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吕晶 《当代旅游》2003,(4):52-53
永远的神街 1800年前,藏民族的英主松赞干布迁都世界上离月亮最近的地方--拉萨.  相似文献   

2006年4月29日上午,西安美术学院的圆厅很是热闹,这是西安美术学院《黄土画派》的画家走向西藏采风的出发仪式.仪式热烈而又别开生面.  相似文献   

This article presents an ethnographic account of the liquid identities of Zangpiaos (Han drifters or sojourners in Tibet). The study reveals that in the liminal time and space of their sojourning, Zangpiaos have developed explicit identities and implicit identification associated with multi-level structures and complex social processes. The liminality of Zangpiaos offers fresh insights into the ambiguous identity paradox that this alternative subgroup of Han majority have encountered in the modern mobile society characterized by plural and liquid identities. The study sheds light on mobile people's identities and social relationships through an ethnographic inquiry into long-term tourist experiences in a mobile age.  相似文献   

世俗的朝圣:西藏旅游体验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏正成为越来越重要的旅游目的地,然而对西藏旅游体验具体的微观研究却相对缺乏。文章通过对西藏旅游者的深度访谈,来探讨他们的旅游体验。游客往往将西藏想象成一种神圣之地,西藏的旅游体验对于游客而言也具有神圣的意义,主要体现在游客对自然、宗教和藏族人的体验上。西藏纯净的自然可以净化游客的心灵,让他们联想到远离喧嚣的生活。西藏的寺庙和朝拜的信徒营造出一种虔诚而神圣的氛围,让游客内心备受震动。看到藏民的执着和虔诚,游客心中会产生一种满足感。而藏民淳朴的为人处世的方式更让游客感到一种自己社会所缺失了的真实。西藏的神圣不在于游客对其宗教的信仰上,而在于其社会文化意义,西藏提供了游客日常生活所缺失的自然与人文,满足了游客的精神需求。西藏的旅游体验与其说是宗教朝圣,毋宁说是一种世俗的朝圣。  相似文献   

The paper argues that carrying capacity is not the most effective way to analyse the relationship between the 'natural' environment and tourism pressure. Rather that concepts embedded within geomorphology, namely 'lag time', 'environmental thresholds' and 'dynamic metastable equilibrium' may provide a better approach to examine feedback between tourism and the environment. This could also provide the conceptual framework for the integration of the natural and social sciences in the study of tourism impacts, and the mechanism for truly sustainable development. The paper contends that the identification and management of threshold events and the use of base-line data on time scales of 102 to 103 years should be at the centre of the decision-making process. The paper warns against the use of 'limits of acceptable change' as a way of managing the interplay between tourism and the environment. The relationship between shoreline management and tourism development is used to illustrate the arguments presented.  相似文献   

今年4月15日至10月15日,是我一生中最难忘的日子,虽然只有短短的半年,但它不仅使我对生命的价值有了新的认识,也使我对我所从事的行业--导游,有了更深一层的理解.  相似文献   

Media effects on image: The Case of Tibet   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Using media effects research as a theoretical framework, this paper examines empirically the impact of media representations—such as movies, guidebooks, and magazines—on destination image. Past research has focused on either representations or image, but rarely on both. Based on a systematic comparison of the former with the latter, it is argued that the impact of media representations on image falls between a strong and negotiated influence. The analysis is based on data collected from tourists in Lhasa, Tibet. The paper documents tourism issues in a renowned but little studied destination.  相似文献   

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