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产品召回保险   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王和  吴军 《中国保险》2003,(11):52-54
缺陷产品及产品责任风险、产品缺陷,指由于设计、制造等方面的原因导致的产品功能缺失和产品存在危及人身、财产安全的不合理危险,包括不符合有关产品质量、产品安全的国家标准、行业标准两种情形.产品缺陷分为偶然性缺陷和系统性缺陷.系统性缺陷是指:由于设计、制造等方面的原因而在某一批次、型号或类别的产品中普遍存在的具有同一性的缺陷.偶然性缺陷按照产品质量法规定处理,系统性缺陷则按照召回规定处理.  相似文献   

张好 《金融纵横》2020,(1):77-81
传统意义上购买保险是以补偿损害为目的的一种分散风险的行为,而现代意义上的保险除了包括传统意义上的保险外,还有众多以投资为主要目的的新型保险。相比传统保险,这些新型保险具有收益更高、风险更高、产品也更复杂的特点,针对传统保险的投保人保护制度,诸如说明义务、适当性义务、严重不公平条款无效等,难以实现保护投保人的目标,因此要在保险销售中确立保险人的产品咨询义务。本文从引入保险人产品咨询义务的必要性、保险人在什么场合、以什么方式履行保险产品咨询义务三个方面分析德国保险产品咨询义务,同时结合我国实际提出相关建议。  相似文献   

产品召回是将有缺陷的商品从流通市场和终端用户手中回收的过程。产品召回保险是承保有缺陷的被保险产品由于已经导致或可能导致他人人身伤害或财产损失而必须召回所产生的“召回费用”,包括告知费用、运输费用、仓储费用、销毁费用、雇佣额外劳动力费用、员工加班费用、重新配送费用、聘请专业顾问进行危机处理的费用以及其它合理及必要的费用。在产品召回保险面世以前,产品责任保险曾经在产品召回风险转移中承担过非常重要的角色。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,市场上流通的产品的种类日益丰富,竞争日益激烈,在经济生活中,出现一些大规模的产品质量问题,因存在缺陷产品而给消费者带来人身、财产的损害,严重影响了消费者的消费心理,市场的诚信遭到严重破坏,也严重危害了社会公共秩序.因此产品质量问题越来越引人们所关注.缺陷产品召回制度是一种社会生活的安全保障制度,它是针对已经流入市场的缺陷产品而建立的,但目前我国没有完善的法律制度来预防损害的发生,消费者的合法权益得不到有效的保护.因此我国缺陷产品召回制度中还存在着诸多问题尚未得到解决,对于如何完善缺陷产品召回制度,是当前亟需解决的一项重要课题  相似文献   

从社会保险法理看,社会保险基金对第三人侵权造成的保险损害承担保险给付义务,在履行保险给付义务之后,保险人依法获得保险代位权;工伤保险基金对未缴纳保险费的单位职工工伤损害承担保险赔偿责任.我国《社会保险法》确立的先行支付制度,否定相关社会保险基金在该情形下的保险赔偿义务.这不仅冲击了社会保险法理,也违背了社会保险法的基本原则,而且给司法实践造成一定困扰.明确相关保险基金先行支付义务和求偿权的实质,是该制度正常运用的基础.  相似文献   

魏佳 《金卡工程》2009,13(6):137-137
伴随着现代科技进步,产品越来越丰富,但高消费能力不等于高消费品质,社会各媒体不断披露出由于设计、生产失误而形成的"缺陷产品"给消费者人身、财产造成的损害事件.出现这种现象的根源是由于我国缺陷产品召回法律制度的缺位.本文主要采取了比较分析的方法,对缺陷产品召回法律制度较为完善的国家(主要是美国)的制度与我国的缺陷产品召回法律制度进行了多角度的比较研究,从而折射出我国现行缺陷产品召回制度方面的不足.  相似文献   

刘小青 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):187-188
随着我国产品召回制度的完善和海外投资的高速增长,企业面临着国内、国外双重产品召回风险,因此发展并完善产品召回保险制度势在必行。从经济学角度来看,目前我国的产品召回保险明显需求不足,召回保险消费的正外部性、违法成本低等经济学因素都导致了召回保险的需求不足。从召回保险的经济学本质出发,完善产品召回法律体系、提高违法成本、加强监管,促进维权,通过政策导向,刺激召回保险的需求,推动企业运用商业保险化解经营风险,从而推动产品召回保险制度的发展和完善。  相似文献   

王超  王向楠 《新金融》2016,(12):41-46
保险系统性风险及其宏观审慎监管问题是国内外理论界与实务界普遍关注的问题。本文遵循从一般系统性风险到保险系统性风险的逻辑,分析了保险系统性风险及其宏观审慎监管的理论基础,探讨了保险系统性风险宏观审慎监管体系构建的核心理念、基本目标与主要内容。保险系统性风险的监管应全面考虑保险业务创新水平、保险机构系统重要性、保险部门整体脆弱性等特征因素,秉持层级化、多元化、融合化的监管理念,从"机构"与"时间"两个维度来设计出有效的宏观审慎监管工具,对保险系统性风险的损害进行恰当的政策响应与公共治理。  相似文献   

