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黄明卫 《商》2015,(3):47+24
社区矫正是一种不使罪犯与社会隔离并利用社区资源教育改造罪犯的方法,是所有在社区环境中管理教育罪犯方式的总称。简单地说,就是让符合法定条件的罪犯在社区中执行刑罚。本文就长沙开福区社区矫正工作进行分析。  相似文献   

罪犯权利的根据有二:一是基于人权而确认的罪犯权利;二是基于刑罚的目的而赋予的罪犯权利。刑罚权与罪犯权利在性质上相互对立,在限度上此消彼长,在内容上相互制约,两者又都根植于社会生活的需要,是既对立又统一的辩证关系。罪犯权利存在着应有权利、法定权利和实有权利三种状态,罪犯权利的发展就是通过一定的途径实现从应然向实然逐渐转化的过程。  相似文献   

暂予监外执行,是被判处无期徒刑、有期徒刑、拘役的罪犯,本应在监狱或者其他执行场所服刑,由于出现了法律规定的特殊情况,不宜在监狱或者其他监禁场所执行刑罚时,暂时采取的一种变通刑罚的执行方法或执行场所的制度。暂予监外执行是刑罚的一种特殊执行方式,是罪犯在社区中矫正的内容之一,在长期的实践运行中.由这一制度随之而产生的司法腐...  相似文献   

刑罚执行的对象只能是犯罪人,惩办是手段,教育改造是目的.本文分析了刑罚的特殊预防功能,指出教育改造功能是刑罚特别预防功能的重要内容之一.紧接着分析了刑罚执行个别化的主要表现,即分清个案不同犯罪心理和罪犯心理情况,故应区别对待进行个别化教育改造,起到帮助罪犯认识到自己行为性质的作用,端正服刑态度,做到灵魂深处的反省进而以后不再重犯的改造目的.  相似文献   

屈访 《现代商贸工业》2012,24(2):241-242
社区矫正制度正式写入刑法体现了刑罚的轻缓化、社会化。社会服务令作为一种开放性的社会化刑罚与社区矫正制度有着不可分离的关系。从国内外司法实践、青少年犯罪特点、刑罚体系完善等角度看,关注社会服务令在青少年罪犯中的适用有其必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

王永初  ;张莎莎 《商》2014,(22):198-199
行刑社会化主要是指在自由刑的执行过程中应注重社会因素对矫正罪犯的作用,这同时也是刑罚执行机关针对大多罪犯刑罚执行完毕出狱后不能够很好地适应现实生活的现状所作出的有意义的尝试。在当前社会,行刑社会化不再是一个陌生的概念,它将成为各国刑罚执行机关在执行自由刑的过程中所遵循的原则以及所追求的目标。本文拟从监狱行刑社会化的基本问题出发,探讨我国监狱行刑社会化的现状及制约因素,重点研究我国监狱行刑社会化应如何完善,并最终提出完善建议。  相似文献   

刑事案件是由于犯罪嫌疑人侵犯了国家保护的社会关系而引起的公安机关立案侦查,公诉机关对犯罪嫌疑人起诉,法院审理进行判决的案件。在我国刑事案件的刑罚分为主刑和附加刑,其中以主刑为主要刑罚涉及的就是监禁罪犯、限制罪犯的人身自由。但这种处罚的形式对于被害人的损失无论是身体层面、物质层面、精神层面都没有得到合理的补偿,这就催生了刑事和解这一理论,但随之而来的一系列问题也不容忽视。  相似文献   

刑事责任被普遍认为是犯罪与刑罚的中介。犯罪的本质特征就是应受刑罚处罚程度的社会危害性,法律特征是刑事违法性。[1]具备犯罪本质特征和法律特征的行为就必然受到刑罚处罚吗?作为犯罪与刑罚间纽带的刑事责任是否真起到了桥梁作用,即是否所有的犯罪行为都要承担刑事责任,是否所有的犯罪行为都承担了刑事责任?本文以大义灭亲为引,试分析在这类案例中,刑事责任的归属和轻重,以明示目前我国法治建设缺陷,促进公民法治意识进步,达到社会主义法治建设的目的。  相似文献   

社区矫正,作为行刑社会化的一种方式,是指将符合社区矫正条件的罪犯置于社区内,通过相关部门和社会力量的协助,在一定期限内,矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,并促进其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚执行活动。园区检察室,作为湘潭市检察机关的一项创新工作机制,其一项重要检察职能就是社区矫正的执法监督。就此,笔者试做以下初步探索研究。  相似文献   

论减刑的适用条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减刑是我国刑法规定的一项法律制度,它对改造罪犯、促进罪犯自新、避免刑罚过程等具有积极的作用,但减刑在何种条件下适用却存在明显的缺陷和不足,从而导致减刑制度的社会功效未能充分发挥。有鉴于此,本文通过对实践中存在问题的总结与分析,认为减刑的适用条件应与犯罪人所犯罪行的社会危害性及犯罪人的人身危险性紧密相连,且应制定统一、明确的适用标准。  相似文献   

当前,未成年人犯罪已成为日益突出的社会问题,搅救、教育和改造这些未成年人应当根据他们的身心特征、犯罪的原因、特点,制定有效的对策。针对我国未成年人犯罪现行刑事制度中存在的问题,提出了应建立捕、诉、防一体化的工作机制,推行暂缓起诉制度、和解不诉制度、量刑建议制度、圆桌公诉制度、暂缓判决制度等和谐刑事政策。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether capital punishment, either directly or via a spillover effect, has a deterrent effect on white collar crimes. Using data on nearly 150 nations and various dimensions of capital punishment, including capital punishment for non‐violent crimes, we consider two widely prevalent white‐collar crimes—corruption and the shadow economy. Nesting the empirical analysis in the broader literature on determinants of corruption and the shadow economy, we find that capital punishment in general reduced both corruption and the shadow economy, and the deterrent effect on the shadow economy was relatively more prevalent. Adding some empirical insights to the theoretical arguments surrounding the desirability of maximal punishments, results show some trade‐off between the quantity and quality of punishment.  相似文献   

Purpose: Although channel influence strategies such as reward and punishment are useful for firms to manage certain channel partners, the social effect of these strategies has not been examined in the literature. In practice, firms selectively announce their reward and punishment decisions, hoping that these announcements can help encourage or prevent the channel behaviors of other channel members. The main purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical understanding of this business practice in channel management.

