in Britain, 1750–1834 , by Donald Winch.
Bayesian Analysis in Econometrics and Statistics: The Zellner View and Papers , by Arnold Zellner.
The New Zealand Economy: Issues and Policies edited by Stuart Birks and Srikanta Chatterjee.
Central Banking in Developing Countries by Anand Chandavarkar.
Environmental Taxes and Economic Welfare, Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions , by Antonia Cornwell and John Creedy.
Corporate Governance , edited by Kevin Keasey.
Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy , by Alberto Alesina.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1999,75(3):323-329
Book reviewed in this article:
Adam Smith's Daughters, by Bette Polkinghom and Dorothy Lampen Thomson
Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting, by Philip Hans Franses
Business Cycles since 1820. New International Perspectives from Historical Evidence, edited by Trevor J.O. Dick
The Global Economy in Australia, by Dick Bryan and Michael Rafferty  相似文献   


《The Economic record》1965,41(96):661-678
Book reviewed in this article:
Topics in Business Finance and Accounting J. W. Bennett
Australian Economic Framework. By N. T. Drohan and J. H. Day
British Emigration to Australia. By R. T. Appleyard
Queensland: Industrial Enigma. By Marian Gough, Helen Hughes, G. R. Palmer and B. J. McFarlane
The Economic Theory of Managerial Capitalism. By R. Marris
Investment Decision in Industry. By R. Wright
Outline of Price Theory. By A. M. Levenson and B. S. Solon
Exercises and Problems in Price Theory. By A. M. Levenson and B. S. Solon
International Development: Growth and Change. By H. W. Singer
Towards a New Trade Policy for Development. Report by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
The Economics of Subsistence Agriculture. By. c. Clark and M. R. Haswell
Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1791–1875. By F. W. Fetter
The Restrictive Practices Court. By R. B. Stevens and B. S. Yamey  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1967,43(4):606-609
Book reviewed in this article:
Public Investment in Australia. A Study of Australian Public Authority Investment and Development. (A Research Report prepared for the Committee for Economic Development in Australia.) By R. M athews
The Northern Territory Pastoral Industry, 1863–1910. By R. D uncan
Capital Investment Decisions. By G. G. M eredith
International Differences in Industrial Structure: Eight Nations in the 1950s. By J. S. B ain
International Aid. By I. M. D. L ittle and J. M. C lifford
Exchange-Bate Devaluation in a Semi-industrialized Country: The Experience of Argentina 1955–1961. By C. F. D. A lejandro
Synthetic Materials and the Theory of International Trade. By G. C. H ufbauer
Ceylon: An Export Economy in Transition. By D. R. S nodgeass  相似文献   

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