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如果研究中国广电媒体,南粤大地绝不能避而不看。作为得中国改革风气之先的广东省,在积极引入外来先进技术与文化的同时,也为当地的电视观众带来了境外媒体。上世纪90年代。广东地区能够收看到的9个境外频道一度把持了广州地区收视蛋糕70%以上的份额,香港无线台与亚视台成为了整个南粤地区收视阵营中明珠般璀璨的存在。 相似文献
一、愉快教学的内涵和作用愉快教学,简单地说,就是在教与学的活动中让学生愉快地学习、思考,在愉快中获得知识,在愉快中锻炼学生的动脑动手能力,在愉快中培养学生当学习的主人。关于“愉快教学”,古今中外不少有见识的教育理论家都有过许多精辟的论述,我国古代教育家孔子在《论语。雍也》中说过:“知之者不知好之者,好之者不如乐之者”。这里所说的“好”与“乐”就是一种兴趣, 相似文献
董春玲 《中国商界:上半月》2011,(7):204-204
子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”学生是学习的主体,兴趣是最好的老师。故所有数学教育教学模式无论如何改革都必须遵循以学生为中心,以调动学生学习兴趣为前提,才能使学生主动快乐去学习、去思考,只有充分调动学生学习的自觉性,才能改变学生被动学习为主动学习;只有通过培养学生良好的学习习惯,才能使学生在快乐中学习,减少和避免学生厌学、惰学的不良习性。 相似文献
On Top Resa Tourism Fair, Deaiiville, Sop.2003 Chairman Jean-CwU Sliinetta declared:“The launch in 2003 of Air France‘s new travel concept is a major step in our long-termcommitment to customer satisfaction. It will have taken over 300 million euros in investments and five years of work to bring this project to fruition, 300,000 working hours to refit 69 aircraft, the delivery of 15 new fully-equipped aircraft, 290 third-generation self-service kiosks,50% more personal space in I‘Espace Premiere (First-Class Cabin) and 27% more in I‘EspaceAffaires (Business Class) a project such as this will enable us to significantly strengthen ourposition as an Airline Major in Europe and worldwide.” 相似文献
潘再见 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2007,6(1):45-49
农村金融是农村经济的命脉,资源供给不足,配置不合理,必然严重影响农业和农村经济的全面协调可持续发展,也势必严重影响新农村建设的进程.然而,目前在我国农村却存在诸多的金融困境,笔者通过剖析金融困境的表现及其产生的原因,并就建设和谐的社会主义新农村对金融的要求,提出几点建议,以期有益于破解农村金融困境. 相似文献
在竞争激烈的2006年,湖南卫视率先实施“蓝海战略”,凭借编排创新、主打大型活动、发力品牌栏目、强攻独播、经典剧集,使快乐中国湖南卫视全面升级,广告营业额超额完成。2007年,湖南卫视将以“快乐创造”为目标,创新节目生产、编排理念,推出全频道全年带状季播编排生产新方案,以此应对市场、与国际接轨,既可以有规模地出精品节目,又为客户有效配置长线、中线、短线产品,从而为客户制造更多的亮点和多维空间。但与去年相同的是,湖南卫视将继续以品牌栏目、大型活动和经典剧集作为频道的重点资源,强力拉升湖南卫视快乐品牌的市场轰动效应。 相似文献
笔者认为,现代物流在其自身的活动中,以降低环境污染、减少资源浪费为目标,不仅满足了顾客需求、扩大市场占有率等纯粹的经济利益,而且还抑制了对环境的污染,实施对环境的净化,通过实施废弃物回收利用,缓解城市白色危机,从而创新生态环境,营造健康的生态效益。 相似文献
Frank van Lerven 《Intereconomics》2016,51(4):237-242
By pumping trillions of euros into the eurozone’s financial system, the ECB’s quantitative easing programme intends to indirectly alter the private sector’s borrowing and spending behaviour. After more than a year since its initial inception, a review of the programme’s impact reveals that policy makers should think twice before further expanding the programme–and could benefit from considering more direct ways of increasing spending in the real economy. 相似文献
《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(1-3):173-197
The pressure to develop cost-effective retail design solutions has heightened the need to understand better the atmospherics-behaviour relationship. Drawing upon a review of salient literature, this paper develops a conceptual model highlighting the influence of response moderators, including expectations, familiarity with the environment and shopping motives. Using LISREL, the model is calibrated and tested through a survey of 1,000 shoppers within one of Europe's largest, city centre shopping malls. Consumers with strong shopping motives are found to experience more pleasure and arousal; expectations also moderate the atmospherics-mood states relationship. The shortcomings of measurement scales, developed in previous studies with student samples, when applied to real shoppers are also noted. 相似文献
《International Review of Finance》2018,18(3):463-475
The “Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing” enacted immediately after the inauguration of Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda brought violent fluctuations in the prices of government bonds and deteriorated market liquidity. Does a central bank's government bond purchasing policy generally reduce market liquidity? Do conditions exist that can prevent such a decrease? This study analyzes how the Bank of Japan's purchasing policy changes influenced market liquidity. The results reveal that three specific policy changes contributed significantly to improving market liquidity: (i) increased purchasing frequency; (ii) a decrease in the purchase amount per auction; and (iii) reduced variability in the purchase amounts. These policy changes facilitated investors' purchase schedule expectations and helped reduce market uncertainty. The evidence supports the theory that the effect of government bond purchasing policy on market liquidity depends on the market's informational environment. 相似文献
This study investigates the effect of virtual atmospheric cues on emotions and word-of-mouth and also analyzes the differences between the perceptions of male and female participants relative to the online environment. Questionnaires were given to students in higher education and senior university students. The main findings suggest that pleasure is the most effective emotion to lead to a positive word-of-mouth for both genders. Women are more willing to say positive words to others than men. Women are also more influenced by the delight and pleasure, whereas men are influenced only by pleasure. 相似文献