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随着我国加入国际贸易组织,汽车市场发生了翻天覆地的变化,国产品牌汽车如雨后春笋般地涌现出来,并以不及迅雷掩耳之势向国际汽车市场发生冲击,展示着我国汽车自主品牌的具大魅力,促使中国品牌汽车在国际汽车市场占有一席之地。本文简要追溯了中国品牌汽车的发展史,详细剖析了我国汽车自主品牌的营销策略,展望了中国品牌汽车的前景。  相似文献   

自2003年以来。中国汽车市场尤其是轿车市场出现了井喷式增长。激烈的市场竞争中。引发了外资品牌和自主品牌的相互厮杀。几个回合下来,几家欢喜几家愁。随着中国汽车的产销量快速向千万辆迈进,未来汽车市场的竞争将会更加激烈。汽车营销将会向网络化、时尚化、个性化和品牌化方向发展。  相似文献   

自从我国正式加入到国际贸易组织以来,汽车市场中的合资品牌就一直处于领先地位。伴随着我国汽车制造行业的快速发展,国内的自主品牌也开始如同雨后春笋一般的层出不穷,开始不断地朝向汽车市场发力。本文针对汽车自主品牌与合资品牌的营销策略一题展开了较为深入的研究,其中包括汽车自主品牌与合资品牌的差异性、我国汽车市场自主品牌的营销问题、汽车合资品牌在国内的发展、汽车自主品牌同合资品牌营销策略的对比以及自主车企的发展建议等等,以期能够对我国汽车市场的可持续发展带来一些参考意见。  相似文献   

2007年11月24日,首届中国汽车创新营销飞轮奖在北京揭晓。上海汽车荣威750的品位营销、长城哈弗的安全营销、东风本田新CR-V的精准营销、长丰三菱帕杰罗的体验营销等10个厂家和品牌获得中国汽车创新营销飞轮奖金奖;华晨汽车的情感营销、奇瑞汽车的分网营销等12个厂家和品牌获得中国汽车创新营销飞轮奖银奖;另有大众中国和上海通用别克营销团队分别获得卓越贡献奖和最佳营销团队奖两项大奖。汽车营销如何创新?这是摆在政府、行业主管部门和汽车厂家面前一个非常现实的课题。  相似文献   

在新世纪到来的时候,中国汽车工业也到了转折的重要关口。市场经济的发展引发了汽车消费结构的变化,企业结构、产品结构和流通体制也必然随之发生变化。加入WTO,无疑成了加速这些变化的催化剂。因此,尽快建立起符合市场运作规律的中国汽  相似文献   

2005年1月21日,“2005中国汽车市场年会”在北京新世纪饭店隆重召开。本次年会邀请了汽车行业的主管领导、汽车整车和零部件领域的优秀企业代表,以及汽车专业媒体的记者出席,一起回顾过去、展望未来,针对全国汽车市场发展的关键问题展开探讨。在2004年国产汽车产销增长率整体下滑、2005年初汽车市场开始理性回归时召开此会意义深远,势必对中国汽车市场的未来成长产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

叶红 《农机市场》2003,(10):9-11
今年注定是中国农机史上值得浓墨重彩的一年。对于逐鹿中原的企业来说,这一年既是决定市场前途和企业命运的一年,亦是殚精竭虑、无所不用其极的一年。中国农机市场从有生产能力就不愁市场到供大于求,从营销策略制胜到企业品牌定输赢,2003年将成为中国农机市场的分水岭。上半年凯歌高奏 下半年遭遇滑铁卢 今年我国农机市场似乎发生了莫名其妙的变化——上半年凯歌高  相似文献   

何海明 《广告大观》2004,(7):132-133
道是促使产品或服务被使用或消费的一整套相互依存的组织。企业在营销中有“决战在渠道”,“渠道为王”之说。中国的家电企业能够击败强大的跨国企业同行,不是因为技术和品质,而是由于渠道和价格中国的国产手机能以后来者占据半壁河山,主要依靠的也是这两个法宝;娃哈哈的非常可乐能在两乐的夹击中成长,渠道同样功不可抹。渠道在企业营销中扮演着非常重要的角色。  相似文献   

