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网易高级剐总裁胡智琴离职;王俊升任浙江卫视营销中心主任;张建勇升任四川广电集团广告经营中心中心主任;仝华升任宁夏电视台广告中心主任;Philip Beck加盟实力传播;陈贤中加盟三星广告;郑大明、邹晖获广告“奥斯卡”银铅笔奖;庄励荣获“2005年度创业女性评选——最具才情韵质奖”;叶宇轩离开三星广告;分众传媒寻求新独立董事 重组董事会;中华网高层再次动荡CEO及CFO宣布辞去职务;陈一栴告别精信。  相似文献   

金东 《商》2002,(2):16-21
“小资”这词汇后面缀着的最自然的词汇是“情调”。是的,“小资情调”,中国人是多么地耳熟能详呀,没曾想,这个词组今天是这样的无所谓和随意,甚至成为一些人的自诩和自豪。然而,要有这种情调,必须有一种状态,情调的表现也必须有一种形态。进入状态,体察形态,情调也就有了七八分。观察小资,揣摩小资,不一定有什么目的和企图,只是随便看看,随便说说,也许,这种搞法也有点“小资”?  相似文献   

二元劳工市场的存在使得职业有"好职业"与"坏职业"之分,在一定程度上阻碍了劳动力在市场中的流动。为破除二元劳工市场的不利影响,政府及社会各界需通过完善职业技术教育体系、鼓励自行创业、消除职业歧视等措施提升蓝领阶级收入,最终培育、形成有素养的蓝领中产阶级。可以预期,未来在科技进步、知识不断更新的环境中,"白领"与"蓝领"的界线将逐渐消失,最终打破二元劳工市场的束缚。  相似文献   

安晓燕 《广告大观》2003,(12):29-30
随着时代的发展和进步.广告也呈现出日益复杂多样的面孔。广告一方面在内容和形式上都有了很大的创新.创意手法和表现技巧都有明显的提高:但另一方面也存在不少问题.恶俗.劣质、违法广告泛滥。广告擦边球现象就是其中的典型。它利用法律法规的漏洞.屡屡得手.打得“高明”、打得“巧妙”,可称得上是游走在边缘地带的“高手”。新  相似文献   



张耀伟出任上海世纪出版集团经营管理部主任;朱长元主持《解放日报》广告经营中心工作;李嘉钦升任奥美大中华区首席营运长;中国广告协会广播委员会第六届委员会会员名单揭晓;陈一枬荣获“TheMostSuccessful Women”殊荣等。  相似文献   

阿迷糊 《广告大观》2007,(6S):153-154
托煤块的福,山西也有了匹敌温州的购房团;托平遥的福,山西有了世界文化遗产;黄土高原上的广告公司走向全国,该托谁的福呢?  相似文献   

<正>电视广告投放如何做到更加精准?在高度竞争化的现代商业环境下,这个问题一直是广告从业人员致力解决的目标。然而,在很长的一段时间内,我们一边在提倡精准投放,一边却在单纯凭借经验确定我们的广告投放目标,使用传统的年龄或者性别等固定指标给他们贴上标  相似文献   

The concept of low involvement has attracted considerable interest, particularly over the last ten years, but its implications f or advertising (strategy, execution and research) are still not clear. This paper reviews the low-involvement literature and attempts to define what is meant by the concept, predict when low involvement is likely to occur and identify its key determinants. The paper then reviews and assesses what the literature has to say about the specific implications for advertising strategy in high- and low-involvement situations and concludes that the potential and power of advertising in low-involvement situations have been misunderstood and underestimated.  相似文献   


Advertising is made up of several diverse skills and disciplines: writer, artist, dramatist, salesman, marketer. psychologist, statistician, media analyst, financial manager, entrepreneur, etc. Clearly, professionalism in advertising must be defined in terms applicable to each of these skills. But the advertising professional must be more than just competent in his craft. He must recognize that his role relates to the others involved — and to the whole. He should be dedicated to the proper and effective use of advertising. He must feel responsible for the consequences of his actions — on profits, sales, public attitudes, and within legal obligations.  相似文献   

Political advertising has long been a target for criticism regarding unethical behaviour. This study looks at the attitudes of Australian advertising agency executives and politicians towards ethical issues relating to political advertising. A sample of 101 advertising agency executives and 46 federal politicians were compared and some attitudinal differences were found, which could be areas of tension in the agency-client relationship.  相似文献   

The importance of advertising media evaluation as a multifaceted problem is well known by both academics and practitioners. Although previous studies tried to optimize media evaluation, there still are some gaps and problems to address, particularly in areas of flexibility of models/frameworks, decision making quality, tension management, and agility of the evaluation process. Most of previous studies are based on inflexible models/frameworks that have limitations on number of criteria/alternatives they can consider and type of data they can process. A great volume of the work used arbitrary decision making; arbitrary decision making regarding criteria and media importance may reduce effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Furthermore, the academic literature offers little guidance on group decision aggregation, and tension management during decision making is neglected. Media evaluation is a time taking process and any acceleration will reduce pre-campaign costs. The main aim of this paper is to illustrate how a group decision support system (GDSS) can assist media planners to overcome mentioned problems more systematically. For this purpose, we developed a GDSS that is an integration of three well-known multi-criteria decision making techniques. With a real world case study, we illustrate the performance of the proposed GDSS. Results of our quantitative assessments indicate that the GDSS is flexible, allows decision makers to express their opinions, reduces tension among decision makers, and saves time.  相似文献   


Elliott White Springs took over his family's old cotton mills in the early years of the Great Depression. During World War II he decided that the mill would profit more from producing finished cotton textiles and textile products. Immediately following World War II he launched his Springmaid brand of finished textiles with ads that shocked the ad industry in 1948 through 1959. Periodicals reporting his efforts at the time were highly critical of Springs' ads; however, Springs' strategy and ad tactics brought increased sales and brand name awareness for Springmaid.

Springs' ads, and even the criticism they generated, have been neglected by advertising historians. The author believes advertising writers have overlooked a true leader, perhaps a genius at the time, in the development of advertising practice. This article advocates the work of Springs as worthy of inclusion in the literature of the history of noteworthy and successful advertising.  相似文献   

This study uses meta-analytic techniques to examine the number of exposures that maximize consumer response to an ad. The results show that in an experimental setting maximum attitude is reached at approximately ten exposures, while recall increases linearly and does not level off before the eighth exposure. The findings are of interest for two opposing schools of thought in the advertising literature on effective frequency. They support the repetitionists’ beliefs over the minimalists’ beliefs on the number of ad exposures needed for maximum consumer response. The study further investigates whether the repetition effects depend on contingent factors. Low involvement and spaced exposures enhance repetition effects on attitude toward the brand. Embedded advertising and massed exposures enhance the repetition effects on recall. Repetition effects decay over time for both attitude toward the brand and recall. The study provides important implications for researchers by contributing to the discussion on effective frequency and providing support for the repetitionists’ view. This view has implications for practitioners who try to optimize advertising frequency.  相似文献   

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