Methodology: The authors conducted interviews and a scenario experiment with sales managers. The experiment is a 2 (degree of institutionalization: high vs. low)?×?2 (power of distributors: powerful vs. less powerful)?×?2 (influence strategy: punishment vs. reward) design.

Findings: The authors found that firms are more likely to announce their reward decisions than punishment decisions. Also, when institutionalization of marketing channel is low, firms tend to announce all their reward decisions, but they are reluctant to announce their punishment decisions regarding powerful channel members. When institutionalization of marketing channel is high, we find that firms are more likely to announce rewards and punishments regarding less powerful channel members.

Contribution: An important contribution of this research is that we are among the first to explore the social effects of power exercise in channel management. We extend the channel power literature by arguing that selective announcements of power exercise (reward and punishment) can influence more channel members. In addition, we combine institutional theory and channel power theory to explain the underlying mechanisms. That is, the degree of institutionalization in marketing channel influences how firms make selective public announcements of their channel decisions.  相似文献   

The dust has settled, and the 2001-2002 corporate scandals are in the rearview mirror for most executives and managers. There is, however, still an upward trend in white-collar crime, which can negatively affect everything from investor confidence, to stockholder embarrassment, to the degree to which the public views the firm's social responsibility and reputation. We find that formal shaming sanctions are slowly being added to the traditional punishment options of fines and incarceration for convicted white-collar offenders. Sentencing judges, courts, legislatures, convicted criminals, and the public have little understanding of the deterrence impact, if any, of shaming sanctions. This article attempts to clarify what shaming sanctions are, why white-collar personnel should become more familiar with the array of shaming punishments being utilized, and how shaming sanctions are being used to deal with white-collar offenders.  相似文献   

-我国刑法受贿罪罪刑规范所规定的构成要件要素,作为受贿罪构成要件的基本组成部分,对受贿罪罪刑规范的犯罪规制能力具有直接的影响作用。通过对现行刑法受贿罪罪刑规范之“犯罪主体”、“利用职务上的便利”、“为他人谋取利益”、“贿赂”、“主观”等构成要件要素立法运行效果的考察,可以发现我国受贿罪构成要件要素在犯罪规制能力方面存在明显不足。为扩大中国刑法受贿罪罪刑法规范的犯罪规制能力,有必要对受贿罪罪刑规范进行五个方面的立法完善:一是简化犯罪主体的认定标准,二是明确职务行为的内涵,三是删除“为他人谋取利益”要素,四是扩大受贿罪行为对象的范围,五是明确受贿罪犯罪主观要件的内涵,以整体提高我国刑法受贿罪罪刑规范的犯罪规制能力。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how, using both a futures studies perspective and social contract theory, marketing is uniquely positioned to help reduce crimes against wildlife. The futures studies perspective involves predicting probable, preferable, and possible futures. Moreover, marketers have an obligation (i.e., a social contract) to society—wildlife included—to meet consumer needs through well-rounded, morally robust strategies. Using face-to-face and digital data collection methods, a broad set of consumers were asked about their perspectives on the future wildlife. Grounded theory was used to analyze responses until a point of thematic saturation. The results indicate that consumers take a broad, inclusive view of wildlife crime. Participants describe the immediate probable future where micro-, meso-, and macrolevel wildlife crimes persist, and a preferred future of wildlife, including among others, reduced wildlife crime, decreased animal cruelty, and human–wildlife symbiosis. Respondents expressed a desire to reduce what they view as wildlife crime and presented viable paths to reduce such crimes. Theoretical and managerial implications are offered.  相似文献   

刘岩  于左 《财贸经济》2007,(2):79-86
对国际卡特尔行为实施有效威慑的一个关键问题是如何确立惩罚额度。本文认为,无论是以美国为代表的3倍损失赔偿,还是以欧盟为代表的单倍损失赔偿,都不是合理的惩罚标准。对国际卡特尔的合理的惩罚额度应使卡特尔成员承担其非法行为所带来的全部社会成本,包括国际卡特尔的超高定价、社会净损失、调查诉讼成本以及监禁成本。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effectiveness of fear appeals, including type of punishment (social disapproval vs. fines), probability of getting caught when shoplifting, and severity of the punishment, in preventing shoplifting among adolescents. Results show that when the chance of getting caught is low, social punishment messages should stress severe levels of social disapproval. When social disapproval messages imply a high probability of apprehension, the severity of social rejection does not affect shoplifting intentions. Finally, messages focusing on fines should depict large instead of small fines, irrespective of the communicated probability of getting caught.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how enforcement of regulation affects the size of the irregular sector, firm performance and the exit rate to the market. Three kinds of enforcement policy will be tested in the model: control, punish and legitimacy. The first policy is based on the number of inspectors present in the economy; the second is defined by the magnitude of punishment; the third is measured by social legitimacy. Results show the negligible influence of control to fight irregularity; the strong effect of punishment on the irregular sector and on the exit rate; the good effect of legitimacy policy in promoting regularity but low output performance.  相似文献   

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