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今年,央视春晚让大家记住的不是本山大叔的“包袱”,也不是刘谦带来的“奇迹”,而是“汇源”、“鲁花”、“搜狐”……这些嵌入广告的商家名称。其结果直接招致了观众极度反感的批评声浪。央视春晚操作嵌入广告本无可厚非,甚至是件具有创新精神的好事。而最终导致恶评如潮的根源在于,春晚的嵌入方式过于粗糙、生硬,使这些作品丧失了对观众的诚意与尊重。 相似文献
由于纺织品市场产品种类极多、需求变化很快,质量差别也很大,这就要求面向纺织品市场的广告策略要有灵活的应变能力,而且能够独树一帜,有自己的特色,这样才能着着领先.纺织品市场与千家万户有着千丝万缕的联系,其产品也是林林总总,包罗万象. 相似文献
Chang-Yang Lee 《Review of Industrial Organization》2002,21(1):89-101
This study derives a formal model of firm advertising behavior and applies it to the industry level to figure out the relationship between advertising and market structure. The firm advertising model shows that both consumer preference andfirm-specific advertising competence jointly determineprofit-maximizing advertising intensity. At the industry level, advertising intensity is represented multiplicatively by consumer preference and a measure of market structure, which reflects the joint distribution of the levels of advertising competence and market shares among firms. The new market structure measure suggests that those single-dimensional measures of market structure such as seller concentration and the Herfindahl index are inadequate in explaining interindustry differences in advertising intensity, and that the long-debated advertising-concentration relationship differs depending primarily on the appropriability of advertising. An empirical analysis of 426 five-digit Korean manufacturing industries shows that an inverted U-shaped relationship between the Herfindahl index and industry advertising intensity is observed for consumer goods industries but a lazy J-shaped relationship for producer goods industries. 相似文献
Previous advertising intensity models have failed toaddress adequately the rivalry effects of leadingfirms trying to protect and enhance the marketshares of their brands. We argue that the relativedegree of market share parity among leading firms inoligopolies is a crucial determinant of marketadvertising levels. This study presents a modelthat more thoroughly characterizes market structureby including the variance in the market shares ofthe top four firms along with the concentrationratio. This model is then tested using a unique1987 data set of 58 well-defined U.S. food andtobacco manufacturing markets that used private datavendors for branded product market shares and mediaadvertising aimed at household consumers. We findthat industry advertising-to-sales ratios arehighest in those industries with the highestprice-cost margins, highest concentration, and thosewith equally-sized leading firms. Oligopolists seemunable to control advertising expenses asconcentration increases and they likely overinvestin advertising rivalry when they have similar marketshares. 相似文献
Catherine Matraves 《The Journal of industrial economics》1999,47(2):169-194
Recent developments in the literature on market structure have allowed the generation of a few key testable predictions from the theory of strategic behaviour. The seminal model considers one simple but general relationship, that between market structure and market size, focusing on the competitive roles of endogenous sunk costs in the form of advertising and/or research and development (R&D). Evidence presented in this case study, building on earlier econometric work, shows that such endogenous sunk costs do play a crucial role in the formation of market structure in the global pharmaceutical industry. 相似文献
We estimate market power among cigarette manufacturers over 1952–1984, a period of uniform pricing. We apply the Bresnahan
approach; adjust it to the firm level; employ a dynamic model with habit persistence; and add an advertising equation, which
helps identify the parameters, increase degrees of freedom, and constrain parameters so we can interpret our results at the
firm level, despite the fact that the equations conform to what we might see in a market model. We consider effects of government
interventions upon demand and market power and find, for instance, that the 1971 broadcast advertising ban decreased market
power. 相似文献
Wei Tan 《Review of Industrial Organization》2006,28(3):231-251
A dynamic oligopoly model of the cigarette industry is developed to study the effects of anti-smoking policies on the market
structure of the U.S. cigarette industry. Firms are modeled as competing in price and advertising in a dynamic game. Two commonly
used anti-smoking policies – advertising restrictions and tobacco tax increases – are evaluated using calibrated parameters.
The simulation results show that in the long run both advertising restrictions and tax increases can successfully reduce the
smoking rate. However, advertising restrictions reduce the smoking rate mainly in an indirect way through their impact on
the concentration of the market, while tax increases reduce the smoking rate directly and have little effect on the concentration
of the market. In addition, in the short run, advertising restrictions have a much smaller effect on reducing the smoking
rate than tax increases. 相似文献
在我国转型经济的特定体制环境中,军品市场的形成和完善总是与市场交易主体持续回应和消解进入壁垒相联系。军品市场进入壁垒的形成,不仅源于一般市场环境中的竞争压力,更重要的是来自于政府对国防科技工业的特殊管制。 相似文献
标准化工作是提高石油工程技术服务质量、促进企业发展的有效途径。做好标准化工作是企业实现现代管理和科学管理的需要。面对加入WTO和市场放开的严峻形势,中小型石油工程技术服务企业要适应市场的需求,建立适应市场经济的企业标准体系,用标准化工作促进技术创新,加强服务意识,提高人员素质,改进技术装备,做强做专石油工程技术服务的主营业务。 相似文献
郑海军 《石油工业技术监督》2005,21(9):46-49
打好今年改革发展的攻坚战.中原油田既面临新的挑战.又面临新的机遇。从面临的有利条件看:原油保持较高价位.为油田实现经营目标提供了机遇:市场前景广阔,为油田实现有效发展提供了空间。从去年下半年的形势看,国内市场份额获得新的增长,国际市场份额实现新的突破.苏丹、也门、沙特市场已形成规模,南美市场有继续做大的条件,中亚地区也有希望开拓新的市场:勘探开发领域不断扩展,为油田实现资源接替和产量接替提供了阵地。在国内.除东濮凹陷及外围凹陷外.勘探领域广阔.并有多个探区展示了良好的勘探前景。在海外.集团公司授权中原油田运行管理的也门69、71区和阿曼的36、38区,有望取得勘探突破。川东北普光气田的开发管理已正式交给中原油田。 相似文献
文章针对目前国内个人住房消费的现状,对现行的 押贷款体系中存在的问题进行了分析丐研究,提出了相应的对策,即建立住房抵押贷款保险制度。借鉴国际上发达国家的做法,通过保险分散抵押代款的风险,完善社会保障体系,促进个人住房抵押贷款的良性发展,进而房地产市场的健康发展。 相似文献