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中国房地产市场宏观调控制度的建立与完善 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘维新 《上海城市管理职业技术学院学报》2010,19(3)
导读:中国房地产市场的调控,除了政府的出手干预,更应该有完备、科学、合理、有效的市场机制.中国的房产市场走过了防止过热的抑制供给、重点控制房价上升和全面治理三个阶段,在当前的政策市场博弈循环中,更需的是政府利益退出、完善金融信贷、利用税收杠杆和强化法规管理等措施,以形成真正有效的制度保证. 相似文献
尹朝华 《湖南财经高等专科学校学报》2010,26(4):73-75
预期理论分析表明,供求双方对房地产市场的非理性过度乐观预期,影响了我国房地产宏观调控政策的有效性。导致非理性预期的根源既与市场自身有关,也与宏观调控政策的执行力度和一致性有关,需要通过明晰地方政府的定位、加强住宅信息市场的建设和合理运用调控政策等改变市场主体的非理性过度乐观预期。 相似文献
贾晶 《武汉市经济管理干部学院学报》2007,21(1):63-65
当前房地产市场中房价过高、上涨过快的基本原因是市场需求过度旺盛与市场供给相对不足的短期矛盾。在回顾近年来一系列房地产宏观调控措施后,指出土地政策、信贷政策、财税政策中还存在的问题,本文并对今后加强房地产市场宏观调控提出了一些对策和建议。 相似文献
推进房地产持有环节税改革,是国家改革财税体制,转变经济发展方式,保障和改善民生的一项重要内容。本文结合房地产市场形势和该税的改革与建设,重点探讨论证了它在促进房地产市场健康发展,房价合理和稳定;促进土地资源节约、高效利用;缓和购房压力,促进扩大一般消费等方面的重要作用。在不同发展阶段,国家宏观调控的具体目标和方针政策不尽相同,该税发挥作用的重点也有所不同。 相似文献
当前房地产业宏观调控税收政策评述 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
关飞 《山东工商学院学报》2007,21(6):79-83,95
房地产市场税收存在调控传导机制不畅,调节总量和结构上存在认识时滞、执行时滞与反应时滞等问题,应合理设置新税制、化费为税,全面清理各种税费,优化征收环境,统一规范税制,科学地设计房地产税收结构。 相似文献
高山松 《辽宁商务职业学院学报》2001,(1):9-10
我国加入WTO将会给发展房地产业带来最大的市场机遇。对此,我国房地产业必须面对这一机遇和挑战,提高企业的综合素质和竞争能力,确定正确的开发市场的战略,并结合实际制订相应对策。 相似文献
宏观调控下我国房地产价格上涨机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李学林 《湖北经济学院学报》2008,6(4)
2004年宏观调控以来,我国政府出台的一系列房地产市场调控政策虽然取得一定的成果,但是房地产价格依然不断上涨。本文依据大量统计资料,从供给与需求两方面分析宏观调控背景下我国房地产市场价格形成机制,揭示出我国房地产价格不断上涨的内在原因在于房地产市场制度的欠缺以及市场供求主体的不成熟。 相似文献
张天保 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》2005,3(5):56-62
房地产作为商品,其价格变动受到供求关系的影响。同时,政策变动对房地产业的发展趋势、尤其是对房地产品短期价格波动也将产生较为明显的影响.在加强房地产市场宏观调控的背景下,房地产市场风险有可能转化为银行信贷风险,因此促进房地产业持续健康发展需要发展房地产资本市场,分散商业银行的房地产金融风险. 相似文献
张道富 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2002,19(4):86-87
适应市场的发展,建筑企业集团化后应优化企业战略、加快结构调整、理顺管理关系、加强运营控制管理、实现母子公司角色转变,以及培育人才队伍、增强独创技术优势. 相似文献
孙咏 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》2007,5(3):47-51
金融市场的诚信问题已经影响到我国经济的健康、持续、高效发展。能否有效地处理和及时解决金融诚信问题,关乎我国“十一五”规划与和谐社会建设能否顺利推进。规范诚信秩序是当前中国金融体制改革和证券市场可持续发展的重要工作。应对市场经济条件下金融市场诚信的表现形式和内在特征、产生原因等问题进行研究,并从法制建设和道德建设两个方面提出相应的解决方案。 相似文献
技术产权交易市场是近年来出现的一种集技术交易、产权交易与资本市场诸多功能于一身的新型交易市场。本文基于我国技术产权交易市场形成的历史考察 ,深入剖析了技术产权交易市场存在的主要障碍因素 ,并提出了促进其良性发展的若干对策 相似文献
物业服务合同是物业管理制度的核心内容,随着物业管理事业的蓬勃发展,物业服务合同纠纷的数量也大大增加,特别是因物业服务的标准不一,合同的违约责任不明等问题造成业主与物业公司的矛盾激化,影响了物业管理服务行业的发展。为减少纠纷,利于司法审判,迫切需要对我国的物业服务合同立法进行完善,进一步在合同中明确双方当事人的权利义务及违约责任。 相似文献
Sundar Bharadwaj Terry Clark Songpol Kulviwat 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2005,33(3):347-359
Market growth plays a central role in virtually all strategic marketing models developed in the past 30 years. Although marketing
scholars seem implicitly to assume that marketing efforts contribute in some way to market growth, market growth per se remains
a conceptual black box in marketing. Using new developments in endogenous growth theory, this article explores the link between
marketing actions and market growth. In particular, the authors develop a conceptual model arguing that the effect of endogenous
actions on market growth is mediated by knowledge creation, matching, and diffusion. Propositions are proposed to guide future
research. The authors discuss the implications for marketing strategy at both business discipline and public policy levels.