我国产品召回保险现状、问题与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王欣  孙华 《中国保险》2010,(7):34-36
近年来,国内外的大型召回事件频繁发生。从2007年美国对中国制造的儿童玩具大规模召回,到2008年三鹿奶粉事件,再到今年沸沸扬扬的丰田汽车召回事件,大型召回事件在将产品召回制度置于聚光灯下的同时,也使作为转移产品召回风险的工具——产品召回保险进一步为人们所关注。  相似文献   

彭远汉 《上海保险》2004,(8):27-27,17
2004年3月15日,备受瞩目的《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》正式发布并将于今年10月1日起开始实施。消息一经发布,有关“缺陷汽车召回”的话题立刻成为老百姓关注的热点。建立和实行缺陷产品管理制度暨召回制度,是政府对公共事务进行有效管理、保障公共利益的需要;是有效地消除各类产品因系统性缺陷所带来的危及人身、财产安全的不合理危险,维护公共安全的需要。因产品  相似文献   

The definition of the relevant market is crucial to the application of European and German competition law and especially difficult when dealing with insurance markets. Generally, the product and geographic market comprises all products or services that are regarded as substitutable by consumers. In addition, the supply-side substitutability can be taken into consideration. In defining insurance product markets, the supply-side substitutability is decisive, because insurance products are seldom interchangeable from a policy holder’s point of view. Applying the concept of supply-side substitutability to professional indemnity insurances leads to product markets correlating with the different professional groups: Indemnity insurances for physicians constitute a product market; insurances for lawyers, notary publics, tax advisers and public accountants form another market and insurances for architects and construction engineers another one. These product markets are still national markets. Professional indemnity insurances are extensively shaped by the differing legal systems, namely by national insurance contract law, by liability provisions and by a legal obligation to insure. Consequently, policy holders cannot substitute their indemnity insurance with foreign insurance products and insurers are confronted with market entry barriers. However, the proposed directive on services on the internal market and the adopted directive on insurance mediation could result in community-wide markets in the near future.  相似文献   

台湾和大陆都于近期先后完成了新一轮的保险法修改,虽然修改后的两岸保险法在保险合同法方面的规范更显趋同化,但不少制度和规则仍保留了各自程度不同的差异。本文选取了保险利益对合同效力的影响、保险合同的成立与生效、告知义务与合同解除权、年龄误报的法律后果、危险增加的通知义务、重复保险的处理方法等六个方面的法律问题进行了比较,试图揭示两岸立法在保险合同当事人之间利益平衡方面的不同坐标定位及将来可相互借鉴和融合的空间。  相似文献   

Insurance business is more and more based upon ecommerce and internet. But this situation causes legal problems. Insurance regulations are often based on the obligation to close contracts or to submit documents in a written form. This obligation prevents insurance business from using new modern tools like for instance PADs and tablet computers for the transmission of consumer data to the IT center of an insurance company. The following considerations deal with the use of tablet PCs and internet in life and health insurance business and tries to demonstrate that the written form required by law is not a real obstacle in insurance business.  相似文献   

The EC Directive on insurance mediation has been implemented into German Law two and a half years late by the Insurance Intermediary Law Revision Act of 19th December 2006, which has been enacted on 22nd May 2007. On the one hand, this Act contains regulations on the professional law which are provided in the Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung — GewO). In principle according to section 34d GewO, professional insurance intermediation is an activity requiring a licence. This licence is only granted under the condition that the applicant is able to present the conclusion of a professional indemnity insurance and a certificate that the applicant has passed an examination of knowledge and ability held by the chambers of industry and commerce (IHK). In fact, the exceptions from this principle prevail. Tied insurance agents are exempted from both conditions by act of law. Product accessory intermediaries can be exempted from the examination of knowledge and ability upon application. Employees of an insurance intermediary need to prove their knowledge and ability only to their employer. On the other hand the Insurance Intermediary Law Revision Act contains besides the regulations on professional law also new obligations of information, communication and consultation for the insurance intermediary. These obligations have been implemented into a professional law ordinance and into sections 42b und 42c Insurance Contract Act (VVG). The ordinance regulates the obligations of the insurance intermediary to provide the customer with information about his status. Sec 42b (1) VVG regulates the obligation of an insurance broker to give an advice on the basis of an analysis of a sufficiently large number of insurance contracts and insurance undertakings. Sec 42b (2) VVG regulates obligations of an insurance agent to inform the customer before the conclusion of an insurance contract about the market conditions and information basis he uses for his service, if the customer has not waived this right (sec 42b (3) VVG). Sec 42c (1) VVG further provides an obligation of the insurance intermediary to ask questions depending on the situation, an obligation to give advice depending on the situation and on the price of the product including an obligation to tell the reasons for the advice and finally an obligation of documentation. Sec 42c (2) VVG gives the consumer a right to express a waiver in writing to advice and documentation. Sec 42e VVG awards the costumer damages in the event that there has been a breach of the obligations regulated in sec 42b and 42c VVG. The Insurance Contract Law Reform Bill still has to be passed by parliament. Sec 1 of this Bill contains the new Insurance Contract Act. It is planned that this new Insurance Contract Act shall be enacted on 1st January 2008. Sec 69 to 73 new Insurance Contract Act provide a complete revision of the law of the insurance agent’s representative authority which is now regulated in sec 43 to 48 of the old Insurance Contract Act (VVG). At the moment the law of insurance agent’s representative authority established by the courts differs extremely from the written law. Therefore the new Insurance Contract Act will bring only minor changes of the actual law. For most parts, the only aim of the reform is to adapt the law in action with the law in the book.  相似文献   