Domestic auto sales have developed quickly with private vehicles making up the highest proportion, but lately customers have begun to care more about environmental protection. Therefore, the last few years has seen more and more consumption disputes and civil lawsuits resulting from the pollution inside vehicles.  相似文献   


In terms of the political economy framework, Mohr, Fisher, and Nevin (1996) have shed light on the issue of how the internal economic structure and processes respectively moderate the effects of channel communication. However, the question of whether and how the internal sociopolitical structure and processes respectively moderate the effects of channel communication has not been empirically investigated. To complement Mohr, Fisher, and Nevin's (1996) work and address the above research question, this study examines how power structure (symmetrical or asymmetrical) and relationalism (relational versus discrete) respectively affect the marginaleffects of communication on trust and perceived performance in channels of distribution. It was found that power symmetry enhances the positive effects of communication, while relationalism undermines them. Theoretical and managerial implications were drawn from these findings.  相似文献   

This paper discusses channel selection in international markets. After positioning the problem as one of selecting the most appropriate level of vertical integration, traditional explanations are presented. Following an overview of the transaction cost analysis framework, the implications of this framework for channel selection are discussed. This framework suggests contingent and often opposing effects on channel structure to those found in the literature. Application of the transaction cost analysis framework by managers is demonstrated by showing how to assess such costs, and thus avoid being taken advantage of by opportunistic intermediaries.  相似文献   

营销渠道的选择及评价标准研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场营销渠道的选择是现代企业经营管理所面临的重要决策之一,是企业经营决策最关键的环节之一。企业在进行渠道决策时,首先面临的问题是选择怎样的渠道模式,一般来说,企业开拓市场的渠道模式大体上有两种——自营渠道模式和分销商渠道模式,企业究竟要选择哪一种渠道模式,要在权衡利弊的基础上,依据一定的原则和标准进行。  相似文献   

构建完善的市场营销渠道管理体系,是企业战略性发展的重要支撑。现代企业市场营销渠道中存在理念落后、渠道单一及缺乏协同的问题。新时期市场营销渠道管理途径的构建应着眼于创新理念、完善体系、提高水平三个方面,以深化企业的战略性发展,适应多元化的市场经济环境。  相似文献   


Since the early 1960s, standardization has often been viewed as an efficient strategy for global marketers while others have argued for the relative merits of adaptation. A review of the literature reveals two important points: first, relative to other areas of marketing, channels of distribution are given short shrift in the standardization versus adaptation debate; second, of the existing literature on the standardization of global marketing channels, academicians and practitioners generally concur that marketing channels cannot be standardized. This conclusion may be premature. Thus, this paper offers a conceptual framework for the possible standardization of global marketing channels. A schematic model of the domestic marketing channel development process is extended to the global arena and a framework for the evaluation of the standardization alternatives in the international marketing channels development context is presented.  相似文献   


The global market environment poses various challenges for its constituent channel members. In particular, the role-set of the wholesaler often differs across transitional, emerging, industrialized, and post-industrialized market settings. Regardless of the variants in market infrastructure and development, the wholesaler remains a critical role-set in global supply chains. The focus of this article is to explore the dynamic channel functions of wholesaling in the United States, a post-industrialized market setting. While wholesalers maintain a paramount position in the distribution of goods and the provision of value-added services in the U.S., the wholesaler has received a paucity of research attention. This paper provides a set of research propositions to facilitate empirical investigation of the wholesalers' impact on channel efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

陈晓丹 《中国市场》2008,(36):116-117
本文以开放式基金营销为背景,借鉴美国等共同基金产业发达的国家基金营销的方法,结合我国开放式基金的发展进入了营销竞争时代的现状,引进国外成熟市场的理念,形成以银行、券商、保险公司及其他基金经纪机构共存的销售方式,实现营销渠道的多元化。  相似文献   

<正>营销渠道是指商品或劳务由生产者向最终用户或消费者转移过程中所经过的中间组织或个人,构成营销渠道的实体是各类中间商,渠道中的每个成员都有着各自的利益追求,只有预先建立起运作规范,进行科学管理,才能平衡各方利益,使产品的销售渠道畅达。  相似文献   

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