Sundar Bharadwaj (Sundar_Bharadwaj@bus.Emory.edu) is an associate professor of marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University.
He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research interests focus on marketing strategy, performance, and risk.
His research has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Management Science, and theitJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others.
Terry Clark (tclark@cba.siu.edu) is a professor and chair in the marketing department at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. He
received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research interests include the intersection of international marketing and
marketing strategy. His research has appeared in theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others.
Songpol Kulviwat (mktszk@hofstra.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing and international business at Hofstra University. He received
his Ph.D. in marketing from Southern Illinois University. His research interests include Internet marketing, hightech marketing,
international business (sncross-cultural research), and information technology. Prior to his academic career, he worked in
the area of international sales management in Thailand. 相似文献
论日本旅华市场态势与拓展战略 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
邓亚萍 《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》1999,(3)
通过分析日本旅华市场的特征,提出若干建设性的观点和建议,以期达到开发日本市场的目的。 相似文献
Dynamic transformations for base-of-the-pyramid market clusters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Extending scholarship on industry clusters, this article reconsiders the relationship between development and marketing opportunities
in base-of-the-pyramid market (BOPM) nations. Recent literature on industry clusters suggests a set of theoretical themes
regarding cluster efficiencies, governance, adaptability, and performance. These themes are scrutinized using an extended
case employing longitudinal, ethnographic data collected from an indigenous leather-working cluster in West Africa. The authors’
findings provide guidance in identifying local clusters with global market potential in BOPMs. They lead us to a dynamic market-driven
transformational model of BOPM clusters. Consequently, the authors recommend several keys for leveraging investments in boundary-spanning
firms in BOPM clusters. Finally, the article demonstrates the value of microlevel, longitudinal analyses in assessing cluster
performance in BOPMs.
Eric J. Arnould (eamould2@ unl.edu; Ph.D. 1982, University of Arizona) is E. J. Faulkner College Professor of Agribusiness and Marketing
and interim director of the CB A Agribusiness Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He spent more than 10 years trying
to do less harm than good working on economic development problems in more than a dozen West African nations for a variety
of stakeholders. Since 1990, he has been full-time academic teaching about consumer behavior, marketing and globalization,
and research employing qualitative data. His research appears in major U.S. marketing journals and many other social science
periodicals and books. He was a two-term associate editor of theJournal of Consumer Research and is a coauthor of Consumers (2nd ed., 2004), a textbook.
Jakki J. Mohr (Jakki.Mohr@business.umt.edu; Ph.D. 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison), the Jeff and Martha Hamilton Faculty Fellow is
a professor of marketing in the School of Business Administration at the University of Montana. Herinterests are primarily
in the area of marketing of high-technology products and services, with a focus on distribution channels and governance. Her
early research focuses on organizational communication and learning between partners in strategic alliances/ partnerships
and between distribution channel members. Her research has received several awards and has been published in theJournal of Marketing, the Strategic Management Journal, theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, and other specialized journals at the intersection of technology and business marketing. In addition, she is the lead author
of the book,Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations (2005). Before beginning her academic career, she worked in Silicon Valley in the advertising area for both Hewlett Packard’s
Personal Computer Group and Tele Video Systems. 相似文献
重庆农产品批发市场建设思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
重庆农产品批发市场网点少、规模小、布局不合理、服务单一、设施简陋、交易手段落后、建设资金有限,且在管理、中介、政策法规等方面存在诸多问题;应合理规划布局,多渠道筹措建设资金,推行拍卖制、销售代理制、配送制和电子商务等现代交易方式,完善服务功能,拓展市场的外延与内涵,积极培育规模化经营的现代批发商,并加强宏观调控和科学管理. 相似文献