比较法视野中的欧洲保险合同法如实告知义务评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建统一欧洲保险市场,保险合同法重述小组于2009年8月公布了《欧洲保险合同法基本原则》,该原则将成为未来欧洲统一保险合同法的蓝本。该原则在如实告知义务的履行方式上由传统的主动告知转变为被动告知,并根据主体违反如实告知义务时的主观状态与违反如实告知义务的时间规定了有区别的法律责任。其既体现了现代保险法如实告知义务制度的发展趋势,又考虑到了欧盟各成员国的承受能力。  相似文献   

In India, indemnity health insurance started about 3 decades ago. Mediclaim was the most popular product. Indian insurers and multinational companies have not been enthusiastic about starting health insurance in spite of the availability of a good market because health insurers have historically incurred losses. Losses have been caused by poor administration. Because it is a small portion of their total businesses, insurers have never tried sincerely to improve deficiencies or taken special interest. Hospital management and medical specialists have the spirit of entrepreneurship and are prepared to learn quickly and follow managed care principles, though they are not currently practiced in India. Actuarial data from the health insurance industry is sparse, but data from alternative sources will be helpful for starting managed healthcare. In my opinion, if properly administered, a "limited" managed care product with appropriate precautions and premium levels will be successful and profitable and will compete with present indemnity products in India.  相似文献   

Private insurance and national social security insurance do not coexist unrelatedly. The constitution rather presumes a complementary co-operation of both branches of insurance. Whereas private insurance is based on the doctrine of privity of contract, national social security requires statutory legitimation. However, the principle of the bipolar insurance constitution restricts social security insurance to the effect, that it cannot expand unlimitedly at the expense of private insurance. This constitutional basis is reinforced by European Community law in Articles 49, 81 pp. EC. An essential difference between private and social security insurance is the fact that private insurance is characterized by the principle of personal equivalence between contribution and benefit payments, whereas in social security insurance this relation is determined by the principle of general equivalence. Consequently, the principle of solidarity in social security insurance is enriched by additional social components, the most dominant being the principle of social protection. Contrary to the developments of the last decades, social security systems are not designed as a legal scheme to protect a status quo of possession but should primarily serve to fight poverty. Thus, social security law should recall its absorbing function in the social network and rediscover, guarantee and realize the principle of subsidiarity in social security.  相似文献   

The contribution deals with the intended reform of the provisions of the German Insurance Code concerning (a) the causation of the insured event and (b) the rescue obligation. The focus lies on the sanctions, and in particular on whether, when the insurant acts with gross negligence, an apportionment should take place (as under Swiss insurance law), or whether the ?All-or-nothing-principle“ should be retained (the author’s view). As to the rescue obligation, the author argues against its extension to the period before the insured event occurs. The insurant should generally and independently of a rescue obligation have a right to claim the expenses he incurred when attempting to avert the realisation of a risk he had not negligently caused. The contribution concludes with seven propositions.  相似文献   

产品结构是寿险公司经营管理的重要内容,我国寿险公司传统寿险和意健险占比日益下降,新型寿险占比过高,分红险"一险独大",不利于寿险业本质功能和竞争优势的发挥。以太保、平安集团为例,实证分析产品结构失衡对盈利能力、资本结构和偿付能力的负面影响。通过对我国1980年~2010年间"保费收入"和"利润总额"进行回归分析,证明两者之间相关度日益下降,"以保费规模论英雄"已不合时宜。从监管导向、经营模式、会计制度、产品创新保护机制、保险意识角度分析原因,并寻找解决对策。  相似文献   

The Loss of the Certainty Effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent changes in the commercial property-liability insurance business have made it unlikely that large claims will be paid promptly and willingly. The situation is not limited to asbestos, pollution, and medical product liability, though certainly evident there. The authors examine the situation from three economic and psychological perspectives—option theory, asymmetric information theory, and prospect theory. All three indicate that if insurance were seen by customers as less than fully certain and reliable, the resulting discounting of its value—and hence buyers' willingness to pay for it—would be much deeper than one would expect. Although competitive and legal steps could be taken to head off such a disaster, none of them is likely.  相似文献   

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